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Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)

Page 9

by Kay, Amanda

  “Well, I could use a full time receptionist.” She winked. “I’ve tried to get Bethany to leave the diner, but she doesn’t want to.” She frowned.

  “I’ll take it!” Jordan jumped at the chance.

  “Great, just call the diner tomorrow, or hell just tell Bethany when you get home.” Jordan laughed. Bethany was the assistant manager. He finished his coffee and desperately was ready to get back to Bethany.

  “Take care of her,” Grace added.

  “Always. Thank you.” She nodded as she walked him to the front door and let him out.


  She woke up to her phone ringing and Jordan gone. Where did he go? She remembered him saying he would be back, but she had no clue where he had gone to. She looked at her phone, ‘Tai calling.’

  “Hey, Tai,” she answered rubbing her face to wake up.

  “Did I wake you?” Tai questioned.

  “Kind of, but I should get up anyways.” She laughed.

  “Sorry about that. I was hoping we could talk a minute.” Uh-Oh Bethany thought. This was going to be a Jordan talk.

  “Tai, if this is about Jordan, I just need time.” Tai sighed at her words.

  “Bethany, I know he’d give you anything, but if you ever need to talk about it I wanted you to know I was here.” Bethany smiled.

  “So am I going to be Maid of Honor?” Bethany asked, changing the subject she knew Tai was there when she needed her. She also knew Jordan would listen to her as well. He was great.

  “You know it.” Tai laughed not pressing the ‘Jordan’ subject. Right then, Jordan walked into the apartment.

  “Got to go, Tai.” She clicked the phone off. Tai would understand that Jordan had walked in.

  He closed the apartment door and leaned against it. She couldn’t read him and that worried her. “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi,” he replied, crossing his arms in front of him.

  She swallowed, “Where did you go?” she asked.

  “I needed to ask your mom something.” Her eyes widened.

  “What was that?” she questioned.

  “I needed to know if I could work at the clinic.” She shifted on the couch so she could face him comfortably.

  “You have a job, you want two?” He shook his head. “I’m confused.”

  “Me too,” he replied.

  “Are you mad about what I told you?” He fiercely shook his head.

  He took a step forward, and then another before stopping at the arm of the couch. “Bethany, I love you. I know you know this.” She nodded. “I also know I promised to never push and that means creating space when needed.” She swallowed and he continued. “I love being with you, but my fall is complete. We have a stretch of twelve shifts coming up together and half of them doubles.”

  “Yes,” she replied cautiously.

  He sat down on the couch in front of her and took her hands in his. “You need time. I can give you time, but in order to do that I have to put some space between us. I love living here, but working with you as well is just too hard. I need to take a step back.” She understood completely. It probably was best they didn’t work together. She shouldn’t have taken him there for a job, but she didn’t have another idea at the time.

  “Superman, I’ll work on it.” She felt a tear fall from her eye. He quickly wiped it away with his thumb.

  “I understand. I want you to take your time. I would be crushed if you jumped in before you were ready and then shoved me away. I’m here, Bethany, really I am.” He kissed her cheek and stood up. Walking towards the hall bathroom and closing himself in it. She sighed for a few reasons. One, she wanted him. Two, she was scared. And three, she knew she was damn lucky he was putting up with her indecisiveness.


  He was sitting in the bathroom. He had said what he needed to say, but now he just needed distance. He wasn’t going anywhere. He loved her, but he was going to do things right this time. To do that, he had to step back and let her come to him. He stared at his phone he wanted to make a call. Now that he was actually in Aishan, Jordan hoped he would answer.

  “Hello, Jordan,” he answered plainly.

  “Hello, sir.” Jordan replied.

  “I’m not sure what you want to talk about, but I got your apology.” Jordan sighed.

  “I’m glad and I’m not sure what to say either. Guess I just needed your voice.” While Jordan was close with his mom his dad was a different story. Dale was always good to him and reminded him of the father he wanted.

