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A Mate the Dragon Does Not Deserve [A Dragon's Growl 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Marcy Jacks

  “God,” he moaned, and then his eyes widened as he noticed something that seemed fairly important. “Hey, wait a minute, I got cum all over your bandages.”

  “Oh well,” Andrei said, seeming to not care one little bit as he put pressure on his hips, taking Jesse by the waist with both hands and pulling him down onto Andrei’s cock.

  And all thoughts of cleaning up his mate—before his bandages got even more soiled than they already were—flew right out of his head as he was penetrated with a heated pop.

  The heavy slide, the burn, the sinking sensation, and the pleasure that nipped at the heels of all of it made Jesse’s mouth fall open and his eyes fly wide.

  He shivered, this new pleasure rushing up his spine, through his arms and down his legs, coming out of the tips of his toes, and even that wasn’t enough to contain the pleasure building up within him.

  The rest, well, most of it, went right through his prostate and into his cock and balls, a pleasurable, heated energy that made him moan and shiver before he felt the first thrusts of Andrei’s powerful hips pushing him up and down on his lap.

  Even when he was injured and should hardly be able to move, the man seemed to pull together enough strength to make Jesse bounce on his cock as if he were at full power.

  Not that Jesse was complaining. He would wonder where this strength came from later since the man had seemed to have so little of it when Jesse first came into this room.

  No, for now, he focused on the ride and making it as good for his mate as he was getting.

  Jesse was supposed to be taking control in this situation, after making sure Andrei didn’t make his wounds worse by overexerting himself.

  All right. It was time to show what he had.

  Chapter Ten

  His body was tight, just like the last time.

  Of course it was. This was only Jesse’s second time having sex, but he seemed to have learned quite a bit more since then.

  The way he moved up and down on Andrei’s shaft, his asshole gripping tightly again and again in seemingly random spurts, was enough to make Andrei grit his teeth, even as he held on for dear life.

  “Inside you, my cock inside you, feels good. Right,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Words he would have never spoken out loud to any other person but the man on top of him.

  Even though his haze of pleasure, his eyes half-lidded and that thin sheen of sweat forming on his skin, Jesse managed to smile.

  “Yeah?” he asked and then did something Andrei honestly hadn’t seen coming.

  Instead of bouncing up and down on Andrei’s cock, he slowed the motion of his hips. Not by much, but there was something definitely noticeable about the way he began canting his hips back and forward and then in a circular motion, instead of simply up and down as fast as his knees and thighs would allow.

  Andrei’s eyes flew wide at this sudden change in pleasure, at the way his mate moved.

  As if he was trying to slowly, torturously, draw out every last thread of pleasure that could be had from Andrei’s body.

  And Andrei was shocked, even as his grip tightened on Jesse’s hips while the man danced on his cock, clenching and unclenching, making it difficult for Andrei to keep his eyes open when all he wanted to do was shut them and get lost in the pleasure.

  “Wh-where did you learn this?” he asked.

  “Internet,” Jesse said, huffing his words, proving that his actions were having just as much of an effect on himself as they were on Andrei. “Wanted to be good for you…when you woke up.”

  Andrei’s eyes flew wide at the admission. The fact that his mate was going to admit to having watched porn online so he could learn from what he’d seen…was absolutely fucking fantastic.

  “God, I wish I could grab onto you right now,” Andrei said, grunting as Jesse slammed his ass a little harder down onto Andrei’s cock. “I want to put you on your back, put your legs in the air, and fuck you hard and fast.” He had to stop to take a quick breath, and then he smiled up at his mate. “Then you would know how much better the real thing is.”

  “I do know,” Jesse promised, swiveling his hips in a way that damn near made Andrei explode.

  He looked down at the way Jesse’s hips moved, and occasionally, when Jesse moved just right, he could see the length of his own cock appearing and disappearing inside the man’s body.

  And there was almost nothing in the world that could be better than seeing that.

