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Gabriel (Legacy Series Book 2)

Page 17

by RJ Scott

  “I don’t need to know,” Cam said hurriedly. The last thing he wanted was for Gabriel to have to dig deep into his past when Cam was happy to wait.

  Thing was, Cam really fucked up, because Gabriel stood up immediately, agitation in his voice, and anger. “Okay, I get it, you don’t want to hear about the real me.”

  Cam heard him walk away, which was kind of shit, because he’d misunderstood Cam and also abandoned him under a tree somewhere.

  “Gabriel!” he shouted. “Stop being an asshole! I meant I didn’t need you to… Shit, come back and freaking listen to me.”

  “I’m here,” a soft voice said right close to him. Seemed Gabriel hadn’t walked that far.

  Cam turned to the voice and held on to Gabriel’s shirt. “I didn’t mean anything wrong, or…hell, shit, I just meant that you’ll tell me when you’re ready, and if you feel like you can’t talk now, you don’t have to—not just for me.”

  “Yeah,” Gabriel said sheepishly. “I was pushing you away. Clair explained that it’s a coping mechanism. She even drew a picture in case I didn’t get it. I like Clair; she listens to me. But I still have nightmares, Cam, about what led to me being on that street corner where Stefan found me.”

  Cam pulled him close and hugged him. Clearly talking was happening today. “I’m listening,” he said.

  “My mom was a housekeeper on this big ranch in Southern Texas, the Bar Five, and when she died they took me in. Or I guess I just got lost in the system somehow. I lived in this room over a barn, and I went to school for a while, and I never said anything. I don’t know how they got away with it, but I know that slowly, as I got older, it was decided that horses were my thing, not book learning, so I stayed at the ranch. I didn’t know any better, but one day it all changed.”

  Cam held Gabriel’s hand, trying to be brave enough to listen to this, and inside he was scared to hear.

  “There had been this young guy at the ranch, and he left, he got away, and I was next on Hank’s radar, Hank being one of the brothers who owned and ran the Bar Five.” He spoke so casually, but the words he used were choppy and harsh. “He was a fucking bastard; he got off on other people’s pain. My pain. It wasn’t just sex, but humiliation, and he would charge people for time with me.”

  Cam heard a sound—a low, keening groan—and realized it was him who’d let it out. Gabriel momentarily buried his face in Cam’s neck, and Cam swore he could feel Gabriel’s tears on his skin.

  “One day, I ran. I don’t know why I thought I’d get away—youthful optimism, I guess—only I didn’t get far, and they broke my legs with baseball bats. It was…” He stopped talking, and now Cam was crying as well. “Horrible,” Gabriel ended. How could he think of a word that would encompass everything he’d been through? Was there even a word that could describe that much evil?

  “Then there was another boy, I don’t know his name, but they killed him. Not outright—he hung himself. I stood in court, and I cried, and I told them everything, and Hank is in prison, and the Bar Five is gone.”

  “Jesus, Gabriel,” Cam whispered, wiping at the tears that wouldn’t stop. “You’re so brave to have lived through that.”

  “And you can decide whether you need to step back, and I wouldn’t blame you. Clair explained that even the best of men could back away because they couldn’t understand how I didn’t fight back—”

  Cam kissed him, a sloppy kiss with tears that was just off center, then toppled him to the ground, half lying on him and kissing him hard.

  Gabriel tried to talk again, but Cam wouldn’t let him, and they lay kissing under the tree until all the horrible words were lost in the kisses.

  Cam felt powerless; he couldn’t take away the memories, he couldn’t save that ten-year-old boy, but he could love the man the boy had become.

  And tell Gabriel that it mattered, that the things that had shaped him mattered, but that between them they could handle everything.

  So that was what he did tell him, and Gabriel cried some more, but when they headed back to the ranch and Cam kissed Gabriel goodbye, the tension between them was different, easier.

  “Text me,” Gabriel demanded.

  “Always,” Cam answered, and shut the door. He wished he could watch Gabriel as they drove away, but worrying about not being able to see him was useless.

  “Your dad called me to tell you to answer your damn phone, and he’s at the hotel with Mitchell.”

