Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 6

by Bobbi Brattz

  “Lunch is ready,” Mateo called out.

  Snapped out of her musings, Rae turned and walked back to where he had the blanket set up, startled when a sudden wind lifted the loose dress, showing her lack of underwear. She quickly shoved the material down then shot a glance at him, but he seemed not to have noticed. Though heat burned her cheeks, she was relieved and cautiously sat down with her thighs covered, to accept a sandwich from him on a cloth napkin.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled at her. “You’re welcome. I wanted to mention, if you’d like to go swimming in the pool or get hungry at any time, feel free to help yourself. My home is yours while you’re here.”

  Unsure of why he was being so amiable, she nodded and took a bite of the meat and cheese sandwich, enjoying the tangy flavor of the spices Moki had put into it. They ate in silence for a while, enjoying the quiet together.

  “I should check with the police to see if there is any word on my belongings.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I did first thing this morning. I’m afraid you’ll just have to stay a while longer.”

  “Oh,” she murmured, averting her gaze. Curiosity finally got the better of her though. “Why is it that women fall all over themselves trying to get into bed with you anyway?”

  Sensual lips fell into a downward curve in the face of her question, followed by a look of annoyance.

  “Ouch! That wasn’t nice.”

  Suddenly realizing how the question sounded, she laughed. “I mean, other than your ego.”

  “Big ouch!” The tension broke as he chuckled. “It’s obvious. They want extremely great sex with the most handsome man on the planet, lots of money, a chance to marry someone who can give them everything”—leaning forward, he winked—“and I do mean, everything.”

  As she shook her head, he finished, “Plus, I give extremely great sex!”

  “You said that twice!”

  “I know.”

  The satisfied smirk on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows made her roll her eyes.

  “Were you born vain?”

  “Of course not, it takes a great deal of time and experience to become this good at it.”

  When she laughed in delight, he joined her. Mateo handed her a piece of pineapple, and his eyes followed her fingers as she brought it to her lips. When she bit down into it, the juice dripped onto her bosom.

  “Oh, no!” she cried, looking for the napkin.

  “Allow me,” he said his voice low as he practically purred. Pulling her into his arms, he dipped his head, his tongue licking up the delectable nectar, lingering over her soft skin.

  As though punched in the gut, she found she could barely breathe as his mouth burned a trail over her chest, sending blazing shocks through her pussy. Holding the piece of pineapple in one hand, the napkin in the other, Rae was unable to do anything else but suck in a deep breath and watch him in stunned amazement.

  Instead of letting her go, he continued to lick and nibble her tender skin, lifting his head until his lips created a hot path up the column of her neck. As his tongue caressed the rapid pulse pounding through the veins that had become so sensitive, she could hear her heart beating and wondered if he could, too. She was helpless to fight him as his mouth moved closer and closer to hers, nipping her earlobe, sliding along her jaw.

  All her senses were filled with the scent of him, masculine, spicy, tantalizing as he aroused her to a critical degree.

  Just as he was about to claim her mouth, she gasped and shoved the piece of pineapple into his mouth, pushing him away from her. When she fell backward, he followed, chuckling as he slowly chewed on the tidbit.

  “That was mean. Tell me you weren’t enjoying dessert?”

  “I don’t enjoy being pawed by a pervert.” With a hard shove that didn’t move him an inch, Rae tried to regain control of her raging hormones. The dress had fallen open, revealing her naked mound to his hungry eyes, and she realized how much she wanted him to make love to her. Angered yet afraid he’d find her as useless as her ex had, she held her breath and watched him.

  A pleased smile on his face as he watched her eyes, he picked up another piece of pineapple and slid it between her legs, running it over her wetness. With a startled gasp, she stared at him as he lifted the morsel to his lips and slid his tongue out to taste it.

  “You are delicious,” he said, popping it into his mouth.

