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Snowbound with the Biker (Holiday Encounters Book 2)

Page 9

by Lamont, Amy

He stiffened. It was a tiny movement, but as someone who spent the better part of her teen years fascinated with every nuance of his expressions, I didn’t miss the way his shoulders tensed and his jaw tightened.

  Our earlier conversation came back to me. I bit my lip as my heart squeezed. He’d let me in on some of the insecurity he’d felt all these years. My own impression of him as a player hadn’t evaporated in an instant after we’d spent the afternoon together. It would be silly to think his defensiveness would just fade away.

  But this I could do something about.

  I stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing a soft kiss on his chest before I rested my chin there to look up at him. “This could have been a miserable night stuck up here. You already made it one of the best nights of my life, but this is just amazing. Thank you.”

  His entire body relaxed into me, his arms coming around my shoulders as he smiled. “Don’t thank me yet. You might not feel too grateful once you see the dinner I managed to put together.”

  I giggled. “I remember the contents of the cabinets. I’m pretty sure whatever you made, I’ll be happy you worked me out so thoroughly before we sat down to eat.”

  His eyes went dark at my words and the intensity of his look had me holding my breath.

  “Don’t worry, babe, I intend to give you a workout after dinner, too.”

  Oh, boy. Every nerve ending in my body sat up and did a happy dance.

  He kissed me hard and fast, and then pulled me over to the comfy nest he’d made in front of the fire. “But I’ll let you eat first. You’ll need the energy.”

  At his wicked grin, I almost begged him to skip dinner all together. But I managed to keep my hormones under control. For the most part.


  I woke to sunlight streaming in through the gauzy curtains in the cabin’s front windows and the sound of a ringing phone. But considering I woke up naked with my cheek on Hunter’s chest, my arm around his bare middle, and his arms holding me close, I couldn’t bring myself to care too much about either thing. I moved my gaze over to see the fire had all but died out overnight.

  “Babe, that’s the second time your phone rang in the last ten minutes. You think someone’s worried about you?”

  Dear. Lord. Hunter’s gravelly morning voice needed to come with a warning. Despite the workout he’d given me last night after our dinner of mac and cheese and potato chips washed down with ice-cold beer, parts of me jumped up and took notice of the way he sounded. The way his skin felt under my palm. The way his hand skimmed up and down over my bare back, though he hadn’t opened his eyes yet.

  I didn’t think I’d have any energy left after last night. There wasn’t one spot left on my body that Hunter hadn’t explored with his hands, mouth and tongue. I’d done my equal share of touching, fondling and tasting. I had felt like a kid let loose in a candy store. I’d had everything I’d ever wanted at my fingertips. And I definitely wasn’t ready for reality to come barging in.

  But when my phone started ringing for a third time, I had to admit that it seemed like reality had other plans.

  With a groan, I pulled myself out of Hunter’s arms and watched as he snuggled down under the covers, throwing the arm that had been around me over his eyes. A soft smile claimed my mouth. He looked so young right now. Closer to the boy I first met years ago than he had in a long time.

  My phone’s insistent ringing started again. I scooped Hunter’s t-shirt from the spot where it had been discarded last night and quickly wiggled into it. I jumped up and grabbed my coat from over the back of the chair and dug in the pocket for my phone.

  The ringing stopped just as I swiped my finger over the face of it. I scrolled through to see who kept calling.

  Crap. My dad.

  I sank down into the chair with a deep sigh and pushed my hair out of eyes.

  “Problem, princess?”

  I glanced up to find Hunter had flipped over onto his belly. He braced himself on his elbows and looked at me with concern.

  “I guess you could say that.” I held up my phone and gave it a little shake. “Looks like my dad’s the one trying to get a hold of me.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And that’s a problem?”

  “Not so much a problem. Just…” I shook my head. “He and my mom split up, I guess. I haven’t talked to him yet.”

  “Really? Does your brother know?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t think so. My mom said she talked to Logan over New Year’s, but she hadn’t left Dad yet.”