  Cam smacked the back of his head against the headrest and cursed. Just what he needed.

  The drive back to the hotel was quiet. Six didn’t ask any questions or make comments, and Cam was fine with that. He had a lot to think about.

  The meeting in his office was heated, Mitchell denying the reports that Cam had, implying that Cam didn’t understand, and Sebastian defending his choice of Mitchell as both son-in-law and co-manager of the Dallas Royal. Cam let it all flow over him, listening to everything they had to say. Sebastian genuinely felt that Cam was overreacting. The only way he’d be able to get his dad to see anything would be for Sophie to be sitting there and telling her dad what Mitchell was really like.

  “You’ve read the reports, Dad,” Cam said for the third or fourth time. “I have several staff members accusing Mitchell of crowding them and touching them inappropriately.”

  No wonder victims didn’t come forward when people like his dad refused to believe that kissing or prolonged, unwanted hugging was anything more than Mitchell playing around. The door opened, and he knew who it was before she said a single thing. Sophie. Six moved from the corner of the room, where he’d been waiting quietly. Cam relaxed, knowing that Six was looking out for Sophie.

  “Mitchell,” she said, so softly it made Cam’s heart break. He swore if she showed any sign of going back to Mitchell, he would whisk her away to a desert island until she changed her mind.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve been worried,” Mitchell said. “I can’t believe Cam has fed you all these lies—”

  “Enough, Mitchell,” Sophie said, her voice louder, more strident, with a thread of iron in it. “Daddy, Mitchell and I are getting a divorce,” she announced.

  There was a flurry of movement and a loud grunt.

  “Stay right there,” Six ordered, and Cam guessed he was saying that to Mitchell.

  “I’m staying here in Dallas, right here with Cam, and I’m finishing my degree.”

  “And if she wants it, there’s a role here in marketing,” Cam said, abruptly convinced that was exactly what he wanted. The idea of having his sister close made him smile.

  “There is?” she asked, then he could hear the smile in her voice. “You’re on, Cam. I’ll be citing Mitchell’s unreasonable behavior and emotional abuse as grounds for divorce, if that’s possible. He hurt me, he changed me, and I don’t want him here.”

  Silence. Fuck, what was happening now? He gripped the desk when he sat down, suddenly furious that he could do nothing but sit there. And then his dad broke the silence.

  “Six, escort Mitchell off the premises and call my lawyer.”

  Then Cam slipped from the room with Six. He didn’t have to see to know that dad and daughter had a lot to discuss.

  Visiting Legacy a few days later was the calm and peace to the chaos that had taken over his life. He’d grown used to the scents of horses and the ranch, and associated it all with Gabriel. Six wasn’t staying today—this was a big celebration barbecue, and he’d organized a date with Clair, apparently—so Cam had decided to stay over. Picking up his overnight bag, he climbed down out of the cab and said his thank-yous and goodbyes even as Gabriel took his hand.

  “This way,” Gabriel said, and led him away from the SUV and over the bumpy ground to the ranch house, then along to where he knew Gabriel’s room was. “See,” he said triumphantly. Then, “My bad. I didn’t mean see, because you can’t… What I mean is, look, we have a… Shit. It’s a bigger bed.”

  Cam couldn’t help but tease. “Describe it for me,” he said.

  “Oh, it’s a bed, with a mattress and…covers, they’re pale blue…and… I don’t know what else to say.” He sounded adorably confused, and Cam couldn’t help but pull him in for a kiss, which soon turned heated. Gabriel shut the door, and from the sound of it he locked it for good measure.

  “Does it have four legs?” Cam deadpanned.

  “What? Of course it— Wait… You’re an asshole, Stafford,” Gabriel said without heat.

  “It sounds like a good bed,” Cam began, letting out an unmanly squeak of surprise when Gabriel pushed him back onto the bed, then drew the blinds. Cam could hear them rattle as they fell. So if they were locked in, with no way of anyone seeing in, was this going to be the next step?

  Cam gripped material and realized Gabriel was wearing a T-shirt, which he had up and over his head in an instant, running his hands over bare skin and letting out a hum of appreciation.

