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Abraxis Complex 3: Abraxis Code

Page 10

by Ben Winston

  "Why? What's wrong, Abraxis?" Greg asked as Mandi rushed off to find the small device.

  "One of our recruiting teams thinks they might have located another Ranger team among the group they just picked up in Australia. Initial medical scans have identified Ranger specific genetic markers in three individuals. Since it is difficult to differentiate between a Fixer and a Pilot without a more direct and thorough scan, I am unable to accurately identify the third person, however, the other two appear to be a Fighter and a Finder," Abraxis replied. ““Which is odd in that Fixer is the most common manifestation and second most common is Pilot.”

  Greg nodded his understanding, but was still in shock that there actually was a second team.

  "Perhaps we should be there as well. A second human Ranger team!" Bella said excitedly. "That's great!"

  "Any extra Rangers would be a great help to us," Greg said, "Even if they were from one of the other races."

  Bella blushed, "I didn't mean…I meant no disrespect to the other teams or races!"

  Greg chuckled. "Relax Bella, I was only teasing you!"

  "Actually, it does present an interesting theory for study; of all the races in this sector, most of which are peaceful, the most warlike of them produces two ranger teams. Does the aggressive nature of the society pose a determining factor in the creation and formation of a team?" Abraxis said thoughtfully.

  "I don't know, but like you said, it might be something for the scientists to think over once we get an Alliance formed. First things first though, let's make sure this is actually a team," Greg replied. "Uh, how do we get there?"

  Passenger Debarkation Area

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Using the comm and with a little help from Mandi, Greg and the girls made it to the receiving area before the shuttle arrived. Carl had also gotten the message and met them there.

  "What do you make of this report of the possibility of another team, Greg?" Carl asked.

  Greg grinned. "I'm excited as hell. Having another team would be a great help. It does make me wonder just how many others are out there that we simply haven't found yet."

  "The Greynus and the Harclen have already done what the Onarians are now in the process of doing; they are checking their entire population for the genetic markers of Rangers," Abraxis replied. "However, I do not know how it would be possible to undertake a similar project on your planet at this time."

  "We'd need to create a device that most everyone will want to touch, that is capable of reporting its findings but still be created from standard Earth-based technology in case one of them gets discovered," Mandi suggested. "Something like a cell phone or tablet style computer. We could also have Abraxis hack into the genetic database the United States maintains. That might be even better since most of the people in that have military training already."

  "That is not entirely accurate young lady, however, the point is still valid," a wizened older gentlemen said as he approached.

  Carl grinned. "Rangers, may I introduce our Senior Medical Officer, Doctor Hans Dahl. Doctor Dahl, it is my honor to present our primary protectors; Ranger Fighter, Commander Greg Albright." The two men shook hands, and Carl continued. "Ranger Pilot Isabella Grien and Ranger Finder Jolene Blane. Finally, this very bright young woman is Amanda Small, the chief engineer for the Ranger's equipment; she's called a Ranger Fixer. According to Abraxis, since a Ranger Fixer is a non-combatant, they are not considered part of the Ranger Team. However, Greg considers her to be part of the team simply because they couldn’t do their job without her help.”

  After shaking hands, Mandi asked. "What did you mean by not accurate, Doctor?"

  The man smiled. "The database you are referring to is the Military's advanced genetic identification database correct?"

  When Mandi nodded her confirmation, he nodded and continued. "For the most part, you are correct and it would be a good place to begin a genetic search for the profiles in question. However, I believe you will find that the database has far more than just the nation's military in it.

  "For security purposes, the database is closely guarded. However, there is a part of it that has been hidden from the general population. Unless you have a written order in your file to prevent it, a portion of every biological sample, or the data generated from it, gets added to that database along with every scrap of information known about the person providing the sample," the Doctor explained.

  "That's not creepy as hell!" Bella replied sarcastically. "Talk about 'Big Brother'!"

  "What about the person's right to privacy? Aren't we supposed to be told what is done with that information?" Jolene asked.

  "Actually, in a lot of cases, you were; it just didn't look like it at the time," Mandi said, thoughtfully. "The privacy statement the lab has you sign when you give a blood sample or if you donate blood has a clause in it that says they will share the results of your tests, in a limited capacity, with other medical research facilities. It goes on to state that none of your personal information will be given to the general public. It also says that you have the right to refuse this service and have all of your samples destroyed immediately after the initial tests have been run. You actually have to initial that part of the form granting them permission."

  Doctor Dahl nodded his agreement. "Yes, that is the place. However, most people are simply told 'Please initial here, here, and here, and sign here'. No one actually reads those forms. We are prohibited from speaking about it, as that would violate the privacy act for the tests. I would guess about sixty to eighty percent of the people that have been treated in the United States and Canada are listed in that database. I don't know about the other countries policies, but it would surprise me if most of them didn't have something similar."