  “Your mom left your dad?” It would be tough to miss the surprise in his voice.

  “Apparently.” My tone was flat. I hadn’t even begun to process how I felt about my parents’ marriage. But the phone that started ringing again in my hand told me I was about to have to give it a try.

  I hit “accept” with my thumb and put the phone to my ear. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Oh, Katelyn, thank God. Where have you been?” My dad’s stern voice came through the phone.

  “I just woke up.” Geez.

  “It’s after nine o’clock in the morning.”

  I rolled my eyes at his shocked tone. My dad had pretty strict rules about some things. I guess under duress I’d have to admit that on a normal day, I enjoyed getting up and getting my day started early.

  My eyes strayed over to where Hunter still laid under the covers, his eyes pinned to me. If my normal days included Hunter Lawson, I’d probably be more than willing to change that habit.

  “I had a long day yesterday, Dad.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I winced. Shit. Shit. Shit. Pretty sure my dad’s day yesterday was way longer than mine.

  A sigh came through the line. “I don’t know if you’re aware of it or not, Katelyn, but yesterday…” His voice trailed off, but I could hear him struggling to regain his composure.

  “Dad,” I said softly as I looked down at my lap, “I know about you and mom.”

  “Your-your mother told you what she was planning?”

  “The first I heard about it was when Mom called me yesterday at work.” I gripped the phone tighter, trying to hold on to my own composure.

  A rustling brought my head up. Hunter sat up on the pile of blankets we’d used as a bed last night, a red wool throw covering his lap, but leaving the rest of him bare.

  I dropped my head again, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. The last thing I needed to do while I tried to comfort my dad was stare at an all but naked Hunter.

  “Well, she told me yesterday morning before I left for work. She has some crazy idea about going back to college. I told her we could talk about it when I got home, but by the time I got home she’d packed her bags and left. I don’t even know where she went. Do you know where she is?”

  I’d never felt so torn in my life. My back went up at his words when he talked about her idea as if it were some silly whim. But at the way his voice cracked when he asked where she went, my heart just broke for him.

  “Oh, Daddy, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But why do you think the idea of Mom going back to school is crazy?”

  “I worked so hard all these years. I wanted to provide for you kids, but I also wanted to save so when you two grew up, your mother and I would be able to retire and really enjoy our lives. Maybe travel. See the world.” A gusty sigh came through the phone. “Why should she have to go back to school and plan on working so hard? Did she tell you she wants to be a nurse? That’s not an easy job. And look at how hard she’s always worked taking care of all of us.”

  My heart melted in my chest. “Dad, did you explain it to Mom like that?”

  “What do you mean? Of course, I told her it wasn’t a good idea.”

  I rolled my eyes. Men. They could be so thick sometimes. “Da-ad. Did you tell her your plans for retirement? And that you didn’t want her to feel like she had to work so hard? And that you appreciated everything she’s done for you all these years?”

  “Well, not in so man
y words.”

  “I think that’s where you need to start.” I allowed myself a quick glance up at Hunter. His eyes were still on me, and my heart started thudding hard against my chest.

  “You think your mother might be willing to come back to me?”

  “I honestly don’t know. This surprised me as much as it did you.” I shook my head. “But I don’t think you should give up. I think you need to tell her the reasons you didn’t want her to go to school.”

  “You think it’ll help?”

  I pressed my lips together at hearing his defeated tone, fighting off tears of my own. I loved both my parents. I could understand my mom’s frustration, but it really sounded like my dad’s heart was in the right place.

  “It can’t hurt, Dad,” I whispered.

  “But I don’t even know where she is.”

  “I’m sure she’s fine. I’ll call her later and see if she’d be open to talking to you. Are you at work?”

  “No. I just couldn’t bring myself to go in today.”

  My heart squeezed painfully. “I’m not at home right now. I came up to the Catskills with…” My gaze flew to Hunter and struggled to finish that sentence.

