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Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1)

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by Christine Monroe

  Val's hand found mine, and I yanked it from his shoulder. The grip was so brutal I felt my bones crush together inside my fingers like a vise, they didn't break, not yet, but any more pressure would shatter them like glass and for the first time fear struck.

  “Don’t ever touch me.”

  Val's words were a threat. The taste of terror slid down my throat, choking me. I wanted to pull free, but I held still. A second passed, then another and he let go. I moved back putting space between us. My legs trembled, the tiny clang of the beads fluttered around me as if the birds had finally escaped my chest. I cradled my fingers as tears dotted my lashes, but I refused to let them fall.

  “I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” I met his eyes as I forced my voice past my lips. His face had tightened as he became savage under the florescent lights. This was the Val Knight I had heard about. The ruthless king of Bound and Bared. His rules had to be followed, or you would find yourself on his bad side. It's not a place I wanted to be. My father had ended up there. Val had turned down every offer my father had tried to use to get him on his payroll. My father hated the word no and I loved the fact that Val repeatedly said it to his face.He had done what I longed to do but hadn't been able to. I wasn't the only one who would have to pay the price, and because of that, I had ended up here. Some part of me convinced Val would help me, that he could help me save the ones I loved.

  You should leave.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You have two fucking legs, use them. Turn around, walk out the door and don’t come back.” Val stared me down the challenge clear in his eyes. The time had come for the truth. I met his eyes, meeting his challenge with a healthy dose of defiance.

  "Do you think I would be here if I had a choice? I know what you do here Mr. Knight. I don't want any part of this, but I have no choice. I haven't had a say in my life since I was nine years old. In the end, it doesn't matter. This is a deal nothing more, nothing less. I will give you what you want and in return Miranda, you will give me what I need."


  Miranda’s touch had sent my demons inching their way across my skin. I let no one touch me, except for Selena and even then it was rare. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, and the need for a small piece of human contact overrode my demons.

  Most people would have fled. Her fingers had felt so small under the weight of mine, and I could have broken them with a single amount of added pressure. I hadn't wanted to. I wanted to spark a touch of terror, one that would make sure she kept her hands to herself. Her fingers now rested close to her body, a simple act of protection against the damage I had done. The dress rattled against her legs exposing the tremble she couldn't contain. Still, she stood defiantly, whatever had sent her to me was stronger than her fear, stronger the need to save herself.

  Her words painted a clear picture. Deals were something I knew well, and despite the warning bells ringing in my head, I planned to make one.

  I invaded her space without a second thought. “That Miranda is the first smart thing you have said.” I smiled the prize I sought, back in my grasp. She had her chance, but she had remained. So be it. She would become mine.

  “This is the offer. You will work for me for a month and during that time you will do whatever I ask. Give me what I want and I will give you what you need.”

  “You don’t even know what I need.”

  "It's not me who went looking for you, Miranda. You came here thinking I could help. I won't make promises, but I will give you my word I will try."

  “I accept.” She held out her hand, but I left it hanging empty in the air.

  “Your hand isn’t what I want.” I grabbed her arm, pulling until we were a breath apart. My hold tight but not painful.


  I waited, my lips parting of their accord. His lips took mine promising he would make sure I delivered. The hollowness retreated once again, and I didn't care about how Val would force me to keep my promise. My body swayed, trying to keep contact with the only part of him he allowed me to touch.

  The kiss ended as fast as the first, but his eyes told me he wasn't immune to what was starting between us. He let go leaving me dizzy and breathless. His kiss made me want this to be something it never could be. The truth stole my hope like a greedy child. I wasn't just a girl. He wasn't just a boy, and this wasn't a fucking fairy tale.

  Chapter Three

  Miranda walked out, my eyes following her out the door. My eyes had become fucking traitors, and my feet wanted to chase her down for one more glimpse.

  I quickly realized Miranda would need more than the one dress she came in with. I would need Selena since this was definitely out of my area of expertise. I trusted her not ask any questions, keeping matter this private.

  I knocked on Selena's door, happy to find no one with her. Her client for the night must have already left, and I had her all to myself for a few minutes. I needed to regain some sense of control. I had never liked surprises. I didn't like my world slipping out of the iron clad control I keep it under.

  She cocked her head at me as she said, “Rough night?” Selena paused. “Care to tell me what’s going on?”

  I shook my head, and she nodded. Stepping inside her room, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the table. Taking a drink, a slip of black lace suddenly caught my eye. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Nice. What were you up to tonight?" A small smile spread across my face. The burn from the whiskey-making me a tad more agreeable.

  "I could ask the same of you V. I hate to break it to you, but you look like shit." Selena crossed her arms as she returned the smile.

  I leaned closer, my hand reaching out to pull her against me. Her body met mine without any resistance, as she offered the little comfort I allowed no one else to give. After all these years her touch barley triggered my demons. A dull ache instead of screaming pain. It only lasted a second before I let go, dropping to the bed, hitting it hard.

