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Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the Twentieth Century

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by Alex Sayf Cummings

Gucci, 191–2

  G-Unit, 169

  Guns & Roses, 163

  H.R.S. Society Rag, 43, 153. See also HRS (Hot Record Society)

  Hall, Griffin, 12–3

  Halstead, Fred, 107

  Hamilton, Alexander, 136

  Hamilton, Richard, 99–100

  Hammond, John, 41–4, 57

  Hancock, Herbie, 216

  Hand, Learned, 46–8, 54, 81, 123, 176

  Harding, Roger, 15 (fig.)

  Harlan, John, 20

  Harry Fox Agency, 55

  Harry the Bastard, 153

  Hart, Philip, 134, 210

  Harvard Law Review, 32

  Hawthorne Hot Shots, The (Beach Boys), 153

  Heilman, David, 142, 148, 176

  Hell’s Honkies Tape Club, 158

  Helms, Jesse, 194

  Hendrix, Jimi, 8, 97, 103, 114–5, 157

  Herbert v. Shanley (1917), 44

  Herbert, Victor, 20, 23, 25, 29, 44

  Heylin, Clinton, 77, 106, 116,

  Hickman, Clarence, 67

  high-fidelity, 7, 41–2, 72, 74, 77, 81–2, 87

  High Fidelity (magazine), 72–3

  Historic Jazz label, 59

  Hobson, Wilder, 38, 43, 51

  Hoefer, George, 41, 56

  Hoffman Avenue Records, 153

  Holding, John B., 16–7

  Holiday, Billie, 27, 44

  Hollywood, 121, 136, 173, 185, 194, 202

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 21

  Holscher, Louis, 152

  Hopkins, Jerry, 98

  Hornby, Nick, 151

  Horses (Patti Smith), 105

  Hot Record Society, 38, 42–4, 50–1, 53, 60, 65, 70, 74–5, 86, 96, 153, 173, 176, 209

  Hot Wacks, 153–4

  Hunting, Russell, 14–8, 31

  Hupert, Dan, 156

  Huxley, Aldous, 106

  “I Am the Walrus” (The Beatles), 107

  IBM, 210

  Ibuka, Masaru, 82, 88

  ideation, 65–6

  IFPI (International Federation of Phonograph Industries), 185, 187, 189, 195

  Igoe, Michael, 53–4

  IIPA (International Intellectual Property Alliance), 191–2, 196

  Immaculate Conception Records, 153

  Independent Film and Television Alliance, 191

  India, 183, 185–6, 190, 192, 194

  intellectual property, 46–8, 137, 146, 161, 200–6, 216–7

  and counterculture, 161, 211

  and idea of information economy, 88, 210–1

  and international trade, 174, 177–8, 186–95, 198

  popularization of term, 7, 191

  International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition, 192

  International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers, 189

  International News Service v. Associated Press (1919), 32–3, 47, 50, 137

  Internet, 4, 7, 11, 86, 162, 171, 200, 212

  Interpol (International Police Organization), 187, 196

  “Invisible Generation, The” (William Burroughs), 87–8

  iPod, 83, 161

  Irish, Albert, 29–30

  IRTA (Independent Record and Tape Association), 148

  It’s a Beautiful Day, 99 (fig.)

  iTunes, 1, 11, 86, 161, 209

  Izod, 192

  J. Cole, 1–2

  Jackson, Henry “Big Bank Hank,” 166

  Jackson, Michael, 206

  Jadakiss, 170

  jam music, 7, 156, 161, 173. See also Grateful Dead

  Jamieson, Mark, 160, 168

  Jay label, 50

  jazz, 25, 37–45, 50–65, 71–2, 75–6, 78, 93–4, 106, 110, 118, 121, 128, 152–3, 176, 183, 204–5, 207, 216

  Jazz Hot, 42. See also Panassié, Hugues

  Jazz Panorama label, 59, 60 (fig.)

