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Abraxis Complex 3: Abraxis Code

Page 8

by Ben Winston

  One of the ATF guys stepped forward. "We have information that says you are doing weapons research here. Military weapons research. We have also been informed that you have armed aircraft on the premises. The private ownership of this type of weapon is restricted to the government and governmentally authorized contractors.

  "We have no aircraft here, Agent. We do have spacecraft as you recently saw one land. Nothing on any of our craft here is considered a weapon according to U.S. law. We have been very careful in what we do here, Agent. As I told the President of the United States in the meeting we had just a few days ago, we are engaged in the over-all protection of the planet from external threats.

  "We have broken no laws and have even gone out of our way to comply with those laws. We did refuse to surrender any of our advanced technology to the federal government, as we refuse to allow any single country to control what we are doing here.

  "We would like to work with the United Nations in this undertaking, but have been blocked by the United States at each attempt. We also believe that even if an agreement with that august body could be reached certain foreign governments would use our existence as justification to make war on nations. So we have undertaken this effort ourselves and have asked for volunteers through our website. We will welcome volunteers from all countries regardless of political affiliations. Any and all research, which includes any weapons research we are undertaking, has been relocated to a place not under the jurisdiction of any terrestrial governing body. The only things going on here are spacecraft maintenance and as an embarkation point for those who wish to join us," Greg explained.

  "Are you denying that you have nuclear weapons?" One of the OHS guys asked.

  "That's not what I said, Sir. I said we do not have weapons as defined by U.S. law. You know as well as I do that any twelve-year-old with sufficient intellect can build a nuclear bomb in his garage. What we have is very different from that, and far more stable than even the crude warheads your government uses. The difference with us is we will never use them against the people of this world - the same cannot be said of your government," Greg replied. "Look guys, all the legal mumbo-jumbo aside; you are not getting in here as anything other than as a potential candidate for emigration. We would even relocate our fighter craft but that would mean we would have a slower response time if there was an emergency here and that would leave the planet open to attack."

  "Attacked by whom, Son? We are not at war with any non-terrestrial groups. You want to dispense with all the legal stuff fine, here it is in a nutshell; you have admitted that you have, in your possession, weapons of mass destruction that are not controlled by the federal government. You also have other, more exotic weapons that we know little about. If you profess to be working in the public interest then we demand to know what kinds of weapons you have and we demand that governmental controls be placed on those weapons to ensure you won't change your mind and use them against us. We don't know you from Adam; how are we supposed to trust you? As a people we have elected officials that have created the framework to handle this stuff. Who gave you the right to take it upon yourself to use those weapons you've built against other races you might find out there and get us into a war we didn't choose?"

  "Most of what you said is valid, Sir. Trust me here; I don't want this job. So you ask, why haven't I surrendered this stuff to the United States? Because I don't trust our elected officials to use it for the purposes they were created for. Would you give a spoiled and petulant child a nuclear weapon?" Greg sighed. "Out there," he said and pointed up. "Is a very hostile Empire that would like nothing better than to come in here and enslave or destroy this entire planet. Whether you believe me or not doesn't make the threat less real. I will not allow any of this equipment or the destructive technologies to be controlled by any government on this planet, as they would only use it for their own interests. As far as what control we have, every person on this planet that has access to a computer has a say in what we do and how we do it. Yes, we took this upon ourselves because we believed we had the duty to all the people of this planet to protect them not only from the aliens that now threaten us, but also against the corrupt and irresponsible actions of fairly elected officials. We will continue to do the best job we can to protect everyone, whether they like it or not. You are more than welcome to sit out here until hell freezes over, Supervisory Special Agent Handley. But the facts are the facts, just because someone in power disagrees with them doesn't change them. Good day, Sir." Greg finished and walked back through the closing gate. He stopped and turned back around as the gate finished closing. He put his hand to his ear to show he was using a communicator. "Control, active the shield. Seal the base."

  "Wait, there has to be a way…" Handley began.

  "With all respect, Sir, as long as your government insists on harassing us just so they can get their hands on our equipment, we have nothing to discuss. However, I will comply with one of your demands. Keep an eye on the web site, you'll get the information you asked for at the same time as the rest of the planet."

  "We've isolated and blocked your server, Son. No one's going to see anything," the Agent said.

  Greg laughed. "We have an AI, do you really think you can isolate or block anything?"

  Prometheus Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  The United States Government did indeed continue the siege on the compound while also waging a publicity campaign against them in the media. However, the fact that Greg and his people kept everything they did out in the public, and they even went so far as to place several live 'Web Cams' in the public areas of the moon base, which did much to counter the obvious half-truths and attempts at misunderstanding the mainstream news was trying to circulate.

  The siege of Prometheus Base didn't even slow down the recruiting of people by the now self-proclaimed 'Terran Defense Initiative' or simply TDI. Greg ordered that shuttles would pick up folks at either their homes or nearby if a group was being recruited together.

