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Surrendering to Her General

Page 9

by Sadie Marks

  She yelped and tried to clamp her legs together, but his hand was there, keeping that from happening. "That hurt!"

  "Yes, Pain Receiver, it hurts. Do you want more, or should I just leave you like this?" he asked. He didn't sound amused; he sounded predatory, and she felt like a mouse trapped in a snake's coils and ready to be eaten.

  Stars help her, she did want more. It wasn't just for the sexual pleasure, although she'd do almost anything right now if only he'd fuck her until the pleasure exploded through her, but she actually wanted to see what it would be like to take all the pain he could give. If she'd expected them to ease her slowly into the life of a slave, she'd been delusional—the abrupt immersion was a shock—but that didn't mean she was hating it.

  She looked away, hiding her face as she replied, "Hurt me."

  She couldn't see the broad smile that exposed the sharper-than-human canines until he rolled her over onto her back. "Good girl," he said, a low purr of satisfaction in his tone as he looked down at her body splayed out before him like a buffet. He watched her for another moment, and then he turned and moved across the room. He touched a spot on the wall and a panel sprang open, exposing a storage space.

  She pushed up on her elbows to get a better look, and her eyes widened. "You, um, come prepared," she said in a soft, nervous tone of surprise. The interior had rows of hooks, from which hung a number of items, many she recognized immediately as implements of discipline.

  "I like to plan strategically," he replied, laughing softly as he removed a thin leather strap and turned back to her. "One of my officers spent a good deal of time living on Earth and was happy to visit with his submissive to procure what he considered 'essentials' for me. Humans are more fragile than other slaves we've had, and greater care has to be taken not to break you, so it seemed best to acquire things commonly used on your own planet," he explained as he returned to her with the sinuous grace of a stalking animal.

  She wanted to ask what he was going to do with the strap, but she was afraid she already knew the answer, especially when he moved to stand between her legs. She swallowed hard as he let the leather fall lightly across one breast. It didn't hurt much; there was the faintest sting when it hit the nipple, mostly because it was hard and tight from arousal, but nothing she couldn't handle.

  He appraised her reactions as he did the same to the other breast; there was no real force behind it, just the gravity pulling it down to splat across her breast; she squirmed and bit down on her bottom lip. It was more arousing than painful when he did it like that, but she had a feeling he wasn't going to stop there, and she was right.

  The flat leather strip was thin but wide and extremely flexible. There was a floppiness when it landed that caused it to curve and mold itself to the rounded flesh. When he started to put a touch of strength behind it, it also increased the speed, and the first time it whooshed through the air with a solid slap to the left breast, she jumped with a startled gasp as a swatch of pink appeared.

  He did the same to the right, and she winced; he'd caught the nipple and flattened the sensitive peak, sending a streak of pain through her. The "Ow! Wait!" burst from her lips instinctively.

  "Painful?" he asked.

  There wasn't concern there, but curiosity, as she'd suspected he was studying her reactions. Hesitating, she thought about it before answering, because part of her wanted to exaggerate her reactions. If he thought she had a lower pain tolerance that could be useful in the future, but in the end, her pride wouldn't allow that, so she shook her head.

  "Just a little. It's actually a-a pleasant kind of sting, except here." Her hand went up to touch the sore nipple lightly. "That part hurt," she admitted honestly.

  He leaned in, pushed her hand out of the way and fastened his mouth to the stiff nub, sucking hard. The suddenness and suction had her hips lifting off the bed in a combination of pain and pleasure so smoothly blended that she couldn't separate them.

  "Oh, stars," she breathed, and then his teeth began to close, tightening slowly. He was careful not to use the sharp canines, so it was a slowly increasing burn as the pressure tightened. Her hand came up and buried itself in his hair, trying to pull him back as the pain bordered on too much. He ignored the pulling; she wasn't even sure he noticed it, but a second later, he released her and straightened.

  "Beautiful," he said.

  She didn't know if he was talking about her body or the way she squirmed when he hurt her. It could have been either, from the way he looked at her as if he wanted to devour her.

  "Spread your legs wider," he ordered and then took a step back. She obeyed, but when he lifted the leather strap, she automatically closed them again.

  "Please, not there!" she begged.

  "You want the pleasure, girl? This is the price." He considered her with a thoughtful expression before he continued. "Five. If you can keep your legs spread and accept five, I'll give you all the pleasure you could want," he promised.

  She whimpered, shaking her head as she clamped her legs tighter together, but that put pressure on her clit and reminded her of how badly she needed to come. "No, I can't," she insisted.

  "No? Then, I suppose I'll go get some work done. Maybe I'll consider giving you another chance to earn it tomorrow, or the day after," he said, shrugging nonchalantly as he turned to put the strap back.

  "Wait! I…" She looked wide-eyed and desperate. Stubbornness crumbled visibly as her head dropped back onto the bed and slowly, inch by inch, she forced her legs to part again. It took her almost a minute to spread them wide enough to please him.

  "Good girl," he said. The alien timbre in his tone held the warmth of praise, and a second later, he brought the leather down with a firm slap. "They stay open, or we start over," he warned her as he swung.

