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Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)

Page 5

by Kay, Amanda

  Kai’s eyes flicked back towards Tai with a smirk laced on his face. “We’ll meet again, sweet Tai.” He blew a kiss in Tai’s direction and snaked away.

  Bethany and Tai stared at each other for a moment. “Afternoon, Bethany. Perfect timing. She flashed Bethany a smile.

  “Yeah, Raiden would’ve beat the shit out of him if he had been the one meeting you here,” she responded walking towards Tai.

  “I should probably call Raiden, let him know what happened, but I think he was going to a meeting with his dad.” Bethany shook her head because she knew it didn’t matter. Raiden needed to know what happened.

  “Won’t matter he’ll answer if you call, and you’re right, he needs to know. She sat on the blanket Tai was now sitting on.

  “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll talk after. I want to ask you a few things anyways,” Tai replied pulling out her phone. “Yeah, playboy. Umm…ummm…” Bethany winked at her so she would stop stalling.

  “While waiting for Bethany, Kai showed up.” Tai stopped and Bethany suspected Raiden was about to lose it. “No, but he did run his hand down my back. I think he was trying to intimidate me.” Bethany knew Lukas that was exactly what he was doing. “Yes.”

  Tai turned to Bethany, “He wants us to go back to the house.”

  “Can we be left alone?” Bethany needed to talk with Tai she didn’t want Raiden interrupting.

  “Yeah, he said he’d leave us alone.” Bethany nodded in reply. “Okay Raiden, we’re going to the house.” The call ended and Bethany and Tai walked to their cars.


  “Jordan!” the manager snapped as Jordan dropped his third plate of the shift. He wasn’t having a good day at all. His nerves were shattered. Bethany was going to ask Tai what had broken them up and if that wasn’t enough to shatter his nerves, Raiden still hadn’t proposed to Tai. Bethany was being cautious with her heart and pulling away from him. He had been sleeping in her bed for about two weeks before she started pulling away. All Jordan wanted was a chance to love her. A chance to show her how much she deserved. He got it though. Since she was sixteen she had been committed to someone without being committed to him.

  “Sorry, sir, a lot on my mind,” Jordan replied picking up the broken plate.

  “Son, I see how you look at Miss Donald. Hell, I see how she looks at you. Mr. Wyrick is smitten with Miss Coretti, it’ll all work out.” Jordan smiled at his observation.

  “I know that, but I also know that my demons are being revealed today.” His boss nodded and turned to walk away. Jordan sighed as he finished picking up the broken dishes.

  “Pull yourself together, Jordan,” he mumbled to himself.

  “Give it up. She won’t admit it, but everyone knows she wants in Raiden’s pants. Must suck to want something you don’t deserve.” Jordan glared up at the female voice. Gloria Keller, Kai’s little puppet.

  “You don’t have one fucking clue, Gloria. Maybe you should mind your own damn business and continue to fuck Lukas. He’s all you deserve,” Jordan hissed before returning to the kitchen.


  She followed Tai back to the house and was nervous the whole time. Did she really want this information? She did, but she was scared. She liked Jordan. No, she loved him. She hadn’t admitted that to anyone. Hell, she was barely admitting it to herself, it was why she had pulled back from him a bit these last few weeks. With Raiden stalling on the proposal, she had no choice, she couldn’t afford to get crushed.

  On the back porch, Tai finally broke the silence. “Bethany, what’s wrong?” she asked.

  Bethany sighed, “I want to ask you about everything that happened with Jordan, but then I worry that makes me a shitty friend for making you relive it when I know it hurt you deeply.” That was the first she thought of that as she said those words. Did it make her a shitty friend?

  “I’ll tell you, but don’t judge him on this. If you like him, give him a chance.” At Tai’s words Jordan’s words came back to her. ‘There are two sides to every story, baby.’ Both Bethany and Tai drifted to thought, but Tai was still lost when Bethany came from her head.

  “You still here, Tai?” Bethany finally asked.

  “Yeah, sorry. I was thinking about something I have to do later.

  What’s your first question?” Tai quickly refocusing on Bethany.

