Surrendering to Her General

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Surrendering to Her General Page 14

by Sadie Marks

  Instead of stopping, he pushed a second finger inside, and a keening sound burst out of her. She was distracted and so entirely focused on what those fingers were doing as they thrust in and out of her needy core that she didn't even notice his other arm reaching out to make adjustments on the panel. The magnets shifted position, pulling her body along with them, until she was bent at the waist.

  The shifting of her position made it feel even better, and she eagerly rode his fingers, but that wasn't his purpose in changing her alignment. Bent over and helpless, she focused only on her pleasure, but with one hand working between her legs, he began to give her a searing spanking with his free hand. The heavy-handed slaps brought the pink flush on her skin quickly to an angry red color that matched the rising heat in intensity.

  She thought that it was too much, that it would push away the orgasm that was building, but it didn't, and the arousal didn't help to cushion the pain, either, at least not that she could feel. Somehow, she was experiencing two distinct and overwhelming sensations as if there was no overlapping. It wasn't something she understood or could explain, but the tears streaming down her face didn't detract from the release.

  He slid his hand from her soaked and dripping sex, making that pleased chuffing sound that they all made, and he moved the magnets back. The strain on her lower back vanished as she straightened again. It was a small pain in comparison to everything else, but she was grateful to have it gone. He patted her ass, like she'd been a good pet, and she glared at him through damp strands of hair.

  "Can you let me go now, please?" She knew without a doubt what his answer would be, and sure enough, he shook his head.

  "A full cycle, girl," he reminded her. He thumbed the communicator on his wrist before she could say anything else. "Clinician to Dining Three for a display slave," he said gruffly. The Sadecs tended to be brief when it came to orders, and no reply was given. It was simply assumed that a clinician would arrive shortly.

  "It's traditional when a slave is first shared to give her Awaken. By your enthusiastic reactions, I'm assuming this was done, correct?" he asked.

  She frowned. "I -I don't know what that is," she replied. The glare dropped from her face to be replaced by confusion.

  "Awaken is an arousal drug. It awakens your body so that the smallest touches, strokes, slaps will excite. It's to help you adjust and accept being touched by others for the first time. Slaves can become very fixed on the one owner in the early days, and this will make you crave the touch of any," he explained.

  Her eyes widened as she thought back to the cold gel that had been inserted inside of her and rubbed into her nipples. It explained why she'd barely left their quarters before being wracked with an orgasm; she'd thought it was just the experience of being plugged, but she should have known better.

  "Yes, then. You're lucky," he said, looking satisfied. "It's not normally given with punishment. It's a gift to ease your way, but then slaves are not normally displayed for a full cycle—with most, only a short time is required. The general, no doubt, considered the drug when he gave the longer punishment, so I won't neutralize it." He looked her over, noting the look on her face and shook his head. "Besides, you're a stubborn one. It might take the whole cycle to break you."

  He might have said more, but the appearance of the clinician distracted him, and the two men talked, discussing her punishment as though she wasn't even present. It grated on her nerves, and she had to stop herself from pulling at the cuffs to try to get free. It wouldn't do any good and she'd just hurt herself, but she was angry.

  In her mind, she'd built up some kind of romantic notions, thinking that she was falling in love with Tal. That he might be falling in love with her, but she knew now that she was nothing but a slave to be used by him.

  The knowledge was a bitter taste in her mouth.

  She'd done this to herself, thinking, somehow, that this would solve all of her problems. The rules had all been laid out for her; no one had lied. She'd misunderstood because she wanted to, and now she was a long way from home at the mercy of a race of aliens who were known for having no mercy.

  She was totally fucked, or at least she was going to be.

  It should have bothered her that her body seemed to have absolutely no problem with that. It was all on board for every new experience, every invasive touch, every painful slap she knew she'd receive, but especially for all of the pleasure and the endless orgasms that would come with them. She wanted to hold onto the anger and upset, to resist, but just thinking about how completely helpless she was with her body spread and restrained had the juices running down her inner thighs.

  She groaned and dropped her head as the clinician commented on it. It was like the humiliation would never end.


  To her surprise, the clinician was the same one who'd examined her on the first day. She knew with a ship of this size, there were probably dozens of medical staff, so she hadn't expected the only one she knew to show up. She'd never caught his name before, and he didn't introduce himself this time, either, but somehow the familiar face was reassuring.

  He ran his hands over her ass, checking, she assumed, for damage from the two spankings she'd received already. There wouldn't be any, she knew. In the past few weeks, she'd gotten used to being spanked long and hard, and nothing she'd gotten so far today came close to others she'd received, but the way he stroked and prodded wasn't helping her maintain her composure.

  Without realizing it, her hips began to sway, and she tried to muffle the small sounds she was making by keeping her mouth closed, but she knew she'd failed when he snorted and gave her a sharp slap across the rump. "Stay still, girl. I'm not here to play with you," he said, reprimanding her in a sharp tone. Most Sadecs would have been pleased by her body's reactions; their version of a doctor simply found it annoying when it interrupted his work.

