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Is This Goodbye?: A Frank Moretti Thriller

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by Frederick Wysocki

  “Well I’m not you. I can’t do it. Not until I get answers from Frank.”

  Regina tried one more argument. “I know Frank Moretti. He’s only concerned with making money. He doesn’t care who he has to blackmail or kill to make it happen. He certainly isn’t the kind of man you’d want to have children with. Not someone you’d want them to emulate.”

  “Then you haven’t seen his good side.”

  “He’s a selfish man and complex. The only time he’ll do something good is if it benefits him.”

  “There isn’t a pill or drug that’s going to stop the questions in my mind. I need to hear him say that he’s sorry.”

  Lofthouse looked at her niece wondering how long she could hold herself together. Under her thin façade, Ashley’s broken.

  Regina shook her head. “Then you’re destined to be disappointed, Ashley. Frank Moretti will never apologize for bad behavior or any of his wrongdoing. He just doesn’t have it in him.”




  Frank Moretti had begrudgingly agreed to fly from Basseterre, St Kitts to Norfolk, Virginia to meet with Regina Lofthouse.

  I wonder why she told me not to bring Naomi.

  She either has something profitable for me, or I’ll never do this again.

  On the flight, he’d obsessed about how he had been forced into working for the CIA.

  I’ve had to struggle to get out from under everyone’s thumb. First, I had to breakaway from my parents. Then I had to prove myself to my uncle by ordering the deaths of Ashley and my CFO. Then I had to terminate my uncle.

  My only problem now is continuing to manage Regina and her blackmail.

  Too bad I can’t just kill her.

  He’d told Regina to only send him on missions where he could make easy money buying and flipping a company. She agreed when I told her that in return, I’d give her a small cut of the profits.

  Whatever she has to tell me about, it’d better be worth it.

  He’d taken a taxi from the airport.

  Frank still didn’t feel comfortable walking into any U.S. Government facility. It bothered him each time he had to pass through a security barrier and surrender control to others.

  A buttoned down young man escorted him into Regina Lofthouse’s meager office.

  In a real company, Regina would have a large corner office. Here she’s dealing with government frugality.

  She had her nose in her computer screen. “Have a seat Frank.”

  He noticed that her right hand was fiddling with a pen. She’s under pressure.

  Regina finally looked at him. “Have all your houseguests left?”

  And to think that at first I found her attractive. “Thankfully, yes. Catallini spent a week with me and is now in Chicago working for Everett Robinson. I would guess that Boris is being a wealth of practical information about potential contacts in Moscow.”

  “You’re correct. Boris is a gold mine of Russian contacts who we might sway into helping us.”

  After he’d read any business news relating to technology companies, Frank had browsed the day’s regular headlines in the newspaper on his flight. “I read where the President belittled all of the Intelligence agencies again yesterday. How do you put up with that?”

  Regina sat back in her chair and exhaled.

  Frank could see from the look on her face that he’d hit a sore spot.

  Her voice dropped in tone as she spoke slower than normal. “When any senior government official diminishes, derides or criticizes what the talented, hardworking, and dedicated patriots do, it takes a toll on all of us. It’s not just the sacrifices made by all the individuals who are giving their lives, but also the sacrifices of the people who they are away from for long periods. We miss baseball games, parent teacher events and other things trying to keep this country safe. As a result, marriages are ruined, children grow up hating their parents.”

  Stop whining Regina. I was just trying to be social. “That’s what I thought. Can we now skip ahead to the reason that I’m here?”

  Regina laid down her pen and may have smiled. You are so predictable. “What do you know about the militarization of space, Frank?”

  He sat back in his chair. “I remember reading an article once that President Regan talked about a Star Wars program back in the early 1980’s, but that was before I was even born. Is that what you’re talking about?”

  Regina nodded. “Back then the country didn’t have the political will and the technology wasn’t available. Today however, we are on the cusp of getting there.”

  Frank held up his right palm. “So you’re saying the U.S. can now shoot and kill its enemies’ satellites.”

  Regina deliberately put on her poker face. It must be kept a secret.

  Frank probed again. “Look, I was lucky to sell the technology that I was able to get from Catallini. I don’t see how I can possibly sell space laser technology to anyone. And as I’ve tried to explain, if I can’t make a large return I’m not interested in risking my money, or my neck.”

  Regina pointed her finger at him. “You need to hear me out Frank.”

  Frank sat silently.

  “China, Russia, Israel, Japan and some NATO alliance members all have advanced space programs and are developing military space-based capability. The Chinese however are the ones we’re worried about most. They have performed multiple anti-satellite missile tests over the past few years and that has alarmed the Pentagon.”

  “Using lasers in space, right?”

  Regina hesitated. “Sorry for not answering you directly but realize that you are asking about classified information. Is there another way you can ask me that question?”

  Frank felt he was playing some type of game. “I saw on a news program back in 2017 that the Navy deployed the world’s first active laser weapon from a ship.”