  Andrei groaned from that alone, his hands tightening around Jesse’s hips, his arms straining as he struggled to push and pull Jesse’s body in just the right ways, in all the ways that would make this even better.

  Jesse’s eyes fell shut, and his mouth dropped open. His face turned up to the ceiling as he suddenly put more pressure and effort into the way he thrust his hips.

  Definitely more pressure and strength than he’d been using before. The length of his dick bounced back against his belly again and again. Andrei reached out and took it in his hand, giving it just the right amount of pressure, letting Jesse fuck into his fist while he bounced on Andrei’s cock.

  The sweet little noises he made as he kept going, the way he let himself go to the pleasure, it all brought Andrei’s stimulation to a head. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore.

  The way he’d been thrusting his cock up to meet Jesse had started to hurt his stomach a while ago, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop, not when his toes were curling and everything his mate did felt so good.

  The sound of their heavy breathing became louder in the space of Andrei’s, no, their bedroom. Andrei couldn’t contain it anymore. He tried. God knew he tried.

  He gritted his teeth hard enough to feel the pain of something cracking as he pushed his cock up harder, hard enough that it really hurt, but he didn’t care. His orgasm was here, and it threatened to crash over him.

  And all he wanted to do was hear those raspy little moans, those delighted mewls of pleasure as Jesse came again.

  He needed it.

  “Oh!” Jesse cried out at Andrei’s sudden movements. He didn’t tell Andrei that he shouldn’t be moving so hard or fast. Likely because he couldn’t say anything about it at all when he was so clearly overcome with pleasure.

  “Come on me again,” Andrei moaned, briefly clenching his eyes shut against the pleasure. “Oh, I want to feel it.”

  Jesse moaned. Andrei was going to take that to be an affirmative sound.

  Though it seemed his mate still needed something before that could be done as Jesse leaned down quickly.

  Andrei knew what he wanted, and he was more than happy when their lips met.

  Jesse groaned against his mouth, and Andrei’s pleasure spiked when he felt the hard clench around his cock. It was almost painful as Jesse moaned and shivered.

  And then the warmth came. He felt it through the bandages on his stomach.

  And it was perfect. The scent of Jesse’s musk, already in the air, thickened tremendously.

  It was more than enough to push Andrei over that last edge he’d been teetering. The edge he’d been fighting against practically from the moment he was inside his lover.

  Andrei came hard. He didn’t fight the orgasm. It was hot, hard, and heavy, and it took everything out of him. The clench of his body hurt his stomach even more, but it was again something he couldn’t seem to hold back, couldn’t stop.

  When the tight grip of orgasm finally released him, Andrei collapsed onto the bed with a hard and heavy breath. He blinked blearily through the buzz of pleasure from his orgasm and the pain from his stomach.

  His dick, still sensitive from orgasm, didn’t feel as if he could get it up a second time, despite being an alpha.

  Maybe he was a little bit more fragile than he’d wanted to believe.

  Andrei grunted, even as Jesse was gentle with pulling himself off of Andrei’s body, coming to lie down next to him without touching him.

  Andrei smiled at the omega, noting the slight wag of
his wolf’s tail. “God, wish I could have kept you like that forever.” He sighed.

  Jesse smiled back at him, nodding, letting his cheek settle onto the sheets. His gaze never left Andrei’s face.

  “How does your stomach feel?” he asked.

  “Like shit,” he replied, though he couldn’t stop smiling about it.

  Jesse winced. “Sorry. I tried to be gentle about it.”

  “Trust me,” Andrei said. “There is nothing for you to be sorry about when it comes down to that.”

  He reached out, taking his mate by his hand, squeezing it tightly, threading their fingers together. “Because we’re going to be doing a lot more of that as I get better.”

  Something in Jesse’s eyes sparkled at the comment, but that spark soon died down into something a bit darker.

  Andrei couldn’t just let that go. “What’s the matter?”

  Jesse swallowed. “I just…this is happening really fast—”

  “Do you want to slow it down?” Andrei asked quickly. “We can do that if you want. There’s no need to go at this pace if you don’t want to.”