  “Tell me about the day of the breakup. Raiden said there were a lot of things stacked against you that day.” Tai simply nodded at her words.

  “You could say that,” Tai replied with a low chuckle. “I was called to my parents’ house and informed that after twenty-five years of marriage, they were divorcing. I was stunned and heart broken, because I always felt like their marriage was pretty close to perfect, and I wanted a marriage like theirs. That night I was excited, because Jordan was coming over and we were going out. I figured he could take my mind off the divorce but…” she paused and Bethany was worried it would be too painful, but the pause was only briefly. “But when he arrived, I knew something was wrong. That was when he said we shouldn’t get married in four months. I was confused so I asked if he wanted to postpone and he said no he didn’t think we should get married at all. I asked who the other woman was, and he denied it, but I just knew there was one.” Bethany was stunned by Tai’s omission that she knew Jordan had cheated on her. It bothered Bethany to think that sweet Jordan could have cheated on sweet Tai. On the outside looking in, she was sure they seemed like the perfect couple.

  Tai continued, “When I thought things couldn’t get worse he asked for the ring back.” Wow, why the hell would he request that? “I threw it at him and told him to get the fuck out.” That made Bethany chuckle. She didn’t blame Tai at all for that one she would’ve done the same thing.

  “I would’ve done the same thing,” she smiled.

  “Yeah, things got much worse after I was here,” Tai paused and Bethany could see the pain in her eyes. This part clearly still bothered her.

  “Jordan called me not happy about my leaving and proceeded to call me gorgeous and baby.” Bethany couldn’t help but stare, perplexed at Tai.

  “Why is that bad?” she questioned. Tai laughed.

  “It wasn’t bad, it was just odd he had never called me that or beautiful, or even pretty. To Jordan, I was Tai and I was adorable and cute.” Bethany suddenly felt bad. Jordan had been calling her beautiful from that first day, and today he called her baby. Tai was indeed gorgeous so this didn’t really make sense to Bethany.

  “Oh, umm…Jordan told me I was beautiful yesterday and today when he was leaving he called me baby.” Tai didn’t need to know that Jordan called her beautiful all the time.

  Tai smiled at her, but she didn’t know why, “It’s okay, Bethany. I realized a while ago I wasn’t Jordan’s ‘one’, but I believe you are.” Bethany wanted that more than anything, but she couldn’t allow it yet.

  “Anyhow, the next morning my mom called. When I left for here we weren’t speaking, because she thought I was giving up on Jordan too easily.” Bethany was wondering when Tai’s mom would enter the picture. She knew she played an important role in the story, especially with the amount of times she had called Jordan.

  “What she said only devastated me more. She was rambling on about how Jordan called and told her I cussed him out and hung up on him. I didn’t deny it because I had and I didn’t regret it.” Bethany appreciated where Tai was coming from there, she wouldn’t have regretted that either, yet she wanted to like Jordan and she was afraid Tai was about to drop the biggest bomb.

  “Then she started talking about how she and Jordan made their mistakes.” Bethany felt her eyes widen at Tai’s words. Tai had said she suspected Jordan was cheating, but her mother. REALLY? Tai chuckled and Bethany assumed it was because her mouth was hanging open.

  “Oh my God, how do I date someone capable of that?” Bethany screeched.

  “Bethany, remember your promise. Give him a chance. He can be the most amazing guy in the world for the r
ight woman, I know this. I firmly, with all my heart, believe you could be that girl.” Bethany had seen how sweet Jordan could be, but she was in shock with Tai’s words so she shook her head. “No, Bethany, trust me. Trust him, and most importantly, trust yourself.” Bethany pondered Tai’s words and watched a smile spread across Tai’s face.

  “You’re right, Tai; I avoided relationships for so long because I never thought Raiden would settle down. I swear he’s pickier than a woman. I didn’t want to put my heart out there only to have it crushed, because I had an obligation to fill.” She had done that once already and Kai Lukas crushed her. “One that no longer exists and now I’m terrified.” She was more than terrified of what a relationship with Jordan could bring, and she couldn’t be crushed again because it would ruin her.

