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Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1)

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by Christine Monroe

  “Wait.” Miranda’s voice stopped us before we could go far. Had she changed her mind? I questioned her with my eyes, didn’t she understand the risk I was taking? I had declared war and Connor Price would come for vengeance. Once the month was over all bets were off, and I had to prepare for battle.

  He walked back to Miranda, grabbing her chin with such force I knew she would have a brand new bruise. “Last time I checked you don’t have a say in this.”

  Miranda let her eyes drop. No pain registered on her features as she held deathly still. "I know, but I wanted to ask that my sisters do not pay for my disobedience.”

  “Your sisters are no longer your concern.”

  "If I pay an extra twenty-five thousand will you guarantee her sisters will remain unharmed?" The words slipped out before I even had a chance to think. Suddenly everything about Miranda showing up on my doorstep made sense, why she seemed so desperate for my help. Why after what I had almost done to her the first night hadn't sent her running?

  "And they will stay with you, father." Miranda let her voice rise as a spark lit her green eyes as she brought then up to look her father. She didn’t want to save herself. She wanted to save her sisters.

  Connor Price didn't seem to know what had hit him. I knew a part of him wanted to call the whole deal off, but he never walked away from money. He also didn't have a fucking clue who he was dealing with. In here I ruled, and I didn't plan on letting him change his mind.

  Time moved slow as I waited for him to let go of Miranda. When he dropped her chin, I had to stop myself from letting my relief appear on my face.

  “Lead the way Mr. Knight.”

  Those words were music to my ears. I had won the first battle.

  The deal had been signed and over in a matter of minutes. Connor Price had walked out with a shit load of my money, and I had Miranda for a whole month. Rules lay scattered by the wayside, and my iron clad control had started to slip at the hands of a tiny woman. The sight of her coming undone had brought me to my knees, the primal urge to protect her caused me to question everything I knew. I tried to ignore the voice in my head whispering a month would never be enough.

  Chapter Eight

  I watched my father and Val walk away, and I took a breath. I had gone from believing that my fate was sealed and everything I had worked for had been for nothing. Then Val became the hero of this twisted fairy tale and became a jewel in his crown.

  Val owned me. He might as well have stamped his name across my ass. A permanent mark that would remind me I had belonged to him. I didn’t like that I belonged to anyone, but I couldn’t deny Val had sparked something in me. Lust. Desire. Frantic feelings that set me on fire.

  I needed some space, some time to clear my head. I headed back to my room and decided a shower would do me good. Turning on the water I stepped inside, the hot water washing away tiny moments of time, letting me catch my breath if even for a second. I heard the bathroom door open, and I didn't have to wonder who it was. Dripping wet I couldn't move. The glass had fogged, clouding my view, but my whole existence seemed already tuned to his presence. I hated it. I craved it. I had become consumed by it.

  I could fight this, deny the fire and slow the burn hoping it would die leaving nothing but ashes. The other option would be to take everything Val gave me. Every second. Every day. One month I could take all for myself. One month to live an entire lifetime.

  I shut off the water and threw open the door. My eyes settled on Val. Every line is his body drawn tight. He didn't move. The only reaction was the way his eyes darkened. He seemed caught in the same free fall. He didn't say it. He didn't need to. His eyes gave him away.

  He took a step closer. Then another, nothing hurried about his movements. Val was stalking his prey. His eyes locked on mine and the moment I saw them I made my decision. He made me feel like I was the only thing he could see. Stepping out I cut off his approach.

  All I wanted to do was touch him, but my arms remained still.

  "You're here because of your sisters." The question pulled me from my thoughts. Honestly, I was standing here dripping wet and naked, and he wanted to talk about that.

  “You want to do this now?” I put my hands on my hips and gave him my best what the fuck look.

  “I figured no time like the present.”

  “Who are you?”

  “You don’t want know.”

  I didn't believe that. Maybe it was because my whole world had been black and white. Val lived somewhere in between. Layers of gray that drew me closer. A puzzle I wanted to figure out.


