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Inciting a Riot

Page 27

by Karen Renee

  Vamp’s hand let go of mine and he put that hand on my shoulder to pull me to his side.

  “Rage, thanks, but no thanks. No empty pussy for me, got everything I need right here, man.”

  I did my best not to squirm as the brother named Rage took me in with his dark brown eyes. His face was framed by thick, wavy locks of hair that fell three inches past his shoulders. He eyed me from top to toe and then his eyes slid back down to my shoes.

  His gaze cut to Vamp, “I can see that you do, Vamp. I assume you’ve claimed her classy ass even if you missed church earlier. ’Cause, if not, no offense, doll, but those shoes alone are makin’ my dick hard as nails.”

  Vamp’s fingers dug into my shoulder. “Yeah, she’s claimed, Rage, and there won’t be any threesome action with her. You and Samantha have a good time without us.”

  I made a mental note to not wear my Jimmy Choos to the clubhouse, ever again. I guess Vamp was right earlier, they were a genuine pair of fuck-me-pumps. Vamp’s fingers loosened on my shoulder and he turned us toward the bar where Blood, Abby, Trixie, Jackie, Henry, the two prospects, and a man I wasn’t familiar with, were sitting. The man I didn’t know had a head full of long grey hair and one of the fiercest five-o’clock shadows I’d ever seen on a man. I suppose my earlier encounter with Rage prepared me for the additional eyeing I took from this guy. Yet, the way he did it was different. There was a modicum of respect in his twice-over of me, and this was mainly because he looked me over closely, and then he seemed to be looking over Vamp and me together.

  He leaned toward me, stuck out a calloused hand, and said, “I’m Major. You must be Vamp’s long-lost love, but I don’t know if I’m supposed to call you ‘Lorraine’, ‘Rainey’, or ‘Frankie’.”

  I waved my casted right hand at him, stuck out my left hand and said, “I’ve been going by Frankie for the past six years, but I’ll answer to any of the three. Sorry, I can’t shake with my right hand, but it’s nice to meet you, Major.”

  He gave me a tender smile, and said, “I understand, and it’s nice to meet you too, darlin’.”

  Henry said to one of the prospects, “Get off your duff and get Lorraine somethin’ to drink.”

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Vamp asked.

  Henry flicked Vamp off and said, “You don’t clean up half as well as she does.”

  I told the prospect who had moved behind the bar that I wanted a bottle of beer, and he put two opened bottles in front of Vamp and me. I sat on a barstool, and took a slug of my beer. I turned to look at the group, and I immediately noticed Trixie’s eyes looked puffy and red.

  “What is the problem, Trixie? Are you upset that Mallory, Reggie, and I stole all the action in kicking Bradley’s ass?”

  I watched as Trixie took in a very deep breath through her nose and then she looked over to me. “No, but I have to say you guys put on a good show. I’d have done it better, but it was entertaining.”

  I was giving her a hard look, but noticed Abby, two seats beyond Trixie, shaking her head at me emphatically. So, I let it go by saying, “Right. Whatever you say, girl.”

  I didn’t know what had Trixie upset, but seeing as Roll wasn’t out in the common room with us, I could only imagine he had something to do with Trixie’s current mood. It was her business, and in no way was I about to try to grill her about it in the common room with so many brothers around us. I wanted to help her out, but I’d have to find out where Trixie’s head was at where Roll was concerned, before I could help her.

  I was pulled from my thoughts of Trixie and Roll when Vamp spun my barstool seat around so I was facing him. He was standing close and he nudged my legs further apart so he could stand even closer to me. We were chest to chest, and he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face to his for a kiss. He nudged my lips open with the tip of his tongue, and then glided his piercing over my tongue in a back and forth motion. I moaned into his mouth and hoped that I wasn’t being too loud about it. Vamp gently ended the kiss.

  “We’re done out here, babe. Let’s move,” he said in a husky voice.

  As we walked out of the common room area, I heard a wolf-whistle that was so loud it could have been used to hail a cab. Then Rage could be heard saying, “Have fun, brother. Fuck her from behind, those Goddamn shoes make her legs look picture-perfect!”

  I turned to look over my shoulder and had every intention of flicking this asshole off, but Vamp was also looking over his shoulder and beat me to it.

