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Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1)

Page 11

by Christine Monroe

  “Fuck you V.”

  “Are you in?”

  “I’m on my way. You better have coffee waiting when I get there.”

  “Anything for you sweet cheeks.”

  The line went dead. I smiled. Thorn was a smart ass, but he got the job done. He killed shit with a smile. I had learned a long time ago not to underestimate him. He was the only one besides Selena I trusted to have my back. I knew I could count on him. I would find a few more men to round out the team, but all the others were ones who owed me a favor. They would do the job because they had too. Thorn and I, well we would do the job because we enjoyed it.

  Chapter Thirty

  I had nothing but time. My mind slipping between my past and present like a swinging pendulum, one where every swing hurt more than the last. Once again my life had fallen into the hands of others, I had become nothing more than a voiceless girl drifting between the bitter grasp of hope and fate.

  I found myself thinking about that night. The night my father found me. The night my world went from love and safety to the nightmare I now knew so well. For the first nine years of my life, my mother had kept me safe; I never knew how she managed to hide us for so long. Over the years I began to believe the answer was love, love so strong it kept me safe even when the devil himself was chasing us. I had nine wonderful years with her, we spent all those years on the run, but I only knew how much she loved me. I tried never to think of her, the pain still as raw as the day I lost her. My mother's face appeared in my head. My current pain was dredging up the past and bringing it to the surface. I had been caught in the cruel grasp of memory. Its timeless hands were wrapping around me like a vice, cutting off the air in my lungs. Cracking the fragile bones that once protected my heart.

  That night my whole world shattered. The sound of the gun had cracked it like glass. The bullet tore through my mother's chest, and my mother became drenched in a grotesque shade of red. My little legs ran as fast as they could, desperate to catch her before she hit the ground. My arms reached out, but I hadn't been fast enough.

  My mother hit the ground, and all I could do was grab her hand. I tried to tell her she would be okay, but nothing came out. The last word I heard my mother say was run. I couldn't make my feet move. I stared at my mother's lifeless eyes, praying this had been nothing but a bad dream. I opened my mouth, and I screamed, hoping I would wake up, hoping her arms would wrap around me and tell me none of this wasn't real. A cold hand silenced my scream as hands yanked me backward.

  “Shut up you little bitch. Do you know how much time I have spent looking for you? Your whore of a mother thought she could keep you from me. She should have known. I always get what's mine.”

  I knew I wasn't going to wake up. The life I had known with my mother was over. My days of being loved and cherished became twisted days filled with horror and pain. I had been taken and thrown into a world of only nightmares. All the years that followed were spent at my father's mercy. No matter what he did, I didn't let my father destroy the pieces of my mother I carried with me. I fought him every step of the way. My world became colored in bruises. My father's hatred marked every piece of skin. I thought it couldn't get worse. I thought there was nothing else he could do to hurt me. I paid for my mistake. My body became a toy, a thing my father's men used however they wanted. I learned to disappear. I crawled inside myself to forget. My body remained, but I went somewhere else. The only time I came back to life is when with my sisters were with me. They were the only beautiful thing in my whole world. The spark of hope that kept me fighting. I would never let what happened to me happen to them. I would do whatever it took to make sure they never knew the horror I had known.

  The limo stopped, jolting me back to reality. The driver opened the door and climbed out. I had expected to see my father's mansion looming over me, but the sight before me stopped me dead in my tracks. A building loomed over me, cold gray concrete with few windows. I was taken to one of my father's warehouses, places I knew from stolen pieces of conversation that the merchandise inside was not things but women. My blood ran cold, some small part of me prayed they didn't exist, but I had known better. My father liked his toys, and he especially loved to break them.

  Time stopped. I couldn't make my legs move. The driver gave me a push, and I tumbled forward. A door opened, and one of my father's men stepped out. I didn't recognize him, but that wasn't surprising. My father always found new people willing to do anything for a paycheck. A bonus was they enjoyed the sick and twisted things as much as he did.

