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Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8

Page 48

by L. Wilder


  I reached for Zoe’s hand and led her out to the truck. Once we were settled inside, she asked, “Where are we going?”

  “That’s up to you. I can take you back to your car, or you can come stay with me for the night.”


  As I started the truck, I said, “I want to spend as much time as I can with you, but if you need to go—”

  “I’d like to stay with you, if you’re sure that’s okay.”

  Relieved, I told her, “It’s more than okay.”

  Neither of us spoke as I drove us across the street to my hotel. I had a million thoughts running through my head, mainly her, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to tell her how she made me feel, how I wanted to keep her close, protect her, love her. It all seemed to be happening so fast, and I didn’t want to fuck it up by saying too much too soon. I kept it all bottled up inside, hoping that the right time would come along so I could tell her everything that was on my mind. We still hadn’t spoken when I showed her into my room. Silently, she took off her jeans, leaving on her t-shirt and panties, and crawled into my bed. I quickly undressed and got in the bed next to her. We laid there staring at the ceiling for several minutes before she finally asked, “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m not sure I want you to do this,” I confessed.

  “It’s going to be fine.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying.”

  “We can’t worry about what might go wrong. We need to focus on what could go right. I can do this, Seth. I promise I’ll be careful.”

  I rolled to my side to face her, and she quickly did the same. With my eyes locked on hers, I whispered, “You better, because I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

  Her touch soothed me as she ran the tips of her fingers down my arm. “When you were laying in that hospital bed, I would try to imagine what it would feel like to be wrapped in your arms. I never could’ve dreamed it would feel this good. This… right.”

  “You and me both.”

  When I saw the swirl of emotion in her eyes, I couldn’t resist. I pressed my lips against hers, kissing her tenderly. The kiss eliminated every thought. The world around us disappeared, and it was only her and me. It was a kiss that marked a beginning, a promise of much more to come. Overcome with desire, my hands slipped under her t-shirt, caressing her soft, smooth skin. Her breath quickened when I reached for her breast, brushing my thumb across her nipple. A little whimper vibrated through her chest, urging me on as she squirmed at my side. She wanted this just as much as I did, and I was going to give it to her—over and over again, until she fell asleep in my arms.

  Chapter 16


  I was completely exhausted. I’d barely gotten any sleep, and every muscle in my body ached. But there I was, sitting in class listening to the longest lecture ever, and yet I couldn’t stop smiling. I was happy. It seemed incomprehensible that one person could change my outlook on everything. He'd become a stable force in my chaos-filled world, someone I could truly trust, and I so needed that in my life. I needed him—more than I cared to admit. I’d always been one to handle things on my own, mostly because I’ve always had to. I’d become accustomed to it, but the thought of having someone at my side, helping me and taking on the burden with me, gave me a sense of happiness I hadn’t felt since my father died.

  Apparently, my good mood hadn’t gone unnoticed. When I glanced to my side, I noticed Josh was staring at me. Deciding to ignore the strange look on his face, I whispered, “Hey. How’s it going?”

  “Not as good as you.” He motioned his hand towards me. “Looks like you’re doing well.”

  “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “It looks good on you,” he said with a smile.

  “Thanks, Josh.”

  “I gotta say… I wish I was the reason you were smiling like that.”

  I’d often wondered if he’d been interested in me, but until now, he’d never said anything. Seeing the way he was looking at me with those big, sad eyes made me feel terribly uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I stammered, “Umm… I… I think you’re great, Josh, but…”

  “I know. You don’t have to say it.” He shrugged and scoffed. “Someone beat me to the punch.”

  Not knowing what else to say, I told him, “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s just good to see you smiling.” He pointed to my notepad and asked, “Can I see your notes from Monday? I was a little out of it and missed what he said about human nature after Darwin.”

  “Sure.” I handed him my notes.

  After he finished jotting them all down, he handed them back to me. “Thanks, Zoe. I wrote my phone number down. If you ever need anything—anything at all—just give me a call.”

  Before I could respond, the professor dismissed class and everyone started to leave. Josh grabbed his things and gave me a quick wave as he headed for the door. I gathered my books and purse and headed out to my car. I wanted to get there early so I could set up the mics. I hoped there wouldn’t be any issues as I placed several of the mics in my front pocket. With Kat and Scotty keeping an eye on things, I assumed everything would be fine when I got to work.

  I was wrong. Apparently, a fight had broken out, and there were overturned tables and chairs and broken glass scattered all over the floor. The smile I’d been wearing all morning vanished when I spotted Kat. There was a large bruise on the side of her face and her bottom lip was busted. She was busy cleaning up the mess and hadn’t even noticed that I was in the room.

  As I started towards her, I asked, “What the hell happened?”

  “Things got a little out of control last night.” She grimaced when she bent down to pick up another chair. “A fight broke out, and Dad got pissed when I tried to intervene.”

  “Hawk did that to you?”

