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Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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by Bobbi Brattz

  Dr. Love Shark

  Hawaiian Triple Heat

  Stranded in Hawaii, travel agent Rae Hooper falls into the arms of Mateo Mann, AKA Dr. Love Shark, and his best friend, Dr. Piers Kaaumoana. Mateo is an infamous sex therapist who teaches people how to make the most out of the five senses, but he refuses to give his heart. Piers is Rae’s modeling partner who touches more than her emotions when they perform in front of an invisible audience while Mateo speaks, his sexy voice igniting her desires.

  It’s an impossiéble ménage where friends become foes and love becomes heartache. When their love triangle is revealed to the masses, Rae’s life is in ruins and there’s nowhere to run. Can her heart survive the heated passions of Mateo’s untamed, wild desires and Piers’s offer of love? Will the two men resolve their issues or part ways for good?

  Hawaiian Triple Heat—where sex crosses the line into love and hearts seek completion.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 85,068 words


  Dr. Love Shark

  Bobbi Brattz


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2012 by Bobbi Brattz

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-335-1

  First E-book Publication: February 2012

  Cover design by Franny Armstrong

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Let your imagination soar as women crave one man or more, where sex crosses the line into love, and ecstasy fills heart’s tender glove.

  This book is dedicated to those who love a great vacation and have the ability to move beyond boundaries.

  To my mother, who taught me to use my imagination and never accept the limits of fantasy in it.

  May you all know the love of others and share in the joy of freedom to choose.

  Bobbi Brattz

  A true brat in your imagination!


  Dr. Love Shark


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1:

  A Touch of TLC

  “Excuse me, but would you mind if I asked you a question?”

  As she turned to face the stranger in the busy airport terminal, Rae Hooper offered a gentle smile. The sweet elderly woman looked lost and confused. Since Rae was an employee of travel and tourism, she knew how to help people. It was her greatest asset. Her ex-husband constantly assured her it was her only asset as a woman.

  “I’m not sure if I can since I’m just about to leave Hawaii, but if there is anything I can do, please feel free to ask.”

  Her warm smile seemed to calm the agitated woman who stood wringing her weathered fingers together. She looked over her shoulder, drawing Rae’s eyes to the long lineup of people waiting to sign in for boarding. Suitcases and bags filled every available space on the massive tile floor in the small airport terminal.

  “Well, you see, I’ve misplaced my husband. He’s disabled, and I lost him amidst all these people. I’m not sure what to do!”

  Rae wondered why the woman was asking her instead of security or other airport personnel but decided to help. After a quick glance at her own bags, she sighed. The security guard stood a mere ten feet away. She figured she could leave her bags where they were since it would only take a minute.

  “Here, come with me,” Rae said, gently taking the woman’s thin arm, then led her through the throng of tourists. A few minutes later, the woman was on her way to meet up with her husband on the other side of the hallway. Rae walked back to her spot, frowning when she didn’t see her things.

  “Pardon me,” she said to a tall man who’d been standing behind her. “Did you see where my bags went? I only left them here for a moment.”

  “No, Miss. I wasn’t paying attention to anything but this little monster.” With a frustrated expression on his face, he nodded down at his toddler who was struggling playfully to get away.

  Rae blew out a deep breath, looking up and down the line to see if someone had shifted her belongings.


  Next, she searched up and down the row. No one had moved an inch in the line except to fill the spot where her bags had been. Everything she’d brought on the trip with her was gone, except for the clothes on her back.

  “Oh, no!” she cried. “My purse was in one of those bags with my wallet, my identification…my passport!” Panic set in as she made a beeline straight for the security guard she’d just taken the old lady to.

  “I need help!” Her heart raced as she fought to hide how upset she was. “My bags, everything, it’s all been stolen. I only left them alone to bring that woman over to talk to you, and now they’re gone. No one even saw anyone take them. What can I do?”

  The silver-haired Hawaiian man looked down at her with a shake of his head. The frown he offered told her it wasn’t the first time he’d
had to deal with tourists who were foolish enough to leave their items unattended.