  A hand grabbed my neck and pulled me forward. Instinct took over, and I fought his hold.

  “I wouldn’t do that princess.” His grip tightened cutting off my air.

  "Your father told me to tell you if you fight me or try to run, your sisters will pay the price for your disobedience. So tell me, princess, you going to behave?"

  I managed a weak nod and his hold around my neck loosened. Sucking air into my lungs, I fought the urge to panic. The first thing to enter my mind was Val. His face pushing past the fear and panic, his voice sliding through the haze, giving me the strength not to fall apart. My sisters were at stake. I forced myself to go slack in the man's hold, a sign I wasn't going to fight him.

  "That's a good girl. Let's see your accommodations. I think you will like them."

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Thorn walked through my door looking not so happy to be here.

  “Where is my fucking coffee?” Throwing his body down on a bar stool he glared at me.

  Sliding a hot cup of coffee his way I said, “Here you go. Happy now my dear?”

  Taking a sip, he flipped me off.

  “Just like old times.”

  A lazy smile slid across his face.

  "I'm surprised you had coffee for me. Usually, you don't give a shit what I want nor are you this friendly. What the fuck happened to you? Let me guess you missed my charming, handsome face and finally realized you are in love with me. It's okay I'll just add you to the hundreds of others that love me."

  My fist shot out so fast, and Thorn didn't have time to stop it. The hit connected with his jaw, sending him flying out of the chair. His ass hit the floor, and he broke out in a full fit of laughter.

  “There is the Val I know.”

  Extending my hand, I pulled him to his feet.

  "You are fucking crazy," I said as I shook my head.

  "I know. What's this job you need me for? Please tell me it involves killing shit."

  “I wouldn’t have called you if it didn’t.”

  "Now you're talking." Thorn sat back down and took another sip of coffee. His lip had begun to bleed, but he didn't care. Thorn was too focused on the job I needed him for. I wasn't going to disappoint him.


  I kept my feet moving as I followed the man into the warehouse. In the back, I saw a door, and I knew the door would lead to whatever hell they were going to keep me in. The man punched in the code, and the door swung open.

  “After you princess.”

  I stepped on the stairs, following them down. Another coded door awaited me, and once again the man punched in the code. I tried to watch what numbers he used, but he had been too fast.

  “Open it.”

  My hands shook as I pushed open the door. I had nothing to prepare me for what I saw. Girls were everywhere, all naked with their skin colored in bruises of every size. Some were on their knees, and their head pushed between a man's legs. Others were kept still, held in various restraints. Their limbs twisted at grotesque angles as they were taken in every way possible. Even if closed my eyes I couldn't escape the things I saw. They became seared into my brain, a brutal stain tainting my very soul. A gruesome legacy I couldn't escape from. At that moment it didn't matter I had been a victim too. The simple fact I shared my DNA with the monster that had done this made me responsible. Guilt swept through me. I should have stopped him sooner. How much blood stained my hands? I knew it had to be more than I could ever wash away

  The sight of the nightmare around me was nothing compared to the sounds. Whimpers and moans of unwanted pain mixed with the brutal satisfied grunts of the men echoed throughout the room. A grim sound I knew would haunt me like a terrifying melody.

  A scream rose above all the other noise. I jerked and turned my body to the sound.

  "Want a closer look princess?" I shook my head, but the grip on my arm returned, and he dragged me over to the where the scream had come from. I found myself staring a girl so similar in looks to myself that it was like staring at my reflection. They had strung her up from a chain mounted to the ceiling. The thought struck me that just last night I had been bound in the same way, but this was a twisted version of what Val had done to me. Instead of desire, I saw nothing but terror in the girl's eyes. The horror of what had been done to her captured within the pale, dark circles under her eyes, her skin almost translucent, laying stretched over bone. She had become more of a skeleton than a girl. The only color remaining was the multiple bruises she wore, littering her skin like dark snowflakes. Instead of my green eyes, she had blue. They found mine, and I couldn't look away.

