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The Third Reich in Power

Page 116

by Evans, Richard J.

  German Folklore

  German Gold Discount Bank

  ‘German greeting’

  German Institute for Business Research

  German Labour Front

  and Block Wardens

  and denunciations

  takeover of trade unions

  and the Reich Food Estate

  and female workers

  and small workshops

  and pharmacists

  Ley appointed to lead

  internal structures

  and the Italian Fascist model



  and welfare

  and women’s welfare

  and The Stormer

  and Austria

  see also Strength Through Joy

  German language

  ‘German mathematics’

  German Medical Association

  German Music Critics’ Association

  German National Healers’ Union

  German National Prize for Art and Science

  German News Office

  German Nobles’ Union (Deutsche Adelsgenossenschaft)

  German Officers’ League

  German People’s Party

  German Prize for Art and Science

  German Publishing Institution

  German Research Community

  German Revolution (1918-19)

  German Students’ League

  German Students’ Union

  German Teachers’ Paper (Allgemeine Deutsche Lehrerzeitung)

  German Women’s Bureau

  Gershwin, George

  Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei; Secret State Police)

  early history

  and Social Democrats

  and Communists

  arrest of prisoners on release from custody

  interrogation by

  nationwide series of raids (April 1938)

  Müller heads

  and denunciations

  and the press

  raids of libraries and bookshops

  closes down art exhibition

  and music

  and the Catholics

  and Jehovah’s Witnesses

  and student unrest

  and Thyssen

  and Strength Through Joy

  on the shop-floor

  and African-Germans

  and homosexuality

  and mixed marriages

  and Austria

  and Czechoslovakia

  Giessen, University of

  Girmann, Ernst

  Glass, Fridolin

  Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia

  Globke, Hans

  Globocnik, Odilo


  Goebbels, Magda

  Goebbels, Paul Joseph


  and the Reichstag fire

  heads Propaganda Ministry

  complains about Papen

  Röhm purge

  and capital punishment

  and cultural revolution

  Nuremberg propaganda

  and Triumph of the Will

  reviews SA-Man Brand

  and Mickey Mouse films

  gains control of film industry

  and radio

  and Rosenberg

  and Reich Culture Chamber

  and the press

  and Ditzen’s books

  and the theatre

  and Barlach

  and Breker

  bans art criticism

  and Speer

  new house on the Wannsee

  and Strauss

  and Reich Music Chamber

  and Furtwängler

  and Bayreuth

  and music

  on art and politics

  efforts to make propaganda interesting

  and refractory pastors

  and the Catholics

  religious beliefs

  his paper, The Attack

  on women


  treatment of Finck


  and Muchow

  and tourism

  Winter Aid

  and Hilgenfeldt

  club foot

  Mother’s Day

  and 1938 pogrom

  and expropriation of the Jews

  plays a trick on Hanfstaengl

  and Austria

  and Czechoslovakia

  on ‘war psychosis’ of the population

  hate campaign against Poland

  Goerdeler, Carl

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Gold Standard

  Goring, Hermann

  man of action

  appointed Prussian Minister of the Interior

  Minister without Portfolio

  hands over control of Prussian political police

  Röhm purge

  made Hitler’s deputy and successor

  establishes Gestapo

  and Dimitrov’s trial

  and Furtwangler

  and Catholics

  and Darré

  and Schmitt

  and the Four-Year Plan

  as head of the air force

  bugging and telephone tapping of industrialists

  properties, artworks and other assets

  taste for uniforms and titles


  Duke and Duchess of Windsor

  Decree on the Duty of Service

  and African-Germans

  and Austria

  and Czechoslovakia

  brokers Munich conference behind Hitler’s back

  tries to avoid conflict with the British




  Göttingen Daily News-Sheet (Göttinger Tageblatt)

  Graener, Paul

  Grashof, Otto

  Great German Art Exhibition (Munich, 1937)

  Greater Germany (Grossdeutschland)


  Greenwood, Arthur

  Gregor, Joseph

  Gröber, Archbishop Konrad

  Gross, Walter

  Grosz, George

  Gruhn, Margarethe

  Gründgens, Gustav

  Grünewald, Matthias

  Grynszpan, Herschel

  Guenther, Peter




  Gulbranssen, Trygve

  Gumbel, Emil Julius

  Gunzenhausen, Franconia

  Gurtner, Reich Justice Minister Franz

  Gustloff, Wilhelm


  Haavara Transfer Agreement (1933)

