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Smoke Road

Page 16

by Toby Neal

  Luca joined her in the water, walking toward her nude, backlit by the fire.

  He was magnificent: rugged and dark, a river god. She gazed her fill at the man she loved, the man who loved her. What a miracle that in the midst of so much death, there might still be love, life, and hope.

  He reached her and sank into the water. “Feels so good.”

  “Sheer heaven to get that crap off of me. Literally.” Nani scooped a handful of pebbles and sand. “Let me do your back.” She enjoyed the feel of his massive scarred muscles as she scrubbed him gently, the shudder and ripple of him under her hands as he responded to her touch. Finally, he stood and turned. “It’s my front that really craves your attention.”

  She sucked a little gasp at the sight of him fully erect, in spite of the chilly water. “What you do to me, Dr. Delicious,” he purred, giving her hand a tug to draw her against him.

  Heat blossomed immediately as their bodies aligned and they kissed. Nani’s hands wandered where they’d always wanted to go: around his chiseled butt, up the deep curve of his waist and over his back, all the way to his shaved head, even as his hands caressed her in a mirroring dance.

  Finally, they held each other’s faces, the kiss almost a drowning, a loss of self to the point that Nani wasn’t sure where she ended and he began.

  They stumbled out of the water, mouths still fused, and Luca tugged her down on the bare rock warmed by the small fire. They lay facing each other with his back to the flames so the light fell on her.

  “I want to see you. All of you. Everything. You’re the most gorgeous, brave, intelligent woman in the world, my own Doctor Dangerous.” Luca stroked down Nani’s side from shoulder to hip. “Dr. Daring. Dr. Beautiful.” He leaned over and put his hot mouth on her nipple, and she gasped, sliding her hands over his shaved head, along his ripped shoulders.

  “And you’re my Lupo.” She lifted his head to kiss him, biting his full lower lip lightly, just because she could. There was nowhere in the world she wanted to be more than here in this cave, while outside, the world as they knew it collapsed.

  But just for now, paradise was right here.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Nani bit down on Luca’s lower lip and he groaned from the pleasure of it. One of his hands cupped her ass, holding onto it as he fit himself between her legs.

  Her bite encouraged his bruising grip but he was careful with her—Luca had seen the wounds on her body: the welts and cuts, the evidence of hate and violence that she’d endured.

  Luca wanted to be a blanket of love, to cover her injured body with his, take away all of that pain and replace it with pure pleasure.

  He kissed her collarbone, licked it, and sucked it between his teeth. Her hands held the back of his neck and head. Her fingers were so strong. He kissed down to her small, pointed, perfect breast. He drew her nipple in gently, holding it with his teeth as he flicked his tongue across the tip. She arched toward him, asking for more, but he held back, wanting to savor her. He wanted to make this moment last, even as his hunger for her raged.

  The trickling water was the chorus to the music Nani made: her sighs, her pants, the inarticulate words she uttered. Luca didn’t know it could be this good. It was the first time that his fingers had caressed the body of a woman he truly admired and adored.

  His heart beat with hers and his soul pulsed outside of his body. His whole life had led up to this moment—this tender, perfect moment with Nani in his arms. Love, as pure as the pool at the center of the cave, welled out of him, and his body felt incapable of containing it.

  This was what it should be like when you made love. Anything less was a sin.

  Luca had spent his adult life avoiding this, avoiding these huge emotions, afraid of allowing them to control him. But he had been waiting for Nani, he’d been a coward until he met her, scared that love would destroy him.

  Their passionate touching aligned him with her center. He wanted to take longer, explore more, but she was urgent and her hunger matched his. She whispered into his ear, “Please, Luca. I need you. I need you now.”

  He could deny her nothing; she was everything, and could have everything—all of him was hers.

  His hardness sank into her sweet, slick center. They were perfect complements to each other. As he eased into her, Luca’s breath left him. His arms on either side of her, his hands cradling her shorn head, he gazed down at her face—totally exposed without her long hair. He saw the deep love he felt mirrored in her eyes.