  She whimpered, head dropping as she stared at the floor in mortification. Despite his assurance that he was there for medical business only, her body didn't seem to understand that. He pulled at the plug inserted inside of her, pulling it all the way out and then pushing it back in, and her back arched in pleasure. He reached between her legs and rolled her clit between his fingers and then ignored the anguished cry as an orgasm slammed through her without warning.

  He sighed. "Awaken always makes them so hard to examine," he complained as he released her. "But she'll do fine. She'll need plenty of fluids and breaks to stretch and relieve herself, but I see no reason why she can't take the whole cycle. Her body is made for it. If she's not the most responsive one we've had yet, then she's close."

  She growled, hating that they were discussing her like she wasn't there and hating that her body was betraying her once again. She wished she could just shut it out.

  "I think some clamps might take care of some of that attitude," D'aan commented. "Did you bring some with you?"

  "Of course, I did!" the clinician said, sounding offended. "I brought everything. Well, everything that I'd feel suitable for a new slave. You'll find what you want in the bag," he said, gesturing to the table he'd set his things on.

  She realized he really was just there to work, when he relocated a chair to the corner behind her and took a seat to watch. His posture was stiff and professional, and he seemed unmoved by the situation.

  The officer retrieved what he was looking for, and a second later, she was biting back a whine as he tugged each nipple, stretching them out, and then attached a metal clamp securely around the tight little nubs.

  "No, please! I didn't mean anything," she said as he let the metal close slowly on her achingly hard nipples. When he let go, the pain was immediate, and it took her breath away. It was so much worse than a pinch, and it took her a few seconds to get the power of speech back. "Please take it off; take it off!" She tried to make her words sound pleading, but there was still an undercurrent of demand to them.

  "Be quiet, or I'll add a third someplace far more uncomfortable," he said in warn

  Her mouth opened to ask where, but then she understood. Her eyes widened; there was panic in them as she considered what it would feel like to have that pressure tightening on her over-sensitive clit. She didn't say anything else, and after a few seconds, he was convinced that she'd taken the warning seriously, so he turned away to speak with the other man.

  She listened as they discussed her like a piece of meat, like she was property. Because she was property, she reminded herself. Pampered, usually, like a pet, but still a slave that they could treat anyway they liked. The dining hall wouldn't stay empty long; there were no set times for meals. People came when they felt like it, and she knew as soon as they saw her there, spread and helpless, their hunger would take on a new focus.

  She shivered and then winced because any movement dragged at the clamps, pulling them downward and her nipples with them. It was hard to stay completely still, but after a couple of minutes, she was relieved to find that the biting pain seemed to ease a little and numbness set in. It took all her energy not to beg them, especially when she heard the sound of someone entering.

  Her head jerked up, looking over to see her first visitor. As she'd expected, he stopped short and then promptly made his way to her alcove. A wide predatory smile pulled his lips back and exposed the sharp teeth that most humans found so intimidating.

  "I came for my mid-meal, but it looks like something else is on the menu today," he said in a definite tone of interest. His hand seemed drawn to touch her, thumb tracing over her collarbone. "Rules?" he asked, hesitating before doing anything else.

  "She's here for full display. A whole cycle. The clinician will supervise," D'aal said, apparently leaving her care to the doctor. His last act was to remove the clamps with two sharp tugs. She squealed in pain and then had to bite down on her bottom lip as the blood rushed back into the tight little peaks. She'd thought the clamps hurt going on, but it was nothing in comparison to what she felt when they came off like that.

  All the burning and tingling lasted for several minutes, and it left her breasts aching and sensitive when it finally receded. Her stupid, traitorous body had reacted predictably to the pain, and she could feel the tickle as drops of arousal beaded and soaked her thatch of pubic hair. She thought she'd get used to it—to the way the drug accelerated and increased her natural reactions, but that never happened.

  Her punishment went on for hours, and no matter how many times her body was pushed over the edge into climax, there was never an end to it. The clinician kept careful watch on her during the cycle. He gave her drinks of water and a sickly-sweet juice that gave her energy; he checked her hands and feet frequently to make sure her circulation was okay and often changed the positioning of the magnets to ease the strain on her limbs. For a while, she was blindfolded and couldn't see anything but darkness, but she still recognized his careful hands checking her.

  The plug was removed from her ass during a break, and she felt oddly empty afterward. Of course, it only gave the Sadecs a new hole to play with, and one of them pushed a thick finger past the stretched ring of muscle with ease, making her squeal with embarrassment. The resulting laughter had her flushing with humiliation, but it was nothing compared to what happened next.

  With the magnetic cuffs, it was easy to manipulate her into any position they chose, and suddenly, she found herself on her knees with her arms flat to the floor and stretched out far in front of her, so she had no choice but to lay her head down. Her thighs were fixed wide enough that her cheeks were spread to expose her nether hole. Nothing good, she knew, was going to come of it, and she was right.

  She'd had no idea that the hated plug had been offering a small amount of protection to that extremely tender place, but now that it was gone, it seemed to become a point of interest to the Sadecs who played with her. The probing with fingers or slender vibrators hadn't been terrible, but once they got her on the floor, she had no idea what to expect. Would one of them take her there now?