  Entering Vamp’s room again, I couldn’t keep myself from looking up at the ceiling. Those hooks weren’t exactly mesmerizing, but they fascinated me nevertheless. Vamp saw my gaze, and chuckled at me.

  “I see you’ve noticed the hooks in the ceiling.”

  “Actually, I might not have noticed them had I not been contemplating a nap when Trixie and company came in to tell me we were all headed to the Metro. Someone said something or other that had my eyes rolling up in my head, and that was when I noticed them. Heard there are stories about you and the swing that uses those heavy-duty hooks up there.”

  Vamp closed and locked his door, then he slid his arms around me, “I’d say we could break out the swing tonight, but if you’ll recall, you’ve been very naughty and I need to mete out some discipline.”

  “‘Mete?’ Did you seriously just use the term ‘mete out some discipline’?”

  Vamp’s lips tipped up slightly at the corners, “Keep up the snarky attitude, and discipline won’t be the only thing I’ll be meting out.”

  “Thought that was the whole point of discipline, Cary?”

  He growled at me and gave me a rough kiss. His hands went up under the hem of my dress and yanked down my panties. While he still had the skirt portion of my dress around my hips, Vamp took the opportunity to smack my right ass-cheek with his bare hand. With our discussion about discipline, I knew it was coming, but knowing still didn’t keep me from giving a small yelp of excitement. I felt the fabric of my dress move in Vamp’s hands, and suddenly a sharp cracking sound filled the room when Vamp smacked my left ass-cheek. I was still surprised by it, but instead of yelping, this time I had to stifle a giggle.

  Vamp looked down at me and said, “Damn it. I forgot how you got off on me bein’ rough. Fuck! Not gonna be able to draw-out this discipline session with you at this rate. Bend over the bed, Rainey, and don’t make me tell you twice.”

  I didn’t make him tell me twice, and by the time we were finished it wasn’t just discipline that was meted out in Vamp’s room. It was something a lot more satisfying.

  *** ***

  I opened my eyes and saw a flash of metal. To focus better, I blinked and realized I was looking at Vamp’s pierced nipple-ring. It was a straight silver barbell that had two letters on either side of the nipple. A capital letter ‘S’ and a lower case letter ‘e’ were on the far side and next to my nose were the letters ‘x’ and ‘y’. ‘Sexy’. No, there was no shame in Vamp’s game, none whatsoever. He must have put this bad boy in last night before he came to the Metro, because I’d have remembered if this piece of body jewelry made an appearance in Daytona.

  Shifting my gaze further up, I saw that Vamp’s eyes were still closed, and his chest was rising and falling in a slow and steady fashion. It was definitely a day for sleeping-in, but unfortunately I had a headache forming at my temples and my stomach was rumbling. I was awake and I didn’t think I stood a chance of getting back to sleep.

  I slithered away from Vamp and managed to get out of his bed without waking him. I put on the black Harley-Davidson t-shirt Vamp had been wearing last night and padded my way down the hall to the kitchen. The smell of strong coffee brewing hit me first, and then I saw Trixie at the microwave, mixing up some hot water with what appeared to be a bowl of oatmeal. I wandered over to the cabinets next to the coffee maker and pulled down two mugs. I murmured a ‘Good morning’ to Trixie and poured two cups once the coffee maker quit dripping.

  “How do you take your java, Trix?”
r />   “Black,” she said as she seated herself at the small table in the kitchen area.

  I set her cup in front of her, and then I pulled some creamer out of the fridge, put a healthy slug into my cup, and then put the creamer back in its place. Normally, I drank my coffee black, but I had a sneaking suspicion that Vamp would want some of my coffee when I got back to his room. I sat down across from Trixie and blew on my coffee.

  “You wanna talk about it?” I asked quietly.

  Trixie gave me a blank stare, but then she shrugged and said, “Not much to talk about. Ain’t anybody’s old lady, can’t make a claim, and therefore can’t make a fuss.”

  Sometimes my Italian roots were a freaking curse. I always told it like it was and never sugar-coated shit. This was one of those instances where I should have sugar-coated things.

  “Why keep coming back if he doesn’t care enough to make you his? I don’t understand. You’re putting yourself through this. Why do it?”