  Several 'applicants' had to be rejected because they had been plants by the government to get people into the organization or up to the base. Of course, all recruiting trips to the surface of the planet were broadcast over the Internet as well. Although most people asked for their identities to be hidden in the event they ever wished to return to the planet.

  All the hype on the Internet created by TDI's website and the character assassination attempts by the media did get the attention of the rest of the planet. Most other countries felt the same way as the United States did; that they should have exclusive control over the resources of TDI.

  Several times during a recruitment pick up, a Special Operations Team was poised to assault and capture the shuttle. Each time, the shuttle’s sensors detected them and stunned the team in order to pick up the people they were sent to retrieve. The shuttle remained in place until the stunned team regained consciousness. It had become an item of great entertainment that the shuttle pilot would break into the team's communications in order to apologize and make sure everyone was okay. However after the first attempt in the United States, this type of attack only occurred in other countries.

  After a month of sitting outside the base, the government agents finally packed up and left. Nothing was said about it in the media and it seemed that the U.S. was hoping the country would simply forget about the whole thing.

  A week after the siege ended, Mandi reported to Greg that all the hard lines to the outside world had been cut. Both the power and the phones had been cut in an attempt to isolate the base from the outside world. The action did not have an impact to the base since they hadn't been using either of those systems to begin with, but it did get Jared a little excited.

  "Greg, please come to the Command Center. I just ordered the reactivation of the base’s defenses. I also advised Lionel to get everyone in armor and on alert."

  "What? Why?" Greg asked.

"We can expect a strike team to hit us any minute now. That's why they pulled the agents out of here, they didn't want them in the way," Jarad replied.

  It had been late evening when Mandi called to tell him about the utilities being disconnected. Greg had been getting ready to turn in for the night. "I'll be right there, but are you sure?"

  Jarad chuckled in reply. "I'm positive now, there are six helicopters heading for us very low and very fast. None of them have their marker lights on."

  "I'm on my way," Greg replied as he pulled on a pair of coveralls.

  When Greg arrived at the Control Center, Jarad was on the radio. "Whisky Foxtrot Four-Niner, this is Prometheus Base. We are tracking you approaching our base in a hostile manner. State your intentions or we will be forced to fire on you."

  "How many choppers?" Greg asked quietly.

  "Six, usually it would be half that. It seems they are getting serious about trying to take this base away from us," Jarad replied

  "What are you going to do if they don't reply?" Greg asked.

  "The helicopters are a ruse. Our scanners tell us there’s no one aboard any of them," Jarad replied. “Our ground sensors show several armed men approaching the base from three different directions. That’s the real attack. As far as the helo’s are concerned, I was going to see if Abraxis could override their control signals and simply land them.”

  Greg nodded. "That sounds like a good plan, but what about the folks on the ground? Are we broadcasting this?" he nodded toward the camera.

  Jarad nodded. "Yep, we're live. The whole damn world knows what’s going on here. As for the soldiers, with the shield up, why do we have to do anything? I was just trying to call them so they wouldn’t crash the helicopters into the shield; those things are expensive."

  Greg looked up at the Camera. "Folks, there are six American built, but as yet unidentified, helicopters heading for this base at high speed. They are very low to the ground and are flying without their navigation lights or transponders. We believe them to be unmanned and meant as a distraction. Currently, the base's defense systems are active which means the shield is also active. If they hit our shield at their current speed, it will destroy the craft. So, we’’re going to try to take control of these aircraft in order to prevent their destruction. We will then simply have them land outside the base.

  There is also what appears to be three assault teams approaching the base.” Greg shrugged. “Our shield is active and if they fire their weapons, there is a good chance they will injure themselves from the bullets rebounding off. We are trying to contact them to warn them of this fact, but so far they have not replied to our calls.”

  Jarad had continued to try to raise the aircraft. "Whiskey Foxtrot, you are in danger of hitting our defensive shield with your aircraft, please alter their course to prevent their destruction."

  A voice was finally heard over the radio. "Whiskey Foxtrot to all units, proceed on mission. Prometheus Base, surrender now. Put down your weapons and deactivate your shield or we will kill you. This is your only warning."

  "On whose authority are you ordering us to surrender? Who do you represent?" Jarad replied. "We wouldn't surrender to federal agents so why would you think we would surrender to a force we don't know? You know as well as I do that the only way you are getting in here is if we shut down our shield. That's not going to happen. You guys can sit outside the shield and do whatever you want, but I am warning you that if you fire your weapons into the shield, there is a good chance you will be injured or killed."

  "You know who we represent, Danielson! Now surrender and put an end to this stupid charade or we will make you surrender!" came the hostile reply.

  Jarad just shook his head. "Some people just have no common sense." He rekeyed the mic, “Whisky Foxtrot, no, I don’t know who you represent simply because there are too many choices to make a decent guess! But honestly, none of us in here want to see any of your people get hurt trying to force us to obey your will. Just keep that in mind if you continue to think you can force us to do anything.”

  “If any of my men are hurt it’ll be on your head!” came the reply.