  Chances are my parents would be horrified if they heard the first time I saw him in years, I fell into bed with him in a few hours. It was like all their worst fears come true. I didn’t think my dad needed my brutal honesty on top of everything else he was dealing with right now. “I came up here with a friend yesterday, and we got stuck at their cabin because of some snow.”

  At my words, Hunter abruptly pushed up, turned his back on me, and reached for his jeans.

  Seemed a shame to cover that view.

  I turned my attention back to my conversation. As I wrapped things up with my dad, promising him I’d call later, Hunter tugged on his jeans and stalked to the front door.

  I blew out a breath as I disconnected the call. I decided to shake it off. I’d be heartbroken if my parents couldn’t work things out. But right now there was hope. And since there was hope for my parents, I was going to hold out hope that whatever this was between Hunter and I was more than just a one-night thing. And just in case it wasn’t, I planned to make the most of the time I had left in our little escape from reality.

  I dropped my phone on the table and hurried after Hunter. He stood in the open front door, arms crossed over his chest. I eased up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaving a trail of kisses from one shoulder to the other.

  “Good morning.” I nuzzled my face into his back.

  After a few seconds, it registered he wasn’t responding to my touches. He continued to hold himself rigid.

  Shit, shit, shit. He regretted our night together. Or at least, he wasn’t interested in anything beyond our night together. And here I stood, throwing myself at him.


  But before I could react to the thought, his body relaxed back into me. I blew out a sigh of relief as he unfolded his arms, and lifted one to tuck me under his shoulder, his arm holding me to his side.

  “Snow stopped, babe.” He pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

  I burrowed into his side. Though the temperature seemed to have gone back up to yesterday’s unseasonable warmth, it was still pretty damn cold when Hunter’s t-shirt was my only protection.

  Still, I wouldn’t give this moment up for the world. I snuggled in closer. “Do you think it’ll melt enough that we can get down the mountain on your bike?”

  “We don’t need to take the Harley, babe. My—”

  His words were cut off by my ringing phone.

  Ugh. Is it too much to ask for a little peace my first morning after with the man of my dreams? I pressed a quick kiss to Hunter’s chest before reluctantly easing out of his arms to grab my phone.

  “Hello.” My voice may have come out a little grumpier than usual.

  “Well, good morning to you, too, Sunshine. I guess you’re alive and well if you’re answering your phone.”

  My shoulders drooped and once again I sank into the overstuffed chair. “Sorry. Hectic morning.”

  “Oh, really? The kind of hectic morning that might win a bet?”

  “Emma.” I couldn’t help the screech. “You’re starting to sound like Paige. I don’t know if all this bet stuff is good for you.”

  “I don’t think it’s the bet. I think Nate’s been rubbing off on me,” she said with a giggle.

  “Sounds like things are going well between you two.” I couldn’t help my silly grin. At New Year’s I’d been worried Emma was about to get her heart broken. Hearing her giggling over spending time with Nate came as a relief.

  “Well, I’m still not sure exactly where we stand. But he got back into town a few days ago, and we’ve spent every night together since.”

  Her soft tone said more about her feelings for Nate than any words ever could. All I could do was hope that the man had the same soft feelings about my friend.

  “But enough about me,” Emma said, breaking into my thoughts. “I want to know where you’ve been since yesterday afternoon.”

  My eyes flew up to find Hunter standing by the window, his shoulder to the wall. He had the curtain lifted so he could see outside, but his gaze was trained on me. Seeing him standing there in nothing but his jeans, sent a surge of an emotion so powerful through me, I couldn’t catch my breath. Being here with him…I still felt like I would wake up any second and the dream would end.

  “Katelyn,” Emma called, impatience lacing her voice.

  “Sorry.” I couldn’t take my eyes off Hunter as I continued to speak. “My mom called me at the office yesterday to tell me she was leaving my dad.”

  “What?” Emma shrieked in my ear.