  I wanted to rip her down from where she hung, to carry her as fast as I could away from this den of horrors. I wanted to save her. I wanted to save all of them. A fire ignited deep within, my empty heart and soul filled with flames. I was no longer empty. I now had a war I needed to fight. For them. For my sisters. For myself.

  In this hell is where I would make my stand. I had nothing but the will to watch this all burn away. I had nothing but a precious glimpse of the girl Val had awakened. I would end this, or I would die to try.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  I had spent the last hour briefing Thorn on my plan, and judging by what I saw on his face, he wasn’t too impressed by it.

  "You think this fucked plan of yours is going to work?" Thorn tossed his empty coffee cup in the bar sink and began to pace.

  I shrugged. I had learned early in life never to put all your faith in something, but I had the best men money, and secrets could buy, and I was crazy as fuck, so I figured odds were pretty good. "My plan has to work there is no other option."

  "And people say I have a death wish. Tell me the fucking truth why are you doing this?" Thorn stopped pacing as his lips drawn into a fine line. His hazel eyes narrowed as he leaned back against the bar. If it weren't for his eyes, I would have had a hard time taking him seriously. His dark hair messy as a five a clock shadow had started show across on his face. A ripped pair of jeans and an ACDC t-shirt completed the I could be homeless, or a badass has fun guessing look.

  “Connor Price needs to be taken care of, simple as that.” I crossed my arms as I sighed. All this talking was wasting time. The time I didn't have. A headache started to form behind my eyes as I frowned.

  "Bullshit. You haven't given a fuck about Connor Price until now. What changed?" Pushing his body away from the bar Thorn got within a few inches of me. His body tight with tension. He wasn't going to give up without a fight. A small headache exploded into a full blown pain in my ass. I resisted the urge to hit him again.

  “I don’t owe you anything, Thorn. All I need to know is if you are in.” I cocked my head and my foot tapped against the floor. I was past the point of impatience. My jaw clenched as tried to keep calm.

  “I am not dying for nothing, V. There has to be a reason.” Thorn’s brow furrowed, his fists tightening as his shoulders pushed back. His jaw set as his eyes refused to leave mine.

  “You never needed a reason before.” I took a step closer baring my teeth. My knuckles cracked as my fingers sought the familiar comfort of my waiting palms.

  "This is different. Something's changed." Thorn's voice lost the edge. Stepping back, he stared, and I knew he could see the change. The subtle undercurrent was resting beneath the surface. The unique frequency that was Miranda humming within me only those who had known me for a long time would be able to sense it. Thorn was one of those people. We had been through too much together for him not to notice. Besides, he was a nosey bastard. He would keep digging until I gave him a reason. Didn’t mean I planned to tell him. Fuck, I could barely understand it myself, nowhere near ready to talk about it with him or anybody else.

  “You are not going to tell me are you?” Thorn crossed his arms and sighed. He recognized a losing battle when he saw one.

  The silence I let descend between us gave him his answer.

  “Her name is Miranda,” Selena’s voice entered the space, giving up the secret I didn’t want to tell, “and she’s Connor Price’s daughter.”

  Blind rage burned through me. Selena had no right to tell Thorn. Doesn't anyone around here respect me anymore? Had I gone from king to jester in a matter of a month?

  I whipped around meeting Selena’s eyes. “How dare you. You have no right, Selena. You think I won’t fucking throw your ass out the door? Try me. I am in no mood to put up with your bullshit. I am in charge here in case you had forgotten.”

  “You think you scare me, Val?” Selena laughed, the sound coming out hollow. “You forget I have met worse things in the dark than you. I survived them. I will survive you. It’s Miranda who might not. You are wasting time trying to keep your secrets. Time Miranda and her sisters don’t have. This isn’t about you, V. You made a promise. Keep it.”

  Selena's words sunk in and I hated to admit she was right. I hated knowing Thorn was a prick, but he was a prick I could trust. He would march into hell with me no matter what. He talked big but even if I didn't give him a reason, it wouldn't matter. I would lead, and he would follow. He considered me a friend and Thorn never let a friend go into battle alone.