  Jazz-time label, 50

  Jedi, 171

  Jefferson, “Blind” Lemon, 6, 59, 128

  Jobs, Steve, 161

  John, Elton, 115, 157

  John Wesley Harding (Bob Dylan), 97, 208

  Johnson, Eldridge, 14

  Johnston, Bob, 96

  Jolly Roger label, 51 (fig.), 52 (fig.), 55–7, 59–62, 128, 173, 209

  Joplin, Janis, 101, 139

  Jung Cat Records, 64 (fig.), 78. See also Rose, Boris

  Jungle Inn, 39

  Kaminstein, Abraham, 119–20, 124

  Kane, Chuck, 114–6

  Kanon, Herbert, 121

  Kasha King label, 78

  Kastenmeier, Robert, 147

  Kazaa, 202

  Keith organization, 28

  Keith, Toby, 8

  “Kentucky Babe” (Adam Geibel), 19, 20

  Kessler, Jack (also Jack Fine), 139–40, 153

  Kessler, Julius, 139, 153

  Khomeini, Ayatollah, 182

  Kid Capri, 167, 170

  King Crimson, 158

  Kippel, Les, 157

  Kirby, Jack Temple, 217

  Kirkeby, Ed, 59

  Kittredge, Albert, 29

  Kollock, Peter, 159–60

  Kolodin, Irving, 76

  Kool and the Gang, 6

  Kool Herc, 164–5, 168

  Koven, Donald, 85–6, 108, 136

  Kraftwerk, 166

  Kraut, 151

  Kulcsar, Roy, 141

  Kum Back (The Beatles), 105

  Kustom Records, 153

  L Brothers, 164

  La Traviata (Verdi), 76

  LaFarge, John, 29

  LARTA (Latin American Record and Tape Association), 140–1

  Lavine, Abigail, 82

  Lear, Bill, 83–5

  Led Zeppelin, 114, 208

  Lee Bee Discs label, 78

  Leeds and Caitlin, 17–8

  Leeds, Arthur, 136–7

  Lefkowitz, Louis, 112, 127, 129, 140–1

  Leibell, Vincent, 46

  Lennon, John, 105

  Lessig, Lawrence, 204, 213

  Let It Be (The Beatles), 105

  Lettermen, 124–5

  Levine, Sherrie, 206

  Levy, Morris, 133

  Lewis, Meade Lux, 41, 53–4, 56

  liberalism, 81, 194–5

  Lil Wayne, 208

  Limewire, 86, 200, 207, 215

  Limited Editions label, 59

  Little White Wonder (Bob Dylan), 102

  live performance

  bootlegging of, 4, 6, 117,163–5, 206

  in early radio programming, 44–6, 64, 67

  and the Grateful Dead, 157–8, 160

  and Patti Smith, 106, 155 (fig.)

