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Abraxis Complex 3: Abraxis Code

Page 5

by Ben Winston

"You don't believe this 'Commander' is capable of protecting the planet? It sounded like he has a plan, did he share it with you?" Wilma asked.

  "Other than a little martial arts, he's had no other real training at all. He does have a group of pretty talented people working with him and he obviously has some natural ability as a pilot and as a leader. However, I can't believe he should be allowed to do this without our control and guidance. Personally, I don't think he should be involved at all; he's a civilian," Gerry replied.

  "As for his plan, it involves allying himself with other races in our sector of space. These races apparently have their own 'Ranger Teams' but little else in the form of defenses at all. It seems to be the norm to rely solely on these Rangers for their protection. I just can't understand how three small fighter craft could protect an entire planet; that just isn't realistic.

  "His plan was to secure your assistance in getting trading items in order to enlist the aid of these other races. One of which is in danger of starvation because of a planetary ecological disaster. He wanted to give them a large quantity of soybeans and teach them how to grow them in underground hydroponics facilities.

  "That race would build the needed facilities for this alliance all over the sector. Another race, as their part of the agreement would provide transportation of the goods. There is more to the plan, as well as other races involved, but that's all he told me about. He doesn't even have diplomats to negotiate these treaties, he is going to do it himself," Gerry finished.

  "It sounds like he has a half-baked plan that will leave us completely dependent on these other races. Then again, we know nothing about them. Damn it!" the President said, slapping her desk. "We need more information that only he can give us, and we can't trust him!"

  "Oh, I think you can trust him, Madam President. He hasn't lied yet and I don't believe he knowingly will; he just isn't the type. However, he does have two of my best operatives working with him and I know for a fact they are capable of some serious shit. If you combine that with the fact that he does have an advanced AI, well, let's just say there is no end to the damage he could do if he set his mind to it," Gerry asked.

  "How do you think he'll proceed?" Wilma asked.

  "He'll try to approach the UN to secure the needed assistance. That will start a huge firestorm of shit for us. Foreign intelligence agencies will be climbing out of the woodwork trying to get this technology. I imagine we will even see fights break out over this. Consider what North Korea will do when they discover we have advanced technology in our grasp?"

  Prometheus Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  After listening to the President and the Director for a few minutes, Greg left through the open patio doors since he had landed his hypersled in the rose garden.

  He walked out to see several men trying to move the sled onto the bed of a truck they had backed up. He had gravity-locked the sled, which meant that the only way they could have moved it would be if they had been able to turn off the planet's gravity. Of course, they didn't know that, and it was pretty fun watching them try to move it.

  There were quite a few armed Marines around as well. Greg knew that if he revealed himself someone was going to get shot. He remotely activated the engines and raised the shields, which snapped the cables and chains being used to attempt to move the ship. The agents working on the ship all backed away quickly but the Marines moved in, raising their weapons and scanning the area closely.

  When the canopy opened the Marines almost shit themselves. One of the brave men used the butt of his rifle to see if the shield was still up. Still cloaked, Greg slipped between two of the guards; the shield recognized him and allowed him to pass through. He climbed into the small ship and closed the canopy. When he did that, the cloak expanded to surround the ship making it disappear right before the men's eyes.

  Well, at least none of the Marines started shooting. He lifted out of the rose garden being careful not to wreck the boom of the crane they had brought in, and slowly flew away from the White House.

  "Control, this is Ranger One returning to base," Greg called.

  "Understood, Ranger One, Lots of traffic in your area, suggest you go above it. Vector nine-zero degrees to the black for return. Call before descent. How'd it go?"

  "Nine-zero to three-hundred K, proceeding. You called it Jarad; Wilma was a bitch. But it's worse than we thought; we are now a priority target for the United States Government. We need to accelerate Exodus. Prepare the base for relocation," Greg replied. "I'm kinda pissed, can we talk more when I get back, that way I have time to cool off before I get there."

  "Understood and good thinking. See you soon."

  By the time he landed, Greg was in much better humor. When the elevator finished lowering, he saw Jarad, Sharon, and his team waiting for him.

  He had no more than got out of the sled and off the elevator than the sled was whisked off to its work bay. Mandi must have another software update for the computers.

  "You know, I've had about as much politics as I think I can stomach for this life time!" Greg said by way of greeting.

  "She didn't listen huh?" Amanda asked.

  Greg shook his head. "Whiteshield didn't prepare her at all. She didn't even know about Mederos. So, it looks like it is time for Plan B."

  "Can you remind me what Plan B was?" Jarad asked.

  "It was Plan A before I messed up and decided to try to talk to the President. We relocate to the moon and go directly to the people," Greg said.

  "What about the U.N.?" Bella asked. "Shouldn't we try to get them to help?"

  Greg shook his head. "No, while I was eavesdropping on Whiteshield and the Prez, I learned something I hadn't thought of, but I'm sure Jarad and Sharon probably had. Two words: North Korea."

  "What about them?" Jolene asked.