  Selena took a breath as she worried about me, a mother bear with a sharp set of claws, she fiercely guarded the ones she cared about. I didn't know how I had ended up on that list, but even if I wouldn't admit it I was grateful. Almost as tall as me, she stood over me her, dark eyes filled with concern. She shook her head, sending chocolate tresses flying. Her eyes matched the shade except for the tiny flecks gold embedded within them. Those eyes had enchanted many men, but she got paid for that enchantment. Everything had a price, and Selena made sure she collected payment.

  Miranda flashed across my mind. The exact opposite of Selena, her messy blonde hair, small frame and wide green eyes, sent lust rolling through me unchecked. I guess I prefer blondes. No not blondes, one blonde. The blonde waiting for me in her room. The blonde who had agreed to be mine for a whole month.

  "The new blonde giving you trouble?" Selena landed on the bed beside me. How did the fuck she already, know about Miranda?

  "Miranda is not up for discussion. She is off limits, Selena."

  "Limits aren't my thing V."

  "If you can't follow my rules, why the hell do I let you stay?"

  "My charming personality?"

  I smirked.

  "What I am going to do with you?" Selena said as she returned my grin.

  "Put a bullet in my brain to end my misery?"

  Selena rolled her eyes. Only she could get away with shit like that. I let her drop her head on my shoulder, closing my eyes to savor the brief contact before my eyes popped open, a habit of always being on guard.

  Dark eyes met mine as she raised her head from my shoulder. “Ask and I will say yes.”

  I leaped from the bed putting distance between us. No longer a haven it had become a battleground for an old war.

  "I told you never to offer again." Running my hands through my hair, I wondered where everything in my life had gone to shit.

  “I can and I will V. Again and again until you let me help you.”

  "You know better than to tempt me. You need to stop Selena. If I
said yes, what do you think would happen? I know what type of shit you’re into. I know why you do things the way you do. I’m different. You can’t play your games with me. I would be in control. I would take you. The way I wanted. Are you ready for that?”

  Selena’s eyes grew haunted as her ghosts caught up with her. I could see them settling in, taking her over.

  “I have my answer.”

  “I would do it for you V.”

  My control had already been tested, and the whiskey had blurred the line between man and devil. I wanted to give in. I wanted to let all my demons out to play. The idea of her helpless reignited the lust Miranda had inspired. My eyes sought her wrists; they would look perfect locked within the confines of cold metal. Her skin would blossom a lovely shade of red under my whip.

  I shook my head trying to dislodge the thoughts. I would never touch Selena. I would never risk her friendship because of my past. I wouldn’t fuck up her life to save mine, but the line I vowed never to cross inched closer every day. Most days I felt like I was losing my fucking mind, caught in a free fall I couldn’t stop. We were two fucked up peas in a pod.

  “It’s the after I am worried about Selena. Would you fear me? Hate me? Don’t ask me to hurt you to help me.”

  A weary smile graced her face as she rose from the bed, heading right for me. Worry edged her features, and I knew she wasn't going to let this go. This battle would find us again.

  “What happens if you fall apart? Where do I go when I finally lose you?” Pain edged Selena's voice.

  “Not going to happen. You aren’t going to lose me. Accept the fact you are stuck with me.”

  She finally offered a sincere smile. "I better be. For some strange reason, I've grown used to having you around."

  “Well since you like me at the moment I have a favor to ask of you.”

  Selena's smile widened. "When you do ever ask for a favor? Usually, you just run around barking orders that I am expected to follow."

  I shrugged. "I'm trying a new tactic to you. You never do what I want even when I am barking orders. Maybe you'll listen if I am polite."

  Selena's mouth fell open, and a bark of laughter followed.

  “Polite? You don’t know the meaning of the word V. Who are you?”

  “You’re fucking boss.”

  “There you are. You were starting to scare me.”

  I rolled my eyes as she chuckled. I couldn’t intimidate her no matter how hard I tried.

  "The new blonde is going to be staying for a while. She's going to need some things, clothes, personal stuff; you know the basics of girl stuff."

  "Did you just say girl stuff?" Selena's chuckle morphed into full born laughter. "That's going to the quote wall."

  “The fuck it will Selena. Just get the shit okay?”

  Selena nodded unable to answer.

  “If I didn’t like you I swear Selena.”

  “Charming personality remember?”

  I shook my head. “Bring the shit to room 7 when you get it. I have to go.”

  The sound of Selena’s laughter trailed me out the door.

  Chapter Four

  I sat on the edge of the bed. I had agreed to Val's deal, and he dropped me off like he couldn't wait to be rid of me. I should have been happy. The room had turned out to be much nicer than I had expected and I had it all to myself. I had thought I would be staying with Val and all the space seemed to mock me with the fact I wasn't. Faint traces of the kiss still lingered on my lips, the taste bittersweet.

  Val had been a shock to the system. Nothing I expected and far more than I had planned on. My body had a tiny taste and wanted more, fully ready to betray me without a second thought. My mind screaming a constant warning as my fingers throbbed to match the shriek. The reaction my body had to him had been so foreign, a bright flash of awakening before drifting back to sleep. I existed in the twilight, dreaming of something I shouldn't want and scared if I closed my eyes new nightmares would drag me in.