  I winced. “Believe me. I know. But I talked to my dad this morning. I’m hoping it’s all just a misunderstanding and once he starts actually communicating with my mom, things will work out.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I hope so. I can’t even imagine your parents apart from each other.”

  “I know. I don’t even think it’s all sunk in yet. Hopefully by the time I actually have a chance to process it all, they’ll have patched things up.”

  “Okay. But all that still doesn’t explain where you disappeared to for the last day.”

  “Well, my morning had already been bad. My boss was being more of a dick than usual and my mom’s call sort of pushed me over the edge.” I shook my head remembering yesterday morning. “Let’s just say I decided to take a mental health day.”

  “I don’t blame you. But that still doesn’t tell me where you went.”

  I bit my lip and debated how much to tell her. My friends knew how I felt about Hunter. And Emma, of all of them, would be beside herself with happiness if I even hinted that I spent the night with him.

  But part of me wanted to hug it to me and keep it just for myself for a little while. If more than just a one-night stand came of this, then I’d tell my friends and let them share my excitement. And if it turned out Hunter didn’t have any intention of seeing me after today…

  My heart squeezed painfully at the thought and my eyes followed him as he moved over to our makeshift bed in front of the fireplace. I’d be beyond heartbroken if things didn’t go any farther than this with Hunter. And I’d need my friends to help me heal and move on.

  But for right now, this moment, I decided I wanted to keep it to myself.

  “I ran into an old school friend after I left work yesterday. We had a drink and when the snow started, I decided to stay at his place.”

  Not a total lie. Hunter had been a senior our freshman year of high school. So he was technically a friend from school. And we’d had beer with dinner last night.

  “His place?” Emma asked, her voice going up several octaves.

  I rolled my eyes. And as I did I caught sight of Hunter, standing near the fireplace, his eyes once again on me. But this time they were steely, an odd look in them. As I watched, he bent and continued to fold up the bedding, his m
ovements quick and no nonsense. A feeling of unease washed through me.

  “So any chance you’re now in the running to win our bet?”

  I shook off the weird feeling I got about Hunter, and decided to give Emma a crumb. “Oh, I think you can safely say I’m going to give Jade and Paige a run for their money when it comes to winning our little bet.”

  Emma squealed, and Hunter stood abruptly and stomped into the bathroom. There was no shaking off the sense of dread descending on me this time. Something had pissed him off.

  I made a quick excuse to end the call with Emma.

  “Okay,” she said, “I’ll let you go. But when you get home, I want details.”

  “I promise,” I said, and we disconnected.

  I wanted to go after Hunter, but I realized it was already past time for me to be at work and I’d never called in.

  I thumbed through my contacts and dialed our human resources department. I gave the same excuse I had for leaving early yesterday, telling them a family emergency would keep me from work.

  As I ended the call, a pile of clothing hit me.

  “Get dressed, Katelyn.”

  I stared at Hunter’s cold expression for a long moment. His face was granite. Something hard and hot and leaden sunk to the bottom of my stomach.

  “What’s wrong?”

  His eyes shifted over me, giving away not one flicker of emotion. “Just get your clothes on.”

  I’d spent the last twelve hours with this man completely naked or covered only by his shirt. Not for more than a few tiny seconds had I felt self-conscious. But standing in front of him now, I felt more naked than I’d ever been. Something had changed between us, and I had no idea if he was going to let me in on it.

  Tears pricked my eyes, and I bent my head to the task of gathering up my pants and sweater to keep him from seeing them. I hurried into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and then leaning back against it, hugging my clothes as I fought off tears. What if this was it? What if he just took me back to the train station and dropped me off without ever explaining his change in mood?

  No. I straightened up and walked over to the vanity. I stared at myself and decided he didn’t get to choose to do that. I squared my shoulders and pushed my hair off my face. I wasn’t sweet, kind Katelyn anymore. Leaving her behind meant I got to finally, finally spend a night with Hunter.


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