Depravity (King University Book 1)

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Depravity (King University Book 1) Page 23

by Jacob Chance

  “Is it weird that your toothbrush is still in my toothbrush holder? I couldn’t bear to part with it. And I never truly thought we wouldn’t somehow end up together, no matter how much I told myself we couldn’t be.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. I refused to entertain the possibility of us being together because it was easier for me to keep going if I acted like it could never happen. I had to try to put you out of my mind.”

  “And could you?”

  “What do you think?”

  He flexes his arms. “I knew you couldn’t forget these babies.”

  “Oh brother.”

  “All joking aside, I think the past weeks we spent apart have shown us that we’re miserable without each other.”

  “I don’t want to say miserable because that makes us sound codependent on each other and that’s the last thing I want in a relationship. I want to be with you because life is better when we’re together.”

  “I agree completely. Life's better when we’re together. Which reminds me, there’s something we need to talk about.”


  “I know you love Joey, but I want to make sure you’re ready to be thrust into parenthood. You might not be his stepmom now, but someday you will be. You’re so young and you have your whole future ahead of you. Are you sure you want to be rushed into the parent role? It doesn’t seem fair when you’re so much younger than me.”

  “I’m going to answer this and then I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I love Joey like he was my own. I’ve known from the moment I began having feelings for you that you guys were a package deal. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  He leans forward and brushes a soft kiss over my lips. He presses on my shoulders to lay me down and I push my palms against his chest. “You need to go check on Joey and I need to shower.”

  “You know, you’re already pretty good at this future mother thing. I think you’re a natural.”

  “Daddy, look,” Joey yells, pointing at the giraffes in the enclosure. But as we approach, the crowd of people standing in front of the area block most of our view.

  “Alright, buddy. I’m going to put you up so you can see.” Miles lifts him as if he weighs no more than a feather and situates him on his shoulders. I love to watch the two of them together. Joey is a miniature version of Miles, as if he spit him out himself and his ex had nothing to do with it.

  “Giraffe, Sophie. Look.” His eyes, so much like his father’s, sparkle excitedly.

  “I see them. Look how tall they are. They’re even taller than your daddy.”

  After the giraffes have been sufficiently watched, it’s time to see the elephants.

  “Joey, look.” I point to a baby elephant lingering close to its mother.

  “A baby.”

  Miles shifts further to the side, moving away from some of the other spectators.

  “Ice cream, Daddy,” Joey shouts and kicks his legs into Miles’ chest.

  “Easy, buddy.” He glances at me. “What do you think of getting some ice cream? Or are you hungry?” I didn’t have a chance to eat before we left.

  “I’m fine and ice cream sounds great.”

  We find a snack bar and get Joey seated at a picnic table with a cup of vanilla soft serve ice cream. Miles and I split an order of fries and we each have a chocolate shake.

  “So what do you want to see before we get going?”

  “I want to see the bears.” I shrug. “I know they’re not as cool as some of the more exotic animals here, but I love them.”

  “We’ll see the bears and anything else you two want to check out. We’re here, so we might as well fit in as much as we can.”

  Two hours later we pull into the driveway. Joey is out like a light and is showing no signs of waking. Miles scoops him into his arms and carries him inside the house.

  “I’m going to put him on his bed. He should be out for at least another hour.”

  “Okay. I’ll wait here. But when you’re done I need to hit the road. I want to change my clothes and grab some stuff before I come back. That is, if you want me here with you?”

  “Of course I do. Give me a few minutes. And we can discuss your ridiculous question then.”

  I rummage through his pantry for something to snack on, but nothing’s peaking my interest. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and take a long sip. There’s a knock at the door. I move toward the foyer when another knock occurs. I glance back toward the stairs. Does he know someone’s here? Is he expecting company?

  The third time they knock is a charm and I open the door to find Sandy, Miles’ ex, standing there. Okay, third time is not a charm in this case. I once found a picture of her tucked away in the kitchen junk drawer, so I’m sure it’s her.

  What the fuck is she doing here?

  Just as I’m about to slam the door in her face, Miles walks up beside me.

  “Sandy?” He sounds genuinely shocked. I guess he didn’t know she was going to show up on his doorstep. “What are you doing here?”

  “Would you believe me if I said I was in the area and I wanted to catch up?”

  “No, definitely not.”

  “Can I come in?” she asks demurely.

  I don’t know much about Sandy, but from what Miles has shared, her contrite expression is out of character.

  “Yeah. Sure.” He opens the door wider and she passes by us, her eyes noticeably scanning the interior of the house.

  “Where’s Joey?” she asks, as if she has a right to know.

  “He’s napping. We just got back from the zoo.”

  Why is he conversing with her at all? This isn’t a fucking tea party. Why is he giving personal details of our day? It’s none of her business. Miles and Joey are no longer hers. They’re mine. I don’t know this fierce and protective version of myself right now, but I didn’t just get Miles and Joey back for her to sweep in and fuck it all up.

  “I bet he enjoyed that.”

  “He did.”