  “Your turn,” Gabriel said, and helped Cam to remove his shirt, and all the time he was talking. “I’ve been practicing, you know. I’ve been getting off and actually coming and everything in my head has been you. You holding me down and sucking me off, you fingering me…you want to do that? I’ve never done it for love before. I’m not sure it would make me come, but I could try.”

  They stripped off jeans and underwear until they were nude and in a tangle of limbs. Gabriel was hard, Cam was harder, and they rubbed against each other, lost in a mess of kisses and whispered words. Cam swapped them so he was lying on top, kissing his way down Gabriel’s chest, pausing at his navel and kiss-biting a trail to hip bones and down to his thighs, bypassing Gabriel’s cock and hearing the mewl of disapproval.

  “I want you to suck me,” he said. “You need to get your mouth on me. I can move so that we could sixty-nine, then you could fuck me with your mouth.”

  Exasperated, Cam climbed back up Gabriel’s body and kissed him hard. “Shhh,” he whispered.

  “What? You want me to talk dirty. You said you liked it, it got you off—”

  Cam slapped a hand over Gabriel’s mouth, gyrating his hips a little so their stiff cocks brushed against each other. “I need you to feel this for real,” he said, with more kisses to Gabriel’s throat. “Will you stop talking?”

  Gabriel nodded, gripping Cam’s ass tight and pushing up against him.

  This was important; this was singularly the most vital sex that Cam would have in his life. This wasn’t just sex, it was making love. He knew that, even if Gabriel didn’t yet.

  He moved his hand and kissed Gabriel hard, then felt Gabriel pushing something into his hand. “Lube,” Gabriel murmured, “please… I’ve been practicing.”

  God, that was more arousing that all the porn talk Gabriel could ever use.

  Cam slicked his fingers, slid down the bed a little and swallowed Gabriel down, then nearly choked when Gabriel sat upright in a flurry of motion. “We need to talk,” he said.

  Cam moved away a little, and Gabriel reached up to the shelf above the bed. “Condoms and a letter,” he said. “I had tests. I’m okay, right, but I’m not ready to do this without you covering me.” It sounded like that was a rehearsed line, and Cam couldn’t have been prouder that Gabriel was taking control of his body and what he did and didn’t want.

  He wasn’t sure he could fall more in love, but he did.

  “I know you can’t see them, but I can read them to you. I want to. You can trust me, I promise these are real.”

  Cam settled back on his knees. “Go on,” he encouraged, because it was important to Gabriel.

  Gabriel cleared his throat and proceeded to read the entire report from the heading to the footer. Then there was silence before the noise of rattling and tearing.

  “It’s on,” Gabriel announced, then wriggled. Cam rested his hands on Gabriel, moving them to his thighs. Sex with Gabriel was going to be a hundred kinds of fun. “Sorry about the taste, but we could get some flavored ones if we do this again.”

  “If?” Cam said, and got back into the position he wanted to be in, locating the lube and squeezing it into his hand. He didn’t care if it went everywhere; he wanted to feel Gabriel as he sucked him down, and he wanted to push inside.

  Now who’s thinking in porn terms?

  He concentrated on the feel of Gabriel underneath the taste of the condom, and then he rubbed and sucked and pressed his cock against Gabriel’s leg. It wasn’t enough. He didn’t want Gabriel coming in his mouth like this; he wanted to kiss him and tell him he loved him, and he released Gabriel’s cock and kissed his way back up. He imagined Gabriel’s expression. He’d been so close, and all it would take would be his fingers, the rhythm of their cocks rubbing against each other, and the kissing.

  Oh god, the kissing.

  “I’m coming,” Gabriel said, his voice dripping with wonder.

  “I love you,” Cam said, his body tightening with the need to come, and then he felt Gabriel, the tension in his muscles, the exhalation of air, and there it was—Gabriel falling apart in his arms.

  They hugged close, only moving when someone banged on the window and told them to break it up, which made them laugh but broke the incredibly intimate connection they had.