  Luca surged forward and Nani sucked her lip between her teeth, passion and pain crossing on her face. He paused, trembling with need. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Of course not.” Her voice was hoarse, wavering, like she didn’t have any control either. “You’d never hurt me.”

  Luca prayed she was right. He’d hurt her in the past, with harsh words, anger, all those small parts of himself. He wanted to be worthy of her, of the love she honored him with.

  Nani urged Luca with her hips, with her caressing hands, wiping his mind of anything but the feel of her. “It’s just been a long time. And you’re not a small man.”

  How right she was.

  His body began to move again, his hips easing forward gently, each movement bringing him deeper. Her legs wrapped around his waist and squeezed powerfully as she rose to meet him, and their ragged breathing filled the space, echoing off the stone walls.

  Luca’s eyes held Nani’s, the intimacy so raw and so right. He didn’t ever remember looking into a woman’s eyes this long during sex. He was more than naked for this woman, he was more than himself for her—she made him bigger and braver and better.

  He was more than in love with this woman—he was lost in her.

  Luca wanted to do this, be right here, for the rest of their lives, however long that might be. In this deadly world, where either one of them could be taken by Scorch Flu, they would wed. He needed to make her his forever in the eyes of God.

  Nani reached up and pulled his face down, their mouths fused, tongues entwined.

  All thought left Luca, his civilized persona falling away as his primal self roared to the forefront. He dove into her mouth, swallowing all of her sweet sounds before rising to his knees, hauling her up and holding her hard.

  His fingers dug into the firm, delicious, perfect flesh of her ass and he took her in great deep surges, his whole body filled with a powerful need to possess. She tossed her head, writhing and bucking beneath him, her soft cries echoing as he took her, branded her and still, she utterly owned him.

  Nani shuddered with her climax as her body bowed, her legs clenching hard enough to lift them both off the ground. “Luca!”

  The out-of-control cry of his name wrenched from her throat unleashed his own climax, blindsiding him. It felt like her name was ripped from his chest as he arched his back, shouting it to the darkness above. His mind splintered. Luca was pure light: no form, no memories, no goals, no life or death. He was hers, she was his, and this moment was everything.

  Luca nuzzled Nani’s neck, his entire body wrapped around her.

  Nani giggled and turned, kissing his throat. Just that simple peck felt too good. His whole body felt too good. He had to tell her. “I’ve never loved anyone before.”

  Luca sat up, needing to see her face. Nani bit down on her pouty, sweet lower lip. Her big dark eyes were hooded under sleepy lids. “I didn’t know what love was. I didn’t know it was like this,” he continued, unable to keep the smile off his face.

  She caressed his cheek. “I love you so much, my Lupo. My own sweet wolf.”

  He turned to kiss her palm, bent and took her lips, meaning it to be something quick. But her tongue found his, and Luca could not pull away, he couldn’t get enough of her. He probably never would. Luca couldn’t wait to marry her. He’d found the woman God meant to be his.

  Nani broke the kiss and nibbled on his ear. He was ready to go again, but she should rest after her ordeal. Even what he’d
already done to her seemed like too much. Then again, she was the strongest woman on the planet. She could handle anything, certainly Luca Luciano.

  “You should sleep now, Nani.”

  “I am tired.”

  He lay down on his back and pulled her tight to his side so that she rested her head on his chest. He ran his hands over her skull, loving the shape of it, the soft bristles of her hair. He kissed her head. “Sleep. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

  Soon her breathing lengthened and her weight increased as she relaxed, trusting, relying on him to keep her safe. It made him feel invincible.

  But Luca couldn’t sleep. His entire body was vibrating with new sensations and excitement.

  When she woke up he’d ask her to marry him. She’d say yes, because she loved him. That’s what people in love did; they got married and had babies. He wouldn’t waste any time getting her pregnant. Hell, they’d just done it without protection, something he’d never let happen in his life. Maybe she was pregnant now.

