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Mafia Mugs and Sexy Hugs

Page 1

by Kitty Parker


  Copyright © 2016 by Kitty Parker.

  All rights reserved under Kitty Parker. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Chapter 1

  Rich girl. The first thing that comes to a person's mind when they hear those two words are, spoiled, daddy's girl, slut, designer labels, ditzy, you get the picture. I'm a rich girl. A rich girl that meets none of these stereotypes.

  Okay well first off you probably want to know my name; it's Emma Tavor. Now let me explain why I don't fit these stereotypes. Some would say that I'm spoiled because I live in a large house filled with many, many expensive things. To me being spoiled means that you can get whatever you want. Now don't get me wrong, I can, but you're only spoiled if you take advantage of this, which I don't.

  Next, I am the farthest thing from a daddy's girl. How can you be a daddy's girl if daddy is never home because he's always away on business trips? Exactly, you can't be. As for the whole slut thing, I am about as far from it as possible. I am a seventeen year old virgin. Not only a virgin, but never had a boyfriend and never been kissed. I will admit that I do own some designer labeled things, but I do not have an entire closet full of clothes designed by Marc Jacobs, Chloe, Versace, or Dolce and Gabbana. I have one pair of Gucci sunglasses; not twenty; one pair of Chloe jeans, not thirty, and one Versace dress, but only because of some party my dad made me go to.

  Lastly, I am NOT some dumb, ditzy, blonde (no offense to blondes) that carries around a miniature dog in a purse. One I'm not blonde, I have dark brown, straight hair that hangs around my shoulders. Two, I'm not much of a dog person, and three, I have a 3.8 grade point average thank you very much. Now that I have officially defended why I am not your average rich girl, let's move on.

  "Emma!" My mom called.

  "Coming!" I yelled back to her jogging down the stairs in a pair of baggy sweatpants and an old white T-shirt.

  Standing at the bottom of the steps was a lady with platinum blonde hair, that was obviously died, dressed in a pair of designer Chloe jeans with a designer Chloe shirt to match. She had long French manicured nails, her fingers and neck dripped with diamonds, and her teeth were so white they could blind a person. This was my mom.

  "Yeah?" I asked reaching the last step.

  "Your father just called and said that he was hosting a party tonight and you were to attend. He shipped this dress with instructions to wear it. The party starts in an hour so go get ready." My mom said as she shoved a large white box into my hands.

  "Great." I mumbled under my breath as I jogged back up the stairs and into my room.

  I loved my room. It was completely and totally me. It had peach colored walls, with cream colored carpet, and it smelled like vanilla. I walked over and sat down on my large bed that was covered in silk pillows to match the walls and carpet, and opened the box.

  Okay I know I said I only had one Versace dress but now I have two. My parents were very into the rich lavish lifestyle. They loved to spend outrageous amounts of money on something you could easily find thousands of dollars cheaper, but to the rich community labels are everything.

  The dress that had been bought for me was a satin, royal blue, floor length, Versace dress. It tied around the neck and was slim through the bust and waist and then

  flowed loosely at the end. I slipped out of my baggy sweatpants to reveal a pair of black short shorts with the word panther printed on the butt. It was my old high school mascot. I had just graduated from Beverly Hills High a week ago. That's right I live in Bev. Hills.

  I climbed out of the rest of my clothes and pulled on the new dress. It was a perfect fit. I was actually surprised that my ever-disappearing father knew what size I wore. I am rather small for my age. I actually wear a size 4. I know most girls would kill for my body but I don't care. I was born like this. In don't barf or eat a cracker a day and I hate when I hear people calling me anorexic or bulimic. I would never do that to my body, I know better.

  Inside the box I noticed were a pair of silver heels with matching diamond earrings. I pulled the heels onto my small feet and hooked the diamonds on my ears. I walked to the mirror and looked at myself.

  "Good enough." I said shrugging my shoulders.

  I turned to go into my bathroom to do my hair and make up when I noticed the tag still attached to the dress. I pulled it off and to my horror read $18,000. Good God! I could have fed a starving third world country with this dress! Shaking my head I walked into the bathroom and straightened a few unruly pieces of my hair. I quickly brushed on some blush and some very discreet eye-shadow. I thought my dark brown eyes looked fine without make up. Quickly swiping some light pink lip-gloss on, I grabbed my silver clutch purse and headed downstairs.

  "Ready." I called to my mom who was waiting by the door wearing a white Dolce and Gabana dress and dripping in diamonds.

  "Oh Emma you look so pretty." She said as she glanced up and then opened the door.

  We both walked outside and crawled into the limousine that would take us to the party. I, unlike my mother, thanked our driver, Ralph, before he shut the door. Twenty minutes later I found myself getting out of the car and looking at a large building. Numerous people were standing outside all drowning in their own self-absorbed attitude and riches.

