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Hard As Steel

Page 21

by McKinley May

  Rayne takes a huge bite of the cheesy pie, closing her eyes as she moans contently. “Yum. Nothing hits the spot like greasy, cheap pizza and soda when you're starving.”

  “Switch out soda for beer and I'm right there with you.”

  “Only thing that could make this better is if it had pineapple on it.”

  She winks and I grimace in disgust.

  “Please don't remind me about your one fatal flaw, babe. I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.”

  She snorts and continues eating, savoring that pizza like she doesn't give a damn who's watching. Her hair’s a staticky, frizzy mess, all pulled into a wild side-ponytail, her baseball tee’s hanging loose off one shoulder, and she’s got a huge red scrape on her forearm from diving to win one of the obstacles, and yep, there’s no doubt about it. This sporty, down-to-earth, natural beauty is my freaking dream girl.

  “What are you doing next Saturday?” I blurt out.

  She rakes her bottom teeth across her lip as she mentally checks her schedule. “I think I'm free. Why?”

  “We're having our annual mid-season barbecue at the Treehouse. It's a small party with the team, just a way to blow off steam and do something that doesn't revolve around soccer for once. I want you to come.”

  She tugs at a loose strand of hair. “Wouldn't it be a little weird if I showed up at your team event?”

  I laugh. “It's for the team and their girlfriends. Coach Hanson grills out, and your favorite cook Erika always brings a bunch of side dishes.”

  She perks up, no doubt remembering the dish she had the first time she came to the Treehouse. “Oh, well, in that case—” she stops abruptly, cheeks going red. “Wait, did you say girlfriends?”

  “Yeah, I did,” I say, unwavering in the label.

  “Girlfriend…” A small, delighted smile pops on her face. “I like that.”

  “I told you I'm all in with us, babe. Feels right, doesn't it?”

  Warm eyes peer back at me. “It really does.”

  We bounce until they kick us out at closing time, followed by a quick trip to an ice cream parlor because apparently all that junk food wasn't enough to satisfy us after the insane amount of jumping we just did. After we get our ice cream fill, I drive her home and walk her up to her apartment. We’re outside her door when she turns to face me.

  Grabbing both of my hands in hers, she smiles. “I had a really great time tonight.”

  “I’m glad.” I move closer to her. “I did, too.”

  “Turns out you’re not so bad at this boyfriend thing.”

  “Yeah, I should’ve known I’d be a fucking natural.”

  She lets out an amused huff before shaking her head. “I don’t know why you were so nervous in the car.”

  “Nervous? I wasn’t nervous, Raynie,” I lie.

  “Mhmm. Whatever you say.” She reaches up and plants her lips on mine in a sweet, steamy kiss. She pulls back, lips still inches from mine when she softly murmurs, “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”

  “I'm telling you, babe, I wasn't ner—”

  She shuts me up with another kiss, this one more insistent than the first. Suddenly, I feel her taking my hands and placing them one-by-one on each of her ass-cheeks. I break away, my eyes brightening as she smirks up at me.

  “You’ve officially earned your all-access pass, Steel,” she says coyly.

  Fuck. Yes.

  I let my head drop back, chin towards the heavens as I let out a loud “Thank You Jesus” and take full advantage of my new privileges.


  The next Saturday night, I follow the cacophony of upbeat hip hop music and rambunctious conversation coming from the Treehouse as I walk towards the front gate. The smell of hamburgers sizzling on the grill and the sweet scent of freshly cut watermelon surrounds me as I step inside and take in the scene. Towering tiki torches illuminate the yard, and giant coolers packed full of beer and soda cans are sporadically dispersed throughout the lawn. I’m getting a football tailgate type of vibe, but instead of a burning pavement in a crowded parking lot, we’re in a cool, lush jungle.

  It’s been exactly one week since Vaughn and I made things official, and I’d say it’s been going fairly well.

  Okay—who the hell am I kidding? It’s been one of the best damn weeks of my life. And that’s saying something seeing as I spent a week cruising around the Caribbean Islands with my family last summer. You’d think tropical paradise vs. college campus would be a no brainer, but not this time.

  I was expecting things to start off a little awkward considering I haven’t been in a serious relationship in years and Vaughn hasn’t had an actual girlfriend, well, ever. But from the moment we took on the boyfriend and girlfriend labels, things have been freaking perfect.

  Despite our busy schedules, we’ve both squeezed in time to spend together; he walked me to all of my classes (followed by him sprinting to the opposite side of campus to make it to his), he surprised me with a trip to a cute French pâtisserie where we had the best chocolate croissants and hot cocoa, and we spent last night cuddled up in his bed, talking and watching TV until the early hours of the morning.

  Everything feels so right between us, like we’ve been a couple for seven months instead of seven days. I want to kick myself for holding out so long when it came to our relationship. Seriously, I’m a total idiot for having any reservations because things couldn’t be better.

  Coming to this party tonight is still a bit daunting for me, though. Not only are social gatherings like this way out of my introvert comfort zone, this is the first time I’m meeting his entire team. I’ve been around the guys before, but the only ones I’ve held actual conversation with are his roommates and their assistant Coach.