  Regina grinned and relaxed. “You’re correct. The strikes are silent and invisible as they move at the speed of light. It works like a laser pointer. Instead of deploying a million dollar missile, this costs about a dollar a shot. A select few contractors are developing the next generation of laser weapons. One of them is a Canadian firm based in Vancouver, Canada. SpaceLaser is a private company and they have hired investment bankers to explore additional funding. I’ve been told that a year from now they may be planning on going public. I thought you might want to have a look to see if you can get a piece of the company.”

  “So they’re looking for mezzanine funding then?”

  “That’s correct. They just want to pump up their balance sheet before they sell shares to the public.”

  Regina is showing me that she wants to make a percentage of my profits. Fair enough.

  “Thank you for the heads up. If I’m interested how would I go about it?”

  Regina cracked a smile. “I have asked the CEO to see you next Monday.”

  Frank nodded his head. “That gives me time to get home and then fly onto Canada.”

  “Why would you need to fly back to St Kitts?”

  “To pick up Naomi of course.” Frank watched with interest as her eyes looked away. “Is that a problem?”

  “No. It’s just that Canadians are the nicest people on earth and Canada is a low crime area. In fact, they are almost Americans, so I wouldn’t think you’d need a bodyguard.”

  It was Frank’s turn not to respond.

  I need to set the stage. “Oh and by the way, I’ve already sent in a financial analyst and a contract specialist to do due diligence to speed you along.”

  Why do I need an analyst or lawyer type? Frank played along. “What’s their cover story?”

  “They are supposedly working for the company’s consulting firm.”

  “That’ll help, thanks. However, if I don’t take Naomi, she’ll be concerned. What makes you think I’ll be interested in this particular firm?”

  “Because the use of laser technology is about to explode with firms mining minerals in spac
e and other things beside warfare.”

  Frank raised his eyebrows. “Like on the moon and asteroids? I thought that technology was way off in the future.”

  “I can tell you that the future is closer than you think it is and anyone who can pick up shares now will do very well.”

  Frank watched her wink at him.

  “Well Regina, you finally have my attention.”


  Whenever Frank smelled an opportunity, he became optimistic and upbeat. Easy profits were his candy.

  Before he’d left Regina’s office Frank had asked Regina if she knew of a reputable jeweler between her office and the airport.

  “I do.”

  On the drive over, Frank thought about whom he wanted at his wedding. Forget my mother and father; they won’t come. My father will never accept how I made my fortune. He’s a small-minded man much like Ashley was. Morals before all else, even if it means being chained to a desk as an accountant his entire life.

  If I pay his way, maybe my brother Gino will fly down.

  I guess Todd and Luca would fly out from San Francisco. Everett Robinson would probably come from Chicago.

  I have guys I employ or work with, but other than Naomi, I don’t have any real friends.

  All of Naomi’s family and friends should come for sure.

  As the taxi turned down a tony street populated with upscale stores Frank started to pay attention.

  The taxi stopped at the address Regina had provided.

  Frank glanced at the jeweler’s large picture window and then at the door. He smiled to himself. Looks like I’m going to buy me an engagement ring.

  Asking the cab driver to wait for him and to keep the meter running Frank entered the shop.

  An impeccably dressed, middle-aged slim woman approached him with a huge smile.

  Now she might be fun in bed.

  “How may I help you today?”

  Hmm. “I’m here to pick out an engagement ring.”

  “Wonderful. Please follow me into a private viewing room. Do you have a style in mind?”

  “Not really. What options do I have?”

  She led him behind a curtain into a dimly lit room with intense, overhead pin lighting.

  This could be interesting.

  “Here we are. Please have a seat. If I might ask you a few questions about the lucky person the ring is for, I may be able to suggest better options for you.”

  “I have a cab driver waiting. How long will this take?”

  A brief frown passed the woman’s brow. “If you want to pick out something that you truly love, I would suggest that by the time you select a style, setting and stone you should probably allow an hour.”

  “Fine. Let me pay the driver and I’ll send him on his way. I’ll catch another cab later.”

  Frank returned a few minutes later and sat down. “Now, you were asking about the woman I wish to get engaged to. Ask away.”

  She sat straighter and placed a grin on her face. “Jewelry should reflect the wearer. Does she seem to love a particular style such as French furniture, or old oil paintings, or does she tend to like modern art better?”

  “That’s a very good question. I don’t know. But I like modern art so let’s go with modern.”

  “Very good sir. Let me show you a few of our most popular modern styles.”

  As the woman picked up each ring the light seemed to bring the magic of their brilliance alive.

  Frank was impressed with all of them.

  “Are there any that catch your eye?”

  Frank pointed to a large diamond set in what appeared to be golden lava. “That one.”

  “Oh, I see that you like a bold statement. Now how about the diamond?”

  “What size is that one?”

  “This is a one-carat diamond.”

  A larger diamond on a simple band caught his eye. “What’s the size of that one?”

  “That’s a three carat on a Tiffany style band.”