  "If our existence becomes public through the U.N., there is a good chance that North Korea would go nuclear and I mean that literally, not figuratively. They would start tossing nukes at South Korea and Japan. China doesn't have as much control over them as they believe they do. When we go public, there is a chance they will use it as an excuse to nuke the South anyway, and there really isn't much any one can do about it. They've been shooting off their mouths for years and threatening everyone who even looks at them wrong. Of course, they blame every problem they have on the United States. So far, China has been able to keep them under control, but that whole line of North Korean leadership has been totally insane for years," Jarad said, while Sharon nodded her agreement.

  Greg sighed. "Sometimes I wonder how we have lasted as long as we have. We have all these insane assholes running countries with nuclear weapons. I mean, look at India and Pakistan? How long have they been at each other’s throats? How about Israel and all the Islamic nations, Lybia, Cuba… The list is unending. How did all these insane people get in power?"

  "It's just the way it works Greg. Each of those leaders, at one point in time or another, offered the people of that nation something they believed they really needed, or one of their ancestors did. Once they put one of these crazy revolutionaries in power, then they have to live with it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't." Sharon explained.

  Bella snorted. "Name one time it worked out!"

  Jarad grinned. "The Treaty of Paris, 1783. The Colonial forces of the Unites States of America successfully rebelled against English rule."

  Bella blushed. "Okay, point taken. I had something a little more modern in mind."

  "Not all revolutions and rebellions escalate into wars. Sometimes, popular opinion is enough to overthrow a government. There is a very good chance the United States is getting close to something like that, if you believe some of the political analysts out there. The fall of the Iron Curtain is good example of that. The former Soviet Union simply collapsed under its own weight without a shot ever being fired," Jarad explained.

  "We're getting off topic
here," Greg said. "How is Exodus coming?"

  "Sharon will be taking another load up later tonight. So far, the people that have moved are very pleased with the accommodations," Jarad began.

  "I have three more loads scheduled and that should cover us for people until we begin recruiting. We rented a closed distribution center outside of Grand Junction, Colorado, two days ago. I had the cooks get together and build a list of foodstuffs for the moon base and placed the order. The first load should be ready just in time for the cargo shuttle being built in silo three.

  "We're going to need a couple more shuttle pilots, at least in the short run. Since we'll have a total of five loads of groceries and all the equipment we have here. If we abandon the night only runs, we can be completely moved to the moon in a week."

  Greg nodded. "I'll make some calls to try to get our skies cleared. That'll mean you’re going to get shot at, but the shields should keep you from being damaged."

  "It's still going to be a scary ride. You'll feel the kinetic force of the impact to some degree, but it won't hurt you. That being said, it will probably panic a load of passengers," Mandi explained. "If the fighters only use guns on you, I don't think you'll even notice."

  Greg nodded. "Okay, let's get it done. Sharon, see if you can recruit a couple of pilots from our new people. Jarad, you might want to start looking for people as well. We're all going to be growing pretty fast, so we should plan for that."

  "What about a civilian government, Greg?" Jolene asked.

  "Which one?" Greg replied.

  "The one we will need to form for our people. If we grow as fast as you are hinting at, our folks are going to want a civil authority," Jolene replied.

  Jarad nodded. "She's right, Greg. They will need their own government."

  Greg sighed. "Let's discuss this at our next meeting. I need a shower and some food."

  Prometheus Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  It took the U.S. longer to respond than Greg thought it would. Their first 'attack' was also a whole lot more subtle than he expected.

  Two days after the meeting with the President, six FBI agents arrived at the front gate of the complex demanding entry. When questioned, they replied that they were investigating the kidnapping of several individuals and families from several diverse locations.

  Greg was in his office discussing ways to get the needed supplies for trade with Sharon and Jarad when Lionel called to tell him about the FBI.

  "Sir, I have a group of FBI Agents up here demanding entrance. They claim to be investigating the alleged kidnapping of several people by our 'organization'."

  "Well, that's certainly a different approach. I was betting on a battalion of Marines," Greg replied.

  "I was too, Sir," Lionel replied. "What should I do with the Agents?"

  "Are we sure they're really FBI?" Greg asked.

  "We are still digging Sir, but so far they appear to be legitimate."

  "Escort them into the Guard Shack, Jarad and I'll be up to speak to them. Please make sure your people are armed though, just in case," Greg replied.

  "Are you sure that's a good idea, Sir? What do we do if they try to arrest you?" Lionel asked.

  "They have no legal reason to arrest anyone. No one has been kidnapped. If they follow the rules, all we need to do is either give the agents a ride to the moon to question the residents, or bring everyone back down here so they can see them to make sure no one has been kidnapped," Greg explained.

  "So what will you do?"

  Greg grinned. "Ask Sharon to get ready for a flight to the moon of course. They will have to surrender their projectile weapons, but I don't see why we can't answer their questions."

  "The best known secret?" Lionel asked.

  "This isn't going to be a secret much longer, Captain. Get the agents some coffee, treat them with respect, we'll be right up." Greg finished.

  "Will do, Commander."

  "So, what was that all about?" Jarad asked as Greg hung up the phone.

  "The FBI has come a callin'. It seems they believe we are involved in the abduction and kidnapping of several citizens," Greg replied.