  Drawing my knees to my chest, I held on tight. Confusion and exhaustion are finally taking over, pushing everything else aside. I had no choice as my eyes closed, sleep claiming me with no remorse.

  The sound of my door opening woke me. I turned my head meeting Val's shadow in the doorway. It stretched towards me, and I held deathly still. He made no move to get closer as seconds ticked by. I didn't know what to do. I could stay frozen or run, turn into the possession I had become or meet my fate without hesitation. I slipped off the bed and walked towards him, lifting my head to seek his eyes. My heartbeat pounded a frantic rhythm inside my chest. My body began to flare to life. He didn't say a word as I studied him. The blue of his eyes had faded out changing them to gray, reminding me of storm clouds, racing across the sky threatening to wash me away. His body towered over mine. He had ditched his suit jacket making it easy for me to see the hint of his chest through his white dress shirt. The material clung tight, drawn over his muscles with perfect precision. He looked like he had been carved out of stone, crafted line by line with power and sex.

  I desperately wanted to touch him. His every breath caused his chest to rise and fall, straining his muscles even tighter against his chest.

  “Do it again.”

  “What?” His voice a combination of surprise and curiosity. He leaned in closer waiting to hear what I would say.

  "Breathe," I said as met him in the dark, my body closing the few inches between us. He paused before taking a deep breath. In and out, his single breath giving life to this thing between us. Beneath my dress my thighs parted, wondering what he would feel like between them.

  Breathe. One simple word set me free. I dragged her to me, pressing her body against mine trying to feel every inch. I knew only need. My lips crushing hers and stealing her breath. My fingers wound their way up her arms, digging in deep as I pushed her back towards the bed. I gave a slight push, and her body hit the bed as my hands pushed the dress up to expose her pale thighs.

  I unzipped my pants letting my cock free as I dropped my body between her spread legs. Her hands shot up and landed on my chest.

  Don't touch." I growled as I captured her wrists in one fluid motion. I pinned her beneath me; her body caught under the weight of mine. Warm heat met the head of my cock, and I pushed expecting a welcome, but I found only resistance. Her body had gone rigid beneath mine as fresh tears stained her cheeks. The truth of what I had been about to do pounded in my head. Once free from its cage the side of me I kept locked away showed no mercy. I had lost control, the need to fuck Miranda overriding the tiny piece of sanity I had left.

  I lifted myself off of her still form. She didn't move or make a sound. Her eyes squeezed shut as if she wanted to keep any more tears from spilling. My hands reached out and pulled her dress back down her legs, accidently brushing her skin causing her to shudder. The words I'm sorry screamed inside my head, but they sounded hollow, nothing but a useless string of letters.

  She finally rolled over, tucking her knees up, growing smaller as the bed swallowed her whole. I left her there, running from the truth of just how far gone I had become.


  I had laid perfectly still underneath Val. Spots had danced in front of my eyes, and I prayed I wouldn't pass out. One heartbeat, two heartbeats. I counted them in my head. Once I had got to five, I felt the warm rush of tears slip down my cheeks. I couldn't remember the last time I had cried. My tears had run dry a long time ago. The pressure between my thighs eased as I felt the weight of his body leaving mine. His fingers tugged my dress back down my thighs, the weight falling like shame against my skin. I knew I only had myself to blame, foolishly thinking I could want this. I would never want this. Not with Val. Not with anyone. Illusions shattered like glass, cracking and spilling into my heart and soul, cutting me into a million tiny pieces.

  Every piece held me hostage to a reality I could never escape. Silly girl my brain taunted. A pretty dress didn’t change who you are. A little pulse of lust would never be e
nough to make this into a fairy tale. I had sold myself to a new villain, but the ending would always be the same.

  Chapter Five

  Val never came back and a knock at my door pulled me from the troubled sleep I had somehow managed to get. Last night had gone to hell, but I had set these wheels in motion no matter what happened I would see this through.

  A gorgeous brunette stood outside my door. I smoothed down my dress, my throat becoming uncomfortably dry as my stomach rolled. I hadn't expected to see anyone but Val and now here stood a beautiful woman at my door. The only imperfection against her flawless skin was a jagged scar cut down the left side of her face. I realized I should introduce myself, but I struggled with the words giving her the chance to speak first.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you. I’m Selena.”

  Standing in the doorway, Selena took over the small space as she commanded the air around her like she owned every drop. Reassurance graced her face, her eyes meeting mine without anything but an offer of friendship. Out of place, dismissed by Val, I desperately wanted to accept the offer.


  “May I come in? I have a few things for you.”

  I noticed the bags by her feet. A few things? There must have been ten large bags resting on the floor.

  "Sure come in." I moved my body to make room for her to pass. Two trips later all bags ended up inside my room. I waited for the questions, but none came. Then again maybe Val did this often. A new girl every week. The idea made my stomach churn. I imagined him kissing them the way he kissed me. Something dark coiled in my belly at the thought of him with someone else. After what had happened between us I shouldn't care whose lips had been on his, whose thighs he had found himself in-between.

  Selena's eyes scanned the room. "V had been right. You did need girl stuff."


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