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Is This Goodbye?: A Frank Moretti Thriller

Page 9

by Frederick Wysocki

  “Did you see the couple who came to see Brad Miller?”

  “I did. Wasn’t it the same guy you left the office with?”

  Ashley looked at her drink. “Don’t you think he’s handsome?”

  Ted shook his head. She’s like a lovesick teenager. I’m never going to score with her. “He seemed a bit intense.”

  “He can be.” Ashley scanned the tables close to them. A good-looking dark skinned guy caught Ashley’s attention. He was sitting at the table next to her and Wetmore. From the little she could overhear he sounded like Bob Marley and looked like he had just come off an island in the Caribbean. She wondered if she’d seen him before. Not likely.

  His tablemate was a tattooed woman with heavily pierced ears.

  She watched as he moved closer to her and whispered into her piercings.

  The Tattoo opened a large purse, passed him something and he put whatever it was into his pocket.


  And is he wearing gloves?

  She tried to have a close look at his face. With the shades and baseball cap, he could be anyone.

  The dark skinned man left and headed down a dark hallway that led to the bathrooms.

  Ted tried to get Ashley’s attention. “Ashley, do you want to dance yet?”

  She snapped at him. “No.”

  Ashley stood up. “I need to go to the ladies room.”

  Ted watched as Ashley weaved her way through the tables towards the bathrooms.

  When she got within six feet of the Bob Marley guy she placed her back against the wall. Her head was turned and her eyes were glued to him.

  He’s got to be a dealer.

  Ashley stared as a glitzy fake blonde-haired woman walked up to the dealer.

  She leaned into the dealer and whispered something Ashley couldn’t hear over the music. She stepped closer.

  Ashley heard the Marley guy say, “Are you looking for a little something to spice up your night?”

  “I could be.”

  “When you lose yourself, you enter Paradise.”

  “I hear that Ecstasy increases sexual arousal.”

  “My customers say dat true. But you know what’s even betta?”


  “Ecstasy with a tab of China White to go with it.”

  “What does that do?”

  “It’s a quick high that makes your orgasm even stronger. I call it Ecstasy with a Kick.”

  “How much?”

  “Both tabs are fifteen dollars each. Together, they be just twenty-five dollars.”

  Ashley watched as the Marley guy faked a handshake with the girl. She could see that a small plastic package and money changed hands.

  A second later the Bob Marley guy was once again acting as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He’s waiting for his next customer.

  Ashley decided that she really had to use the Ladies room.

  When Ashley came out, she found the guy was still standing in the same place. I need to try that stuff.

  She stopped beside him and tried her best phony accent. “You from Jamaica, mon?”

  He smiled at her as his eyes worked their way down her body. “Dat right. Who wants to know?”

  “My name’s Ashley.” Ashley opened her purse. “I’ll take two of each.”

  The dealer scanned up and down the hallway, smiled at her, then put his hand in his pocket.

  He pulled out pills in two tiny plastic bags.

  After combining two plastic bags, he placed his hand down by his side.

  She passed him a reddish fifty-dollar bill as their hands touched.

  He is wearing gloves.

  With her prize secured, she placed the pills in her purse.

  Then she returned to the table and stood beside it.

  Ted asked, “Feeling better?”

  “Ya, but I’ve got a migraine headache. I need to get back to the motel and pack up.”

  Ted grinned. “Okay, I’ll get us a taxi.”

  Ashley’s face turned cold. “No, I’d prefer to go back on my own.”


  Frank had already booked his flight leaving Canada for the next morning.

  His plan was to check out of his room at nine fifteen. Denver was to pick him up at nine thirty and drive him to the airport. From Vancouver he had to change planes in Los Angeles and Miami before touching down in St Kitts and getting to see Naomi.

  With the evening to kill, Frank decided to have dinner in the hotel’s signature restaurant. Although he was alone, Frank asked to be seated in a corner booth. I don’t want to have to talk with anyone.

  Although the restaurant had exceptional seafood, Frank decided he wanted red meat. Meeting face-to-face with Ashley was upsetting. If I have a glass of red wine, I’ll sleep better.

  “I’d like to order a glass of a California Cabernet if you have some.”

  The waiter brought him the wine menu. “As you can see we have several excellent California Cabs to choose from. But if you don’t mind, may I suggest you order a full bottle. If you don’t finish it with dinner sir, you may take it upstairs to your room.”

  “Perfect. Then that’s what I’ll order.”

  He’d had two glasses of the cab with the Prime Rib and taken the other half of the cabernet upstairs to his room.

  It was still early.

  There’s no way I’m ever working with Regina again.

  How dare she screw around in my personal life.

  If Naomi finds out, she’ll kick Regina’s ass.

  He decided to watch a movie on HBO while he worked on finishing off the bottle.

  I’ve been lucky. Not ‘Las Vegas bet the kids lunch money’ kind of luck, but more like ‘if I hadn’t moved to St Kitts, met Stash, then his cousin Naomi, I’d probably have been killed by Anthony or his jerk son by now’ kind of luck.