  She wouldn’t look at me as she replied, “Yeah, but it was my fault. I shouldn’t have—”

  “I can’t believe the nerve of that asshole! What was he thinking?”

  “He didn’t mean it, Zo. He lost his temper, and I can tell he feels bad about it.”

  “He should feel bad. He should’ve never put his hands on you!”

  “I told you he feels bad about it, Zoe.”

  “He should feel like the scum of the earth!” I stepped closer so I could get a better look. “Does it hurt?”

  “No. It’s really not that bad.”

  “Did you at least put some ice on it?”

  “Stop. Seriously. I’m fine,” she fussed. I knew she was embarrassed and didn’t want to talk about it anymore when she said, “We need to get this cleaned up before the guys get back.”

  I lifted one of the tables back into the upright position. “I thought it was going to take a couple of days.”

  “I did too, but Scotty just got a message from one of the guys saying they were on their way.”

  “Oh.” Panic washed over me when I thought about Slider coming back. I needed to get the mics planted before they returned. I tried to be inconspicuous as I took one out of my pocket. As I picked up one of the toppled over chairs, I stuck the mic under the seat. “Well, crap.”

  “I know, girl.” With an aggravated sigh, she continued, “And if the run went well, they’ll probably be looking to party.”

  “Damn. Another long night.”

  “You mean like the one you had last night?” she asked with a mischievous grin. “Are you going to tell me about it, or do I just let my imagination run wild?”

  I could feel the heat rush to my face as I blushed. “It was… nice.”

  “It was nice! That’s all you’ve got?” She sat down on the edge of one of the tables and crossed her arms. “I don’t think so.”

  I sighed. “I think things are going really well.”

  “I already knew that. It’s written all over your face, sweetie.”

  “It scares me a li
ttle,” I confessed. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and there’s a lot at stake.”

  “Just be careful, especially with the guys coming home today. The last thing we need is them finding out that you’ve been seeing—”

  I glanced over to the corner and saw the red light flashing on the security camera, and I suddenly became wary of discussing Seth. I wasn’t sure if the mics were up and running yet, so I figured it was best for me to keep my mouth shut. I coughed loudly, overpowering her next few words and giving her a warning look. I started picking up the remaining chairs as I told her, “We better hurry up and get this mess cleaned up.”

  I had just knelt down to pick up another chair when Scotty walked through the front door. His blond hair was tousled around his eyes, and he was wearing a pair of torn jeans and a dark gray t-shirt with his cut. Kat gave him a big smile and in her best flirty voice said, “Hey, there Scotty boy. How’s my favorite prospect this morning?”

  “I’m making it.” His eyes skirted over her bruises as he reached for a chair. “Thought you two might need a hand with all this.”

  Ignoring the pity in his expression, Kat smiled and said, “That’s very thoughtful of you. Thanks.”

  The room fell silent as we all continued to clear the mess. Once we were done, Scotty turned to us. “If that’s all y’all need, I’ll leave ya to it.”

  I nodded at him. “I think that’ll do it. Thanks for your help, Scotty.”

  Once I was done placing the rest of the mics, I slipped into my office and sent a message to Seth letting him know that Slider and the others were on their way back home. I’d been so busy floating on cloud nine, I hadn’t stopped to think about what was coming. Slider would be home soon. It would take time for Seth to deal with him, which meant I’d have to put on another show, making everyone think I was really falling for his bullshit. I didn’t have a choice. When he got home, he’d expect me to be happy to see him.

  With each tick of the clock, my stomach tightened with dread, and by the time the boys started making their way into the bar, I was a complete wreck. My hands were clammy and my heart was racing as I watched Slider walk through the door. Grease and grime covered him from head to toe, but he didn’t seem to mind as he headed over to me with a big smile. “Hey there, baby. Did you miss me?”

  I tried not to frown as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me flat against his chest. He reeked of gasoline and cigarette smoke, and I almost gagged when he started kissing along my neck. Trying to hide my repulsion, I answered, “Yeah… I did. I’m surprised you made it back here so fast.”

  He looked down at me, and before I could react, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I tried to pull back, but he held me firmly in place, refusing to let me go. When he finally released me, my mouth was covered with his saliva, and I was left with the horrid taste of an ash tray mixed with bad breath. As I wiped my wet mouth, he snickered, “Don’t worry, baby. There’s more to come, but I need a beer.”

  When he turned and headed for the bar, I reached for the closest drink, not caring who it belonged to, and tried to drown the disgusting taste in my mouth. The boys were all gathered around talking, so I decided it was time for me to hide out in my office. As I walked by, I glanced over at the security camera and wondered who was watching. It didn’t take long for me to get my answer. I’d barely sat down at my desk when I heard the burner phone vibrating in my purse. I quickly reached for it and found a message from Seth.


  That’s the last time that motherfucker touches you.


  I’m sorry you had to see that.


  In exactly one hour, the power will go off. Don’t leave your office.


  What are you going to do?


  Stay put, Zoe.