  "Wow, V, she did a number on you didn't she?" Thorn laughed. I didn't find it funny.

  “You’re a dick.”

  “But I’m your dick,” Thorn replied batting his eyes.

  “That’s it I am going to hit you until that mouth of yours finally shuts the fuck up.” My jaw pulsed as I got ready to swing.

  “Bring it on handsome.” Thorn smirked as his hands curled into fists getting ready to play.

  “Don’t even think about it, V.” Selena walked right by me and made her way to Thorn. Her beautifully sharp nail poked into his chest. “And as for you, you know better. Stop fucking around. If you have a death wish so bad, I will be happy to oblige you. You would even die with a smile on your face.”

  “You know I love when your talk dirty to me, Selena.” Reaching down, he took her hand from his chest and pulled her into a hug. Selena tensed but then let him hug her.

  “What I am going to do with you?” Selena laughed.

  “Marry me?” Thorn put a hand over his heart and dropped to one knee.

  Selena rolled her eyes “Not a chance. I’m not that kind of girl. Now get your ass up.”

  “What type of girl are you?” Thorn raised his eyebrows as a grin spread across his face.

  "The wrong kind." Selena winked and held her hand out. Thorns fingers took hers, and he let her pull him to his feet.

  “And a word of wisdom, when a guy is on his knees in front of a girl he better be doing something other than talking.”

  "Now you are just teasing me." Thorn shook his head and gave his best-pained expression.

  Selena pulled her hand free and sighed.

  “My work is done here,” she said. “Play nice boys. I am counting on you two to get my friend back.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  I didn’t know how long I had been here. Time moved so slowly I lingered in a space in between memory and reality. I guessed only a few days had passed but to me those few days felt like an eternity. Food came and went in small doses, never enough to kill the hunger, but I found I didn't care to eat. So far, no one had come for me. My torture was to listen to the sounds of the other woman and the horrors done to them. I let every cry of pain, every scream, fuel the dark, burning rage I held on to. Instead of armor, I wore the faces of those girls upon my chest. I grieved with the
m. I burned with them. I could no longer tell where I ended, and they began.

  The only hope I had to cling to that Val would find me. I had nothing but trust, faith in the man I had seen behind the mask. Val was out there, and he would do anything to save my sisters and me. The woman in here had no savior. No one to hear their cries or come to rescue them except for me. Knowing my father, I knew he picked these women because no one would care if they disappeared. They were nameless girls quickly forgotten and tossed aside. No one would claim them or fight to bring them home.

  Sitting here in the darkness I named them. I gave them the fragile hope I clung to. I willed the fire inside me to grab hold of them and keep them fighting one day longer. I made them the reason I fought for my one day longer. Val remained a presence in the back of my mind, carrying the weight with me as I tried to think of a way to get us free.

  The door opened and took me by surprise. I found myself staring into deep-set blue eyes. I knew her instantly. I stared at the same blonde girl I saw when I first got here. She was pushed through my door before slamming shut. She fell forward, and I opened my arms, managing to catch her before she hit the floor. Her body offered no resistance in my arms. She hung loosely inside them, too weak and broken even to try to move. Her body a mere whisper of a girl in my arms. I tried my best to hold her gently. I knew she hurt. I could see the moments of pain and horror etched on her skin. I could feel her bones under her skin, too close to the surface after all she had been through.

  I moved as slowly as I could until I could get her to the small cot against the wall. I moved slowly afraid of causing her any more pain. Once she rested on the cot, I let my body slide to the floor. I knew they put her in with me for a reason. My reaction to her had told them I cared. I knew this had to be part of the sick game they were playing.

  The girl moaned, and I tried to block out the sound. I wanted not to care for both our sakes, but it was a hopeless battle. I got up, and the moment I found her eyes, I knew I couldn't turn my back on her. We were in this together. We faced the same enemy.


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