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Depravity (King University Book 1)

Page 25

by Jacob Chance

  Turning, she hurries to the door and is down the stairs in no time. I stand on my porch, my arms crossed over my chest, and smile brightly. It worked out better than I had hoped.

  Sandy backs out of the driveway right as Sophie is about to pull in. Oh boy, she’s going to get out of her car all fired up now.

  She slams the door and stomps up the porch steps to meet me. “Where’s my stuff?”

  “What, Sophie? No hello first?” I can’t resist teasing her.

  “Where’s my stuff?” she repeats her original question.

  “Can we sit down for a minute?” I gesture to the wicker furniture I hardly ever use.

  “Make it quick, Miles. I have things to do.”

  We both choose chairs to sit in that place us on opposite sides of a wicker table.

  “I’m sure you were wondering why Sandy was here.”

  “Nah, you can do whatever you want.”

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about. I have a lot of explaining to do. Things aren’t what you probably think they are. I know you were upset when I asked you to leave so Sandy and I could talk. I did that because I knew she had an ulterior motive for stopping by. And as soon as you left I found out what it was. Somehow she knew about you and me and even had pictures of us together from Friday night.”

  “When we were in your backyard?”


  “Oh my God. Some photographer has naked pictures of me.”

  “It’s okay. Sandy took the pictures.”

  “How is that any better?”

  “You need to calm down and hear me out.” She nods. “Sandy said her father and Dean Billings are good friends and it would be easy to get me fired. I don’t want to lose my job, at least not before I line another up, but I don’t need to work at King. If I lost that job it wouldn’t be the end of me. But she mentioned making sure you lost your scholarship unless I let her move back in. She wanted me to pretend we’re a couple and end all contact with you.”

  “Is that why you were so horrible to me?”

  I nod. Fuck. I can’t disagree. I was horrible to her. “Yes. I knew you’d only antagonize the situation if you knew she was threatening us. And your scholarship is too important to let her screw it up.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  I smile at her use of we. Even with the way I treated her she still thinks about us.

  “I had a friend do some digging into Sandy’s father’s business dealings. And he came up with something interesting. There was a payment for one hundred thousand dollars made to Dean Billings when Sandy was in high school. And Sandy was given a scholarship for a sport she never played because her grades were so poor, and she couldn’t qualify for an academic one.”

  “Didn’t they hide the payment? Say it was a charitable donation or something?”

  “Oh, they tried to hide it. But it wasn’t too difficult to find.”

  “Oh wow. This is awesome. I mean it’s awful for the student who lost out on a scholarship because of her, but it’s fantastic that we have ammunition to use against her.”

  “It’s funny you say that, because I already used it. We finished talking minutes before you arrived. She won’t be bothering either one of us again.”

  “How did you know there was something shady to be found?”

  “Honestly, it was just my gut feeling. And if it hadn’t panned out, we wouldn’t be sitting here now.

  Can you forgive me for pretending Sandy was moving in?”

  “I wish you’d confided in me. At least I would’ve known you were only agreeing with her because you had no choice.”

  “I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. And if I had to live with her for the rest of my life to keep you safe, I would’ve done it.” Standing, I skirt around the table and pause in front of Sophie. I hold my hand out to her and she takes it, letting me draw her to her feet. Cupping her face, I stare down into the chocolate eyes I can’t get enough of. “I love you and only you. Please say you’ll forgive me. I promise to never let anything come between us again.”

  “I’ve already forgiven you. And if we’re going to be together, you need to promise that you’ll include me in your plans the next time something like this happens.”

  “I only have one ex-wife and she’s going away forever, so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.”

  “That’s a technicality. You still have to promise.”

  “I promise.”

  “I think we should seal it with a kiss, don’t you?”

  My mouth captures hers, eager for the taste of her. She doesn’t need to ask me twice.