  “You are sick!” she snapped, feeling heat flushing throughout her body as a deep tremble of need took control. “Get off me!”

  Before she could get up, he seized her mouth with his, taking command. She began to melt under him for a moment then jerked as she suddenly realized what she was doing. Picking up the plate of pineapple, she dumped it over his head, twisting her body to gain freedom when he sat up quickly with a startled expression as the juice ran into his eyes.

  “What the hell?” Wiping at his eyes with a clean napkin, he shoved the pineapple pieces off his shoulders and out of his hair, frowning at her.

  Rae stood by the cliff, shaking in reaction, mostly because of her traitorous body, but also because of his unsettling effect on her. Fear shuddered through her that he was going to vent his anger on her as she waited. The only place to run was to the cliffs behind her and down into the sea.

  Mateo sat on the blanket staring up at her with a strange expression, as though he didn’t know what to say. She’d be willing to bet that no woman had ever turned down his advances or dumped food all over his head.

  Rae jumped when his rich, full laughter bellowed out. Though his eyes streamed tears down his cheeks, she thought it was from mirth, not pineapple juice.

  “I…I’m sorry, but you…you wouldn’t let me go!” Rae accused.

  “I’m the one who’s sorry, Rae. I overstepped my bounds. Let’s get this cleaned up and head back. It’s going to rain any minute now.” Chuckling, he started throwing the food and dishes into the basket.

  Still unsure of his good humor, she remained where she was and watched while he began folding the blanket, the sudden downpour of rain making him laugh all the harder. With a gasp of shock as the chilled drops hit her heated skin, Rae raced to his side and helped him fold the blanket, pineapple tidbits and all. As he placed the sopping wet basket in the Jeep, she wondered how to close the cover.

  Mateo was bent over as though in pain, hands on his knees, his butt pressed against the door. His whole body shook. Thinking there was something wrong, she cried out, pushing the wet strands of hair from his eyes to see his face.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  Her dress was soaked, sticking close to her skin while her tresses became plastered to her curves. Unmindful of her appearance, she stood there and waited for him to respond.

  The loud snort he let go nearly made her grin as she realized that he was okay.

  “Are you trying to drown me like a rat?” she asked in a dry tone.

  He stood and swiped at his cheeks, then opened the Jeep door for her.

  “Aren’t you going to put the roof on?”

  After he sucked in a breath, a silly grin on his face, he shook his head.

  “We’re already wet. What’s the point?”

  With a firm grip, he took her arm and helped her in, leaning over to do up her seat belt. Before he stood erect, he stopped and cupped her cheeks, kissing her hard.

  Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, but Rae wondered if it was the storm of nature or the storm within her. She melted beneath his lips, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. He tasted of the sweet nectar of pineapple, and she moaned as the erotic flavor stirred her senses.

  Breasts aching and heavy as he continued his sweet assault, the rain that poured down in a steady stream did nothing to quench the heat in her pussy. Lost in the wonder of him, she didn’t fight.

  When he finally lifted his head and stared at her, she found his eyes were filled with such volcanic passion it made her gasp.

  “Let’s get you home.” His dee
p, husky tone sent a jolt of ecstasy through her that made her squirm on the seat.

  For the journey home, she remained silent while the rain continued to cleanse them both. Her nipples were so sensitive against the cotton material of her dress that it was agony to move the slightest bit, each bump in the road pure torture.

  As a flash of lightning ripped across the sky, she remembered his statement that she would fall for him just like all the other women before her and suddenly simmered with anger. He was right, and that pissed her off. With a new strength of resolve, she sat up straight in her seat and swore she wasn’t going to be like the others. Dr. “Sex Slave” would just have to find someone else. She’d do her job and pay him back for helping her out, but she wasn’t going to be another notch in his very long belt. No way!

  By the time they arrived, all she wanted to do was hide out in her room and never see him again. The second the Jeep stopped, she jumped out and raced into the house, leaving a trail of water behind her as well as his deep, throaty laughter.