  Okay. I will.


  That’s my girl.


  I don’t know what you’re about to do, but please be careful.



  I shoved the phone back in my purse and tried to focus on my work, but I couldn’t get the messages out of my head. I was consumed with worry as I pictured them charging into Nudie’s with their guns blazing. I could almost see the bullets flying past me as they wiped everyone out, but deep down, I knew that wouldn’t happen. There was no way Seth would put innocent people at risk.

  Trying to distract myself, I turned on my laptop and started sorting through all my emails. They all seemed like junk mail except for a message from my aunt. I hadn’t talked to her since the night I’d rushed out of the hospital after seeing Seth’s tattoo. Apparently, she’d noticed that I was upset and was checking to see if I was okay. I quickly replied, letting her know that I was fine and promised to come see her soon.

  I’d checked all my other messages and was about to start working on my lit assignment when the power went out. The room was filled with darkness, and my heart raced when I heard all the commotion coming from the bar. I was tempted to go see what was going on, but then I remembered what Seth had told me.

  I hated being in the dark. My overactive imagination didn’t help matters. My chest tightened, making it hard to breathe as I sat there scared out of my mind, listening to every sound, every thump. There was no light coming in from the outside window, and as I stared out into the darkness, I could only make out large lumps of furniture. Even though it seemed like an eternity, after a few minutes the lights flickered back on. I could hear the hoots and hollers coming from the next room along with the blaring music from the stage.

  I sat there anxiously waiting and listening, but nothing happened, at least not that I could tell. After an hour, life at the club was going on as usual, and I was beginning to think Seth’s plan had failed.

  When my curiosity finally got the best of me, I headed out to the main room to check things out. I spotted Kat behind the bar. As I made my way over to her, she gave me a strange look.

  “What’s wrong?”


  I glanced around the room and found him sitting at a corner table with Casey, one of the younger, more well-endowed strippers. She had her legs wrapped around him, straddling him, and like usual, he was pawing all over her like a horny teenager. “Yeah? What about him?”

  “Zoe,” she scolded. “You’re supposed to be his ol’ lady. Seeing that should piss you off.”

  “But it doesn’t. I couldn’t care less,” I scoffed.

  “You’re not seeing my point, knucklehead. You’ve got to go over there and give him hell,” she ordered.

  I groaned like a pouting two-year-old. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes, you have to. Otherwise the brothers will think something is up. The last thing you want is for them to think you’ve been lying to them.”

  “Damn it,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “Go put him in his place.”

  As much as I didn’t like it, I knew she was right. I had to keep the act up, just for a little longer. I looked over at the camera and wondered if Seth was watching. I’m sure he’d wonder what the hell I was doing as I walked over to Slider’s table. When I approached, they were really going at it. His tongue was down her throat, and she was grinding against him like she couldn’t get enough. I cleared my throat, but neither of them even noticed I was standing there. I was growing tired of watching their little display, so I finally shouted, “Slider! What the hell?”

  He looked up at me with aggravation. “What do you want, Zo?”

  “I want to know what the hell you’re doing!”

  “Well, I was having a good time until you came over here and fucked it up,” he spat.

  I was about to respond when several cops came barreling through the front door. Surprised by their presence, I eased into the back corner and watched in disbelief as they swarmed the bar. In a matter of seconds, the entire place was covered with them
. It was totally unexpected. For the most part, the cops didn’t mess with the club. They came in from time to time when there was a fight that got out of control, but usually, they let the guys do their thing. This time was different. I could tell by the looks in their eyes that they were out for blood. They immediately started making arrests for underage drinking and disorderly conduct.

  It was already bad, but then it got worse. They brought in the drug dogs, and I could feel the tension radiating through the room. The brothers knew they were in trouble, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Hawk and Tank tried talking to them, but it didn’t stop them. The police continued to hand out tickets and make arrests.

  I hadn’t moved from my spot. I couldn’t. I was completely stunned and hadn’t even realized that Scotty had come up beside me. “You doing okay over here?”

  With a startled jump, I turned to him and gasped, “Shit, Scotty! You scared the hell out of me.”

  “Sorry, Zo.” His eyebrows furrowed with concern. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m fine, I guess. Just a little surprised by all this.”

  “Been a long time coming,” he muttered under his breath. When the police started poking around the bar, he turned to me and said, “Stay put. This will be over soon.”


  “Just give me a shout if you need me.”

  “I will. Thanks, Scotty.”

  I did like Scotty told me. I didn’t move from my spot, hoping that no one would see me, but my attempt to go unnoticed failed. I broke out in a cold sweat when I noticed a tall, broad shouldered officer walking in my direction. He glared at me with his menacing green eyes as he asked, “Do you have your ID?”

  “Yes, sir. I do. It’s back in my office,” I answered nervously.

  Before I could offer to go get it, he asked, “You work here?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m the bookkeeper.”

  He shined a small flashlight back and forth across my eyes. “Have you been drinking?”


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