  “I can appreciate not wanting to put your heart out there. I wasn’t going to give Raiden the time of day, because I was scared too. But in a matter of hours he had convinced me somehow. It was pretty surreal.” Bethany couldn’t help but laugh with Tai. Raiden, in the least, was persuasive when he wanted to be. Tai suddenly stopped laughing though and directed her attention towards the glass door. Bethany’s gaze followed and Raiden waved, flashing a smile before turning away leaving them alone as she hoped he would.

  “Hey, Bethany, what do you think he’s waiting for? He tells me all the time that he wants to marry me and I know his time is running out. I don’t understand.” Tai’s eyes focused back on Bethany when she finished talking, but Bethany didn’t have an answer for her. She had been wondering the same thing as well.

  “Been trying to figure that out myself. He doesn’t shut up about proposing and yet he hasn’t taken any action.” Bethany was confused.

  “Do you think he’s having second thoughts about us?” Shit! She hated Tai was thinking that. Raiden needed to get his ass in gear.

  Bethany felt her head start to shake before the question fully left Tai’s mouth. “No. I know for a fact that’s not it, but I’m not sure why he’s waiting, Tai. I wish I knew that answer for you, but if you want I’ll go kick his ass just for you.” Tai laughed, but Bethany was worried something was holding him back and that terrified her.


  He was waiting for her to get home. After his day at the diner he went back to the apartment and packed his things. It didn’t matter if he got to explain, he wouldn’t want to stick around if the situation was reversed. Nothing he said was going to make what happened right. He was wrong. Meredith was wrong, but he didn’t stop it and that made him…well, an asshole.

  The door opened, but he couldn’t look at his beautiful Bethany, the woman he was sure was his one and only. The woman he was sure he was about to lose before he ever had her. “You packed?” She questioned, her footsteps moving closer to him on the couch.

  “I did.” He tried to remain calm. Tried to pretend like he wasn’t about to lose his heart.

  “Why?” she asked as she said next to him. Her hand coming to his knee. Damn that felt good, no great, no fucking amazing.

  “Is my explanation going to make a difference?” he questioned back, laying his head back on the couch staring at the ceiling.

  “I made a promise to Tai, a promise to myself to listen and then make a choice. Tai told me not to judge you on this. Tai believes in us. I want to believe in us too,” she sighed.

  He looked at her and covered her hand on his knee with his own. “Where do I begin?” he asked locking his eyes with hers hoping he could find some peace in them. Hoping to find some grounding in them.

  “The beginning. Tell me about wanting to break up with her changing into proposing to her. How did that come about?” He nodded at her.

  “I respect Dale and I cared about Tai. I didn’t want to break her heart, but I knew we had fizzled out. I was hoping by ending things when I decided to would help Tai and I go back to being friends.” Bethany nodded and he continued. “I called Dale and we met for lunch. I explained my feelings and while he didn’t want to see his little girl hurt, he respected me for making the choice I was. Dragging our relationship on would only make things worse when they ended.” Jordan closed his eyes and tried to focus. Oh how he wished he had just listened to his gut.

  “What changed your mind?” she asked not backing away from him. He inhaled and gathered his thoughts.

  “Meredith,” he stated simply at first. She cocked an eyebrow and he smiled at her before scratching his head. “She heard from Dale, of course, about my plans and called to ask if we could meet for coffee the next day. I agreed, figuring she was just going to berate me for wanting to break her daughter’s heart.” Bethany nodded.

  Jordan remembered the day well. He began to tell Bethany the story… “I walked into the coffee house and found Meredith.”

  “Hi, Meredith.” Jordan greeted, taking the seat across from her. He was sure she was going to berate him for wanting to break Tai’s heart. Nothing could’ve prepared him for what she actually said.

  “Propose to my daughter.” She sounded desperate. Jordan was confused.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Meredith. I love Tai, I care about her, but our relationship isn’t going anywhere.” He tried to be firm on his decision, however, staring at Meredith he suddenly was questioning his choice.