  Jesse smiled, shaking his head, looking as if he was about to start laughing on him. “No, I don’t mean it like that.” His expression turned serious. “I’m just…I know you had your doubts about wanting to be with me, to want to…love me.”

  “I don’t doubt it anymore,” Andrei promised, squeezing Jesse’s hand. He needed to make the omega see this. He had the very real impression he was on the edge of something possibly disastrous if he made the wrong step.

  His treatment of Jesse wouldn’t go away with a couple of great fucks.

  Well, one great fuck and another session of lovemaking.

  Their entire relationship so far had happened in this bed, and Andrei had only got his head out of his ass because Jesse had been on death’s door.

  He looked at the blue scale he could still see beneath Jesse’s skin. He wondered if it would stay there for the rest of his life, or if it might dissolve beneath Jesse’s skin, becoming part of him.

  He was fine with it either way. He liked having his mark on the omega like this.

  “When I get better, I’m getting out of this bed. I’m going to court you, the way a proper alpha should when he finds his mate. I’ll make it up to you. You’re more to me than what we can do in this bed.”

  Jesse’s wolf ears twitch, perking up just a little more. Andrei hadn’t thought that was possible, considering they were already so pointed.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.” Andrei reached out for Jesse’s cheek, touching it, pulling him closer. He didn’t have to hold on to Jesse to do this. The man seemed to follow his hand on instinct, allowing him to lean over Andrei’s body and to come down, pressing their mouths together in a sweet and lingering kiss.

  Yes. This was exactly right and precisely where Andrei wanted to be, where he needed to be.

  He still loved his Mandy, so, so much, and he would never stop missing her.

  But he knew her well. She wouldn’t fault him for this. He could already picture her somewhere he couldn’t see her, cheering him on.

  And maybe enjoying the show he was putting on with his new mate a little too much. She had been into some weird anime stuff, but that was beside the point.

  There was no guilt to be had in kissing someone else. Not when that someone else was his mate.

  Andrei flinched, breaking apart the kiss he’d been enjoying so suddenly.

  “Sorry!” Jesse said suddenly, yanking his hand back from Andrei’s stomach, as though just now remembering it was still bandaged.

  Andrei had forgotten about that, too.

  They both looked down, and that was when Jesse jumped up quickly, ran around the room like a terrorized chicken being chased by the farmer. He talked of getting Andrei new and clean bandages, bandages that didn’t have cum on them, but Andrei could only laugh.

  Even though it hurt his stomach to do it, he laughed.

  And he never felt more alive. He was going to enjoy this life he had with his new mate.

  Chapter Eleven

  Andrei’s recovery eventually picked up in speed, still much slower than it should have been, but after three more days, he finally had Seth’s permission to get out of bed.

  Jesse grumbled about that, which Andrei kind of liked. He definitely enjoyed teasing the man about it.

  “I think you just wanted to keep me in bed where I could be helpless to your sexual exploits.”

  Jesse’s cheeks turned a bright shade of red, something easy to spot, even though the omega refused to look him in the face as they walked down the hall, Andrei’s arm slung over the smaller man’s shoulder.

  “Exploits,” he snorted. “You say that as if I was taking advantage of you.”

  Andrei grinned. “I happen to enjoy it when you take advantage of me.”

  “But I was never taking advantage of you!” Jesse protested.

  At least Andrei could laugh at his mate without his stomach hurting anymore. If his healing continued to improve, he could get the stitches out by tomorrow night. They barely itched him anymore.

  Andrei’s only shock was when he had to get updated about what had been happening in the mansion when he’d been recovering.

  Seth had come to see him, and so did the others, when he and Jesse weren’t going at it like bunnies, of course, but no one had given him anything solid other than Marxus was alive and well thanks to Andrei’s quick thinking.

  To hear about what had happened to the vampire kept locked up in the basement…even Andrei was shocked by that.