  Val realized I had changed the subject and answered his original question.

  “I know what your father does.”

  “And I know what type of club you run after hours.”

  Simple sentences were spilling the truth, and it passed between us revealing things left unspoken.

  “You think I can help you save them.”

  I nodded. My throat closing at the thought of what would happen if he couldn't. If I failed.

  "I don't save people Miranda. I tend just to break them."

  “You saved me.”

  Val shook his head. "No, I bought you."


  "I don't know," Val said his eyes filled with confusion.


  It was the truth. I didn’t know. I should have sent Miranda away. Dealing with Connor Price was not on my list of things to do in my life. His men weren’t welcome at my club. I made sure of it. Those that tried learned the hard way. The message I sent was clear.

  “I can’t promise you anything Miranda.”

  “I don’t need promises.” Miranda stepped directly into my space. So close she was an inch away from touching me.

  "He's going to sell them, Val. To the highest fucking bidder. They are the only good thing I have. I will do anything to save them."


  I had to look away from Val. I tried to keep myself together. So many times I had wanted to fall apart. The tiny fractures of my heart were threatening to break into a million tiny shards. Cutting deep until all that was left was broken pieces of a forgotten girl. Despite everything, I couldn't do it. If had allowed myself to break my sister's only hope would have vanished.

  “I don’t owe you anything.”

  "No, you don't. I am yours whether you help me or not. I thought that maybe you weren’t a complete asshole.”


  I watched Miranda's lips move and all I could think about was kissing them. I wanted to taste her again. The seriousness of the conversation was not distracting enough to slow the burn. I knew I was pushing her. I liked when she pushed back. Challenging me. Daring me to be different.

  "I won't lie to you, Miranda." I stepped into her. My body is closing the distance between us. "I am more than just an asshole. I am something much worse. I should have let you go. It would have been better for both of us." I leaned my lips down to hers. Just a small fraction of space remaining between them. Miranda’s lips parted, her tongue darting out to wet them. She was a pure temptation and didn't even know it.

  “Why didn’t you?” There she went again challenging me.

  “Because of this.” My mouth claimed hers. Hard. Brutal. The kiss is making her mine more than the deal I had struck. She unfolded beneath me, handing herself over without any thought. She pressed her body closer, longing for contact.

  Pulling back, I left her wanting.

  "You were mine before I made a deal with your father and I will own you completely Miranda. In every way. I plan to use you, to fuck you, to show you what hides inside my head. By the time I'm done, you won't remember who you were without me because you crave the same thing I do. You crave the darkness, the oblivion of want.”


  "And after?" I could barely breathe. Val's words were painting a picture so vivid it took me under. I was drowning. Slowly. Completely.

  “Then I will do what I can to help you. Let go and I will g
ive you everything you want.”

  Chapter Nine

  “I already have.” I kissed him. My hands firmly planted at my sides while my lips pressed into his. Val pushed back as his hand wrapped around my waist pinning me against him. Dropping his hand low, he cupped my sex.


  The lingering wetness of Miranda's shower had evaporated away leaving nothing but the slick heat in its place. Desperate need took over, some part of myself had to be inside her. My finger plunged in deep, and she pushed herself down trying to get more of me inside of her. Her greedy pussy demanding as she threw her head back and mercilessly fucked my finger.

  The edge waited for me, so close to losing all control as my cock demanded to take my fingers place.

  Tearing my mouth from hers, I met her eyes; they lit up as she rose ever so slowly and dropped back down.


  "More." Every thought of wanting Val to go slow was replaced by need. Every part of me ached to be filled. I wanted Val. I wanted him more than my next breath, unleashed my desire swallowed me completely.


  There were so many ways to own a person. Standing there my finger coated in Miranda's wetness, her eyes clouded by lust I knew I had her. Touch. Contact. The discovery of want and the red-hot rush of desire. Wide-eyed and willing she let go as a simple word fell from her lips. I wouldn't deny her, but I would make sure we did things my way. I pulled my finger free drawing a moan from Miranda.