  She shivered, waiting with bated breath for something to happen, but when it did, it was nothing she could have expected. There was a swooshing sound, a snap, and then a second later, a brilliant burst of pain right between her cheeks. The tip of some implement had just been flicked hard against her nether hole and she let out a cry of pained shock that could be heard throughout the room.

  They were probably being careful. They probably weren't doing it very hard, but that's not how it felt to her. She counted each of five unbearably painful strikes that landed in the groove of her ass, and each one felt worse than the one before it. Of all the new things she'd experienced on the ship, this was a first—and if she had any choice, it would be the last, but of course, it wouldn't be her decision.

  She wasn't in tears when they stopped and eased the magnetic stretching of her aching thighs, so her muscles could rest. She wasn't in tears because it had been so shocking, so startling that her body didn't even know how to react, but with the ability to move her knees closer, ending the obscene gaping that had exposed everything to the closest Sadecs, she rediscovered her ability to cry. The sensitive, raw flesh was now pressing together, and her every movement was rubbing the abraded skin. It felt like a heat rash but in the most unpleasant place possible.

  She tried to stay still. She even tried to spread her legs again to keep the rubbing to a minimum, but that wasn't on their agenda. The hum of excitement was audible as she sniffled and blubbered in humiliated pain. They gave her a few minutes to rest, before things got started again. Her place on the floor meant that not as many of the eager audience could watch her, and they'd crowded around the alcove to see what was happening, until they were shooed back by the clinician.

  The day fractured into bursts of pain and other sensations, with someone between her legs, forcing her through a chain of orgasms while another took a thin and stingy strap to her thighs. A warrior licked the tears from her cheeks as she was paddled by something that felt heavy and wooden. A slow painful walk to the facilities to relieve herself—the return trip was made of the hardest steps she'd ever taken, but she didn't dare try to run because the room was full of warriors by then, and they were all watching her like she was some helpless prey they would love to hunt.

  They took turns, easily switching places so that everyone could give her their attention. She wasn't sure if there was a time limit or some kind of rule; they never seemed to discuss it or argue, but one after another, the aliens each got a chance to try her out. Each gave her pain or pleasure, sometimes both, and then moved on. None of them actually entered her body with more than their fingers, which she found surprising and almost disappointing.

  She'd expected some kind of orgy, and with the drug ramping up her desire and the constant touching, she almost wished it would turn into that. There was a hungry pulse deep inside of her that was demanding something stretch and fill her hungry core, but that never came. There would be humiliation later, when she remembered begging them to fuck her in a pitifully needy tone. They'd laughed and continued doing exactly what they were doing.

  She experienced a number of new things that day, and they humbled and dampened her spirit, at least for the moment. She remembered one of the Sadecs jerking her chin up and staring down into her eyes, feasting on the pain he saw growing there as someone whipped her. She wasn't sure what was being used or who was using it, but she could feel the flexible coil as it wrapped around her ass to bite at the outside of her thighs and then, later, switched to find a more painful goal, targeting the tender skin on the inside of her spread legs.

  There was a cracking sound as it snapped and an intense point of pain as just the tip of it landed on her inner thigh. She struggled to breathe for a second and then let out a loud cry that echoed through the room. He held her still with a fascinated look on his face, as if drinking in that agony as the whip landed again. As tired as she was by then, each strike had her jerking in her bonds, trying to close her legs—and then the last, the worst of all of them.

The folds of her sex were swollen, soaked, and spread wide when the tip of the whip connected just there. It was probably much lighter than the others; they'd been careful not to damage her, but in such a sensitive spot, it was still enough to wrench a scream from her lips.

  It pleased him, and he laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Beautiful," he whispered.

  She could barely hear him over the sobbing, and she didn't notice when he left her. The clinician declared a break, and after wiping her face and giving her some sips of water, he pulled out their healing cream. She didn't know what it was made of, but she was firmly convinced it was magic. Only seconds after he began rubbing it into her body, the pain eased.

  He smeared it over every red mark, every line, and then massaged it into her sex and, finally, between her ass-cheeks. Every place he applied it to would itch hideously for a few seconds, but when it stopped, the pain was gone and so were all signs of punishment. He ended up doing it several times over the course of the cycle, and each time, she would have collapsed to her knees with gratitude if she wasn't held tightly in place.

  At some point, the drug wore off. Her own body could take a lot of pain and still become aroused, but without the drug to buffer it artificially, it became harder in some ways. Only in some ways, though; she was glad that the desperate need for penetration was backing down, and she wondered if her begging for someone to fuck her had been spurring them on to harsher treatment because, once the fever-flush of need was dampened, they seemed content with smaller amounts of pain.

  It still seemed like an endless amount of suffering to her. She had no way of knowing how much time was passing; she just lived for the short breaks she was allowed. In the moments where she was able to pull her focus together enough to think, she found herself scanning the room looking, hoping, for her general, but if he ever came to watch, she'd missed it. That hurt, but it would hurt more later, when she could process it. In the overwhelming ordeal she was going through, she didn't have the emotional capacity left over to feel abandoned.


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