  My mother left about oh I would say three seconds after we arrived to go talk to some of 'her people', leaving me by myself. I wandered into the large building and found my dad standing in the middle of a large group of men talking in low serious tones. As I approached he shot them all warning looks and they stopped talking.

  "Emma, honey how are you?" he asked embracing me.

  "Fine." I replied shortly.

  "Good, good. Why don't you go introduce yourself to some of the guest." He suggested. This was his way of telling me to go away so he could talk.

  That was the last time I saw my dad that night. For the remainder of the night I talked to a few people who said they knew my father, mostly men. I had to dance with a few boys that were my age or older. I didn't want to but me being the polite person I am, couldn't turn them down.

  At the end of the night my feet were about to break, from the evil heels, and I was tired. I left by myself, my father said he had business matter to attend to and my mom was as drunk as a skunk, as were her friends, so she wanted to stay longer. Ralph drove me home and then left saying something about how he had to go wait for my parents.

  I walked into my house and took off my heels before climbing the stairs. There was no way I was climbing those in these monsters. I padded up the stairs and down the hallway to my room. I opened the door and slipped into the dark
ness. Flipping on the lights I walked into my bathroom I thought that I saw a shadow, but when I turned around there was nothing there.

  Not giving it a second thought I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I was about to jump into the shower when I realized that I had forgotten to bring a change of clothes in with me. I stepped out of my bathroom and made my way over to my closet. Once again I could have swore saw a shadow, but still nothing. I turned back around to my closet to get my pajamas.

  The next thing I know there is a large hand covering my mouth. I scream but it comes out as a muffled whisper. Out of the corner of my eye I see another person. He is a large man, roughly 6'3 and he is wearing all black. I scream again and the person holding me spins me around.

  "Shut up! No one can hear you, Mommy and Daddy are at the party and no one else is home." Came a harsh deep voice.

  The man holding me was completely cloaked in black, just like the other man. The only part of his body I could see was his piercing deep green eyes. He was taller than the other man, by a few inches, probably around 6'6. This of course silenced me out of fear. I was small weighing only 109 pounds and only stood 5'4. He looked into my eyes as if telling me that he would kill me if I said a word.

  I found myself being flung over his shoulder and being carried down the steps towards the front door. Now don't think I didn't put a fight, I did. I fought like hell! I pounded my fist into his back, kicked my feet against his chest, tried to bite his hand that was still around my mouth, and thrashed around as much as possible.

  "DAMNIT! Hold still!" He ordered.

  "What's wrong, can't handle a little girl?" The other masked man asked his accomplice.

  "Shut up!" He said as he thrust open the door and walked outside followed by the other man

  This is when it officially dawned on me. I saw a black van waiting at the end of the drive and running with another man inside in the driver's seat. I was being kidnapped. As I was carried towards the van I put all of my energy into fighting the man holding me. Do you know how hard it is to fight in a Versace dress? Not easy. Unfortunately this did absolutely nothing except make the man walk towards the van faster.

  The second man through open the back doors and I was roughly thrown in. By the time I could get to my feet the door was slammed shut on me, and they were already climbing into the front.

  "This the one?" The man in the driver's seat questioned.

  "Yeah that's her." The man who had carried me answered.

  "Let me go!" I screamed at the three men.

  "Not a chance."

  "Who the hell are you?" Not waiting for an answer I started to tug on the door and bang on the windows screaming.

  "Shut her up!" The driver yelled as he pulled out onto the street.

  The man with the green eyes reached back and grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. He had a white cloth in his hand and he placed it over my nose and mouth. I knew what it was and held my breath.

  "You can't hold your breath forever." He said with arrogance in his voice.

  I was quickly running out of air so I did what I had to do, I breathed. The last thing I remember was the man saying, "You have your daddy to thank for this." Then I was out cold.

  Chapter 2

  I woke up to find myself being drug out of the back of the van in my now wrinkled dress. I was still too groggy to even realize what was going on. I glanced up and saw a pair of green eyes. I couldn't remember where I had seen those eyes. Too tired to think about it I groaned and buried my face into the stranger with the green eyes chest. This seemed to take him by surprise because I could feel him falter in his step.

  He quickly regained his composer as he carried me up a flight of stairs and through a doorway, upon which he had to duck his head. I had no clue where I was at and right about now I didn't really care. All I could focus on was sleep, oh yeah, and the strong arms that were holding me and the nice smell coming from that person.

  I felt myself being put down and was suddenly cold, the warmth from his body was gone and I was still only in a dress. I kept my eyes shut tightly and I brought my knees up to my chest in a pathetic attempt to keep warm. All of a sudden I felt a warm soft blanket on top of my body. I clutched at the ends with my small hands and fell asleep.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I put a blanket over top of the girl. She looked cold in only that dress. Pretty but cold. I turned around to face my fellow accomplices and pulled my mask off, as did they. I hated wearing that thing. It was hot.