  "Don't stop. I want more." I felt lost if Val asked I knew I would beg. Val’s finger had felt so incredible I could only imagine his cock would feel even better. The rational thought slipped away, my pussy empty and clenching, craving only one thing.

  "I'm not stopping. I can't stop. I plan to fuck you Miranda, but I will fuck you my way." Grabbing my hand Val pulled me out of the bathroom. The small extra room wasn't going to work for what he had planned, and he dragged me to the door.

  My lust filled brain had a moment of clarity.

  “Where are we going? I’m kind of without clothes right now.”

  Val lets a laugh escape him. His eyes took in every inch of me.

  "Oh, I noticed Miranda. There was no way I couldn't have noticed." All humor had fled leaving Val's voice inky and eager. The blue of his eyes glowed as he licked his lips.

  "My room is right down the hall, and no one will be around to see us. If I weren't sure, we wouldn't be going, Miranda. I wouldn't want anyone else to see you naked. If they did, I have to kill them." Val's free hand had tightened into a fist as his nostrils flared. He bared his teeth ever so slightly, and I knew he meant what he said.

  Val pushed the door free and headed out into the small hallway. His hold on my hand so tight I had no choice but to go with him. Relief met my eyes when I realized Val had been right; no one lingered in the hall.

  The walk was quick, made even faster by Val’s hurried pace. If I wasn't naked in the hallway, I might find some amusement in how quickly he dragged me to our destination.

  He threw open the door, and I practically tumbled inside. The sight of Val's room made my heart speed up. The jaunt down the hallway fading away as desire struck hard and fast making my pussy clench.

  “Get on the bed.” His voice drifted through the room with hints of impatience. His hands dangled by his sides clenching and unclenching as if he couldn’t wait to touch me. His chest jutted forward as he held his breath waiting for me to follow his command.

  I didn’t hesitate as I laid down on the bed letting it swallow me whole. His eyes became glossy as he took in every inch of me naked on his bed. The bed offered another piece of Val, devouring me with its size, making me a meal for him to feast on.

  He moved away from the bed, and I lost sight of him. I could only hear his footsteps and the click of something being unlocked. Stepping into my line of vision I saw he held a black rope in his hands.

  "You have a bad habit, Miranda. Despite my warnings, you always want to touch. The truth is in your eyes, and I must admit I wonder what your hands would feel like against my skin, but I don't trust myself."

  Val took the rope and wrapped it around one wrist. He gave a slight jerk, pulling my arm up to secure it to the headboard. My other wrist received the same treatment. I gave a tug and realized Val had made sure I would stay locked in place.

  “Spread your legs.”

  I opened my legs, the motion sending a slight rush of cool air between my thighs. I felt vulnerable, opened wide for whatever Val had planned. I was intoxicated by all of the ways he could touch me, all the ways he could taste me.

  Gripping my ankle, Val secured one foot then the other. Spread eagle, I could only hold my breath waiting for him to give me everything he had promised

  "So beautiful," Val whispered as he ran his hand up my thigh. "Do you know how good you look tied down to my bed?"

  "No." The word came out small and soft.

  "So good I wish I could keep you like this forever." His fingers brushed my pussy briefly before continuing. I trembled at the slight contact. "I think you would let me keep you here so I could touch you whenever and however I wanted.”

  A slow smile graced his lips as I heard his sharp intake of breath as his hands found my breast. His fingers caught my nipple, twisting it until pain zipped through my body. I let out the breath I had been holding with a whimper. Dropping his mouth, he sucked, the wet heat turning the pain into pleasure. Val rolled his tongue around my taut peak the sensation causing shivers spiking through my body. I pushed up, my breast greedy for his mouth.