  It was jarring and painful, but she kept her legs open through sheer stubbornness. The short nest of curls covering her labia cushioned and protected somewhat, and he wasn't really swinging the strap hard, but it was a very delicate area, and it did hurt, especially since she was swollen and wet from need. It was the vulnerability that made it harder, though. She could have taken much more pain without flinching if he'd aimed the leather across her ass, but there was something fearsome about letting him spank her there.

  Later, she wasn't sure how she managed all five without slamming her legs shut. Her thigh muscles trembled with the strain, and even though none of them had looked especially harsh, each stroke got increasingly more painful until the fifth, which forced a wail from her. That last had been a special grace note of pain; he'd held the end of the strap, aimed it, and then swept it down with some flicking motion that engulfed the tender area in flames.

  Slow tears of pain and humiliation leaked from the corner of her eyes as he calmly returned to the closet and hung the strap on its hook. He took something else off a shelf and then returned to her. There was a panicked look on her face, and she focused on his hand, afraid he was bringing something else to cause her pain, but whatever it was had disappeared into his large hand. It was too small, she hoped, to hurt her.

  He gave her a smile that she thought was supposed to be soothing; it wasn't. "You're a good girl, Kenzi. No more pain—tonight," he said with approval.

  She relaxed, but her eyes still returned to his hand nervously. "What's that?" she asked.

  "Our touch inhibits orgasm for a time, when I choose," he explained.

  "I know, they told me after—" She paused, flushing as she remembered the frantic masturbation session in the bathroom as she attempted to give herself what he'd refused.

  "Mm, yes I enjoyed picturing your disappointment when you discovered that. I wish I could have been there; next time, I will be." His grin twisted a little with amusement. "Anyway, it usually lasts a few hours, but since you've pleased me so well, I thought I'd reward you by ending your suffering early." He held up a small sealed tube. "There's just enough for one dose, and just in case you have any ideas, I will know if one is missing," he warned, as he broke th
e seal and squeezed the entirety of the contents into the palm of his hand.

  How he'd known that she had already been considering whether she could sneak some to help herself in the future, she had no idea, but she dropped her eyes and tried to look innocent. "Of course, Sir," she said coolly. Sir didn't come easily to her lips, and she had to make an effort to add it, but she did so because she was afraid to jeopardize the reward.

  "Good girl, now shift back on the bed and pull your legs up," he ordered.

  She scooted back, and after she got comfortable, he parted her knees wide and slathered a cool gel between her folds. He was efficient, but there was nothing clinical or medicinal about the way he swirled it around her clit and then drove two fingers inside of her without warning.

  As soon as the gel-covered fingers stroked across her inner walls, she came hard and fast, tightening around his fingers convulsively. He settled on the bed next to her, bringing his other hand into the action so that thumb could stroke and tease her clit while he fingered her.

  She lost track of how many times he brought her to climax. Her body had been so desperate and needy that even when she got too sensitive and tried to push away the hand massaging her pleasure nub, she still rode his fingers for more. At one point, she saw stars and her head fell back dizzily, mouth working to try for words, but all that came out was a series of incoherent moans.

  Through it all, he watched her face, seeming to enjoy the show she was putting on, and when he finally slipped his fingers from her, it was only so that he could fit himself between her spread thighs and give her something bigger to fill that aching need that still throbbed inside of her. When he drove into her, she screamed out another orgasm, legs locking around his hips and tightening. A human man might have been shocked at the strength in her grip; the Sadec was not.

  She'd never been a screamer, but then she'd never had a series of orgasms so powerful that she thought she might pass out from the pleasure that racked her body. Then, too, back on Earth, she'd been more likely to fake an orgasm so her partner wasn't embarrassed, and then take care of things on her own after he fell asleep.

  She was drained, her entire body sore, and even raw in some places when she finally slumped back on the bed, entirely sated. He'd kept his promise and given her all the pleasure she could handle. She was still twitching occasionally from aftershocks and making little noises when he climbed off the bed and dressed. She watched in a languid haze, and only as he went to leave did she remember how to talk.

  "Where are you going?" she asked. Her voice was hoarse.

  He didn't answer and vanished from sight, but a minute later, he returned and set a glass of water within her reach. "Drink," he ordered.

  She winced as she struggled to sit up and found she couldn't. Instead, she rolled over to the edge of the bed and picked up the glass. A small sip reminded her of how thirsty she was, and she quickly gulped down the rest before thanking him.

  "I have to go to Command. Things don't run themselves just because I have a new toy to play with," he said gruffly. She frowned, a quick stab of disappointment running through her, but she didn't say anything in response to that.

  "The cleansing unit is there; you should make use of it," he said, pointing towards a blank wall. "And then you'll find food and drink in the other room."

  She tilted her head to look at the wall and then back at him. "Uh, I don't know how to make the doors work, or um, even find them," she admitted, embarrassed.

  He narrowed his eyes, frowning. "You weren't shown?" he asked.

  "No, Sir. I saw them open for other people, but no one explained," she said.

  He sighed, and she wondered if she'd just gotten her fellow human in trouble. "Come," he said, gesturing to her.

