Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas)

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Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas) Page 1

by Marian Tee

  There's a pecking order in my world. Vampires are Masters, humans are pets, and my Master? He's cynical and ruthless. But I fell for him anyway.


  With my parents gone missing and demons breathing down my neck, I had no choice.

  I had to entrust myself to the powerful vampire Master who saved me, even if it meant becoming his pet.

  And the first thing my Master did?

  Dump me in a fancy training school that has me wearing short skirts while I learn about spells, ghosts, and the art of obeying one's Master.

  My Master demands my promise not to get into trouble while he's away, but like that's even remotely possible when everyone in school wants to bully me, I suck at being a soul seer, and the worst thing of all?

  I'm also the idiot who's fallen in love with her Master, even when he's already lost his heart to someone else.

  This book was previously published as The Master and His Soul Seer Pet under Marian Tee and Blood Gift under my pen name Sage Matthews.

  About the Book

  Zari inhaled, preparing herself to reveal to the world the truth about her Master.

  Yes, go on, pet. I’m interested in hearing what you have to say.

  Her head jerked, her eyes landing on the silent figure that had come into the classroom in patent disbelief. The class, picking up on her shock, followed her gaze, and everyone squealed when they saw Alexandru at the back.

  It had been one month. One month since she had last seen him, and somehow it felt like one month had wrought such a huge change in him. He was taller than she remembered, his powerful aura more authoritative. Even his sheer gorgeousness came as a shock to her, with his wavy black hair and green eyes. Had he really been this beautiful from the very start?

  All in all, Alexandru made a larger than life figure, and the way he took everyone’s dumbstruck attention as nothing out of ordinary just made him more intimidatingly attractive. Zari’s head reeled at the thought that the vampire everyone was staring dreamily at was her Master. And she – a person as ordinary as her – was his human pet.

  Zari watched her Master’s lips curve in a familiar sly smile. “Go on, pet. I’m eager to hear what you have to say. What do you think of me as a Master?” Before she could answer, he continued in his mind, Because earlier I heard exactly what you thought. Pervert, wasn’t it? And bully, too?

  Alexandru almost laughed out loud when he saw the look of horror dawning on his pet’s face just before color spread in her cheeks.

  And there it was, the blush he had missed seeing. It was disturbing, the way he had found himself thinking about that blushing look on Zari’s face so many times while he had been out hunting.

  Small and with a body so slim it was almost boyish, Zari would have appeared average if not for her lush, ash-blonde hair. But what he really liked about his little pet were her large gray eyes and expressive face. In all the years he had roamed the earth, and they were very many years, Alexandru had hated all things that could be described as cute…until this girl came into the picture.

  With her, “cute” was synonymous to arousing and right now, she was being extremely cute with the way she lied in a straight face. “My Master is the kindest Master on earth. He is the most intelligent, the bravest, and just the very best all around.”

  The entire class was silent, as if unable to decide whether Zari was being sincere or sarcastic.

  Zari lowered her head in shame. She was such a major fail at becoming an ideal pet.

  Alexandru slowly shifted on his feet, not wanting anyone to catch how his cock had reacted to Zari’s futile attempt to butter him up. Did she know how cute she was? Did she?

  Madame Lavinia cleared her throat. “We are so honored you have found the time to visit us, Master Alexandru. Class, please give Master Alexandru a warm welcome.”

  Wide-eyed, Zari watched the entire class quickly and gracefully slide to their feet and drop to a curtsy. She hurried to do the same, not wanting to be the odd duck out…again.

  “Welcome, Master Alexandru,” the entire class chorused.

  “Welcome, Master Alexandru,” Zari hurried to say, but she was too late. Her Master knew it, too, judging by the amusement glinting in his green gaze.

  It’s not funny, Master, she griped at him glumly.

  It is. And since I find the way you make the worst human pet in the entire school entirely delightful, you should be thankful.

  She glared at him. Is that supposed to make me feel better?

  His smile widened. You see, pet? You should have been happy about what I told you, and yet here you are, glaring at me in front of the entire class---

  Zari jerked at Alexandru’s words, and when she looked back at the other girls, she realized that all of them were glaring at her on her Master’s behalf.

  “Go and give your Master a proper welcome, dear Zari,” her teacher urged.

  Before Zari could even think of what a proper welcome meant, Madame Lavinia was already pushing her forward, leaving Zari no choice but to walk towards Alexandru. She stopped when she was in front of the vampire but kept her gaze down. She needed a moment to herself because right now, all she could think about was that her Master was really indeed here.

  Did you miss me, pet?

  No, Master.

  Alexandru chuckled in her mind. As always, the lies. You know I have to punish you for that, don’t you?

  Her head snapped up, Zari ready to protest.

  Alexandru took that as his cue to kiss her, his fingers curling around her nape just before his lips took hers.