  "I don’t know what resources you have yet, but would you object to performing such a search on behalf of our military, Doctor? We don't need to know anything about the people in that database, just if they are Rangers or not. That way their information is still kept medically restricted," Greg asked. "While I don't agree with the existence of the database in that form, it's there, so we might as well take advantage of it."

  "No, I don't mind. I would also like to say that I appreciate your willingness to protect those people's privacy. If I may ask, what form would you approve of such a database?" Dahl asked.

  "For the originally intended purpose; that of creating a database for the identification of soldiers. However, once a soldier is discharged, I feel that their information should be purged," Greg explained. "I could understand an argument for extending that to cover government employees and contractors in potentially dangerous positions, but again I feel it should be extremely restricted and controlled."

  "What about the locator's implanted into all the citizens living here?" Dahl asked. "Don't you feel that's a violation of their right of privacy?"

  Greg nodded. "I do, but in our case I feel it's a necessary evil. We live in a dangerous place. We have to be able to locate everyone in the event of an emergency." He shrugged. "Maybe later we can relax that policy, but for now, I'd like to see it kept in place."

  "I don't mean to interrupt," Carl began. "But there are a couple of things I'd like you to think about, Greg, so we can discuss them later. We have had a formal request sent to us from CNN and Fox News to assign an affiliate news service up here. There have also been a few requests for landing privileges by a couple of private corporations from Earth. One of them is from Virgin Galactic Passenger Service and the other is a commercial corporation looking to begin the exploitation of off-planet resources. It would seem that while the governments of the planet have no desire to assist us without taking control, the civilian and commercial sides are more than willing to work with us."

  Greg chuckled. "It's amazing isn't it? Just out of curiosity, those are civilian matters, why do you want or need my opinion on them?"

  "Security," Carl said. "I may be the guy in ch
arge up here for now, but I'll be damned if I'm going to ignore our security for the sake of business. For the time being, you and Jarad are our security people. I did forward all those requests to Jarad as well for his consideration. I let him know that we would be bringing them up for discussion at the next council meeting."

  "Ah, okay. Please send the requests to me as well, and I'll look them over. When is the next meeting?" Greg asked.

  "Three days from now. We are trying to keep them on weekends for now so it doesn't mess with people's lives very much, so our meetings are always on Fridays after the close of business for the day. We meet at Florence's Diner and talk over dinner. She agreed to provide the meals free of charge as long as we kept the place open." Carl grinned. "She's a smart lady, that one. With our meetings taking place there, it ensures that the diner is usually packed every Friday night. Not everyone gets to attend, but so far, there haven't been any issues over it. We are considering holding the meetings in the main concourse atrium so more folks can attend and still get their meals from the vendors if they wish, or they can simply bring their own."

  "I was going to ask you how that worked. Where are the restaurants and other stores getting their supplies? I'm not above helping get a business started, but I don't think people should be charged for a replicated meal," Bella asked, for once she was serious.

  "We do help the business with any start up inventory of supplies in order for them to get their doors open. However, after that initial shot, they have to secure their own source of supply on Earth. For example, Florence has an account with a restaurant supplier out of a place in upper Minnesota that allows our shuttle to land and load up at night. We did grant her the equipment she uses, but only because of the fact that it had to be specially built for use in the base. We have done the same for the other eating establishments that have decided to open their doors as well. They have agreed to pay an 'equipping tax' to us of not more than five percent of their gross profits until the price of their equipment has been repaid. After that, they're pretty much on their own," Carl explained.

  "Hey, look, the shuttle's landing!" Mandi said, interrupting the conversation.

  Medical Screening Facility

  Passenger Debarkation Area

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  When they arrived, Abraxis tested the three people identified as potential Rangers. They were Rangers although they did not form a complete team. They were two women and one male, although the male was the Fixer and the women, twins, were the Fighter and the Finder. The Fixer, one Arless Smythe and his new wife, the Finder Helen had only recently gotten married when they had been recruited. They had actually asked the recruiters to speak to Helen's twin sister, Joyce Herent, about joining them. The women were very beautiful and Greg was very taken with Joyce, much to Bella and Jolene's vexation.

  When they had been told of their genetic legacy and given the opportunity to take Ranger training, they accepted.

  "Can any of you think of someone that was very important to you that is no longer in your lives?" Abraxis asked.

  Joyce nodded sadly and answered. "Yeah, my Wally was killed a couple of years back in an auto accident. Some drunken sot pulled his lorry out in front of their car. He and his mum were killed instantly."

  "Did he seem to have the ability to never get lost? I mean, he always knew how to get somewhere easily?" Bella asked.

  "How the bloody hell did you know that?" Helen asked. "That was the reason he was with his Mum. She took him along because she was afraid she'd get turned around finding the airport."

  "It's the gift of a Pilot. Bella has it as well. He was the fourth member of your team," Greg said sadly. "I'm truly sorry for your loss."

  "Thanks, we all still miss him, but are past it for the most part. If he was the missing member of our team, what do we do for a Pilot then? As I understand it, we're going to need one, right?" Joyce asked.