  “Ma’am, please show me your passport and I’ll have you fill out some paperwork so we can ship everything back to you if we find it.”

  “But, sir, my passport was in my bags. It’s all gone! I have nothing left!” Faster and faster her heart raced until she thought she’d faint from the stress of trying to catch her breath.

  The guard gave her a disapproving stare.

  “Ma’am, without identification, you’ll have to come with me to the security office. I’ll fill out a report then we’ll contact the Canadian Consulate. Do you have a copy of your passport on you?” he asked, staring down at her tank top and pocketless shorts with a great deal of doubt in his eyes.

  When she shook her head, speechless from holding back tears and the growing lump in her throat, he sighed then continued. “Where are you from?”

  After brushing a wayward strand of hair from her eyes, she spoke through quivering lips. “Canada. Ontario, Canada.”

  “I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave Hawaii without your passport. Do you have someone at home you left a copy of the passport with who can fax it over here?”

  “No! I never even thought about doing that. I’m such an idiot. I always tell my customers to do that, but I didn’t even consider it. Oh, bloody hell, what am I going to do? I don’t have a penny on me, only the clothes on my back! I’ll have to cancel my credit cards, my driver’s license is gone, all my identification…”

  Hot tears began to roll down her cheeks, her body trembling as the reality of her situation set in.

  “Let me talk to the—”

  “Hi, Jimmy. What’s going on?”

  Rae shivered at the sound of the deep, sensual voice. She met warm chocolate brown eyes that held concern. Though the tall man appeared to be Hawaiian, he also showed a Latin look that drew her attention. With a sense that he was a man who took charge, she hoped he’d help her.

  His body was fit and lean, giving the appearance that he worked out. Obviously, a lot! There was something strangely familiar about him, but in her present state of mind, she couldn’t figure out what it was.

  “Oh, hello, Dr. Mann, welcome back. This lady had all her belongings stolen when she left them to help another lady out. I have to bring her back to the office to go through all the paperwork and try and figure out what to do with her. I’m off shift in ten minutes, too!” he grumbled, looking at his watch.

  “I’m sorry to hear you’re having such a hard day, Miss. I hope you were able to enjoy your stay on Molokai while you were here?”

  His spicy scent filled her senses as she became lost in his eyes. When he spoke in his soft accent, she could only blink in response, mesmerized by the tone of his voice. To push past the sudden lump in her throat, she forced herself to swallow hard before nodding.

  “Hey, baby, you can come and stay with me and my Missus, since we’ll be here for the next two weeks. You won’t have to pay a thing!”

  The harsh nasal words intruded like fingernails scraping on a chalkboard as Rae and the two men turned to see a leering grin on the face of an overweight, middle-aged man who ignored the fuming woman with him as she struggled with the baggage. He stood there with his thumbs tucked into his tight belt, staring at Rae’s chest.

  Rae looked up at the doctor for help, annoyed that she didn’t have the mind power available to put the rude individual in his place as she normally would.

  Eyes narrowed, Dr. Mann said easily, “That won’t be necessary, but thank you for the offer. The lady will be staying at my resort until her situation is settled.”

  At once he turned back to face Rae with a sincere smile.

  “My staff would be happy to help you in any way possible, Miss. Jimmy here will get the paperwork done, and then he’ll have my driver bring you out to the resort. I’ll see you in an hour or so.” He offered an abrupt nod then walked away.

  Rae stared after him with her jaw dropped open in shock and outrage. What a high-handed, egotistical, bossy man!

  “You can trust him, Miss, Dr. Mann is the most honourable man on the planet.”

  “Forget him,” the other man growled, taking Rae’s arm in a tight grip. “She’s coming with us!”

  “Boe, she doesn’t want to come with—”

  “Shut the hell up, Ester. Bring the bags while I bring our new roomy to the cab.”

  “Let go of my arm,” Rae snapped, stunned at not only the way he’d treated the poor woman, but how hard he’d grabbed her arm, his fingers digging into her skin.

  “You can shut up, too. Now I said come on!”