  The thought that had terrified him with every other woman now filled him with possessive joy.

  A jolt went through him. Babies? In this world. Was he crazy?

  Yes, he was, he was crazy for her. His hand gently stroked her deep waist, following the arc of her hip, tenderly cupping her bottom. So firm. So strong. So perfect.

  How would he find a priest?

  He was getting way ahead of himself. Luca kissed Nani’s head again. They were still in danger. This cave felt like a safe space, like they were hidden away from the world, but they had to get back to the Humvee. They had to contact DC and get new orders. Who knew when they’d have time to take a break for the wedding?

  He pictured Nani in a white gown with a veil tumbling over her shoulders. Luca saw his family gathered around them as he vowed to love and protect her for the rest of their days. Luca left the dangers of the mission and the terrors of Scorch Flu behind as he dreamed of Dr. Luciano, his wife.

  When he woke, Nani was stirring next to him. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” she murmured.

  Luca pulled her close, curling his body around her, “All my life I hid. You found me in the darkness. Be with me always?” He kissed the nape of her neck.


  “I guess that’s my way of asking you to marry me.”

  She turned in his arms so that their eyes locked. The fire had long gone out, but the crack in the cave’s roof overhead admitted a beam of morning light that made her pinched mouth and worried eyes all too apparent.

  “Don’t you want to marry me?” Luca’s body tightened more with every second that she just stared at him. She opened her mouth, closed it and shook her head. Then she rolled away from him and stood.

  Luca sat up. “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring. I can get one.”

  “No, it’s not that.” She picked up her dress, still covered in filth, and walked toward the water. Luca stood and followed her. She dipped the dress into the water and began to scrub.

  “What’s wrong, then?”

  “I promised myself I’d never marry again.”

  “What?” His heart seemed to hollow out in his chest.

  “I just last marriage ended so badly.” She wasn’t looking at him, keeping her gaze on the dress as she scrubbed it. “Another military guy. I told myself never again.”

  Betrayal, that old foe, that constant companion, filled the space where Luca’s heart had been. “You were married? And divorced?”

  She glanced up at him and started, taking a step back. He grabbed her arm and hauled her up so they were face-to-face. “It was a long time ago.”

  He cut her off. “You married another man!”

  “Luca! Stop it.”

  He dropped her arm and she stumbled into the water. Rage clenched his fists as red crept into his vision. She’d blown him open only to abandon him.

  Luca turned and marched over to his clothing and began to dress, his movements tight and controlled, the opposite of his interior world. “We should prep and clean our weapons. We need to get to the Humvee, get in touch with DC and see what they say.” He couldn’t continue talking; the pain in his chest was cutting off his breath. He heard her wet footfalls behind him on the stone.

  “Luca.” He couldn’t listen to her. He couldn’t stand to hear that sweet voice lie to him.

  Of course she had been married. She wasn’t his, she never had been. Her heart, her body belonged to another. She was a liar, just like all the rest. It was the truth and it hurt so damn much.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  They spent the day in the cave waiting for nightfall, supposedly resting but it was a long, awful time for Nani, with her stomach in knots from hunger, pain, and fear. Hunger, because it had been nearly two days since she’d eaten. Pain, because she’d hurt the man she loved and he was apparently determined not to even try to fix it. And fear, at how far she’d gone in giving herself to Luca, only to have him turn on her so abruptly, so completely, that steel door locking her out.

  She felt weaker and more battered than yesterday, and after repeatedly trying to talk to Luca, Nani gave up and attempted to sleep until they could leave. Luca being so near tormented her and she tossed on the cold stone, her bruises tender and painful. The only sounds were the tinkling of the small tributary and the mutterings Luca made as he cleaned their weapons over and over.

  They could have been making love all day if he hadn’t assumed they’d just get married, and then overreacted at the news of her divorce.

  Did he think she was a virgin? She was freakin’ thirty-eight years old! How could he be so irrational? And what a hypocrite! Like he hadn’t banged everything that walked, including that busty blonde in the compound!