  Jesse’s gasp meant he hadn’t known about it either, but Miles, Seth’s mate, kept his lips pressed firmly together, not looking at anyone as they had their meeting in the library.

  Apparently, he had been told of the attack, and he wasn’t happy about it.

  Neither was Lucian it seemed.

  Andrei got confused for a minute. The way Lucian ranted, the way his eyes blazed a bright red, Andrei would have thought this offense had been discovered ten minutes ago.

  No, apparently Lucian had discovered this the same day Andrei had woken up. Someone had gone into the basement, someone assigned to feed the vampire prisoner while Lucian had been busy taking stock of damages, helping the wounded omegas, and cleaning up bodies…

  And they’d apparently tortured him. Sorin’s arm wasn’t broken, but there was deep bruising in his skin and muscle, something which likely happened when he had been held down and his fangs ripped out with pliers.

  Andrei didn’t much like the bloodsucker in the basement, but even he had to shake off the shock after hearing that one.

  Someone in his clan? He looked around at the dragons in the library. He sincerely doubted it was anyone in here. It had possibly been some lower-level dragon, and Lucian already had suspects based on who had been given the task of watching over Sorin when he’d been away.

  Miles fumed the entire time, his arms crossed, his fox tail swinging wildly behind him, as if he were a cat instead of a fox.

  Seth looked sorrowfully down at his mate. Andrei felt for the alpha in that moment. Seth loved and adored his smaller mate. It was no secret he wanted to give Miles almost everything he asked for.

  For Miles to know one of his friends had been so badly hurt after Seth and Lucian both swore to his protection was probably causing a strain between the two of them.

  “I want to keep him with me from now on,” Lucian said. “He can keep his chains on when in my room. He can sleep on a cot or on the floor, anything is better than the basement.”

  “He’s a prisoner in the house. We can’t just do that,” Seth said, glancing tensely down at his mate, who still said nothing.

  “Yeah, which is why he’ll still be in his chains and he won’t be allowed to walk around the house without me to protect him. I’ll have to start cutting myself regularly since he can’t bite me until his fangs grow back, so we won’t have to worry about him biting me in
my sleep or anything.”

  It could take months for vampire fangs to grow back. Vampires didn’t necessarily need their fangs, but the small holes in the fangs made it easier for sucking and drinking.

  They also creeped the fuck out of Andrei, but still, the only fangs he enjoyed ripping out were the fangs of the vampires he had defeated in a battle.

  Vampires who had been attacking him first.

  To go after a prisoner who was helpless and likely weaker than normal from a lack of blood…it was incredibly dishonorable, vampire or not.

  As the meeting went on, the news seemed to get even worse. Jesse’s mouth dropped when he found out his friend, Taylor, had been taken from the house.

  Apparently this was news to his mate, considering he had been spending the vast majority of his time with Andrei.

  “Are…are you sure? Taylor is gone?”

  Andrei had to take Jesse’s hand, holding it tightly, trying to calm him when his voice became somewhat hysterical and panicked.

  “We don’t think he’s dead,” Seth said, trying to be gentle, but it was difficult to be gentle when he had so much terrible news.

  Of course, Lucian, being as pissed off as he already was, didn’t do such a great job of breaking the news either. “Considering Taylor is the only other fox omega in the house, it’s pretty obvious what he was taken for. They thought he was Miles. They’re probably going to take him back to Varrick, and God only knows what’s gonna—ow!”

  Lucian shut up real quick when Miles grabbed one of the hardcovers off the shelves and hurled it at him. He was probably aiming for Lucian’s head, so it was lucky when he only got the man in the chest.

  Miles stormed out, fists clenched, not giving Lucian a chance to respond to the attack.

  “What the hell was that about?” Lucian snapped.

  Seth sighed, shaking his head. “Stefan, you take over. I’m going to go and have a talk with him.”

  Lucian finally seemed to understand. “Oh, fuck, Seth, I didn’t mean—”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just finish up in there,” Seth said on his way out.


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