  Plus, all of those times I was in my alter-ego form: Reporter Rayne. Tonight I’m here as “Vaughn’s Girlfriend”, and there are no voice recorders or interview questions to hide behind, and yeah, to say I’m anxious about the whole thing would be an understatement. Vaughn’s team is everything to him, so their approval is something I desperately desire.

  My nerves are on high alert as I walk up the path to join the party. There are groups of boys scattered about the yard: a few chatting by a massive beer keg, some kicking around a soccer ball, and a couple hanging by the grill where an older guy I’m assuming is Coach Hanson flips burgers.

  I come to a stop near the pool, eyes bouncing around the place as I search for Vaughn, or Cameron, or Liam, or even Weston, but all I see are the vaguely familiar faces of soccer players I’ve come to recognize over the season.

  I’m building up the courage to introduce myself when my thoughts are interrupted by two strong arms wrapping around my waist and lifting me effortlessly into the air. My surroundings become a multicolored blur as the arms spin me in a circle. When I’m finally set down, I gaze up dizzily into Vaughn’s smiling face.

  “Hey, Raynie.” His gaze sweeps up and down my body, a flicker of heat glittering in his eyes. “You clean up nice.”

  I glance down at my uncharacteristic outfit of nude sandals and a pale blue sundress, both of which were dug out of my closet by Lexie when she’d helped me get ready this afternoon.

  And speaking of Lex, she’s almost as excited about this whole situation as I am. There’d been more than a few “I told you so’s” when I’d revealed the news about our couple status, but mainly she was ecstatic that I finally decided to take the plunge with him.

  “Thanks. I figured I’d get cute so you can show me off to your team.” I do a twirl before giving him the same once over he just gave me. His cobalt blue shirt drapes over black swim trunks that hug his tan, soccer-toned legs. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  He envelops me in a giant hug, squeezing me tight. When he lets go, I push the serving platter I’m carrying into his hands.

  “I almost forgot. Here you go.”

  “You didn’t have to bring anything.” He peeks under the cling wrap, his eyes lighting up when he spots the homem
ade brownies underneath. “Wait. I take that back. I’m glad you did.” He squints at me, intrigued. “I didn’t know you were a baker.”

  I quickly throw my hands up. “I can’t take all the credit. Lexie and I made them together. And when I say ‘together’, I mean I preheated the oven and set the timer while she took care of the rest. Really, I don’t want you having any high expectations for me when it comes to cooking. I’ve been known to burn boxed macaroni and cheese. Toasting bread is a struggle for me.”

  He frowns and rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know if this is going to work out then, babe. I need a woman who can cook. We may need to rethink this whole dating thing.”

  I give him a small shove. “Well, I need a man who can actually put up a fight during a video game, so I guess we both got the short end of the stick here, huh?”

  He laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk towards the giant buffet table. The thing is completely packed with food, looking more like it’s meant to feed hundreds of people as opposed to thirty. There are at least twenty party-size bags of chips, dozens of bowls filled with beans, potato salad, and other BBQ essentials, platters upon platters piled high with various grilled meats, and to top it off, a margarita machine so massive I feel a little drunk just looking at it.

  Vaughn has to do some strategic rearranging before he’s able to find a spot to squeeze in my brownies, but somehow they fit amidst the feast. He turns to me, brows knitted in concern.

  “You’re okay with all of this, right? Meeting the whole team, Coach, everybody? I know it’s a lot to take in, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m pushing you into these introductions all at once. I want to make sure you’re comfortable with everything.”

  I chew on my lip as my eyes dart around the yard. There are definitely more than a few interested stares in our direction. I stop gnawing on my lip and straighten my shoulders, putting on my most confident smile.

  Fake it ’til you make it, right?

  “Of course. I want to meet your teammates and Coach. They’re important to you, so they’re important to me.”

  He narrows his eyes, trying to decipher my expression. “You sure? Because I’m warning you now, you’re definitely gonna be the center of attention tonight with these guys.”

  I nod reassuringly. “Yeah. Believe me, babe, if I could handle all the attention I got on campus this past week, I think I can handle a measly little soccer team just fine.” I give him a teasing wink.

  It’s totally true, though. With the amount of wide-eyed stares I got this week, you’d think walking around holding Vaughn’s hand was equivalent to wearing a full-on clown suit or something. It was uncomfortable for the first few days 'cause, seriously, who wouldn’t feel like a freak with that kind of scrutinizing spotlight? But I got over it quickly because being with him is worth all the excess attention.

  And if dating Vaughn meant I really did have to wear a clown suit around campus—honking red nose and oversized clown shoes included—I’d do it. I’d do it in a heartbeat. Hell, I’d even make every student on campus a damn balloon animal if necessary. Become a true balloon animal connoisseur.

  Yep. That’s how much I like this guy.

  I take his hand and squeeze it, his expression relaxing with the gesture. “I’m ready to step into your life, Vaughn. Just show me the way and I’ll follow you.”