  It was impossible to stop once her ire was raised. Rae had promised herself that she’d never let anyone bully her around again after her ex had been removed from her life. The rude stranger had sparked something in her that had lain dormant for years. When the man held firm, she hauled off and belted him across his jaw with her free fist. He not only let go, but flew back, landing on his ass on the floor. His wife grinned as Rae stared down at him in surprise.

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’ve wanted to do that to him for twenty years!”

  For a second, Rae looked over at the woman in shock. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me!”

  Never had she hit someone before. The seven years of wedded misery, being browbeaten and verbally degraded constantly, had taken away more than just her self-esteem but also her ability to fight her own battles.

  “You’ll pay for that!” the man shouted, gaining his feet.

  The security guard stepped between Rae and the man, his imposing size deterring the stranger.

  “You can leave for your resort now, or I’ll have you put on the next plane back to wherever you came from. This isn’t an island where we put up with rude, ignorant troublemakers,” he snapped. Two more guards had come running as they noticed their colleague facing down the angry man.

  Face flushed red with fury, Boe snarled, “Let’s go, Ester.” As he turned to walk away, Jimmy put a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “You’re forgetting something.” Nodding to the bags Ester lugged behind her, he waited for Boe to take them.

  After shooting Rae a look that promised retribution, he grabbed the bags from his wife and left. Ester walked along behind him, winking at Jimmy in lieu of thanks.

  Finally able to release a sigh of relief, Rae turned to Jimmy.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry I lost it. I normally wouldn’t ever do something like that. I appreciate you not having me arrested.”

  Jimmy offered her his arm, chuckling.

  “I was only glad to let you have your moment in the sun, Miss. If I’d have hit him, I’d be out of a job. Sometimes it’s nice to let the tourists have it out. It saves me a lot of frustration. Now, let’s get you started on the paperwork. In the meantime, maybe you can think of someone back home who could help you with gathering some of the papers you’ll need to prove who you are.”

  Taking his arm, she smiled. “There is only person I can think of, and I’d rather kill myself before asking him for help.”

  “Ah, an ex lover?”

  “Ex-husband. He’d love it if I had to grovel at his feet. I’d rather stay here permanently than admit to him I got myself into this fix in the first place.”

  “The only way you can stay here permanently is if you marry an islander, but I’m already taken.”

  The adorable grin on his face made Rae feel better. She snapped her finger and thumb together. “Darn. The good ones are always taken!”

  “Dr. Mann is single. He’d make a fine husband.” He gave her an outrageous wink as he opened the door for her and held her chair as she sat down.

  Rae gave him a mock look of horror and shook her head with vehemence. “There’s no way I’m getting married again! After it took me two years to get rid of the last noose around my neck, I’m not about to jump into the same volcano.” She set about filling in the blanks on the document then looked up at him. “On
ce we fill out these forms, Jimmy, how long should it take to get another passport?”

  At his silence, she looked up to see his expression of concern.

  “It can take four to six weeks to replace a lost passport, and that’s assuming you have all the proper documentation.”

  Shock made her light-headed. Rae dropped the pen, her eyes filling tears.

  “Six weeks? What am I going to do? I have no money, nowhere to stay, nothing! What about my job?”

  “You do have all you need. Dr. Mann has offered you a place to stay, and he’ll take care of you. I swear it on my sweet grandmother’s grave. He’s wealthy enough to take care of an army.”

  “Oh, Jimmy! I can’t just live off him scot–free. That would be wrong.”

  Nausea clawed at her gut as she placed a hand to her forehead to still the sudden pounding there, she felt as though the ground would disappear from beneath her. After seeing her friend, Janie, off for her own flight to San Francisco two hours before her own plane was to take off, Rae figured that getting home to Ontario would be a breeze. Now she didn’t know what to say. Janie wouldn’t be home for hours yet, and the crowds at the small airport were beginning to thin out as the last flights to the mainland left.

  “I’m sorry, but we have nowhere at the airport for you to stay and I can’t take you home with me. The wife would have a fit since our eight kids keep her busy enough.”

  “Eight!” Rae shook her head, picked up the pen, and blew out a heavy breath of frustration. “Let’s get the forms started. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”


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