  Chapter 4:

  Testing Waters

  Dinner time arrived just as the storm ended. The house was humid and hot when she entered the dining room to find him already seated. His knowing smile annoyed her, so she flopped down into the chair and refused to look at him. All afternoon her stomach flipped with nausea as she thought of the stranger she’d be meeting at dinner. Someone she’d have to be intimate with in front of an audience.

  “Did you miss me this afternoon?”

  “Hardly. You’re so full of yourself.”

  His deep chuckle didn’t help matters. As soon as he poured her a glass of wine, she took a large gulp and returned the glass to the table to hide the way her hand shook.

  “Oh, here’s our dinner guest. Come on in, Piers.”

  Turning to see who her new partner was Rae started in surprise.


  “Hello, Rae.”

  Once again, he took her hand and kissed her open palm, sending an entire flock of butterflies through her pussy. She cleared her throat and tugged her hand away.

  “You said I was going to meet my…um…partner tonight.” Her glare of accusation was met with a shrug from Mateo.

  Outraged, she leapt to her feet, the chair crashing to the floor in her haste.

  “But you’re a doctor. You…you gave me an internal. You can’t possibly be my partner!”

  “Sit down, Rae. Let me explain this to you.”

  Mateo sounded impatient for having to make everything clear to her, so she stood there with arms crossed over her chest and waited, her foot tapping on the tile floor. When his eyes dropped to her cleavage once again, she rolled her eyes and dropped her arms only to place her hands on her hips.


  The smirk she received from him at her barked command infuriated her to such a degree that sweat began to bead on her forehead as the stifling heat of the room rose with the warmth on her cheeks.

  “I said sit down!” he growled low in his throat.

  Since he refused to talk while she stood there shooting daggers at him, she bent and lifted the chair from the floor and sat down with a thump. After she lifted the wine glass again, she sucked back the rest of the contents and held back from slamming it down on the table. Piers filled it once again, giving her a mischievous grin when she frowned at him.

  “Rae, when you had your internal, Piers was in his professional mode, and now he’s not your doctor anymore, so he’s free to become your partner in the demonstration.”


  “Look, Rae, if Mateo had told you we would be partners, you wouldn’t have felt comfortable with me examining you. You are in perfect health, by the way, so we can continue our partnership.”

  “You two are the most devious, insane, despicable…”

  “Call us what you will, but you are working for me and said you would, so the deal is done. Tonight, you’ll get to know Piers better and we’ll have a dry run as to what you can expect tomorrow at the first session.”

  “The first session? Already?” Horrified, Rae lifted her glass again to quench her suddenly dry mouth. A shudder raced through her body as thoughts of Piers touching her wreaked havoc with her mind.

  “Yes. Tell us about yourself, Rae,” Piers said in a kind tone.

  “What’s to tell? I’m obviously an idiot, and I’m frigid to boot.”

  “Since neither of those statements is correct, I don’t want to hear you maligning yourself again. Do you understand me, Rae?” Mateo’s voice had hardened, his eyes filled with a frost that sent chills up her spine.

  Moki chose that moment to interrupt, to Rae’s relief, when she carried a large platter of food into the room and placed it on the table in front of them.

  “I think you will prefer a cold meal tonight as the air conditioning isn’t working. I’m sorry if it bothers you, Rae, but it happens sometimes and the repairman won’t be here until tomorrow. He’s my nephew on my sister’s side of the family. Eat up. There is plenty.”

  Tidbits of fruit, meat, and cheese filled the platter with small bowls of sauces, some she was familiar with like poi, a bland paste made from a root called taro. Once Moki left, giggling at a comment Piers made at her about her adorable dimples, Rae turned back to stare down at her plate, her appetite all of a sudden gone.

  “Here, Rae. Try this.”

  When she looked up at Piers, he held up a piece food she didn’t recognize.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s called Lau, a spicy chicken. The seaweed wrap is salty and makes it taste even better.”