  Dale sighed, “Tai said I didn’t have to be nice, but I don’t have a choice.” Jordan laughed a little.

  “Tell me about this friend of Raiden’s.” Jordan smiled at Dale’s words. This was what he needed, but he figured it would be a long shot.

  “I cared about Tai, but I never knew what true love was till I saw the way Raiden looked at her. I didn’t think I would ever find that, and then I walked into the diner and she was at their table smiling and laughing. She was beautiful and I was sunk immediately. I got it then.” Jordan explained.

  “Good for you. Are you treating her right?” Jordan thought about the question and the answer. Was he?

  “I’m trying to, but things are complicated right now. I’m giving her time. She knows how I feel though and I don’t plan on letting her forget.” Jordan answered honestly.

  “Jordan, I have to know if Meredith is still calling you,” Dale stated.

  “She was for a while but I haven’t heard from her since the last time we spoke and I hung up on her for her suggestion.” Shit! He shouldn’t have mentioned that she had a suggestion.

  “What suggestion?” Jordan sighed. He had no choice but to answer the question now.

  “She wanted to know why I was giving up on Tai. Why I was just letting another man have her. I told her I didn’t love Tai. I care about her, and I love her just not like that. She said to think about what we could have if you and Tai married.” He heard Dale gasp. “I couldn’t even respond, Dale, I just hung up. She called back five times before giving up.”

  “Okay, very good. I’m going to get back to my daughter,” Dale responded.

  “Yes, of course, sir. Thank you. And I’m sorry.”

  “I know,” he responded before hanging up the phone. Jordan stared at the phone for a minute finally feeling like that part of his life was now settled.


  She had to work and Jordan hadn’t left the bathroom. She wanted to say goodbye, but she needed to let him be. He was sunk, she knew that. She was being selfish, but she just wasn’t ready to release her heart. She arrived at work and groaned when she checked the schedule. Great, she had to work with Gloria Keller for the five hours.

  She was preparing the tables in her section when Gloria walked in on the arm of Kai Lukas. What the hell was he doing?

  Kai glanced at her. “Bye,” he said before kissing Gloria on the lips.

  “Bye, Lukas. See you later?” She asked in a cooing voice.

  He winked, “You know I’ll be waiting.” Holy shit! What the fuck was that?

  Kai stepped out of the diner and Gloria headed towards the back, a smile laced on her face. Kai Lukas and Gloria Keller, didn’t make any sense. His father would kill him if he was doing more with her than using her as a toy in the game.

  She escaped to the bathroom and called Raiden. She got his voicemail, which she expected with Dale in town. “It’s urgent, call me when you can,” she said quickly hanging up the phone she exited the bathroom and started working. An hour into work and her phone started ringing. She had to make this quick. She escaped out the backdoor and answered.

  “Bethany, what’s up?’ he asked immediately.

  “Gloria.” Okay, so it wasn’t much but she needed to make this quick.

  “What about her?” he questioned.

  “She’s ummm…” She looked around to make sure she was still alone. “Kai’s bringing her to work still.” She heard him sigh.

  “This isn�
�t good if Kai is still using her this isn’t good at all.” She sighed this time because he was right.

  “Ear to the ground, Bethany. If Kai still has tricks, I need to know them. He’s not taking Tai or Aishan from me.” Raiden growled in her ear, but she understood.

  “For sure, Raiden. Got to get back to work.” She ended the call and shoved the phone in her pocket as she opened the back door and slammed into Gloria.

  “Talking to your boyfriend?” she questioned with a hiss.

  “No, Raiden had a question.” Gloria rolled her eyes as Bethany tried to push past her.

  “He doesn’t love you. He chose her.” She seethed. Did she think Bethany really cared about that?

  “I’m happy for him. Looking forward to being Tai’s Maid of Honor.” Gloria’s eyes widened and Bethany finally got past, not allowing her to respond.


  Jordan had walked into the clinic, it was the first day he was working for Grace. “Morning, Jordan.” she said as he entered.

  “Good morning.” He smiled.