  “My dear Jordan,” she smiled reaching across the table enclosing something in his hand. “Your relationship has stalled because you have let it. Propose and things will get better.” She patted his hand and got up to leave. Once she left, Jordan opened his hand. She had given him a ring. Jordan sighed staring at the diamond. What was he going to do now? What choice was the correct one?

  “Wow, Jordan. She gave you the ring?” she asked, he just nodded in reply. “Does Tai know that?”

  “Hell no!” Jordan shouted. “I don’t want her to know either. None of that matters. What matters is what we did, what I should’ve stopped. I didn’t stop what happened. I didn’t listen to that burning inside of me that told me to break up with Tai, and honestly Tai knows all she needs to know. I’m grateful she’s putting up with me and willing to try to become friends again.” Bethany smiled at him.

  “Are you still leaving?” she asked turning to look at his things by the door.

  “Do you want me to?” She looked back at him and shook her head.

  “Good, I don’t want to leave,” he whispered, pulling her into his lap.

  “How did the affair start?” she asked, resting her head on his shoulder. He sighed as he relived that first night.

  He was alone. Tai was working, relatively speaking he was happy, but his proposal was somewhat forced. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to marry Tai, but he was assured that they were meant to be, so he proposed. A knock at the door interrupted his trip to the buried depths of his heart as he searched for answers.

  “Meredith?” What was Tai’s mom doing there? She had been visiting him a lot. They’ve been having a ton of conversations, ones that led him to use the ring she gave him and propose to her daughter, but now he was confused.

  “Up for some company?” She winked and slowly untied her long trench coat revealing that she was wearing nothing.

  Jordan blinked back his surprise as she entered his apartment. He was being pushed towards his bedroom. He tried to protest, but had no words. “I want you, Jordan, for one night. Before you commit to my daughter.” Jordan gulped. Was she being for real? But he didn’t stop her and willingly he fell into bed with his fiancée’s mother.

  “Fuck!” he hissed.

  “What Jordan? Tell me, Hun, what’s wrong?” She smiled sweetly. Jordan scrubbed his hands over his face.

  “What are we doing, Meredith? You wanted me to propose to Tai, I did and now this?” He was confused how he allowed for this. Sex with Tai’s mother, he was a moron, a fucking moron.

  “It’s okay, Jordan, Tai won’t know. I know you love her, but she’ll be busy with wedding stuff. I can keep you warm till your wedding.” He was shocked, but he didn’t protest.
He kissed her and for the second time that night had sex with Meredith Coretti, his fiancée’s mother.

  “That’s how it started,” he finished.

  “That’s low. I can’t believe she did that to her own daughter.” Bethany’s voice raised.

  “Not her. What we did. I was at fault as well. I should’ve stopped it and didn’t.”

  “You’ve blamed yourself for the whole thing, haven’t you?” Jordan just shrugged.

  “Why did you ask for the ring back?” she questioned.

  “I shouldn’t have, especially the way I did. I knew Tai was hurting. I just couldn’t risk her finding out where it came from. I gave it back to Meredith the next day, and that’s when I found out about the divorce. If I had known Tai just found out, I wouldn’t have done it then, but I just couldn’t go on pretending like we were destined for this fairy tale wedding and marriage.” He closed his eyes, guilt grabbing a hold of him again. Guilt he still held on to as a reminder of mistakes he would never repeat.

  “I understand,” she said standing up and walking towards his stuff.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, amused.

  “Moving you back in.” She winked wheeling his suitcase towards his room. Before standing, Jordan exhaled in relief. He wasn’t being kicked out, that was a plus. He shot up from the couch and raced towards where she had paused with his bag.

  “Sleep in with me tonight?” he whispered in her ear. She just nodded in reply.


  While she disagreed with what Jordan did, she didn’t see that man before her. Instead, she saw a man full of guilt desperately trying to right the wrong. “Jordan,” she whispered as he laid next her in his bed.

  “Hmmm…” he responded.

  “I understand.” She felt his lips touch her shoulder. The relief pouring off of him. Jordan had learned from the past. Jordan was trying and she needed to try as well. “I’ll try, Jordan. I just need a little more time,” she whispered as she began to doze off in his arms.


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