  Entering Across the Pond, our favorite meeting place, I see Sam sitting at the far end of the bar. I make my way over and take the empty stool next to his. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

  “Hey. Not much.” He raises his glass. “This was needed today.”

  “Has it been one of those days?”

  “You could say that. I’ve got a lot going on, but I’ll fill you in when Tanner gets here. So how did that problem of yours work out?”

  “Dude, it was perfect. It’s taken care of and there should be no more issues. Thank you for your help.”

  He waves his hand. “Say no more. I’m glad it worked out.”

  I know he doesn’t want to talk about what he did to help me, but if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have had any of that information on Sandy’s father and Dean Billings. I can never thank him enough.

  “Hey, did you start without me?”

  I point to Sam. “Only this guy. I just got here too.” I flag down the bartender and order beers for all three of us.

  “I got some news to share with you guys. I’m getting moved to the Boston office. They need me there for a case.”

  “Dude. Is this a good thing?”

  “It could be. Not sure how long I’ll be there, but I’m pretty excited about the opportunity.”

  “When do you leave?”

  “I’m heading there tomorrow for the day and then I’ll fly home tomorrow night and pack some stuff to hold me over there for a while. They need me to start working right away.”

  “You can wear your Red Sox gear and no one will hassle you.” I laugh.

  “Right? And I can get to some games at Fenway Park. You guys better come visit. And you can bring Sophie and Joey too.”

  “Or he can go with me and we have a guys weekend,” Tanner suggests.

  “Give me some time to make a good impression before you two show up. My friends, the philanderer and the inappropriate professor.” He laughs.

  “Hey, it’s not that funny,” I offer. “And FYI, I’m not inappropriate. She wasn’t my student when we fell in love, if that matters.”

  “I don’t think it does. You’re reaching, dude.” Tanner smirks.

  “Well, I have my own announcement to make.”

  “Oh jesus, are you getting married?” Tanner asks.

  “No. I’m not going to be working at King University after the end of the first semester.”

  “I thought it was the job of a lifetime?” Sam questions.

  “It was until I met the girl of a lifetime, and if I have to choose between the two there’s no contest.”

  “Where are you going to work?”

  “The Dean at Alexandria University has been trying to recruit me full-time since I started working there. There’s an opening for the head of the Department of Criminology and he offered it to me. The salary is more than I’m making now and the best part is Sophie and I won’t have to hide our relationship.”

  “Congratulations, bro. I’m happy for you.” Sam pats me on the back and leans forward to see Tanner on the other side of me. “If you tell me you’re leaving your job I’ll know the apocalypse is coming.”

  Tanner chuckles. “No way. I’m right where I want to be.”

  “Now that you and Sophie are together will you have her move in?” Sam asks.

  “No. I really want her to experience all that colleg
e offers. I won’t hold her back. If we’re meant to be, we’ll make it through all four years of her being at school.”

  “Dude, you’re never going to make it that long without her living with you.”

  “You’d be surprised by what you’d do for someone you love as much as I love Sophie.”

  “I think the three of us should make a bet on it,” Tanner suggests.

  I nod. “Okay, I’ll play along. What’s the winner get?”

  Tanner thinks about it for a few seconds before answering. “If you and Sophie last all four years of college without her moving in, you get a tattoo of your choice and Tanner and I pay for it. And you get to pick out tattoos for us to get. If Sophie moves in before she graduates, you’ll pay for both of our tattoos, but we get to pick yours out.”

  “Whatever. I’ll do it. But she can move in once classes end. That’s technically being done with school.”

  “Nope, I said graduation. Meaning robes, diploma, speeches,” Tanner clarifies.

  “Fine. But you guys better be nice to me until then or I’m going to pick out some fucked up tattoos.”

  The guys exchange glances and Sam grips my shoulder and whispers, “Don’t worry. I won’t let him pick out anything too fucked up.”