  "So do you know anything about the girl." Seth asked me. He had been the one that was in the house with me. Seth was a large muscular man; he was shorter than I was, but made up for it in strength. He had hazel eyes with dirty blonde hair that he kept in a buzz cut.

  "No, only that my dad told me that she was the only heir to the Tavor Mafia, big rivals to our family."

  "So she's just another spoiled rich girl that lives off of Mommy and Daddy wearing designer clothes." Aidan called from the front of the jet.

  "Yeah." I said flopping down on one of the leather couches. I mean she was wearing a Versace dress, I saw the label.

  "Ready to go home?" Aidan said as he started the Jet.

  "Yeah." I replied looking at the girl sleeping on the couch across from me.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I woke up with a pounding headache. It felt as if someone had slammed my head into a wall. I brought my hand up to my forehead as I sat up. The cover fell off of me leaving me cold again.

  "She's awake." I heard someone say.

  "Good, we'll be landing in a couple of minutes." Came another voice that seemed farther away.

  I opened my eyes to find two men standing above me. Of course I didn't remember anything so I screamed. Yep, I screamed and then fell off of the couch. Wow, what a great impression.

  "Calm down." A man with a dirty blonde buzz cut told me.


  "Stop yelling!" The other man ordered.

  He had shaggy dark brown hair, he was tall and he seemed to be muscular and lean at the same time. His lips were formed into a frown. A few pieces of his dark hair fell into his deep green eyes. Wait! Green eyes, I remember those eyes. I now remember exactly what happened.

  "Why did you kidnap me?" I demanded.

  "You know why." Was all I got in reply.

  "No I don't!" I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. Now remind you that I am still sitting on the floor so I look like a four-year-old throwing a tantrum.

  "We're here." The guy from the front said.

  This was the first time that I looked around at my surroundings. I caught a glimpse out the window and realized I was on a plane. If I forgot to tell you then I think I'll tell you now. I hate flying. I hate it with a passion, one to many books and movies where the plane crashes and everybody dies or gets stranded on a deserted island. Seeing that I didn't want to die or be stranded with these men, I was thankful when the plane landed.

  "Come on. Get up." The man with green eyes ordered.

  Not wanting to stay on the plane any longer, I stood up and brushed off my dress. Obviously this wasn't fast enough for him, so he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  "PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as he carried me off the plane.

  "No you'll try and run." He said as he made his way towards an identical van that they had first put me in.

  He was right. I would try and run, but I doubt I would get very far being bare foot and all. Suddenly I realized how cold it was. Being in a dress did absolutely nothing to keep me warm. I was used to the warm weather of California, not this cold weather of wherever we were. I lay still trying to keep warm as he carried me to the van. Pulling open the back door, he threw me in and went around to climb in the front. This was exactly what happened the first time.

  Not wanting to be put to sleep again I
crawled to the back corner, out of reach from the men in the front. I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them keeping warm as best as I could. The ride was silent, nobody said a word.

  After what I thought was about an hour, the van came to a stop and the men got out of the car. A sudden burst of cold wind hit my body and I squeezed my legs tighter. The man with green eyes pulled me out of the back and slung me over his shoulder once again.

  I didn't bother to fight this time. There was no use, besides it was too cold. I brought my head up to look over the man's back and saw an enormous house. I doubt you could even call it a house, more like mansion. Sure I lived in a big house but this place made mine look like a shack.

  It was three stories tall, and it stretched beyond what I could see in the dark. From what I could see there were no other homes around for quite a distance. As we got closer I noticed that the front doors were large and made from what looked to be mahogany.

  One of the men gripped the curved gold handle and opened the door. Once inside I was set down on the cold hard wood floor that was gleaming as though it had just been polished. Looking around I noticed that I was in the front foyer. It had bright white walls and was lit by wall lamps placed every so many feet. A staircase was positioned in the middle of the room and curved gently upwards with its white banister guiding it.

  As I was looking around admiring the room I felt a hand close around my wrist. The green-eyed man began to pull down a hallway. He stopped in front of a heavy door and knocked.

  "Come in." I heard a deep reply from behind the door and was lead into the room.

  The room looked like some kind of study. There were two chairs seated opposite a desk at which a man sat behind. This man scared me. His presence commanded attention and authority. He had dark black hair that was peppered with gray. He smiled when he saw me. Not a nice friendly smile, a cruel twisted smile.

  "Ah! I see you got the girl. Good job Andrew." The man behind the desk said.

  So the man with green eyes name was Andrew. Well at least I don't have to keep calling him man with green eyes.


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