  "Ahh, so you want me to take them up so they can speak with the alleged victims themselves; smart. But are we certain they are indeed from the FBI?" Sharon asked.

  "That's still being checked out. Please get ready to take them up. I'll arrange a guard detail for you so they can't simply hijack you," Greg replied.

  Sharon nodded and stood. "I'll get the passenger shuttle ready, and warn the crew. Do I warn Beth and Carla?"

  Greg nodded. "Yeah, but just for a scan, we don't want them to bring anything up with them. No injections or treatments. If someone can't go, then they won't."

  Greg and Jarad had also stood. Outside the door, Sharon turned towards the hangar while Greg and Jarad made for the main lift to the surface.

  "How are you going to handle their weapons? You know they won't surrender them," Jarad replied.

  "Don't they carry tasers, too?" Greg asked.

  "The FBI normally doesn't carry those. Local police and Marshals do, but not the FBI," Jarad replied.

  "So we'll offer them an alternative, tasers or ceramic ammo," Greg replied. "They can't be so stupid as to think we'll let them get on a spaceship with equipment damaging ammo."

  "That might work, but don't hold your breath," Jarad replied as the lift arrived. "If these men think we're guilty already, then they will not trust anything supplied by us."

  When the pair arrived at the surface, they were mildly surprised to find the FBI agents questioning the Guards. Instead of interrupting, Greg and Jarad joined Lionel. "What's going on?" Jarad asked.

  "Well, I got to thinking that the kidnappings these men are here to investigate are the relatives of my people. I figured that since my folks had something to add to the investigation, I should have them speak to the agents. You did tell me to treat them with respect, Sir, I felt that meant we should cooperate as well," Lionel replied.

  Jarad chuckled. "You're a genius, Lionel."

  Lionel grinned and waved to an Agent that was just standing up from speaking to a Marine. "Commander, this is Supervisory Special Agent Dean Wilson." He turned to the man and introduced Greg. "Special Agent Wilson, this is Commander Greg Albright, the commanding officer for the installation."

  "You're awfully young Commander Albright," Wilson said as he offered his hand.

  Greg shook his hand and nodded. "I get that a lot, Supervisory Special Agent Wilson. May I introduce our head of security, Jarad Danielson?"

  The agent nodded to Jarad and shook his hand. "Mr. Danielson, I was told you are a former NSA operative, is that true?"

  Jarad nodded. "Yes I am. Since we started this project though, I have resigned my commission so as not to be caught in a conflict of interest."

  "Just what is it you folks are doing here?" the Agent asked.

  Greg chuckled. "You're not going to believe it, but we're defending Earth from a group of very hostile aliens."

  Wilson laughed. "You're right, I don't believe it. Seriously, what are you guys up to?"

  "Agent Wilson, What I told you is the absolute and utter truth. The people you are looking for, and believe we may have kidnapped, are on the moon right now. We relocated them there, with their agreement, to protect them from the machinations of certain parties that wish to take over and capture all of our advanced technology. I have made arrangements for you to travel to the moon to interview these people if you would like," Greg offered.

  "You're serious?" Wilson replied looking a bit stunned. "Okay, you've gotten me interested now, neither of you seem like kooks and the stories we're getting from the folks here all fit with what you’re telling me, but aliens? Really?"

  "Agent Wilson, I swear to you that I have not and will not lie to you. If there is something you ask that I cannot or will not answer, I will tell you," Greg said looking the man
in the eye to impart how serious he was. "Our mission is exactly what we told you and if you so wish it, we will provide transportation for you and your men to our lunar facility so you may question the individuals you believe have been kidnapped. If I may see a list, there is a good chance a few of them might actually still be here."

  "I'll get you a copy, but I first have to ask, are you or anyone under your employ or control holding anyone here against their will?" the Agent asked.

  "No Sir. We have made certain that everyone so far involved in this project is taking part of their own accord and free from coercion on our part," Greg replied still looking the agent in the eye.

  The agent narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean 'on your part'? Did someone else coerce these people?"

  "To my knowledge, not directly. However, most of the people we have relocated to the lunar facility believed that they had little choice in the matter since they felt they would be in danger if they remained here. For example, Lieutenant Emma Mayes is Captain Washington's second in command. Since the Lieutenant chose to work with us, her family felt that they were in danger from unspecified agencies that would use them as leverage in order to either convince us to surrender our technology, or to force the Lieutenant to cooperate in infiltrating our group. By their request, they asked to be relocated for their own protection," Greg explained.

  "You're talking about the government, aren't you?" Agent Wilson replied. "You're one of those conspiracy nuts that think our government kidnaps people and forces backyard inventors to surrender their inventions."

  "Agent Wilson, you know who I used to work for; I can tell you beyond a doubt that is exactly what would have happened to them. We are not talking about a hydrogen engine illegally confiscated in order to prevent its release. We are talking about advanced weapons technology, advanced space flight technology, advanced medical technology, everything you can think of that would completely destroy our world in a matter of months if it was misused or abused.

  "These people have valid reasons to believe they were in danger. I know that for a fact, because I've been ordered to do exactly that on behalf of our government in the past. I refused and was punished for it. In fact I was almost killed because of it," Jarad explained.


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