  “How do you figure that? If I gave you a glass of poison, and told you not to drink or it’ll kill you, who’s the idiot if you take a drink? Me for warning you? Fine, if you don’’t want to know that the shield surrounding this base is reactive and will repel your bullets I won’t tell you, but I think maybe your men would like to know. It’ll be just like shooting a concrete wall only worse. In this case the bullets won’t slow down, just change direction. It is after all, a deflection shield!”

  “Buddy, you’ve been watching too many SciFi reruns! We can’t see it, it isn’t there!” was the reply.

  “Oh, is that all it’ll take to convince you? I can do that,” Jarad replied and typed in a command on his keyboard. “I made the shield visible, but still transparent. They wouldn’t see it in daylight,” he said to Greg who nodded.

  “Whisky Foxtrot, how is that? Can you see it now?” Jarad asked.

  “Pretty lights, Danielson. But it still doesn’t mean it’ll stop a bullet!” the man replied.

  While Jarad was dealing with the assault team, Greg moved to another console and worked with Abraxis to get control of the helicopters. “How’s it going Abraxis? Can you lock on to the frequency they’re using?”

  “Yes Commander, the delay is in decoding the signal. I’ll have control shortly. Where would you like them to land?” Abraxis asked.

  “Put them right here,” Greg said, outlining an area on one of the monitors. “Near the road so they can get to them easily.””

  Greg watched as the ‘attacking’ helicopters suddenly slowed down and changed course. “Well done, Abraxis! Thank you.”

  Rural Shermandale, Utah

  Prometheus Base

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  "Surface Guard to Control, we have several men attacking on the south side of the compound," Lionel called and the video feed came up on one of the monitors.

  "Understood, Captain. The attack on the south side is also most likely just a distraction. The main attack will hit the front of the complex, near the gate," Jarad replied. "The force we are facing is a single unit made up of three special operations teams. Currently, we are not sure of their origin. Just remember, as long as the shield is up, there shouldn't be a problem. Just keep your eyes open in case they find a way through it."

  "Understood, Sir, will do," Lionel replied. "They sure seem to want in here badly."

  "We have something they want very badly, Captain; knowledge of advanced technology. They still don't realize they could have all the benefits of it simply by working with us instead of trying to stab everyone else in the back to increase their own power," Greg replied.

  "Do you really think going to the U.N. would trigger a war? I mean now that we’ve gone public, won’t those countries you mentioned still do the same thing?" Lionel asked. He knew they were playing to an audience.

  "They might, Captain. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do to prevent their insane rulers from launching their nuclear weapons. We’ll do what we can to prevent it, but the bottom line is, we are not part of any nation. If they chose to use us as a reason to start world war three, they would be no different than any other blackmailing criminal on the planet.

  "I really don't get it; why aren't people willing to work together, instead of having to have complete control over everything? That’s why I’m fed up with the whole government thing and have moved most of us to the moon and began dealing directly with the people. Abraxis tells me that is what most of the people visiting our site have suggested also," Greg replied.

  "Whoop! That other attack is starting up, I better get over there. I'd like to hear more about this later, Commander, if you have the time," Lionel said.

  "We will, if I decide to move us, I'll have a meeting beforehand so we can all discuss it, good luck up there, Captain," Greg replied.
He looked up at the camera again. "It's getting pretty late here and I was intending to go to bed when this bit of fun started. I'll try to get a full report of this incident to you folks tomorrow. As things are right now, it looks like working with you folks directly really is the best way to go."

  Greg turned back to his father. "How's it going up top?"

  "So far, so good. They've tried missiles and a few other explosive charges to bring the shield down, but are not having any luck. I think they're getting frustrated," Jarad said grinning.

  "Have any of them been hurt?" Greg asked.

  Jarad shook his head. "A few bruises from bullet impacts on their armor, but nothing's drawn blood yet."

  Greg nodded. "Good, I really don't want to see anybody hurt, no matter how stupid they are."

  "Actually, this was a really good plan they had. Those troops out there are doing damn good work; unfortunately, the people they work for are the real idiots. I'm actually proud of those guys," Jarad said.

  Greg nodded. "Yeah, you're right, the soldiers are not the bad guys here; they're just following orders. All the more reason none of them should get hurt!"

  "Control, Shuttle Three is entering the atmosphere. A little birdie told me there might be a problem landing?" Sharon called.

  "We’ve had a few folks show up to try to talk us into surrendering again," Jarad replied. “Proceed on current course. Surprisingly, the skies over us are clear for the time being. Gee, I wonder how that happened.”

  "Do you need me to stun any of the more excitable visitors?" Sharon called back.

  Jarad looked at Greg, who shook his head. "Isn't it getting a little cold out there for them to be sleeping on the ground unprotected?"

  "Honestly, it shouldn't hurt them at all even if it was below freezing, but I think you might be right, we shouldn't risk it." He turned back to the comm unit. "Negative, Shuttle Three. Just come on in for a landing."


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