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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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by Dawn Martens

  Copyright © 2014 Dawn Martens

  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


  Published November 2014

  Cover Art by Louisa at LM Creations

  Cover Model – Bailey Lee (Blonde Adonis)

  Photographer – Jennifer Tanner @Jennifer Tanner Photography

  Cover Model – Kris Adams

  Photographer – Eric Battershell -

  Edited – Kendra Gaither, Crystal Sosa, and Jennifer Finch

  Proofed by Laura Frasher

  Formatting – IndieVention Designs

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  It’s Just Love, Not a Time Bomb is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders, The authors acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  To every single person that helped me with this book.

  Notes, comments, tips, everything.

  I can’t thank you enough.

  This is for you.

  Glenna – My G-baby, you and me, woman, we’re gonna rule the mother fuckin’ world! I love you beyond words- all of your input, all of your opinions, everything. You complete me like no one else does, not even Colin. You mean more to me than anything! I love you, babe.

  Nikki – My crazy friend. Thank you for all you do. Now get gone. Go get some writing done.

  Corinne and Melissa – You two are nuts. Thanks for all the reading and input you’ve done. I also really want to point out your friendships mean the world to me! Our talks, my randomness- seriously, love you two ladies.

  Kris Adams – I appreciate you beyond anything. You did so much for me, just so I could have this stunning cover and the teasers. All of it. I don’t know anyone that would go out and get their hair done the way someone else wanted, OR the fact that you were terrified to do the shoot at first. Thank you. You’ll always have a special place in my heart.

  Bailey Lee – Thank you! Without you, the cover wouldn’t be what it is.

  Louisa – Thank you for the amazing cover. Thank you for everything you’ve done, seriously! And thank you for talking to my crazy ass!

  Emily Minton – Thank you for just being my friend. Our journey together with the Love Song Series and the Renegades has been amazing. Even outside of that, seriously, the friendship you’ve given me, it will last a life time. Love you a whole lot!

  Chelsea Camaron – Thank you for talking to this crazy person! Your chats, your inspirations…. Just yeah! Thank you.

  Heather Carver – Thank you for helping this bitch out!! Your thoughts, your opinions- just awesome!

  Emily Snow – Thank you for all the help you gave me. I was about to trash that blurb and just say, ‘Read this piece of shit now,’ LOL, before you helped me out. Plus, I love our talks. No matter how random I get at times, you still talk to me. Love you, woman.

  Stacy Borel -- What to say about you…….. you, my love, honestly, I don’t have words. I show you, time and time again, my love for you. You mean more to me than you could imagine.

  Jennifer Skewes – Thank you for all your input and for talking to my crazy ass all the time.

  Laura Frasher – You are my pimp queen. Thank you so much!

  My Beta Readers – Each and every one of you gave me amazing notes to fix it up! Appreciate you!!

  To My Fan Club – Dawn’s Diva’s! You ladies are awesome.

  To My Husband, Colin – Without you, this book wouldn’t have been written because this is basically our crazy asses. Love you, jerkface!

  There are soo many darn people I could thank in this, but then the book would never come because this would be fifty pages long. Just know, if I didn’t say your name, I’m sorry. You are still amazing to me.

  Love, Kisses, Sex, and Vibrators!

  This book, this crazy book, as some know, is from my own life- a lot of the petty fighting, sex, etc. I’ve gotten back “OMG, it’s the Dawn and Colin show!” Ha. And really, it sort of is. So this is my life, mixed with some fiction. Hope you enjoy it.

  When Jordan moves in with his friend’s cousin, he thinks things will be easy. Yeah, screw that. The woman is a pain in his ass from the start, giving him whiplash with her hot and cold act. Still, Jordan can’t help wanting Alix—even if he does spend half the time trying to decide if he wants to kiss her senseless or choke her.

  For Alix, men are worthless jerks. She’s made a vow to steer clear of relationships, but the moment Jordan pushes his way into her life, her vow is shot all to hell. Every attempt at avoiding the cocky bastard ends in tangled sheets and Alix wanting to kill the man. But she wants him, more than she cares to admit.

  Will this jaded couple give into their feelings? After all, It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  More from the Author

  Play List

  About the Author

  Love is nothing like it happens in books—a boy cheats on girl, she leaves and moves on. No, the reality of it is, most women actually take the man back; thinking, hoping even, that it won’t happen again. That’s what I did. Of course, I was stupid. I thought things the second time around would be different, but I was wrong. I wasn’t going to be hurt a third time. Nope, because then that would just make me the stupidest fuck on the planet.