  Shock and embarrassment flared up inside Zari at the unexpected touch of Alexandru’s lips over hers. Oh, she should have known! She thought about struggling but decided not to, knowing that would only make her lose much-needed brownie points with her teacher. The only way she could resist then – and stay sane – was to refuse her Master entry to her mouth.

  Fists clenched against her side so she wouldn’t accidentally cling to him, Zari did her best to keep her lips pressed together.

  Alexandru knew Zari was doing her best to resist him, but it only made him want her more. It only made more determined to have her begging. Open your mouth, pet.

  No, Master.

  If you don’t open your mouth---

  Slowly, he moved his hands, settling them on her waist. Just that one simple touch and he felt her shudder. She was so beautifully responsive, and Alexandru knew he would die a happy man if she remained like that for all eternity.

  Will you open your mouth now?


  He lifted his head up, reluctantly ending the kiss because he wanted to see her reaction. When her eyes slowly drifted open, Alexandru immediately moved his hands up, enough to reach the undersides of her breasts.

  Zari stiffened in shock at her Master’s touch, unable to believe where his hands were. Just as unbelievable was the lack of protest from the teacher and the other girls in the room. Did they all think this was a proper welcome for a Master?

  In a moment, I’m going to cup your breasts and play with your nipples. So one last time, pet – are you going to open your mouth?

  Knowing Alexandru was not the type to bluff, Zari did one better.

  It was Alexandru’s turn to be surprised when, instead of simply opening her mouth, Zari threw her arms around his neck and initiated the kiss. He recovered from his shock right away, of course, and returned the kiss with hungry passion, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth, dying for anoth
er taste of her sweetness.

  Just one kiss, and Alexandru knew it would be impossible for him to stop.

  Zari felt her Master sweeping her up in his arms just before breaking the kiss. She opened her eyes, dazed, and saw Alexandru staring at her like he was one inch away from devouring her.

  She gulped.

  Do you know how much I want you right now?


  I hope you’re ready for another private lesson about being my pet.

  Her jaw dropped at his words. Did that mean…surely he couldn’t mean…

  No, Master---

  I can’t wait, pet.

  But they will ALL know why---

  And they’ll hate you even more. Isn’t that wonderful?

  She dropped her head in defeat, hiding her face in the crook of his shoulder and neck.

  Her Master laughed in her mind.


  Yes, I am, Alexandru agreed. Out loud, he said, “Madame Lavinia, please excuse Zari from your class. I need a private moment with my pet.”

  “Of course, of course.” But this time, Zari could hear the awkwardness in Madame Lavinia’s tone, and she knew even the professor was taken aback at her Master’s boldness.

  As he walked away, Zari still in his arms, Alexandru told her cheerfully, You should have seen their faces, pet. They were all grinding their teeth and glaring at you.

  You are a BULLY, Master.

  Yes, yes, I know. But we both know you like it that way, pet.

  Vampire Love

  by Marian Tee

  *This book was previously published as The Master & His Soul Seer Pet under Marian Tee and Blood Gift under my pen name Sage Matthews.

  Copyright 2020 by Streak Digital Publishing

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  This prequel is of Zari Baltimore’s life before coming to study at the La Scala Legaturia or the School of Bonds

  A human pet is not supposed to say “No” to his or her Master.

  But there are no rules that say you can’t bargain, blackmail, nag, lie, cheat, manipulate, (insert all the other sneaky verbs you can think of here).

  Zari’s Rules for the Modernization of Relationships between Human Pets and Masters

  Alexandru was careful to keep his distaste from showing as he was led down the mining shaft, which had been boarded shut for over a hundred years. Once the site of a grisly massacre, the place now served as the venue for the illegal auction of pets.

  Around him, “candidates” were either chained to the wall or tied to the posts, all of them naked and suffering from every kind of degradation that potential Masters could think of. Some of the pets’ eyes were dull with despair while others had not yet quite lost hope. Those were the ones he had a difficult time ignoring. Everything in him clamored to release his fury on their tormentors, but Alexandru managed to keep his violent urges under control.

  Soon, he promised himself. Once he found what he was looking for, he would tear this place apart.

  After several turns that took them deeper into the torch-lit tunnels, the imp he had bribed finally stopped at the end of a heavily guarded entranceway. The gate was made of reinforced steel, and a huge, scowling troll stood on each side.

  Even as the bloodthirsty creatures gazed at him suspiciously, Alexandru had no trouble keeping his face impassive. He knew they were trying to determine his identity and figure out how strong or weak he was. But he also knew, no matter how hard they tried, they would not be able to read him.

  Centuries spent hunting down the kingdom’s outlaws had made him well-versed in deception. His skills ensured that people would only see what he wanted them to see, and right now, with his dirty but expensive cloak, hunched shoulders, and blood-stained teeth, all the others saw was a lustful vampire with an uncontrolled appetite for human virgins.