  “Well, just need you to check in patients. It’s not a terribly busy day, which is good.” He nodded and walked behind the reception desk. This felt weird. He thought about Bethany. She didn’t have to work today, so when he left, she was asleep. He did peek in on her though; she was angel. A beautiful sleeping angel. Jordan thought about this decision. They would have less time together now.

  “Something wrong?” Grace questioned.

  “No.” She pursed her lips at his response, but his cell phone ringing stopped the moment.

  “Answer it,” she said as she walked towards the back.

  “Hello,” he answered.

  “Hey, dude, up for some lunch later.” Raiden spoke.

  “Sure, I guess.” Jordan answered. The door chimed and a patient walked in. “I’ll see you later. Got to go.” He hung up to greet the patient.

  It wasn’t hard to spot Raiden. He was, of course, in his usual booth, and by the looks of it, annoyed that Bethany wasn’t working today. Gloria Keller was the waitress so he didn’t blame him at all for the annoyed expression on his face.

  “Dude, thanks for meeting with me,” Raiden said extending his hand to Jordan as he approached.

  He took it, “Of course, what do I owe this meeting to?” Jordan asked as he took a seat in the booth across from Raiden.

  “Well, I was wondering if you’d be my best man.” Shit! That wasn’t what Jordan was expecting. Raiden and him had become friends, but still, his best man, really?

  “You want me to be your best man?” Jordan asked still shocked. Raiden grew amused.

  “That is what I asked, man, hard of hearing?” Jordan glared, but he knew Raiden meant no harm. They had been closer since he ended up behind Kai’s car the morning Kai took her. Jordan didn’t like thinking about the moment. He cared about Tai and he hated seeing her in that pain.

  “Raiden, I would love to be your best man.” He was truly honored, but how would Tai feel. He knew she didn’t have feelings for him, and she seemed to move past what had happened between them, but still. “I need to ask how Tai feels about it though.” Raiden looked like he understood why Jordan needed this answer.

  “She’s fine, although we both always assumed my dad would be, but with his health, I’m just not sure.” Jordan nodded. Lee was the logical choice. Dale next but he would be walking down the aisle with Tai. Jordan had one more piece to say, he needed Raiden to know where his heart was at.

  “I get it. I care about Tai. I regret how things ended, but not that they ended. Tai’s right, we just weren’t ever meant to be.” Raiden nodded this time.

  “How are things with Bethany?” Raiden asked.

  “Good days and bad days. I love her, and I know she feels the same way. Her head just hasn’t caught up with her heart. I’m stepping back a little giving us both some space.” Raiden cocked an eyebrow.

  “How are you doing that?” he questioned, taking a sip of his water.

  “I quit working here, for starters. Grace gave me a job.” Raiden’s eyes widened and Jordan could read him perfectly. “Stop it, asshole. It’s not like that. I’m not like that anymore. Bethany, she’s my world.” Raiden smiled.

  Jordan gave him a small smile back and his thoughts went to Bethany. He just wanted her happy, he could accept one day if that wasn’t with him, but right now she was his.


  He walked through the apartment door. “Hey Beth,” he spoke as he walked towards his room and then into the bathroom. She heard the shower start and she sighed. Had things really gotten that bad? Was he avoiding her for some reason? Before she could talk herself out of it, she walked into the bathroom. She didn’t knock so it was good he was already in the shower.

  “Superman, are you mad at me?” She breathed out. He poked his head out from the shower and shook his head. He returned to the shower. She closed her eyes she was losing him. NO! DAMN IT! She would not lose him. She undressed and stepped in behind him.

  His body tensed instantly. She ran her hand down his wet back and he leaned his head against the shower wall. “What are you doing, baby?” he asked, his voice ragged.

  “You’re ignoring me. I don’t like it.” She sobbed. She wasn’t mad at him; she was sad.

  “I’m not ignoring you, beautiful.” He turned to face her, his eyes traveled down her now wet body. He swallowed hard.