  Though she reached up to take it from him, he pulled away and shook his head. “Let me feed it to you.”

  Since she hadn’t been able to get her way around either of the two stubborn men, she gave in and leaned forward to take a bite. His mouth dropped open slightly as she took his offering into her mouth and licked her lips. The spice was hotter than she expected. She chewed fast and swallowed, taking a large gulp of the wine. Her head started to spin from the amount she’d already drank so far.

  “That is hot!”

  “Sorry, I thought you’d have tried our cuisine while on your vacation. Didn’t you like it?”

  With a nod, she took another sip to ease the burn on her tongue.

  “Yes, I have tried something similar, but it wasn’t quite that hot.”

  “You see, Piers. Rae needs to learn more of our culture. Here, let me help you cool off with a piece of pineapple.”

  When Mateo picked out a morsel and held it up for her, he, too, refused to allow her to feed herself. Giving in, she took a quick bite. The juice squirted down her cleavage, making her jump as the cool liquid met her heated skin. Images of that afternoon’s interlude with Mateo caused her to pull back. This time it was Piers who leaned forward and licked it off her chest, stunning her into silence. Raw need pooled low in her belly as his tongue stirred her senses. He smelled different than Mateo, his scent sharp and spicy. Grabbing his hair in her fingers, she pulled his head away.

  His eyes were filled with desire, and that scared her even more. How could she possibly be drawn to two men at the same time? Two incredibly attractive men.

  I’m frigid, aren’t I? Is it possible it was Lance’s fault I wasn’t attracted to him all these years?

  “I’m not sorry, Rae. You are a beautiful woman, and I am drawn to you as much as Mateo is.”

  That made her laugh bitterly. Releasing his hair, she stood up and backed away.

  “Mateo has no more interest in me than he does a slug, Doctor. Goodnight.”

  Before they could stop her, she left the room at a run and locked herself behind her bedroom door. The heat had built to an incredible degree, but she wasn’t sure if it was from nature or from the two men in the dining room.

  * * * *

  Two hours later, Rae couldn’t stand it anymore. After she slid the patio door open, she stepped out and walked toward the pool. Night had settled in, millions of st
ars visible in the moonless sky above. Even the air, so fresh and sweet, seemed to call to her as she neared the water.

  With a quick look around to make sure there was no one watching, she slipped into the pool with her dress on. The cool water felt heavenly against her heated pussy, her nipples contracting as a wave of erotic need flushed through her system.

  Diving down beneath the water, she swam to the other side then back again. After her third turn, she screamed underneath the water as her head met with solid muscle. Hands reached for her and lifted her up to the surface.

  “Are you trying to kill yourself?” Mateo snarled. “Never swim alone, especially at night when no one is around.”

  Held firm against his hard body, she felt his heat, worse than an inferno, and her breasts ached from being pressed against him. With a shove to remove the hair from her eyes, she looked up at his angry face and realized he was right. People drowned all the time when swimming alone.

  “I’m sorry. I was so hot I couldn’t sleep. Let me go and I’ll return to my room.”

  “Mateo, let her swim for a while to cool down. Since we are all up now, we can keep each other company.”

  On the side of the pool, Piers stood, his glorious body encased only in a small pair of boxers. Somehow, compared to Mateo, he seemed like a knight in shining armour coming to her rescue, and she jumped on that.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I have a room of my own that Mateo lets me use when I visit. It’s better than driving all the way back to town, especially if I’ve had a couple of drinks.”

  “Oh. Well, I’ll just swim for a while and you two can do…whatever it is you want to. Oh! I mean…that is…not with me. By yourselves…or…” Flushed with embarrassment for her slip, she imagined the two of them doing whatever they wanted with her and began to shake, pulling away from Mateo as he snickered.

  “You do want me. You want both of us. Just like all the others.”


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