  Trixie narrowed her eyes at me. “I love him. I always have, and fuck me, but I probably always will. I’ve tried to move on, God how I’ve tried, but he’s it. It’s just me who isn’t it for him.”

  “Nuh-unh. Don’t you sit there and give me the, ‘it’s-not-him-it’s-me’ routine. It’s him fo’ sho’, woman. He can’t see what a jewel he has right here, then he doesn’t deserve all the fabulous goodness that is you. Not a damn thing wrong with you. You’re just gonna have to woman-up and find a different biker to hang on to while riding the asphalt.”

  Trixie shoved her spoon into her half eaten bowl of oatmeal with far more force than was necessary and said, “It ain’t that simple, Rainey.”

  I swallowed a sip of my coffee. “It is that simple, babe. It just ain’t that easy. However, most of the things in life worth doing are never easy, so remember that, huh?”

  “Whatever,” Trixie mumbled as I carried my coffee cup back to Vamp’s room.

  I slowly opened the door, but the hinges creaked as I opened the door, and Vamp shot bolt-upright in bed. His gaze caught on my mug of coffee and his face softened.

  “Any chance that’s for me?”

  I closed the door behind me, and for whatever reason, it didn’t creak when it closed. I leaned against the closed door and said, “Some of it is. I knew I should’ve just poured myself a cup of my own. This creamer shit in my coffee is for the birds.”

  Vamp threw the sheets off his body and moved off the bed toward me. We had both slept naked, and I got to ogle his nude form as he moved. He was a very fine specimen. The right side of his lower abdomen and over his hip bone sported a tattoo of a skull tilted on its side with a sword running through it. A banner was woven around in a zigzag pattern from the hilt of the sword down to the base of the skull with the words, “Death before Dishonor,” inked into the banner. On the opposite hip was a red-and-orange flame with a skull embedded in the fire. There were two pistons driven into the skull at diagonal angles and the words “Live Hard Run Fast,” were in the foreground of the tattoo.

  My perusal of Vamp’s body must have been overt because as he came closer to me his cock began to stand at attention. When he made it to me, his hands slid around my back and down to my ass. One of his hands started kneading my left ass cheek while the other was gathering his t-shirt up to my waist. When the fabric was up past my butt, Vamp’s hands started rubbing me skin-to-skin.

  He gave me a hard look. “You went to get coffee with no underwear on? You do know you’re not in your own home, right?”

  “Of course I know that, but I also know that the hard-partying action we saw last night meant most of your brothers would still be dead-to-the-world, like yourself. Until the Twilight Zone sound effect decided to take hold on your door’s hinges that is.”

  Vamp’s hips were moving slowly against mine. “I think you saw something you liked when I walked over here for my java.”

  I always see something I like when you’re around. Ok, that would have been a little too much of an ego stroke this early in the morning, so I put that thought to the back of my mind. Before I could give him a different response, we heard a loud shout from out in the hallway and the sound of breaking glass that was much farther away, from somewhere outside the clubhouse.

  Vamp spun on his heel, grabbed his jeans off the floor, and bolted from the room with only one leg in the pants. I leaned out of the doorway to see him get his other leg into the denim with a nimbleness I didn’t know he had in him. I was pulled from my admiration of his agility when Cal and Blood sprinted down the hallway dressed similarly to Vamp. That was to say, they were wearing jeans and no shirts and no shoes. Roll lumbered out of his room with jeans and his boots on, but no shirt.

  They say curiosity killed the cat, and I have to say that women have many feline tendencies because heaven knew my nosiness was second to none. I stepped into my high heel sandals and quickly switched out Vamp’s t-shirt for my dress from last night. I didn’t want to waste any time with putting on shorts and a shirt from yesterday’s ride home. I saw my underwear sitting near the doorway, so I managed to hustle into my thong before I made my way to where all the action was taking place. I stood in the open doorway to the back patio and parking area and didn’t see any of the brothers in sight.