  “I know you’re wondering why I’m here. I was hoping you and I could talk.” She glances at me and back at Miles, silently conveying she’d like a private conversation with him. Fuck off lady. I’m not going anywhere.

  Miles touches my arm. “Hey, you were going to run home anyway to grab some stuff. Why don’t you head out now and by the time you come back we’ll be done?”

  Excuse me? I keep my expression composed and don’t let on there’s a tornado of anger swirling around inside me. I’m not going to give Sandy the satisfaction of showing her exactly how much this bothers me. Miles and I will be discussing this once I get back. I’m shocked at how nice he’s being to this woman who broke his heart by sleeping with his best friend and then unexpectedly walked out on him. If he can’t stand up to his ex-wife that could be problematic for us in the future.

  “Let me grab my bag and I’ll head out.” I flash a smile as if nothing’s wrong and caress my hand down his arm. Walking away, I feel her eyes boring holes into my back, but I take my time to purposely anger her. She may be getting her way, but I’m going to make her wait a few minutes.

  “She’s adorable. Is she even out of high school?” she questions snidely.

  I head into the kitchen before I hear Miles’ reply. I go to grab my bag on the island and decide to load the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. Once I’m done, I sling my bag over my shoulder and return to the foyer where they’re still standing. Although, Sandy has moved noticeably closer to Miles. I hate this bitch.

  I pause in front of Miles. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  He gives me a closed-lipped smile. “Drive carefully.”

  I hesitate for a few seconds waiting for him to lean down and kiss me, but he doesn’t. And I’m more than a little disappointed in him. Is he afraid to show affection for me in front of her? And if he is what does that mean?

  “Will do,” I answer and spin toward the door without acknowledging Sandy.

  “It was nice to meet you, Sophie,�
� she calls out when I step onto the porch.

  Peering over my shoulder, I answer, “I’d like to say the same, but I can’t. You’re a horrible person for what you did to Miles and he might forgive you, but I don’t have to.” I tug the door shut behind me and smile, feeling proud of how that went down.



  The minute Sophie’s gone I regret asking her to leave. I know she was hurt. I could tell by the look in her eyes even though she tried so hard to keep it hidden. She’s so strong for her age, but this kind of scenario can shake the strongest person. But I knew getting her to leave was the best way to protect her.

  I force myself to look at Sandy. “Okay, what’s going on here? Let’s cut the bullshit.”

  “Well, I was wondering when you’d show your bitter side.”

  “I’m not bitter at all. You did me a favor. In fact, thank you. Thank you for sleeping with Scott and leaving us. It was the best thing that could’ve happened.”

  “Why? Because you have your little teeny bopper girlfriend? Is she eager to please the older man? Does she role play professor with you?”

  Her question catches my attention. Sandy doesn’t say things for no reason. Does she know that Sophie goes to King? She did know Sophie’s name and I never told her.

  “I’m sure you’re not here to talk about my love life.”

  “Actually, that’s exactly what I’m here for. Let’s just say a little birdie told me all about you having an affair with a student.” She shakes her head. “I thought you were smarter than that,” she tsks.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s not going to work. I have proof that you guys are together. There was quite a touching scene in the backyard last night.”

  She saw us in our private moment? Rage fills me. “I never realized you were a voyeur, Sandy.”

  “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

  “No doubt. Get to the point, please. I want you out of here before Joey wakes up. You’re not going to see him.”

  “As you wish. I’m only here as someone who’s looking out for you. If the university were to find out about you and Sophie you’d lose your job and then what would you do?” She smirks, edging closer to me. Her fingers land on my chest and her blood red nails creep upward. I step backward, ending the contact. “Did you know my daddy pulled strings to get you the job at King? I don’t think I ever told you that, but it’s true. Dean Billings and Daddy were fraternity brothers and they’ve stayed in touch all these years.”

  Ouch. I don’t want to hear that I didn’t earn my position with King University. That’s a blow to my ego.

  “And?” I prod, sick of her games. I just want her to spit out whatever it is she’s holding back.

  “Dean Billings hired you and he can also fire you just as easily. It’s a shame you don’t have tenure yet. It would be almost impossible to get rid of you if that was the case.”

  Her dark red lipstick looks like blood on her thin lips as they twist with a knowing smirk. Everything about her is hard and fake. Why didn’t I see her clearly before?

  “What are you looking for, Sandy? Just say it and get it over with.” I want to know where I stand, so I can figure out how to handle this situation.

  “I think you and I need to give our marriage another chance, reconcile our differences.”

  It’s then that I notice there’s no diamond ring on her left hand. I guess things aren’t going well for her and Scott. “Why would I ever want to give you another chance?”

  “Seeing me today has reminded you of your love for me and you realized how much you’ve missed us being a family. You’re going to break things off with Sophie.”

  “Why would I do that? She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Aww, so sweet. I don’t remember you being so pathetic when we were together. Anyway, you’re going to do what I say or you’ll lose your job.”

  “I don’t care about my job enough to let you back in my life.”

  “How about Sophie? Do you care enough for her to protect her from being expelled for fraternizing with a professor?”