  He smiles and pulls me close, softly kissing the top of my head before saying, “I know it’s only been a week, but I think you might be the best girlfriend I’ve ever had.”

  I laugh as I bump him with my shoulder. “Wow, what a compliment. I’m the only girlfriend you’ve ever had, Steel.”

  The following hour passes by smoothly as I ease into the party setting. Introductions come piling in, and it’s nice to put personalities and voices to the players I’ve been watching for the last few months. I meet Coach Hanson and Erika, and after only five minutes of conversation, it’s immediately evident why the guys love them so much. They go out of their way to make me feel welcomed. In fact, the entire team makes sure I feel like a part of their soccer family. As the night goes on, I feel myself opening up more and more.

  Vaughn and I are chatting with a few of the freshmen players when Ellie and Liam join the group. When Ellie spots me, her face perks up. She immediately shoves through the group of guys to pull me into a tight hug.

  “Rayne! I’m so glad you’re here.” She releases me and smiles brightly. “This place is a total sausage fest. The stench of testosterone and man sweat circulating in the air is starting to make me sick.”

  Liam lifts his chin and sniffs a few times. “Smells good to me.”

  The guys laugh as Ellie rolls her eyes. “I’m just saying, it’s nice to have another girlfriend around for once. I’m tired of being the only female in this place and now I’ve finally got myself a partner in crime.” She beams at me before nodding towards the pool. “I was about to take a dip if you want to join, hon.”

  “I’d love to,” I say as I point to the bag hanging off my shoulder. “I need to change into my swimsuit first.”

  “Oh, you can in Liam’s room! Come with me, I need to grab some towels anyways.” She grabs my arm and begins pulling me towards the Redhouse.

  I look back at Vaughn and he nudges his head in the direction of the oval pool. “I’ll meet you over there when you’re done.” He cups his hand over his mouth as he yells out to the brunette beauty dragging me through the grass. “Don’t scare her away, El!”

  I have to practically sprint to keep up with her as she leads me through the yard. She’s at least half a foot taller than me, and her long legs take much larger strides than my short ones can.

  Once we get to the entrance, she pulls a small key from the pocket of her jean shorts and opens the wooden door. She flips a switch, the room coming into view as bright light floods the place. And just like the rest of the Treehouse property, the cozy yet extravagant vibe is fantastic. She sets the key down on a glass coffee table and grins when she notices me observing the house.

  “Everything at the Treehouse is beautiful, huh? You’d think these smaller homes wouldn’t be as nice as the main house, but they’re just as gorgeous.”

  I nod in agreement. “This whole place is magnificent. And I still can’t get over how clean it always is.”

  She chuckles. “Don’t be fooled. Maids come in once a month to give the place a nice spruce up, and the rest of the time I keep the guys on a cleaning schedule.”

  “And they actually listen?”

  “Yep. I’m the oldest of six kids, so you could say I know a thing or two about keeping things in line. Not too sweet and not too strict, but just right and they’ll listen. Miss Erika and I are basically house moms for these boys, making sure they don’t destroy the place or cause too much trouble. It also helps to bribe them with homemade apple pie and peach cobbler.” Her eyes sparkle as she grins at me. “Southern desserts are very persuasive.”

  I stare at her in awe, super impressed she can handle all of these guys. She comes off so sweet and innocent, but I can totally see her cracking the whip to show them who’s boss.

  She opens up a small refrigerator and pulls out two water bottles. She hands me one as she points the other at a door on my left. “That’s Liam’s room, and”—she turns and points at another door directly across the living room—“that’s Weston’s.” Her face twists in horror. “Avoid that room at all costs.”

  “Duly noted,” I say as we head inside Liam’s room.

  Ellie leaps onto his plush white comforter as I begin to dig in my bag for my swimsuit.

  “How long have you and Liam been together?” I ask.

  “It’ll be two years in January.” She peels off her shirt, her turquoise bandeau top complementing her skin tone and pale blue eyes perfectly. She pats her hair down before continuing. “We actually met the very first day of our freshman year. I was his ‘international student mentor’, if you can believe that.” She smiles as her eyes floo
d with memories, and the happiness radiating off of her is contagious.

  She snaps her head to me, excitement on her face. “I’m so happy Vaughn found you. I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said we need some more women around this house. And I don’t mean the random girls I run into as they leave Weston’s room every morning. I mean serious girlfriend types. And I can tell there’s something special going on between y’all.”

  I smile as I untangle my stringy black bikini. “You think so?”

  She hops off the bed and laughs. “Girl, no one’s ever seen Vaughn like this before, the way he’s been since you two started dating. Heck, really since y’all met it’s been obvious something’s going on.”

  She pulls off her jean shorts and folds them up, placing them on top of a wooden dresser. “I’ve known him for a while now, and the only thing that guy has ever seemed to give a crap about is soccer. But now something’s different. He’s found someone he cares about more than his sport, and it’s like he’s a whole new man.” She swivels to face me. “He really likes you, Rayne. He really does.”


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