  “Are you sure you guys have everything under control?” I arch a skeptical brow. The sight of Miles’ two large friends flanking Joey on the couch while watching Paw Patrol is comical. “Don’t get too into the show and forget to pay attention to this one.” I gesture to Joey.

  “Ha ha,” Tanner replies. “You’re so funny, Sophie. Don’t you and Miles have somewhere to be? We did agree to give up a night of pussy pursuit… I mean of going out, so you guys could go to dinner. So get going already.”

  “Don’t tell me; tell your friend. I’m here, all ready. He’s the one who can’t decide what he wants to wear.”

  Sam chuckles. “He’s too sexy for himself.”

  “Hey, I’m too sexy for all you mother… hmm hmm’s,” Miles boasts walking in.

  My gaze eagerly drinks in the dark image he presents in his black dress pants and black button down shirt. His thick, black hair so neatly brushed, makes me long to run my fingers through, rumpling the locks. The dark shadow on his jawline has my inner thighs tingling with anticipation.

  Miles tips his head, studying me. A small, crooked grin teasing the left corner of his lips. “Like what you see?” he asks me.

  “Oh, I more than like it.”

  “Okay, come on Soph. I have a night of romance and ravishing planned for you. Wear your earplugs tonight, fellas.”

  “Why would I want to do that? I want to listen,” Tanner confesses.

  Great. When we’re having sex later I better not wonder how much he’s hearing. I hope he’s not rubbing one out at the same time. Eww, so gross.

  “Dude, I don’t want to know that,” Miles tells him.

  “Hey, I’m an honest guy. Deal with it.”

  “Are you guys all set? Is there anything you need before we go?” I cut in to end the talk before Tanner jerking off can be ingrained in my brain.

  Sam shakes his head. “We’ll be fine. Go enjoy yourselves. And you don’t need to hurry home. We’re all set, I promise.”

  “Okay, Joey, come give Daddy a hug.” Joey scrambles down from the couch and Miles picks him up in his arms and plants a kiss on his cheek.

  He leans over, reaching toward me. “Want Mommy.”

  I take him from Miles’ arms and kiss him on the forehead. “Be a good boy and Daddy and I will be back here before you know it. I love you.”

  “I love you, Mommy.”

  God, that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. The first time he called me Mommy, I cried. Big fat tears of joy rolled down my face and I knew nothing would make me happier than being this little boy’s mother.

  One more kiss on his round cheek and I return him to his spot on the couch.

  “Are we going to have fun tonight, little man?” Sam asks, holding his fist out to be bumped. Joey nods and touches his tiny fist to the much larger one.

  “Thanks again, guys. Someday when you both have kids we’ll return the favor.”

  “Be good,” I say pointing at the two grown men instead of the almost four year old. What’s wrong with this picture?

  “It’s okay, Mom. We’ve got it all under control. No beer after nine. We don’t want Joey wetting the bed.”

  I roll my eyes and skip answering. He’s trying to rile me up.

  “Be good, guys,” Miles calls out, taking my hand. He leads me out the front door and we pause on the walkway taking in the slight ocean breeze.

  I glance up at him, studying his chiseled jawline. “What a gorgeous night.”

  He turns my way, smiling down at me. “It is, but mostly because I’m alone with the most beautiful woman.”

  “Are you going to reveal where we’re going yet? Or is it still a secret?”

  “I think I’ll make you wait a few more minutes.” He smiles, stroking a hand down my cheek and cupping my chin. “You’re breathtaking. Even after a year, I still can’t believe you’re mine.”

  “Well, I am and one of these days it’ll sink in fully.”

  “Speaking of sinking in.” He winks. “As stunning as you look in that dress, it will look even better in a heap on the floor.” His hand moves to the back of the garment, tracing the line of the zipper.

  I gasp playfully. “I bought this dress just for this occasion and spent more money on it than I planned.” I run my hand over the soft, red material.

  “I know both of those things, but the thought of you stepping out of it and leaving it on the floor as you walk toward me in your high heels gets me all hot and bothered.” His hand moves down to cup my ass and drive me forward into his hard cock. “See what I mean?”