  Finally, night fell and they set out in tense silence.

  Nani and Luca approached the knoll where they’d left the Humvee, a slow process in the dark without flashlights, trying to keep quiet and avoid detection by compound sentries.

  Nani followed Luca at a crouch, her weapon ready. “Scout,” Luca told Peaches, and the German Shepherd trotted off. Nani pressed close to Luca, peering out at where they’d hidden the vehicle. He recoiled even from that brief contact, leaving the cool night air to hit her cheeks, hot with hurt and humiliation.

  They had chemistry, and strong feelings, and ohmygod sex, but hell if she’d even consider marrying a guy who stonewalled her like this. That would be signing up for more of the shit she’d endured with Clyde.

  Clyde had not been abusive in the traditional sense but he was a colonel, a big, take-charge guy used to being in command. He’d tried to control everything Nani ate, wore, and did. And his primary weapon had been a freezing silence.

  Yeah, this was the last nail in the coffin. If Luca wouldn’t even discuss her fears about marrying a guy she’d known for just a week, especially since she’d had an emotionally rough marriage...well then, she’d dodged a bullet.

  But just standing in the shadow of her wolf, breathing in his smell of spring water and man, made her panties wet—if she’d been wearing any.

  Peaches gave her all-clear bark, and they moved forward.

  The Humvee appeared undisturbed, still hidden by desert camo netting and sagebrush. Nani glanced up at the hill that hid it from the compound. Was it only two days ago they’d lain there, shoulders touching?

  Nani hurried forward, but Luca blocked her with a burly arm: warm and hard, firm and commanding, yet gentle. It was the first time he’d touched her since their fight. “Let Peaches check for explosives.” He gave the dog a hand signal and she worked her way around the vehicle while Nani, unable to bear his nearness a second longer, climbed the small hill to the lookout spot they’d used to spy on The Center.

  The structure squatted on the flat plain, quiet and smoldering. The fire was out but there were no lights on. Maybe Luca and Nani had managed to damage the compound’s electrical grid when they destroyed the lab and temple.

  Nani squint
ed, but without the distance scope she couldn’t make out any details. The Center looked as foreboding as it had before, and shut up tight with no sign of movement. They’d definitely set the cult back on its ass by burning the lab and killing Hillish.

  She closed her eyes to block the memory of Tanner Hillish’s blood pulsing over her hand, still holding the letter opener sunk deep in his throat.

  “Doctor,” Luca barked. She turned back and he was standing by the open driver’s door.

  She returned to the Humvee and climbed into the passenger side. Nani dug the satellite laptop out from its hiding place under the seat and booted it up.

  Luca started the engine and its loud rumble rolled across the plains, sending a shiver of fear through Nani. What if the skinheads heard? What if she was captured again? Would Luca save her this time?

  She looked over at him. Luca’s jaw was clenched so tight that the muscle in his cheek bulged, and his big hands gripped the wheel as he navigated across the barren landscape. Nani’s mind flashed to those hands on her hips, his strong and gentle hold as he made love to her. And that’s what it was, there was no denying it. They’d stared into each other’s eyes, been totally exposed to one another. She’d lain bare before him, without her hair, without any protection.

  Holy crap. They had not used protection!

  Nani coughed, choking on the realization. Luca turned toward her, but before their eyes met she shifted her gaze to the computer on her lap. The glowing screen cast a blue tone over the interior of the Humvee. Luca didn’t say anything, but she felt his eyes on her, full of accusations and betrayal.

  Please, he was being such a baby.

  Baby. Oh shit.

  How could she have been so foolish? Such a lovesick idiot. She fumbled in her pocket for her beach glass, relieved by its smooth, familiar surface against her thumb, but forced to remember that Luca had found it in the compound and saved it for her. Nani leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes, consciously relaxing her body. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She found her computer awake, but unable to connect. “I guess we should head back to the military outpost. If worse comes to worst, we’ll return to Austin.”


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