  See also Rubber Dubber label; mixtapes

  LIVEr Than You’ll Ever Be (Rolling Stones), 96, 113

  lobbying, 26, 118, 125–6, 138, 140, 191–3, 195

  Lockhart, Leonard, 139–40

  Lofton, Cripple Clarence, 54, 56

  Lomax, Alan, 39, 52–3

  Long Island, 130, 141, 143–4, 164

  “The Long Tail” (Chris Anderson), 209

  Los Angeles Press, 110

  Lovebug Starski, 167

  Lowery, David, 8

  LOX, 170

  LP record. See vinyl record

  Lubar, Harvey, 157–8

  Lucrezia Borgia, 77

  Madonna, 196

  Mafia, 5, 35, 110, 142

  Magnetic Recorders Company, 69

  magnetic recording, 6, 41–2, 63–71, 73, 81–9, 94–5, 133, 135, 210

  on tape, 4, 11, 38, 62, 121, 210

  on wire, 7, 66–8, 70, 83, 89

  Magnetophon recorder, 68–9

  Malcolm X, 104

  Manuel, Peter, 177, 186–7

  Mapleson, Lionel, 75, 96, 204

  Marcus, Greil, 96

  Marshall, Lee, 5, 154, 205

  Marshall, Thurgood, 138

  Marx, Karl, 103

  A Masked Ball (Verdi), 76

  mass reproduction, 4–5, 207

  Matthews, Brander, 22, 27

  Mayall, John, 98

  McCaghy, Charles, 106, 117, 142

>   McCartney, Paul, 104–5

  McCuen, Brad, 59, 62

  McGraw, Tim, 208

  Meltzer, Sam, 57

  Mercury label, 80, 181. See also Capitol Records v. Mercury (1955)

  Metallica, 176

  Method Man, 170

  Metropolitan Opera House (New York), 75, 96

  Metropolitan Opera, 74, 76, 119, 125. See also Metropolitan Opera v. Wagner-Nichols (1950)

  Metropolitan Opera v. Wagner-Nichols (1950), 37, 48–50, 56, 73, 80, 123, 126, 137

  Meyer, J.W., 15

  Michelle, Yvette, 170

  Micranots, 168

  Mikva, Abner, 133–4, 148, 210

  Military (US), 67–8, 88

  Miller, Glenn, 35

  Miller, Phillip L., 75

  Minaj, Nicki, 212–3

  Mister Jelly Roll (Jelly Roll Morton), 52–3

  Mitchell, Joni, 113

  Mix Tape: 60 Minutes of Funk, The (Funkmaster Flex), 170


  and benefits to recording industry, 173–4, 205

  and use in hip hop, 1, 151, 167–71

  personal use of, 151, 204,

  DJ use of, 164–5, 172–3, 214

  Modular Sounds, 143–4, 191

  Monogram, 29–30

  Monroe, John, 15, 16 (fig.)

  Monsanto, 190, 192

  Moore, Cason, 160

  Moore, Jerry, 157–8

  Moore, Thurston, 151

  Morita, Akio, 88

  Morton, Jelly Roll, 39, 52, 55, 119, 200

  Mossinghoff, Gerald, 191, 195

  Motorola, 84

  Mozart, 76

  MP3, 5, 7, 86, 173, 207, 215–6, 215

  MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), 2, 191, 193

  Muntz, Earl “Madman,” 82–5

  Music City Distributing, 114

  music publishers, 11–2, 19, 21–3, 27–9, 44, 55, 111–2, 119–20, 122, 131–32, 139, 146, 174, 181, 203, 205–6, 214

  Music Publishers Association, 22, 122

  NAAL (National Academy of Arts and Letters), 22, 27

  Naghavi, Alireza Jay, 154

  Nam, Ng Sui, 190

  Napster, 4, 7–8, 86, 200, 202, 214–6

  NARM (National Association of Record Merchandisers), 130

  Nashville Skyline (Bob Dylan), 97, 110

  Nashville, TN, 96, 125, 131

  National Institutes of Health, 120

  Naxos, 201

  NBC v. Nance (1974), 141

  NBC, 69, 127, 141

  neoliberalism, 211–2

  New Deal, 68, 203

  New Left, 106–7

  New Riders of the Purple Sage, 158

  New York (magazine), 95

  Nicholas Nickleby, 102

  Nievera, Martin, 196

  Nipper, 14, 54 (fig.)

  Nixon, Richard, 105, 107, 135, 138

  “No Pakistanis” (The Beatles), 105

  Nolan, Peter F., 211

  Norcross Phonograph Company of New York, 14

  Norelco. See Philips

  Norris, Frank, 43

  North Carolina, 96–7, 101, 109, 111, 125, 143–4

  Notorious B.I.G., 167

  NYPD (New York City Police Department), 141, 197

  O, Michael, 100, 103

  O’Sullivan, Gilbert, 205

  Oberstein, Eli, 35–6, 76, 87

  OFC label, 59, 60 (fig.)