  She groaned and slid off the bed, standing carefully. Her body ached when she stretched. It wasn't an unpleasant ache. Some, she could feel inside from the deep thrusting of the rough sex, and the rest was from the pain he'd caused her, but she realized she liked feeling the reminders as she crossed the floor behind him.

  He showed her the small metal stud that indicated there was a door. He touched it first and then pressed her hand to it. It began to heat against her palm and she flinched, expecting to be burned, but it stopped just short of hurting, and after a second, turned cool again.

  "Now the ship knows you. When you do this," he waved his hand in front of it, "doors will open," he explained. An orifice appeared, slowly widening until she could see the lavatory facility that was hidden behind it. He gave her a quick lesson on how to use everything, and then it occurred to him to show her that one of the hidden cabinets in the sleeping room had been set aside for her.

  It was stocked already with clothing that matched the uniform of the ship, which she was grateful to find. She'd been afraid she'd be spending the whole five years naked. She was surprised that they didn't have a separate uniform for the slaves, but then it occurred to her that there was no way of mistaking her for one of them anyway, so what would be the point?

  There was also a set of things she'd need for her personal hygiene, all of which looked to be directly from Earth, and an odd pale-green tunic, which he didn't explain. She assumed it was some sort of nightgown. After pointing out a few other things she needed to know, he left her to her own devices with a warning to stay inside his quarters.

  She wasn't even thinking about disobeying the order when he left. She was too focused on getting cleaned up and dressed in her new clothes. What they called a shower was actually a lot of fun, and she spent a good half hour playing with the various dials and buttons. It didn't use any water but cleaned her body with sonic waves of different strengths; some were powerful enough to feel like a massage, and she enjoyed experimenting with the effects.

  After she got dressed, feeling oddly powerful in the warrior clothing, she wandered through the rooms, exploring the hidden panels and looking through them for entertainment. That killed a couple of hours, but eventually, she got bored and remembered Dez telling her about a park where the humans on board liked to go. Suddenly, the quarters felt confining. She started to pace, and while she paced, she found herself wondering if she could slip out without being caught.

  A general had too much to do to bother with keeping an eye on her every move, and Dez had shown her how to find her way around the ship without getting lost, she thought. And really, how bad could the punishment be? They liked it when the slaves disobeyed; that's what she'd been told, and she'd already experienced discipline at their hands. It had been harsh but bearable, and anything was better than the monotony.

  The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to slip out and look around, just for a few minutes, and then she'd come right back before anyone even noticed. She probably would have risked it if she hadn't started to yawn and realized she was getting tired. She hesitated, with her hand half raised and then let it drop. It had been a long and exhausting day; a nap suddenly seemed more enticing and less likely to get her punished again on her first day.

  She wasn't sure how long she slept; there seemed to be no way of keeping track in the room, not that she understood anyway, but it felt like she'd been sleeping for a few hours. She was starting to reconsider leaving his quarters again, when he returned. She was glad for the nap then, because he wanted to play with his slave again.

  It set up the pattern for her first days on the ship. Her time with him was full of pain and pleasure, and she began to feel a growing attachment to him. She wasn't sure what it was, exactly, but everything brightened as soon as she heard the door opening, and she'd drop whatever she was doing to run and greet him. He was affectionate with her when he was pleased and patient when he taught her the things he enjoyed, but that didn't stop him from hurting her physically when he felt like it.

  She was spanked or whipped at least once a day for the first couple of weeks, usually just for his own pleasure, but occasionally, it was because she'd gotten an attitude over something or refused to obey an order. She'd learn
ed to interpret his alien expressions and could tell when he was amused and when he was annoyed—either look in those dark eyes was likely to lead to her being pulled across his lap for discipline, but one was much more fun than the other for her.

  When he was gone, she missed him, but after that first day, he'd provided her with the entertainments that were available for the humans on board. Vid disks with recordings from Earth and a large library of reading material. He'd even provided her with a slate and stylus, so she could write things down or draw, and it had access to the ship's computers as well, so there were games she could play. It made things a little less tedious, but she couldn't help asking every day when she'd be allowed to leave his quarters on her own.

  It was frustrating, because she'd seen plenty of other slaves wandering around unaccompanied or with each other, so there was clearly no rule about it, but he always said no. He escorted her to meals when he wished to eat with others, and they'd used the relaxation suites more than once. He'd even taken her to see the park, though he'd made her pay for it, first. She'd earned the visit by begging him to paddle her thoroughly with one of the implements from the closet. The plasteel had been made to feel and look like an oak paddle, and it had brought her to tears quickly, but each time he asked if she'd had enough, she was required to say, "Please spank harder, Sir!" instead.

  It amused him to play games like that, just like it amused him to strip her pride and attitude from her. The sight of her groveling in tears and begging was an aphrodisiac to him, and the more they played, the more she realized that she loved her new life. Yes, it was painful, at times it felt like it was too much. Her ass should have been black and blue by the second day, but that never happened. They'd given her more endurance as part of the process—they'd also given her more sensitivity, which would have been cruel, except she'd never gotten so much pleasure before, either.


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