  However, everyone also needs to realize, falling in love, getting hurt, and moving on, is the normal cycle of life. I spent a good portion of my life, after Liam’s betrayal, worried about falling in love again, about letting another man into my heart. I even vowed it. No more men.

  Sometimes it just takes us by surprise. After a few weeks, Jordan wormed his way in there. Okay, no, that’s a lie. I really wanted him from the moment we me
t, but no way was I admitting that. I really should have just listened to Hayley from the get go because then I wouldn’t have fought so hard against us. “It’s just love, not a time bomb,” she said. She’s right; too many people are terrified of love, especially after being hurt before.

  If I had listened, I also might not be in this position, lying in a damn hospital bed. That’s another thing that isn’t like the books, waking up in a hospital room wondering, ‘Where am I? What happened?’ No. Every time I read that in a book, I snort, because really, if you just open your damn eyes… bam! You’ll see where the hell you are! Dumbasses.

  There I go again, rambling to myself. Usually I ramble to Hayley, but since the nurse just left to go bring her in, I can’t help it. Until she gets in here, I have no one else and I need to sort through the thoughts in my head.

  Sitting here in this damn bed, while waiting for her to come in, I wonder what I could have done differently. People always talk about what they would change in their life if they could, but now, thinking back, I shouldn’t have been so damn stubborn. I should have just let him in from day one.

  The door opens, and I hear it—the voice that makes me shake with need. It’s the man I love. “Hey, Princess.”

  AGE 12

  “Mom, Michelle keeps taking my teddy bear!” I scream from my room, sticking my head into the hallway. “Give it back, Michelle! It’s mine,” I protest, stomping my foot. She makes me so angry sometimes!

  “I want one too. It’s not fair. You always get whatever you want, and I don’t!” she yells at me from her room across the hall, sticking her tongue out at me like a brat.

  “You told mom you wanted the Britney Spears CD, and you got it! I got the teddy bear because I wanted it!” I shout back, becoming angrier.

  “Well, I want the bear now. You can have the CD,” she screeches.

  “What is going on in here?” Mom says, coming into the hall. “You’d think you were three years old again, fighting over such silly things, not twelve and fifteen.” She takes the teddy bear away from Michelle and hands it back to me.

  “Michelle, sweetie, you wanted the CD. You got the CD. I don’t know why you’re changing your mind now.” My mom tries to smooth things over.

  “It’s because she always wants what I have. She’s never happy with her own things,” I say. Michelle might be my older sister, but she acts like she’s my little sister. I don’t get it. I throw my hands up in frustration.

  “Alix,” Mom warns. “You girls need to get along. Every week it’s something new. Michelle, go back to your own room. Maybe you two just need time apart for a bit.”

  She shoos Michelle into her room and me into mine, where I shut the door as soon as I’m inside. It’s not fair! I hate having a sister!


  A week later, I’m sitting in class and get called to the principal’s office. I shoot a glance at my friend, Hayley, and her eyes bug out. I shoot a quick glance toward Elle, the school bitch, and sure enough, she’s smirking at me.

  I look back to Hayley and mouth. “I’ll kill her.” She nods, agreeing.

  Walking into the office, sure enough, I was caught. What can I say? I was an idiot. My parents were called in to let them know I was being expelled. To say my parents were angry would be an understatement. I set the school bathroom on fire a few weeks ago. It didn’t spread, but that bitch Elle, somehow found out I did it and ratted me out. She has always had it out for me, almost as much as my sister.

  Was it stupid of me? Yes, but I was just trying to light the damn letter I got from Mrs. Mellow on fire; telling my parents about me showing my boobs to Robert. No way was I giving that to my parents. Besides, I only showed them to him because he asked why I was flat. It shouldn’t have been a big deal. I mean, my boobs haven’t started growing yet. My chest looks just like a boy’s. I thought the letter was safe in the sink anyway, but I was wrong. It fell out onto the floor, and since the bathroom was a huge mess with toilet paper littering the floor, the fire spread.

  Getting home, Mom and Dad don’t even look at me and just dismiss me to my room. Sitting there, I’m reading some Christopher Pike when Michelle walks in, looking smug.

  I narrow my eyes at her. “What?” I say.

  “You’re stupid. Why would you do something so stupid? Now you’ll be grounded for forever,” she says, laughing.

  “Sure. You always say I did something stupid, and I’ll be grounded, but every time I do something, I get sent to my room, and everyone—well except you, Miss Ice Queen—laughs about it later,” I say, putting my eyes back to my book.

  “Whatever, I wish...” Michelle starts. “Forget it! Mom and Dad want you downstairs,” she says, stomping out of my room and thundering down the stairs.