  “I like when you call me baby and beautiful,” she whispered, reaching up with a hand to caress his cheek.

  He grabbed her hand to stop her motion, “What are you doing, Bethany? You wanted time. I’m trying to give it to you, but you aren’t making things easy on me.” She stepped away from him against the back shower wall at his words.

  “I don’t want to lose you.” She cried placing her face in her hands.

  His hands wrapped around her wrists and her hands were being pulled from her face. She gazed up at him. There was love and passion in his eyes. “Beautiful, I’m not going anywhere, but I’m sunk.” He paused. “Space is my way of guarding my heart a little. However, I deserve to get crushed.”

  “No you don’t, you’ve been amazing, Superman.” She said before pressing a kiss to lips.


  He had her wet body pushed up against the shower wall. When she leaned into kiss him he took advantage of the moment. He was hard. He needed her. They needed to stop. He pulled back and his eyes locked with hers as they both tried to catch their breath.

  “What?” she panted.

  He didn’t answer her he stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel he wrapped it around her dripping wet body. He carried her into her bedroom, but remained silent through it all. He was gathering his thoughts. Did he want her? Hell Yeah! Did she really want this? He wasn’t sure. He sat her on the bed and stared at her giving her a small frown.

  “Why are you frowning?” she asked, breaking their silence.

  He sat down next to her on the bed. He was still nude and her eyes traveled over his body. It only served to make him harder, something he wasn’t hiding from her. Something he couldn’t hide from her at the moment.

  “Baby, you really want this?” he asked. She gave him a seductive smile and reached to undo the towel. It fell to the bed and Jordan didn’t wait for an answer before pushing her to her back on the bed.

  He leaned into her his mouth almost touching hers. “I’ll be right back,” he breathed. He got off the bed and walked across the hall. He reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. He was a guy and he had hoped she would eventually get here.

  He walked back in the room and she was up on her elbows. He moved towards the bed and dropped the wrapped condom on it before crawling next to her. “We don’t have to, beautiful. I can wait,” he stated.

  “I want this. I need this,” she breathed.

  He covered her mouth with his and she met every movement he made. He reached towards where he had dropped the condom without breaking their kiss until h
e had the wrapper in his hand.

  “Can I?” she asked, reaching for the hand he had the condom in.

  He swallowed hard and nodded as he allowed her to take the condom from him. She slowly unwrapped it and then just stared at it. “What’s wrong, baby?” he panted.

  “I just realized I’ve never done this. Kai…ummm…” She stopped short.

  “Here,” he said taking her hand in his. “Like this.” He guided moving her hand till the condom made contact with the head of his cock. “Roll it down.” He spoke gently and with her eyes locked on him she followed his instruction. Her hand felt good. No, great. No, fucking amazing. “Ah…” he moaned out.

  “Is that right?” she questioned.

  “It’s fucking perfect, baby.” He smiled closing his mouth over hers once again. He positioned his body over hers and slowly pushed inside. He felt her moan in his mouth as he began to move inside of her. Slowly at first, remembering that while she was not a virgin, she hadn’t had sex in a long time.

  Her body started moving with his and his rhythm picked up. She finally shoved at his chest breaking their kiss. He stared down at her as she panted in pleasure. “Shit, Superman,” she breathed as her body contracted around him. He pumped into her three more times before finding his own release.

  He collapsed on her body lightly and muttered into her neck. “Never been that good, baby.” Her nails traveled up his back and she sighed.

  He rolled off her disconnecting their bodies. “Jordan,” she gulped.

  “Yes,” he responded, the concern laced on his face.

  “Can I have till after the wedding?” she asked.

  He smiled, “Is that what you need?” he questioned back.

  “Yes, please.” She swallowed.

  “I can give you that, but Beth this can’t happen again.” She nodded and frowned. “No, don’t frown.” He quickly said running his thumb along her cheek. “I loved it. It was wonderful, I just don’t want…” He didn’t know how to put it.

  “You don’t want to give me any more of your heart.” He shook his head.


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