  “One day, do you think you can love me?” Cam asked as they dressed. He was scared to hear the answer, unsure if Gabriel even thought he could ever love anyone. There was so much to fix, and so he thought the question should be out there, but it wasn’t something he was expecting an answer to.

  Gabriel sighed and wrapped his hands around Cam’s waist. “I think I already do, but I have all this stuff in my head, about me, and how I see myself, and I want you to know I’d understand if you couldn’t handle that.”

  Cam’s chest tightened. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Gabriel kissed him then. “It’s when you say things like that I know I could be in love and really mean it.”

  “Then I want to say it again. Gabe, I love you.”

  “And I love it when you call me Gabe.”

  They laughed into the kiss. Everything would be okay.

  “I need to ask you a huge favor. I have something I need to do, and I need you to hold my hand when I do it.”

  “Okay.” Cam didn’t know what he was agreeing to, but he would do anything for Gabriel.

  Dressed, they made their way outside, and the noise of a group of people grew larger as they walked along the uneven ground.

  “Cam,” a voice shouted, and he recognized it. Riley was there, which meant maybe Jack was, and the extended Double D ranch, kids, family, friends. Riley had talked at him for an hour about his family a couple of years back, about adoption and weddings and falling in love with Jack.

  Everything had sounded so good. Sue him, but he’d craved that, even had a standing invitation to visit, but hell, how would he have fitted in?

  “This way,” Gabriel said, and tugged him away from Riley’s voice. They passed by people who tried to say hello, but Gabriel didn’t stop. Finally they came to a halt, and Gabriel’s hold on his hand tightened.


  “Hey, Gabriel,” a voice said.

  “This is Cameron Stafford,” Gabriel said. “Cameron, this is Darren, and his partner Vaughn.”

  Cam thrust out his free hand, and it was shaken twice.

  Then Gabriel cleared his throat.

  “Darren, this is for you.” There was some movement as Gabriel passed something over.

  “What is it?” Darren asked.

  Vaughn chuckled. “He’s giving you his dirty washing.”

  There was the sound of a zip, then a soft curse from Darren. “Shit, Gabriel, this is full of money, what the hell?”

  “All of what I saved, except five hundred, which I will get to you as soon as I can. That is all the money you sent me from the sale of the Bar Five.”

  “That was for you.”

  “No,” Gabriel said, cutting Darren off. “I don’t want it. I want it to go to charity. I want you to choose.”

I can do that,” Darren said. Clearly whatever expression Gabriel had going on was enough to make Darren think he should stop the debate right there.

  There was a short silence, then it was Vaughn who spoke. “So you and Cameron here, then, you an item?”

  “I’m working really hard on loving him,” Gabriel announced.

  And for want of something to say, Cam smiled and pulled Gabriel in for a kiss.


  One year later

  Gabriel reined Pixie to a stop, waiting for Cam to catch up. He was only now getting to be relaxed when he rode. At first he’d been terrified that the horse would just go wherever the hell it wanted if he didn’t have any idea where to guide it.

  So they’d given him Mistry, because she followed Pixie everywhere, and Cam couldn’t go wrong with that.

  “I swear this horse is playing with me,” Cam groused as Mistry stopped right next to Pixie. “It felt like she was going in circles.” He pushed his Stetson back, and Gabriel took a moment to admire the man he loved. Tonight, exactly one year since their first meeting in the elevator, Gabriel had things he wanted to say to Cam, and he wanted it to be out here, away from everyone and with the Texas soil beneath them.

  “The sunset is amazing,” he said. He’d got past the whole concept of not describing things in case it upset Cam. Particularly when Cam smacked him on the chest and told him in no uncertain terms that listening to Gabriel describe things was sexy. “It’s fiery red and orange, and the ground is golden.” He’d also become used to being super descriptive about what he could see. He never thought he’d use words like “vermillion” or “sensuous”, but he damn well made sure to include them in sentences when he could.

  Particularly when it ended up with Cam making love to him.

  This year had been long; the best and the worst. Stefan was dead. No one knew who, but they knew how. He’d been found with a needle in his arm, a huge overdose enough to have him gone. That had been a shock, a relief, a hell that he’d only just escaped from—after all, who would they have pointed the finger at but him?


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