  Ohio Talking Machine Company, 14, 29–30

  Oliver Ditson Company, 22

  Olmstead v. United States (1928), 67

  “On the Beach” (Paragons), 165

  Onion, 206

  open-source software, 161

  opera. See classical music

  Opperman, R. H., 68

  Orbison, Roy, 205

  Owen, Frank, 168

  Pakistan, 105, 177, 189, 194, 196–7, 212

  Palm Club label, 59, 60 (fig.)

  palming off, 31, 49–50, 124, 152

  Panassié, Hugues, 39, 42

  Pandora, 215–6

  Paradox Industries, 56

  Paragons, 165

  Paramount label, 35

  Parker, Charlie, 78

  Patagonia Festival, 76

  Patrick and Merlin, 97–9, 100

  Pax label, 52 (fig.), 56

  payola, 74, 109, 132–3, 143, 208

  peer production, 160, 202. See also Grateful Dead; Deadheads

  Period label, 76–7

  Perrotto, John, 144

  Perry, Lee “Scratch,” 165

  Pettit, Horace, 23–6

  Pettus, Jerrold H. (also Jerry Pettus), 144, 153

  Petty, Eric, 197

  Philips, 72, 84, 87–8, 181

  Phillips, Ralph “Buddy,” 144

  Phish, 5, 163

  Phoenix company, 124–5

  Phonograms Convention of 1971, 186–7, 196

  Phonoscope, 15, 16 (fig.), 17 (fig.)

  Phonygraf label, 153

  PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America), 191

  piano roll, 12, 18–20, 23, 27–8, 31, 33, 37, 44, 63, 87, 89, 120, 212

  Pig’s Eye label, 153

  Pilpel, Harriet, 121

  Pinckney, Francis, 111–2


  artist opposition to, 8, 56, 162–3, 156, 176, 216

  artist support for, 105–6, 155, 158–60, 202, 214

  legislation against, 123, 125–36, 143–9, 194, 203

  lobbying efforts in support of, 127–9, 133, 147–8

  record label involvement in, 35–6, 55–6, 76, 142

  See also file sharing; bootlegging; counterfeiting

  Pirate Records, 59, 60 (fig.), 61

  Pitney, Mahlon, 33

  Plançon, Pol-Henri, 25

  “Planet Rock” (Afrika Bambaataa), 166–7

  player piano. See piano roll

  Playgirl Industries, 139

  Police (band), 206

  Pontitoff, Alexander, 83

  Porat, Marc Uri, 210

  Porter, Tiran, 150

  post-Fordism, 209

  post-industrial society, 4, 177, 209–10

  postmodernism, 172–3, 206

  Poulsen, Valdemar, 66

  Powell, Bud, 64 (fig.)

  Powell, Enoch, 104

  Powell, Lewis, 138

  Premier Albums, 141

  Presley, Elvis, 109, 113

  Prince, 5, 163

  Prince, Richard, 172

  Progressive Era, 12, 28, 33, 133, 145, 203

  Protean Radish, 101, 109

  Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 206

  Psychedelic Supermarket, 98

  Psychic Soviet, The (Ian Svenonius), 172

  publication, 45, 80, 134, 146, 201

  Puff Daddy. See Combs, Sean “Puffy”

  “Puff the Magic Dragon,” 183

  Pujol, Joseph “Le Pétomane,” 79 (fig.)

  punk, 105, 117, 151, 154. See also Dead

  Kennedys; Moore, Thurston; Smith, Patti

  Purple for a Day (Deep Purple), 102

  Putnam, Herbert, 21–2, 29

  Quicksilver Messenger Service, 157

  R&B, 165, 168

  R.E.M., 163

  Radio Free Europe, 93

  Rambo, 182

  Ramsey, Frederic, Jr., 50–1, 53

  Rao, Narasimha, 194

  “Rapper’s Delight” (Sugar Hill Gang), 164, 166, 167

  RCA v. Whiteman (1940), 37, 45–8, 54, 80, 137

  “RCA Victim” label, 113

  RCA Victor, 13–4, 23–6, 29–33, 35, 38, 41, 45–8, 52, 54 (fig.), 55–6, 59–61, 66, 70–1, 76–7, 82, 84, 113, 122, 132 181, 209