  Haberstock, Karl

  Habicht, Theo

  Habitual Criminals Law (1933)

  Habsburg Monarchy

  Hácha, Emil

  Haeften, Hans-Bernd von

  Haffner, Sebastian see Pretzel, Raimund

  Hahn, Otto

  Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia

  Halder, General Franz

  Halifax, Lord


  Haller, Johannes



  Gestapo headquarters

  proposed suspension bridge

  Hitler Youth

  comradeship houses

  labour exchange

  action against Jewish businesses

  Chamber of Commerce

  Foreign Currency Search Office

  Regional Finance Office

  Aryanization Department

  closing of Jewish shops

  Beiersdorf company

  Electricity Works

  Sickness Fund

  creation of Greater Hamburg

  Regional Court

  and 1938 pogrom

  Hamburg-America Shipping Line

  Hammerstein, General Kurt von

  Hamsun, Knut

  Handel, Georg Friedrich

  Hanfstaengl, Eberhard

  Hanfstaengl, Ernst ‘Putzi’


  Hans Westma
r: One of Many (film)

  Hanselbauer Hotel, Bad Wiessee

  Harbou, Thea von

  Harlan, Veit

  Hartmann, Karl Amadeus

  Harvest Thanksgiving Festival

  Hassell, Ulrich von

  Haupt, Joachim

  Hauptmann, Gerhart

  Health Office, Reich

  Heckel, Erich

  Heckert, Fritz

  Heidegger, Martin

  Heidelberg University

  Heine, Heinrich

  Heines, Edmund

  Heinkel, Ernst

  Heisenberg, Werner

  Heissmeyer, August

  Helldorf, Wolf Heinrich, Count

  Henderson, Sir Nevile

  Henkel company

  Henkell, Annelies

  Henlein, Konrad

  Hereditarily Diseased Offspring, Law for the Prevention of

  Hereditary Health of the German People, Law for the Protection of the (1935)

  hereditary theory of disease

  Hereditary Health Courts

  Hermann-Göring-Works, Linz

  Herrenclub, Berlin

  Hertie department stores

  Hertz, Gustav

  Hertz, Heinrich

  Hess, Rudolf

  Hitler dictates My Struggle to

  joins the cabinet

  warns against revolutionary agitation

  offers to shoot the Rohm traitors

  laws and decrees proposed by Reich Ministries

  and theservice

  his powers increasingly used by Bormann

  and the judiciary

  at Nuremberg Rally

  Office of the Leader’s Deputy

  and department stores

  and the Factory Cell Organization

  wages issue

  and mixed marriages

  and the Citizenship Law

  and the 1938 pogrom


  Heydebreck, Max

  Heydrich, Reinhard

  head of SS Security Service

  and Rohm’s overthrow

  feared and disliked

  background and early career

  put in charge of Gestapo

  on the judicial system

  and Criminal Police raids

  enrols Muller in the Security Service

  and denunciations

  and the Catholic Church

  and Foreign Currency Search Office

  and 1938 pogrom

  and Jewish emigration

  and the Fritsch affair

  and Austria

  provides pretext for invasion of Poland

  Heymann, Lida Gustava

  High Command of the Armed Forces

  Higher Education Commission of the Nazi Party

  Hilgenfeldt, Erich

  Himmler, Heinrich

  centralizes police apparatus in his own hands

  and Röhm’s murder

  builds up the SS

  establishes Security Service

  replaces Diels as head of Gestapo

  made Chief of the German Police

  appoints Eicke to run Dachau

  secures immunity from prosecution for concentration camp staff

  and the Gestapo

  at Nuremberg Rally

  and the Catholics

  and Darré

  plans for the SS

  and Jehovah’s Witnesses

  Himmler, Heinrich - contd.