  Fishing out the bags of gold coins in his pockets, he handed one to each troll. “There is more of that for you if you allow me an hour’s pleasure with this candidate.” Licking his lips in seeming eagerness, Alexandru rasped in a lewd voice, “The imp promised me she’s a virgin. Is it true?”

  The trolls were having a hard time taking their gazes off the bags of gold coins. They were like leprechauns in that sense, but they weren’t as fussy. All that mattered to trolls was wealth, and they didn’t mind what form it came to them.

  At the word ‘virgin’, though, one of the troll’s head jerked up, a wary expression flickering in his soulless eyes. “The bosses told us that she must remain a virgin. A high roller’s going to arrive tonight. He’s done and paid a fortune to have her untouched.”

  “But I want to taste her, just a small taste. I promise I won’t take her pussy,” Alexandru whined. “Her ass would do. It won’t make a difference if I take her ass, right?”

  The wariness disappeared from the troll’s eyes. “Yeah, yeah, that’s gonna do.” He unlocked the door. “Just don’t ya take your money back if she ain’t made you happy.”


  The makeshift room housing the star of tonight’s auction was curled in a ball on a dusty pallet. Her left wrist was manacled, its thick chain bolted to the wall. Her body was almost boyishly slender, and if not for her long, ash-blonde hair, Alexandru might not have recognized her as a girl.

  The scent of her blood didn’t hit him until he had been inside her room for half a minute. It was so faint, so delicate, that a younger vampire would surely have missed it completely. And maybe, if he had not been forewarned about her existence, he himself might have failed in singling it out as well.

  Inhaling deeply, Alexandru took in her scent, committing it to memory. A vampire’s sense of smell was not as good as a shapeshifter’s, but he preferred being thorough. He wanted to be sure that after this mission, he would be able to spot a soul seer even miles away, whether by sight, smell, or feel.

  The girl twitched ever so slightly, and Alexandru’s lips curved. He had known from the start she was pretending to be asleep, and he had allowed her to pretend, curious as to what she planned to do. The spark of interest inside him was a surprise, but one he also welcomed. It made him realize how completely detached from life he had become in the years he had spent roaming the world, killing without ever living.

  The girl on the bed was taking deep breaths now, as if bolstering her courage.

  Ah, little soul seer. What are you planning?


  Zari Baltimore’s greatest sin was her curiosity. She knew it, and she had always done her best to curb it. Her curiosity tended to get her in all sorts of scrapes, and she would have been the first one to laugh if someone had told her that curiosity would end up saving her life.

  But it had, several times in fact.

  Curiosity had kept her sane in the past few days even though the things she had learned were beyond frightening. When she had woken up alone in the dark, her fingers encountering the steel around her wrist that kept her chained to the wall, curiosity had kept her from losing her mind. Curiosity had given her the courage not to cry and focus on one word.


  Why was she here? Why was she chained? And most importantly, why were her parents not here with her?

  The last thing she remembered was being on the rubber boat with her parents, the three of them trying furiously to paddle their way back to safety and away from the roaring falls.

  And then nothing. No matter what she did, she just couldn’t remember.

  Another thing Zari learned by listening to the creatures talking outside the door was that captives like her were called “candidates”, and that they were being auctioned off, one by one, to become pets.

  While most candidates
were sold in a day or two, Zari was being held in isolation because she was special. Even now, she couldn’t quite decide whether being special was a good thing or not. She was afraid that it would mean her future Master would be just as special, but in a terribly bad way.

  Every night, she was unable to sleep, fearing that the moment she closed her eyes, her faceless Master would come and do his worst. Sometimes, she found herself hoping that he would finally come. She wanted it over with----

  Zari stiffened on the bed when she realized that someone was opening the door.

  Would it be Troll A and B? Or maybe it would be one of the “organizers” of the auction? Those were even more terrifying than the trolls, with their eyes like toxic pools and their overpowering stench.

  A shadow fell over her, and a jolt shot through Zari’s body when she realized that she was no longer alone.

  Don’t show your fear, she told herself as she kept her body immobile, hoping it was enough to make it seem like she was sleeping. No matter what, don’t ever show you’re afraid. If she had to die right now, she would not die groveling in fear.

  The silence lengthened, tension thickening in the air. Frustration and fear butted heads inside her, making Zari’s body twitch involuntarily.

  Shit! Any moment now, she would be flipped on her back, devoured, and---


  She swallowed, inhaled, and exhaled, repeatedly, and as silently as she could. Deep in her heart, she knew that this was the end. Everything would change right this moment, and her only choice was whether to face it quivering in fear or head on with courage.

  Never. Show. Fear.

  She repeated the words to herself like a mantra, counted one to three, and flipped to her back, her heart and mind prepared for---

  Her jaw dropped.

  What the heck was a GQ model doing in her prison?

  Despite his horrendous-looking cloak and mud-caked clothes, none of it was successful in making him less than perfectly gorgeous. His hair and eyes were the shade of ebony, his skin a smooth, dark bronze, and his body sculpted and toned like a statue.


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