  “I feel what you mean for sure. I’m looking forward to seeing it, later.”

  He groans. “You’re such a tease.”

  “And tasting it,” I continue.

  “Goddamn, woman. You’re going to kill me before I can take advantage of all these things you’re mentioning.”

  “Come on. You need to wine me and dine me before you sixty-nine me. I’m not some cheap date.” I wink.

  “Let’s go get to it then.” We take our time walking down the main street sidewalk, gazing into the front windows of the various shops. There are a few I want to check out before we leave in two days. This is my second time in Ocean City with Miles and I know there won’t be time for everything I’d like to do. Maybe we can come back here again in the fall when it’s a little cooler and there aren’t so many people.

  Getting out alone tonight is a treat for us. We try to include Joey in most of the things we do, but we’re overdue for a couple’s night, and thankfully, the guys were kind enough to offer to babysit. I know Joey’s in great hands, despite how much I like to tease Tanner and Sam. And now with Sam living in Boston, I have to take advantage of what little time I get to mess with him. He’s been moved for months now and he seems to really like it. He said his boss, Nash, is great to work for. Of course we miss him, but we’re all going to take a trip up north for Thanksgiving.

  Miles pauses, staring at a tiny restaurant tucked between two other businesses. The windows are darkly tinted, making it impossible to see inside. “Okay, this is where we’re having dinner.”

  “DASH. Hmm, the name certainly doesn’t give much away.” And neither does Miles’ expression. “What kind of food do they serve?”

  “Here’s the best part. This place is all about merging ambiance with favorite foods.”

  “Isn’t that every restaurant?”

  “No, it’s not the same. When I say favorite foods, I mean pizza, fries, tacos, potato skins.”

  “Ooh, now you’re talking. I was a little worried you brought me to some pretentious place where the food would suck.”

  “I’ve never eaten here befor
e, but when I went out to grab coffee this morning this place was highly recommended by more than one person. Shall we go check it out?” I nod and he places a hand on my arm to guide me.

  Once inside, a plethora of delicious smells engulf us and my stomach growls for my ears only in reply. “Oh damn, my nose just had an orgasm,” I mumble.

  Miles’ deep chuckle in my ear has other parts of me thinking about orgasms as he steers me over to the hostess stand. He holds up two fingers and the waitress grabs two menus and shows us to our table.

  Once we’re seated in a booth that’s tucked away in dark corner, I peer out at our surroundings. This place is bathed in dark, rich woods, and deep colors creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. I like the feel of it already, and the company I’m keeping is pretty fantastic too.

  I give a quick nod of approval. “I like this place. If the food tastes half as good as it smells we’ll be set.”

  We check out the menu and place our order. Miles seems so serious as he leans his forearms on the table, angling his body toward mine.

  “What’s wrong?” My hackles go up.

  “Nothing at all. I was just thinking about school in the fall and wondering if you’d decided where you’re going to live? Are you staying in the dorms or will you be moving in with Tenley?”

  “I’ve weighed it out carefully. As much as I’d like to live with Tenley, I can’t really beat not having to pay rent. If I move into an apartment, I’ll need to get a job to pay for the bills. That will cut into my time with you and Joey and also time to study. If I stay in the dorms, it’s all included in my scholarship. It’s really a no-brainer.”

  “I think you made the wise decision. You’ve already got a full schedule and I know a lot of that is because you spend so much time with Joey and me. But obviously, I don’t want that to change. If anything I want to see more of you.”

  “Really? You’re not getting a little sick of me?” He shakes his head. “Are you sure? I never want to smother you with too much attention.”

  “You couldn’t come over too much. I want to be selfish and tell you that you’re moving into the house with Joey and me, but I love you too much to do that. It’s important to me that you enjoy college, and when you graduate we can start the next phase of our lives together.”


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