  Hitler Youth police force

  orders students to help with the harvest

  and Heisenberg

  and history

  and the aristocracy

  and Fritz Lenz

  and breeding a future master-race

  and Gypsies

  and homosexuality

  and annexation of Austria

  Hindemith, Paul

  Hindenburg, Paul von

  a staunch monarchist


  appoints cabinet of experts under Brüning

  re-election (1932)

  appoints Hitler as Chancellor

  emergency decree after the Reichstag fire

  and Jewish war veterans

  enforces Fritsch’s appointment


  retires to his estate

  wants brownshirts brought to heel

  and Papen

  and Röhm purge


  death penalty decree

  Hitler’s misuse of his official funds

  socializes with Prussian landed aristocrats

  Hinkel, Hans

  Hinterstocker (village treasurer)


  Historical Journal (Historische Zeitschrift)


  in education

  and liberalism

  History of the New Germany, Reich Institute for the

  Hitler, Adolf

  birth (1889)

  failed artist

  putsch attempt (1923)

  imprisoned (1924)


  idea of racial conquest of Eastern Europe

  appointment as Chancellor

  assurances to the German army

  starts to bypass the cabinet

  cult of

  Rohm purge

  merges offices of President and Chancellor

  Head of State

  contempt for state and law

  poverty and unemployment before the First World War

  birthday celebrations

  radio broadcasts

  bans German citizens from receiving Nobel prizes

  and Breker

  and National Gallery directors

  and Speer

  plans for Berlin

  passion for Wagner

  speeches on art and mass culture

  and the arts

  and ‘Reich Church’

  and Ministry for Church Affairs

  and Niemoller

  and the Catholic Church

  faith in science as the basis for action

  and the universities

  attitude to intellectuals

  praises German military prowess and great national heroes

  and motorways

  and unemployment

  on women



  and Schacht

  on the aim of German foreign policy

  plans for a general European war

  source of funds

  and ‘one-pot Sunday’

  portrays himself as a man of the people

  and Haavara Transfer Agreement

  and the Olympic Games

  unleashes the 1938 pogrom after vom Rath’s death

  orders stopping of the pogrom

  first threatens Jewish annihilation

  working habits

  visits Mussolini (June 1934)

  on the Saarlanders’ decision

  Blomberg-Fritsch affair

  health concerns

  Vienna speech (15 March 1938)

  plot against him (1938)

  first meets Chamberlain

  fails to secure Anglo-French neutrality

  Reichstag speech on invasion of Poland

  increasingly unshakeable faith in himself

  My Struggle

  Hitler Youth Quex (film)

  Hitler Youth

  Hlinka Guard

  Hoegner, Wilhelm

  Hoffmann, Heinrich

  Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

  Hohberg und Buchwald, Anton, Baron von

  Hohenzollern family

  Hohner, Ernst

  Hohner company


  Holy Roman Empire

  Home Defence Brigades (Austria)

  Home Office (UK)


  Homosexuality and Abortion, Reich Central Office for the Combating of

  Honiok, Franz

  horse-riding associations

  Horst Wessel Song

  Horten, Helmut

hy, Admiral Miklós

  Hoss, Rudolf

  Hossbach, Colonel Friedrich

  Hotel Blum, Oberhof

  Hotel Dreesen, Bad Godesberg

  Hotel Kaiserhof, Berlin

  Hoteliers and Innkeepers, Reich Association of German

  House of Commons

  House of German Art, Munich


  Hradschin Castle, Prague

  Huber, Ernst Rudolf

  Hugenberg, Alfred



  Huntingdon’s chorea


  Idinger, Ignaz

  I.G. Farben


  Imperial Institute of Physics and Technology


  Individual Trade, Law for the Protection of


  and unionized labour

  job losses

  funds Nazi propaganda


  industrial relations

  see also under individual firms

  Industry, Reich Association of German

  infant mortality


  inheritance laws

  Innitzer, Cardinal Theodor


  Institutes for Racial Studies

  insurance; see also Allianz

  Insurance, Reich Association for Private

  intelligence tests

  Interior, Prussian Ministry of

  Interior, Reich Ministry of the

  International Brigade

  International Socialist Fighting League



  Iron Guard



  Church-state struggle

  Corporate State

  exporter to Third Reich

  seasonal workers in Germany


  family policy

  Hitler wants to annex German-speaking areas


  Jager, August

  Jannings, Emil


  Jawlensky, Alexei


  Jehovah’s Witnesses

  Jellinek, Walter

  Jena University


  Jewish Assets, Decree on the Utilization of (1938)

  Jewish Culture League



  in German society and culture

  civil servants

  war veterans


  boycott of businesses



  murders during Röhm purge


  excluded from the theatre




  pressure to dismiss Jews from Church employment

  converts to Christianity

  Niemoller on

  and German education

  and the Hitler Youth


  and Bolshevism

  attacks on Jewish firms

  as scapegoats

  and Winter Aid

  abortion for Jewish women

  fashion designers

  removal of citizenship

  mixed marriages

  racial classification


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