  Greg nodded. "For now, one of us will have to fill in for the missing person in order for the three of you to get trained. In the meantime, we will be looking for a Pilot for you."

  "You are all clear to enter the base; however, you will need to come and see us in the medical section for your Ranger enhancements. We'll also detox you then," Doctor Dahl said to the three individuals. "Welcome to Grimaldi, Rangers."

  "It is a good thing we constructed the Ranger barracks as large as we did," Carl said grinning. "Although, we should probably look at expanding them."

  "Governor, the odds of finding yet another team on the planet are extremely low. The decision is yours of course, but I do not see the need for it'" Abraxis replied.

  "Wait a second," Greg said. "Abraxis, didn't you once tell me you suspected Sharon and Jarad of being Rangers that simply never formed a team?"

  "You are correct, Commander. Sharon is a Pilot and Jarad is a Fighter," Abraxis replied. "It is truly a shame they are too old to receive the training."

  "Abraxis, in what way are they too old?" Greg asked. "Sharon could be the missing Pilot for this new team?"

  "In type three humanoid beings; the category humans belong to, it is documented that initial ranger training places too much of a mental and physiological stress on the individual being trained after a certain physical age. Specifically, the stress of hyperspace transit must be gradually conditioned in the candidate via the simulators prior to an actual transit. In type three humanoids, it was discovered that older minds simply cannot deal with the stress of warped space. They develop non-recoverable mental aberrations that render them unsuited to performing their duties as Rangers."

  "What are you talking about? Hyperspace didn't feel any different to me than normal space does!" Bella replied.

  Jolene nodded her agreement. "If what you say is true, then how will our people be able to be freighter pilots? How will the older people travel through hyperspace?"

  "It is a condition unique to the hypersleds and the form of hyperspace propulsion they use. A freighter is much larger and uses a different, slower, form of hyperspace travel. However, I do not understand what you mean about what you experienced during your hyperjumps. Did you not experience mental stress during the transits you made?"

  Greg shook his head. "No, neither in the simulator nor during the real thing. I was excited, but other than that, nothing. Were we supposed to?"

  "Yes, actually you were. I thought your failure to mention it was simply you not wishing to appear weak in front of the girls and the girls didn't want to seem to complain about it. It is a very traumatic experience for most type three humanoids the Alliance has encountered," Abraxis explained.

  "Abraxis, with your permission, I would like to investigate this. If I may?" Doctor Dahl asked. "Would it be possible for me to review the original case files for that study? Perhaps I can find something to explain this. As for The Danielson's, they are two of the healthiest people on this base. Might I suggest placing them into a hypersled simulator while wearing appropriate monitoring equipment to see if they are affected by a simulated jump? If not, then I would recommend the same test be performed during a real jump."

  "Of course Doctor, this is most interesting and I must say I am very interested in the outcome," Abraxis replied.

  "Be that as it may, we will need a larger barracks simply for the fact of finding other isolated team members that could form a team once they arrive here. It seems to me once we bring such a group together, nature may play a hand in forming new teams," Carl explained. "That was my reasoning behind wanting to expand the barracks facility."

  "Well, I for one would like to see where we'll be living. The rest of this conversation can wait for another time, I'd like a shower before I join you for dinner, Carl," Greg said.

  "It would be good to get some rest, the shuttle picked us up in the middle of the bloody night!" Arless said.

  Chuckling at his comment, Mandi waved to the group. "Come on guys, I'll show you where you’ll be staying."
br />   Temporary Ranger Housing

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  While the area Mandi had showed them was only temporary, it had the same basic design of their original quarters at Prometheus. It had several small apartments surrounding a common area, although it was larger than their old accommodations.

  Since Greg still had some time to kill before he and the rest of his team needed to join Carl for dinner, freshly showered and clean-shaven, he sat in one of the loungers and turned on the television to see what the world was up to.

  CNN had only one small item about Prometheus. They reported that the government said law enforcement officials had been successful in forcing the terrorist-traitors to abandon the base, but reported that no arrests had been possible. They continued with a small follow up taken from the TDI website that listed the reason for the group to leave had been their concerns for the safety of the thousands of civilians that had flocked to the small town of Shermandale with hopes of joining the Terran Defense Initiative. Law enforcement officials were now interviewing those people to weed out the curious from the real potential terrorists. They reported that several arrests had already been made.

  When the talking head moved on to another story, Greg changed the channel. The damn government was so pissed that they hadn't gotten what they wanted that they were turning on the people that had shown up to support and join TDI.

  “Land of the free!” Greg snorted, talking to himself.

  He almost jumped out of his skin when someone spoke from behind him. "The idiots have to do something after the drubbing you lot gave them on the Internet. They're just trying to save face with the people by claiming some kind of victory," Joyce said.

  "Jesus! You scared me! I swear I'm gonna hang bells on all of you!" Greg countered. "What do you mean? We haven't attacked them in any way have we? I admit I haven't actually been to the website since it was built, but no one reported something like that."


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