  “Where’s your proof?”

  She reaches in the large, red leather bag slung over her arm and removes a folder. She hands it to me and I hesitatingly take it from her as if it’s a snake about to strike out. Opening the top, I find a stack of pictures of Sophie and me from last night. Images of us talking, kissing, and even making love. My jaw clenches with overwhelming anger, but I force myself to present a somewhat calm front. Which isn’t easy to do after looking at the photos. Closing the folder, I crush the paper in my fist.

  “I can’t believe how low you’ve sunk.”

  "You can think whatever you want about me. What day should I move my things back in?”

  I run a hand across my forehead and down my face. She’s got me where she wants me. I don’t care about my job, but I do care about Sophie. She knows I’ll do whatever I have to in order to protect her and her scholarship.

  “Well?” she needles me for an answer.

  “Next week sometime. We can figure it out later.”

  She grins. “I knew you’d come to your senses and want me back. And when Sophie returns you’ll need to send her on her way.” She makes a shooing motion with her hand. “I don’t care how you do it, but she needs to be aware that we’re back together. I can help you facilitate that, if you want.” Her eyes shine with ill intent. “How about a hot kiss right when she walks in?”

  “Look, I’m not going to let that happen. I don’t care what you say or do.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Don’t push me, Sandy.”

  She pouts her painted lips. “Fine. I’ll let you break it to her easy as long as the little husband stealer knows the two of you are over.”

  Husband stealer? Is she delusional?

  “Sandy, let me remind you we’re no longer married. Therefore there was no husband stealing involved. Besides, she didn’t have to steal me. I went willingly.”

  “I hope you enjoyed it because those days are over. I’m ready to slip right back into my old life. And that includes being Joey’s mother.”

  There’s no way in hell she’s getting anywhere near Joey. I’m going to have to come up with a plan ASAP to put an end to her scheme. But what?

  I won’t disagree with her now. I don’t want her to realize I’m not going to quietly go along with her plan. But by the time she realizes, it will be too late.

  “Why don’t you head out and we can figure out later when you’re going to move back in?”

  “Today’s Saturday. I’ll give you until Tuesday.”

  “Thursday works better for me.” I need more time.

  “Fine, but not a minute longer.” She walks forward and slides her palms up my chest. Catching her wrists, I tug her hands away from me.

  “I’m going along with your plan because of Sophie and that’s the only reason. But you and I will never share a bed again.”

  “Who needs a bed, lover? We’ve pretty much fucked in every room of this house and over or against every surface.”

  Her words do nothing but disgust me. I can barely stand to look at her gloating, dark eyes.

  “The past is the past. It’s not happening again.”

  “So you say, but it won’t take long for you to remember how hot we were together.”

  “Yeah.” I let out a harsh laugh. “So hot you fucked my best friend.”

  “He pursued me. He’s very jealous of you. I think the only reason he wanted me was because I was yours.”

  “He can have you now.”

  “Don’t be like that.”

  “Where is Scott anyway?”

  “He’s still in Australia. His job is going really well.”

  “What happened with you guys?”

  “Nothing. We’re still together. I just want to have some fun while I’m here.”

  “How long is
your trip going to last?” Is there a set timeline for when I know I can get rid of you?

  “I’m here for two months. If things go well with you and me, I won’t return.”

  I meet her almost black eyes. If I have my way, you’ll be returning to Australia forever and not a day less.

  After Sandy leaves, I sink down onto the couch and put my head back. How did I stay married to her for so long? There’s nothing real about her, from her fake hair to her ability to pretend to love me. She’s horrible and the fact that I didn’t see that side of her when we were together is troublesome. I’ve always considered myself a good judge of character, but now I’m not so sure. There had to be signs along the way pointing to what kind of person she is. How did I miss them?

  What am I going to do about Sophie? We just patched things up and now I’m going to break her heart all over again. Fuck. I have to figure out a way to keep Sandy from messing with Sophie. I might be stuck with Sandy in order to protect Sophie from her. And I can’t let her know what’s going on because she’ll antagonize Sandy and that’s the last thing we need. I have to get her out of the picture permanently, so Sophie’s scholarship won’t be in jeopardy.

  I hear the door close and soft footsteps moving closer until Sophie stands in front of me. Raising my head, I take in her angry expression. Oh boy, she’s going to be really mad after this conversation.

  “Hi,” I husk.

  “What was that all about? Why did you back down and let that bitch make me leave?”

  “She didn’t make you leave, I asked you to.”

  “Are you defending her?”

  “Here, sit down.” I pat the cushion next to me. Even knowing I’m supposed to be pushing her away, I want her near me.

  She shakes her head. “No, I’m good.” She stands in front of me with her arms crossed, disappointment written on her face.

  “Sandy and I had some unfinished business we needed to resolve.”

  “What do you mean you had to resolve it? What exactly happened while I was gone?”

  Oh fuck. I don’t want to do this. How am I going to make this seem legitimate when all I want to do is kiss the fuck out of Sophie and never let her go? I want to encase her in a protective bubble and keep her from everything that’s about to happen.


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