  Reagan, Ronald, 7, 177, 190, 192, 211, 216

  Record Changer, 42 (fig.), 54 (fig.), 55–7, 75

  Record Corporation of America label, 76

  Record Plant, 114

  Red Onion Jazz Babies (Clarence Williams), 43

  Red Seal records, 33, 132

  Redman, 170

  “Redondo Beach” (Patti Smith)
, 106

  Redwood, Ruddy, 165

  reggae, 164–5

  Rehnquist, William, 138

  Reich, Wilhelm, 105

  Reid, Arthur “Duke,” 165

  Reid, Shaheem, 169–70

  Rek-O-Kut recorder, 71

  Remco, 42

  Renaissance Minstrels (The Beatles), 113–4

  Replacements, 162–3

  Reprise, 181

  Resnik, Regina, 36, 76

  RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), 119, 125–6, 131, 134, 138–43, 147, 154, 156, 163, 171, 180, 191, 197, 216

  Richard Records, 113

  Rieber, Dick, 39–40

  Righteous Babe Records, 216

  Ring des Nibelungen cycle (Richard Wagner), 36, 76, 87

  Ringer, Barbara, 123–4, 130, 148, 149, 201

  Robinson, Sylvia, 166

  rock and roll, 5, 7, 57, 81, 87, 93–110, 113–7, 139, 142, 150–60, 163, 171–3, 183, 202, 210

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 125, 127–9

  Rolling Stone, 97, 99, 103, 107, 130, 156

  Rolling Stones, 94, 96, 163, 166

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 68, 138

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 21, 28

  Rose, Boris, 64 (fig.), 65, 74, 78–9, 94, 117, 176

  Rosen, Charlie, 157

  Rosengarten, Theodore, 53

  Ross, Diana, 206

  Roulette Records, 133

  Royal Academy of Music, 190

  royalties, 12, 33, 35, 110–2, 114–5, 119, 127, 131–3, 147–8, 154, 176, 215

  RSO label, 181–2

  Rubin, Jerry, 107, 161

  Rubber Dubber label, 103, 107–8, 110, 114–7, 141, 151–3, 157

  Run-DMC, 163–4, 167, 197

  Russell, William, 42

  Russia. See Soviet Union

  Rydell, Bobby, 57, 142

  Sam Goody, 139

  Sampling, 6, 11, 162, 170, 172, 204

  legal restriction of, 134, 171, 205

  and samplers, 166, 168

  Saturday Night Fever, 177, 181–2, 198

  Saturday Review, 50–1, 76–7

  Schafer, Charles, 133

  Schirmer’s department store, 69

  Schoenfeld, Joel, 141

  Schultz, Mark, 160

  Schulze, Günther G., 154

  Scott de Martinville, Édouard-Léon, 66

  Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. Stiffel (1964), 80–1, 123–4, 137–8

  Sermon, Erick, 170

  Serven, A.R., 29

  Sha Money XL, 170

  Shakespeare, 217

  Shapiro, Bernstein v. Miracle Records (1950), 53

  Shaw, Artie, 35

  Shaw, Greg, 152

  sheet music

  and sales tactics, 174

  copying of, 3, 5, 22–3, 77

  copyright of, 19, 23–4, 122

  renting and sharing of, 27–8, 214

  shellac disc, 1–2, 12, 53, 86

  Sherburn, Nevill L., 59, 60 (fig.)

  Shit Hits the Fans, The (Replacements), 163

  Shore, Laurence Kenneth, 179

  Siew, Vincent, 184

  Simmons, Joseph “Run,” 163–4

  Sinatra, Frank, 27, 56, 133

  Singapore, 177, 179 (fig.), 184–5, 190, 192, 195


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