  Wow, she sounds like a whole damn herd of elephants.

  Sighing, I put my book down on the bed and make my way downstairs. Mom and Dad are both sitting at the table, waiting for me.

  “Have a seat, sweetie,” Mom says calmly.

  I take a seat across from Michelle, who is glaring at me. I know she secretly enjoys seeing me punished.

  “While I understand why you didn’t want us to have that letter from your teacher, it doesn’t excuse the fact that what you did was highly dangerous. You could have done some serious damage, maybe even hurt another student,” Dad says. I hang my head down in shame, my elbows on the table and my head in my hands. This is starting to feel like the same lecture I got last year, when Hayley and I were playing with matches in the back of the school bus and got caught. Nothing caught fire, but we still got into big trouble all the same.

  “Sweetie, we’re not mad anymore. Actually, it’s quite funny at this point, but maybe next time you should think about what you do first,” Mom says, smiling slightly. Good ole’ Mom is always trying to make the best of any situation.

  “How can what she did be funny? She got expelled for it!” Michelle blurts out angrily, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. She has always been such a priss.

  “Michelle, enough,” Dad says, playing the peacekeeper.

  I don’t bother to look at her, because if I do, I’ll see the snotty look on her face, and I’ll want to slap her, hard. Maybe my next prank will be to put syrup in her lotion bottle. Last time I pulled a prank on her, both Hayley and I teamed up. We decided to put glue in her shampoo bottle. I ended up getting a black eye, but Michelle didn’t come out of it unhurt either. I fought back and ended up chipping one of her teeth.

  “We called you down here to talk, not because of this school thing, but because the company wants me to transfer to Edmonton,” Dad says.

  Michelle bolts out of her seat. “What? You can’t! I have a life here. I can’t just leave!” Her chair falls, hitting the floor with a thump and laying on its back against the linoleum. She is so dramatic.

  “Michelle, enough. The schools around here don’t want Alix. The only option would be home schooling. I was offered this transfer at the perfect time, so I’m not going to pass it up. They are paying for all moving expenses, and I get a raise,” Dad tells her, raising his voice slightly.

  She points to me. “This is all your fault! I hate you!” she screams, running out of the room.

  With much reluctance on my sister’s part, we said goodbye to Calgary and hello to Edmonton, a month later.

  AGE 13

  Shaun and I jump off the bus, rushing to the house, and that’s when we hear it. I look at my twin and frown. “Seriously? Again?” I throw my black backpack down on the browning grass and sit on the front cement steps.

  He shakes his head. “This is getting to be too much. Seriously, they are old as shit now. Why can’t they just not have sex like every other married couple?” he says shuddering. “I’ll go grab us a snack. We can do our homework out here until they finish or whatever.”

  “Why don’t we just go hang out with Liz?” I ask him, getting back up from the porch and grabbing my backpack. I dust the back of my jeans off.

  Liz and Sh
aun have been best friends since we were in diapers, but just last week, they decided to start dating. Of course they have to do it on the down low, since Liz can’t date until she’s sixteen, but that doesn’t stop them.

  We walk over to her house, and Simone and Sarah come to the door. “Where’s Liz?” Shaun asks.

  “We’re all hanging out in the back. Bobby is here too,” Sarah says smiling.

  Bobby is my best friend. It’s not often when Shaun and him get along, mostly because Shaun is friends with Sam—douche bag Sam. Sam and Bobby are cousins, but shit, those two fight more than anyone I know.

  Walking through the house, I swipe an apple from the counter. Liz’s parents are pretty cool about letting us hang out as long as they think we’re studying. Shaun goes straight to Liz and steals a kiss, she squeals and shoves him away playfully.

  I pop a squat on the floor and pull my books out to start on my geometry. Sarah, who happens to be in my class, scoots up beside me.

  “That test tomorrow is going to be brutal. Help me study this and I’ll help you with your English paper,” she offers, knowing I need all the help I can get in that class. She lays her head on my shoulder. “You’re so good at this stuff. I just don’t get it.”

  Bobby jokes, “It’s because he’s such a nerd.”

  “Yeah, you’d know.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you two are the nerd herd,” Shaun quips.

  Bobby flips him the bird.

  AGE 14

  “You all ready for school, girls?” Mom shouts from downstairs.

  “No,” I hear Michelle shout back. It’s been two years since we moved here, and yet Michelle is still acting as though we just arrived. We moved to Edmonton from Calgary two weeks after my stunt. It wasn’t my proudest moment, and most other middle schools wouldn’t accept me around there because they’d heard what I had done. We got lucky when my dad ended up getting orders for a transfer.


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