  When the movie was over, he turned off the television. He held up the bottle and saw it was indeed empty. Time to get a good night’s sleep.

  Getting into the king sized bed by himself made him miss Naomi.

  Some passionate sex would help me sleep tonight.

  The wine worked to ensure he fell asleep.

  Frank was awakened by a knock.

  He groggily looked at the bedside clock.

  Shit, it’s not even midnight yet.

  There was another knock at the door to his suite.

  Who in hell’s at my door this time of night?

  Climbing out of bed, he threw on his pants before looking through the door’s peephole.

  Shit, it’s Ashley.

  He closed his eyes. What in hell does she want with me at this time of night?

  Reluctantly, Frank partially opened the door. I don’t want her making a scene.


  Ashley needed Frank to want her. Like he did before we graduated from business school. Sex is the answer.

  As soon as Frank cracked the door open Ashley pushed it and brushed past him.

  Standing in the middle of the living room, she stopped and stood with one hand on her hip while the other held the white wine bottle out in front as if she wanted Frank to take it.

  She was batting her eyes.

  Frank was deliberately gruff. “I was asleep. What da hell do you want?”

  Ashley flipped her hair.

  She’s been drinking.

  The glint of her diamond earrings caught him by surprise.

  “Are those the diamond earrings that I gave you?”

  “Silly Francis, of course they are.”

  Ashley handed him the bottle of wine. “Why don’t you open this bottle for me while I get comfortable.”

  Frank hesitated then took the bottle from her. She’s going to start talking again. How do I get rid of her?

  He almost dropped it as Ashley unzipped her skirt.

  It fell to the carpet.

  “What are you doing?” Frank felt his testosterone kicking in.

  She was wearing a pink thong. She’s as sexy as ever.
  He averted his eyes. The bottle turned out to have a twist off cap. “I see you still like Chardonnay.”

  Ashley teasingly pulled her white blouse over her head revealing her bare breasts.

  Frank peaked at her and immediately forgot how tired he was. She does have nice tits. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m trying to show you that I don’t hold what happened between us, against you.”

  How do I say no?

  Frank swallowed hard as he felt himself becoming aroused.

  Ashley stepped closer so she could brush her breasts against Frank’s bare chest.

  Naomi will never know. Frank didn’t move.

  Besides, we aren’t married yet.

  She undid Frank’s belt.

  Frank felt his excitement building.

  Then she pulled down his zipper. “I can feel that you’re glad to see me.”

  Frank let her slip his pants onto the floor.

  He kicked them aside.

  Ashley knelt down and pulled down his underwear. Frank was erect with excitement.

  She placed her lips around his manhood and ran her tongue around the head.

  Frank closed his eyes to enjoy the moment.

  After a blissful minute, she stopped.

  Ashley stood up while still holding his erection and walked him into the bedroom.

  She pushed him onto the Asian styled bed. The headboard creaked.

  Ashley placed one knee then the other onto the bed and started to crawl towards him.

  She hovered above him. “I love you, Frank.”

  Then she spread her legs and slowly mounted him.

  Frank didn’t respond other than to close his eyes and enjoy Ashley’s wet embrace.

  “Don’t you still love me, Frankie?” Her voice became seductive.

  Frank said nothing and kept his eyes closed.

  After several thrusts, she stopped and fell to the side.

  “What’s the matter?” Frank looked at her and pushed himself up on both elbows.

  Ashley got off the bed, stood up and found her purse. “I’m just trying to get this party started. Would you care to join me?”

  He watched as she pulled a plastic bag out of her purse. “Go ahead, I don’t need anything.”

  She glanced at him. “I can see that.”

  Ashley popped something into her mouth and washed it down with chardonnay from the open bottle.

  She then lay beside him on the bed and ran a fingertip over his thigh. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a gunshot wound.”

  “How did you get that? Did you break another girl’s heart? Did her father shoot you?”

  “No. Anthony’s son hired an assassin to try to kill me.”

  “Then you know how it feels.” Her tone sounded bitter.

  This isn’t right. Frank started to sit up.

  Ashley placed her right palm against his chest. “You don’t want to miss what’s coming Frank.”

  Frank relaxed.

  “Did you see that movie where the man placed his hand on the woman’s throat? It was about deep intimacy and trust.”


  “Get on top of me and put your right hand on my throat… It excites me.”

  Frank rolled on top and gently placed her throat between his right thumb and index finger. “Is this what you want me to do?”

  “Yes, let’s try it. If I tap your hand, stop.”

  “Okay.” Frank gripped lightly.

  Ashley’s eyes were wide open.

  “That’s it, just gently… now squeeze a little more.”

  Frank obliged.


  Frank felt her tap and released his hand. “I’m sorry, was I too hard?”

  Ashley put her own hand up to her throat and rubbed it. “No, it was fine… I’m feeling dizzy. Why don’t you just come on top of me and finish?”



  Frank heard something.

  I must have fallen asleep.

  He willed his eyes open.

  Someone’s knocking on the door.

  He squinted at the clock beside his bed.


  Shit! I’ve slept in.

  He pushed up on one elbow and shouted. “Who is it?”