  There weren’t as many bikes in the back of the compound as there normally would have been. Yes, the brothers were all about riding and being free, but thunderstorms happened more as the temperatures increased and they could be random and sneaky. Riding on a motorcycle at any speed when there was a thunderstorm overhead was not much fun, and in fact, if you were driving more than forty-five miles per hour, it hurt like a bitch. Let’s face it, what good is riding on a motorcycle if you’re not going to ride fast? The sketchy afternoon weather meant that some of the brothers had driven their cages, which was what bikers called cars and trucks. Once you’ve ridden the open road on a bike, going back is tantamount to being put in a cage.

  I noticed Cal and Blood were rounding the back of Mallory’s Camry, while Vamp and Henry were carefully moving around Jackie’s Jeep Liberty. I moved further out into the parking area and I heard the toe of my high-heeled sandal crunch on broken glass. I looked over to the vehicle next to me and saw it was my SUV. I looked again and realized the back window on the hatch had been busted out.

  A large black Ford F-350 was parked on the other side of my SUV, and suddenly Jim, the prospect, rounded the back of it, hauling a waif-thin woman beside him. She had naturally-curly hair that was frizzing out of control. The spirals of curls had become a knotted mass of wayward strands of hair. Tucked under the prospect’s arm was a Jimmy Choo shoe box. What the fuck? I was thinking that so hard that I almost thought I said it out loud, until I heard it repeated by two different male voices.

  “What the fuck, Rainey? You didn’t know if any of us had guns, we could have shot you, for fuck’s sake. What are you doin’ out here?” Vamp asked irately.

  At the same time, Henry shouted, “What the ever loving fuck, Lo-lo? You do not come out here when we know our perimeter has been breached. Shit. Sarge, get her the fuck out of here!”

  Before I knew what Henry’s order was all about, Cal came toward me, dropped to almost a crouch, and put his shoulder to my belly. His arm went around my legs to hold the bottom of my dress in place and he was striding to the clubhouse. I lifted my head and saw the skinny woman staring at me with an ugly sneer on her face. Then she whirled toward Vamp (or whirled as much as she could, when a brawny guy like Jim had hold of her) and screeched, “I’m better than that fuckin’ whore! You gave me up for her?”

  I didn’t get to hear anything further because Cal had planted me on a couch in the common area, and he stalked out to the back of the clubhouse. My anger was through the roof. Some dumbass bitch had busted one of the windows to my SUV in order to lift a pair of my Jimmy Choos! That simply was not done! Cal’s words to me about what Stillman did to me and how it “cannot stand,” came rushing back to me. These bikers had no idea that s
tealing shoes from a sister was a sin of the highest order. That could not stand. I hauled myself out of the couch and went to the door to the parking area.

  Mallory appeared at the mouth of the hall. She took a look at me in my outfit from last night and, with a confused look on her face, she asked, “You never even took your clothes off last night? I could’ve sworn Cal and I heard Vamp going at it with you when we went to bed at quarter-to-three.”

  I didn’t realize Trixie was close by until she said, “Ain’t no time for that, Mallory. Starla’s out there, and Cal brought Frankie in here like she was a sack of rice.”

  “And she busted out the back window to my SUV in order to try and steal my other pair of Jimmy Choos from me!”

  Mallory’s eyes got huge. “You’re joking? What a shitty thing to do! I knew she was a grade-A cunt, but seriously, how would she even know if you were the same shoe size as her?”

  Now my eyes were huge. “Eyes on the prize, Mal! Stealing a woman’s shoes is not done. Not ever!”

  She nodded, and Trixie moved to the door. She pulled it open, but the other prospect was standing right there. He took one look at the three of us and shook his head.

  That was it. Nobody else might have heard it, but my hold on everything from my patience to my temper snapped.

  “Don’t you stand there and shake your biker-prospect head at me. That fuckin’ bitch thinks she can steal my shoes, shoes that I worked a year-and-a-half for, without feeling my wrath, you’re completely wrong! If they’re my other pair of Jimmy’s, then they cost as much as one of my mortgage payments. It’ll be a –”

  The prospect moved away when Vamp filled the space in front of me. “Take it down a notch, woman. She’s crazy as a jay-bird. We talked about that earlier. You aren’t getting anywhere near her.”


  “Yeah, that is total bullshit,” Mallory added, from directly behind me.

  From the side of the patio, I heard Cal grumble, “Mallory, not your business.”


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