  Pulling his mouth away Val pinched my nipple even harder than before, causing the hot rush of pain to take over once again. Then his tongue went back to worship my throbbing peak. Over and over he repeated the cycle. I began to crave the pain as much as the pleasure. Something awakened deep inside me as my whole body felt alive. I was a living breathing current, a live wire sending electricity coursing through my veins.


  Miranda thrashed beneath my fingers and mouth, her body responding to both pain and pleasure. Her breasts burned flame red as her nipples hardened and strained to seek my touch.

  My cock protested within my pants, growing hard, begging me to free it. I wanted every piece of her, her mouth, her ass, her pussy; I wanted to fuck her until she knew every part of her belonged to me. Like the small prick of a thousand needles, my skin stung with anticipation. She looked like a goddess, her pale skin a stark contrast against the black ropes that held her, her hair fanning out like a golden crown upon my sheets. When I put my hands on her would she vanish, leaving me with nothing but smoke and delirious thoughts, all my craving for her left frantic and empty? I wasn't sure if I dreamed her at this moment. My sanity strung out from the control I made myself adhere to. I had needed a fix so bad I couldn't stop the slight shaking of my fingers, the fast hammer of my heart. I wanted to shoot her straight to my cells and pray I didn't lose myself in the overdose.


  My breasts ached, red and sore the feeling driving me closer to the edge. I had never known I could feel this way. My body responded to Val like it had been created just for him. For him to use, for him to pleasure. I stared at him in awe as he stood over me, a dark angel offering heaven and hell. I had no idea what he intended to give me first.

  Val's fingers ran up the length of my thigh igniting the burn even hotter. They slid against the seam of my pussy finding my clit. The pad of his thumb brushed it. A mere whisper when I wanted a touch to make me scream. The thought barely crossed my mind before he pinched tearing free the scream I had longed for. Pain melted into pleasure as Val sucked, treating my clit to same ruthless cycle he had used on my breasts. My body arched, the restraints holding me down making going far impossible. I moaned as I tried to pull my legs together seeking relief. I found none, Val becoming the sole provider of my pleasure and when I was allowed to have it.

  "Val please." The words fell from my mouth in a pant.

  Lifting his head from betwee
n my legs Val took in the sight of my desperation.

  "What do need?" The question came out with a growl.

  "You know. Please, I can't take it any longer."

  "You will Miranda. You will take everything I give you." Val's words came out harsh; the sound seemed to grate over my already sensitive body. I nodded my head, the only movement I could manage at the moment.


  Miranda wasn’t the only one on edge. Looking at her had been a fatal mistake, her green eyes had darkened to the color of emeralds. Wide open and wild they reflected the need consuming me from the inside out. The tender skin on her breasts tinged pink from my hands and mouth, the perfect color to match her pussy. My control had slipped, and I had to have her. I stood up, the taste of her dancing on my tongue as I pushed my pants down finally letting my cock spring free. Kicking my pants aside I joined her on the bed. I left my shirt on, not ready to show her what I hid underneath it. Miranda didn’t notice, every bit of her attention had focused on my cock. Her eyes grew even wider at the sight as her lips parted and her tongue darted out to wet them.


  I felt the bed drop with Val’s added weight. My eyes couldn’t seem to move from the sight of him bare from the waist down. His cock stood out, the size causing me a moment of hesitation. I wished I could touch him. He had been right. I couldn't look without wanting to move, to run my fingers down every inch of skin he presented to me. I held out a tiny shred of hope that one day he might allow my touch. For now, I would only be able to take what he decided to give me.

  "I'm going to fuck you, Miranda." The words seemed to be more for himself than for me. They held wonder within them making the burn even sweeter, the rush even more intoxicating.

  Val settled his body between my waiting thighs. His cock was nudging my entrance before he thrust impaling me with one hard fast motion.

  My body rocked with the force. My pussy frantically screaming in protest as pain replaced the desire.

  “Val. Oh god. I can’t.” My voice broke, the words falling from my lips as the current dimmed inside me.


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