  The voice was distant. “Housekeeping.”

  Frank turned to get up and saw Ashley was laying naked, with her back to him.

  Why is she still here?

  Frank yelled at the voice. “Come back later.”

  Using his left arm, he sat up in the bed. “Are you awake Ashley?”

  He placed his right hand on her shoulder. She’s cold.

  Frank felt panic chilling his body as his brain knew something bad had happened.

  He leaned over and pulled Ashley’s shoulder towards him. Her eyes were wide open.

  Please wake up.

  He shook her again.

  “Jesus, Ashley, stop screwing around. You need to wake up.”

  She could be dead!

  Panic gripped Frank.

  What do I do?

  Brief snippets of visions flashed through his mind. The police breaking down the door. Throwing him in prison.

  He inched his body closer while searching her face for any movement. He held out his hand and placed two fingers on her neck desperately searching for a pulse.

  Come on, come on. Can’t find one.

  He pressed harder praying to feel a movement of any kind.

  She’s dead.

  Dear God, please help me!

  He pulled his hand away while he rolled onto his back then stood up to get away from her dead body.

  He looked down at the messy bed and Ashley’s corpse. This looks bad. Do I call 9-1-1, or hotel security? I’m supposed to be leaving on a flight at noon. I’ll never make it unless I can get rid of her.

  What happened? Why would she be dead? Suicide? Heart attack?

  Did someone sneak in and kill her?

  Is someone trying to set me up?

  Frank took a deep breath. I can’t call Naomi. I need to call Luca Testini.

  Vincent Rizzo had introduced the two of them. “Luca will be your confidential lawyer. With Luca around, anyone that pisses you off or tries to sue you will be a loser. The longer the litigation, the more they’ll get billed. If you have a thorny decision, Luca will offer you the logical consequences. You can also count on Luca to be discrete and to fix whatever needs attention. He will also research each person and deal for you, so you have all the facts you need for leverage up front.”

  Frank picked up his phone, opened his contact app and pushed Luca’s cell number.

  He answered on the second ring. “Frank?”

  “Luca, it’s me and I need your help. I may be in trouble.”

  “Where are you?”

  “At the Shangri-la Hotel in Vancouver, Canada.”

  “Don’t say anything more. I’ll be in my office in ten minutes. I’ll call you back on a secure line. Open your security app to answer the call.”

  “Will do and thanks.”

  As he waited for Luca’s call, Frank went to the bathroom and threw cold water on his face.

  Walking back into the bedroom, he saw Ashley was naked and staring at him. Her skin looked white and it seemed to be sagging ever so slightly.

  He bent over and closed her eyes.

  Then he wrestled the sheet and blanket to cover her.

  Frank picked up his phone and opened the security app that his friend Everett Robinson had given him. It uses state of the art encryption.

  His phone rang. Luca. He answered.

  “Are we secure?”


  “Do you need more information on Brad Miller?”

  “Who? No. Forget about him. Do you remember Ashley Kelly?”


  “Well, she’s in my bed at my hotel and she’s dead.”

  “Please repeat that.”

  “Look I’m total
ly freaked out. My guess is she probably took sleeping pills or something and killed herself in my bed. What the hell am I supposed to do? I need to catch a flight back to St Kitts this morning.”

  “Did she leave a note?”

  Frank looked at the bedside table, then quickly scanned the suite. “Not that I can see.”

  “Whatever you do, don’t touch the body.”

  “I, I had to cover her. She was naked.”

  Frank could hear Luca exhaling.

  “Have a quick shower and get dressed. You may not have another chance to shave and shower for a while. Only after that, telephone the local police, tell them your hotel and room number, report a dead woman and then hang up. Then call the hotel front desk to tell them that you’ve called the police.”

  “Won’t the police ask why I didn’t call them first?”

  “Just tell them you woke up and went directly to the bathroom. Tell them it’s your custom to always have a quick shower to wake up. Then tell them that when you came back into the bedroom you noticed she wasn’t waking up. You think she committed suicide. Do you understand?”


  “I’ll hop on a plane into Vancouver and hopefully be there later today. Meanwhile, I’ll also find you a local attorney who understands the ins and outs of Canadian law. Understand?”


  “Then go have a thorough hot shower and let me get to work.”

  Frank ended the call.

  He flashed back to being interviewed by the FBI over the deaths of his two CFOs, one of which was Ashley. The feds were trying to prove that he and his uncle Anthony had committed fraud. In the end I got away with it.

  I’ve lived through worse.

  He jumped in the shower and dried himself.

  Realizing he’d forgotten to shave he did so without cutting himself.

  Thank God Naomi isn’t here. I hope that I can hide this from her.

  Frank grabbed fresh clothing and looked in the mirror to ensure he looked okay. He also threw his dirty clothes and toiletries into his carry-on bag. Now, I need to report her.

  Finding courage in a deep breath, he used the room’s telephone to call 9-1-1.

  “I’d like to report a suicide from a drug overdose.”

  “What is your name and where are you calling from?”

  Frank tried to speak slowly as he gave them the name of the hotel and his room number.


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