  “I like how it makes the diamond look even larger.”

  “Are you familiar with the options diamonds offer?”

  “Please tell me.”

  An hour later Frank had selected a GIA double certified 3.39 ct H-VS1 diamond solitaire on a simple platinum band. “Now that is a stunning statement.”

  “When do you need this, Mister Moretti, and how would you like to pay?”

  “I would like to take it with me now. I can either write you a check, give you a credit card, or if you give me your banking information I can have one of my banks immediately wire you the funds.”

  “Given the amount involved we would be more comfortable with being wired the funds.”

  Frank reached for his wallet. He pulled out his Cayman Islands personal banker’s business card.

  While he waited for the ring to be set, he decided to call his lawyer. “Luca, it’s Frank.”

  Hearing from his favorite client, Luca perked up. “Frank, how can I help you today?”

  “I’ve decided to marry Naomi.”

  “Well then, I guess congratulations are in order.”

  “I appreciate it. Now, can you draft me a prenup agreement?”

  “Which assets in particular do you want to protect?”

  “All the money and assets that I currently have.”

  “I see.”

  “I’ve paid her for the deals like the Russian one where she’s helped me. I’m also willing to share any funds she helps me earn once we’re married. As well, I think she should get custody of any children if we happen to divorce.”

  Really? “Are you sure about that?”

  “I don’t think I could care for kids without Naomi, so yes I’m sure.”

  “Certainly then, when do you need it?”

  “Not sure. I haven’t asked her yet, but I will soon.”

  “Okay, I’ll get right on it anyway. I’ll draft an agreement and email it to you so you can review it. Mark it up and send it back so I can send you the final copy.”

  “Great. As soon as it’s ready just email it to me.”

  “You got it, Frank. Say, have you heard any of the news out of Chicago?”

  “No. What’s happened?”

  “Vincent Rizzo and his wife were poisoned in a restaurant.”

  “Do they know who did it?” I thought he was going straight.

  “So far, no.”

  “Let me know if you hear anything.”

  “Will do. Oh, and once again, congratulations.”



  St Kitts

  With his prize bulging in his pocket, Frank flew back to St Kitts.

  A familiar senior customs agent who never bothered to ask him any questions greeted him.

  Without the Frank Morettis of the world, the agent knew his adopted island would once again become impoverished. Once you left the pockets of wealth where foreigners like Frank had bought their citizenship by buying land and homes, the standard of living fell off the proverbial cliff.

  I’m not going to count the growing number of drug smugglers. Or the guys growing marijuana up the mountain.

  The agent plastered on his best smile. “Welcome home Mister Moretti.”

  Frank knew he was one of the wealthy elite and was not to be upset.

  “Thanks.” Frank returned the agent’s smile and strutted out of the Customs area.

  Stash was waiting for him at the airport gate. He was the first friend Frank had made on the island, and now always drove him back and forth to his estate when he flew.

  If Stash hadn’t introduced me to his cousin Naomi, who knows what might have happened.

  Upon his uncle Anthony’s death, Frank had inherited three vehicles along with the best piece of real estate on St Kitts. The vehicles were all Mercedes. He’d kept the convertible two-seater as well as the larger of the two black Mercedes sedans.

  He’d given the other one to Stash for his taxi business. “Now you can charge more by saying that you’re a limo servi

  Stash had hugged him.

  Even though Stash had hired other drivers to work for him, whenever Frank needed to get somewhere, he made sure he was the driver.

  Today Frank decided to ask Stash about Naomi. “As you know, I’m in love with Naomi. If I marry her, will she want to have a big wedding?”

  “What do you mean by a big wedding?”

  “Will she want to invite a lot of her friends? Will she want to invite half the island?”

  Stash was quiet for several seconds before he answered. “You need to understand that growing up on St Kitts you have three choices: Live day-to-day on the dole in a tin roofed shack, sell your services to a wealthy business person needing a new country to reside in, like yourself, or leave and sub exist elsewhere.”

  “You aren’t answering my question, Stash.”

  “Sorry Frank. You see, when Naomi first left the island to train for her career everyone figured she’d abandoned her sister and gone off somewhere to be a whore. They didn’t know she’d been raped and was pregnant. We heard nothing from her and everyone assumed she’d been killed. They didn’t know she’d gone off to train for her career as a bodyguard. It was a surprise even for me when a few years later she showed up back here. She was extremely fit and confident. Not many remember her. When I’ve told them how she has saved your life several times, they were impressed… I think she has more guts than most people. She also has the imagination to improvise instantly to protect herself.”

  “So are you telling me that she has a lot of friends or not?”

  “Not that she’d want to invite to a wedding, no, I don’t think so.”

  Why didn’t you just tell me that? “Okay good to know.”

  A new ‘Moretti Estate’ sign stood in front of the guardhouse.

  The guard lifted the barrier as he waved them in.

  I don’t really need a guard but he works for next to nothing. Another benefit to living on St Kitts.


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