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He Who Is a Protector (Sadik Book 3)

Page 6

by Love Belvin

  Her back arched deeper, the small of it dropping lower. She was tight. Fuck… She was tight, pussy throbbing around my dick. The view was delicious. The tiger stripes on her hips, dimples on her round ass cheeks, and the root of my cock at the rim of her pussy from behind. I could see her ass sphincter puckered, and a small patch of hair on the lips of her pussy open to me. A sheen of perspiration coated her back and neck.

  “Don’t cum,” I grunted.

  I reveled in the sight of her small waist above her wide mound. Her pregnancy weight had been melting off by the week, and I couldn’t decide if I preferred it or not. I loved her body swollen and carrying my child, but a narrowed waist, wide ass Bilan drove me wild, too. Seeing her bent over the bed, arms stretched out, and fists clawing the sheet had me ready to explode. Her caramel skin glowed in the candlelit room. The breeze from the opened terrace door couldn’t cool the heat from between her thighs.

  My thrust into her was with strain. Her receiving it was the same. Bilan’s ass cheeks squeezed, her hips vibrated as she tried to be obedient and not give in to the bliss awaiting her. I closed my eyes, squeezing them as I rocked into her again slowly, reveling the glide into her wetness. Her silkiness.

  “Sadik!” she cried, her spine jerked, shoulders flexed.

  “Wait, baby,” I groaned, then slapped her ass.

  “I can’t!”

  “You can,” I assured her, not so confident myself.

  We were both tired after the flight in and a swim in the bay. After a shower and me making her explode twice in my mouth, I suggested she finally go to bed. But my Nalib was greedy. She begged for my dick, and I figured she could delay her third orgasm.

  And now…

  Her breaths came out in long drags, body vibrating. I couldn’t hold back any longer. My soft, intermittent thrusts grew to full plunges. I widened my thighs around her, going deeper inside.

  “Sa—” she choked out, ass twitching in the air, pussy clutching me. “I can’t—”

  “Go!” I grunted, rocking into her.

  Bilan’s head dropped forward, shoulders flexed upward, and her ass moved into my thrusts, pounding me.

  “I’m coming…” she droned deeply.


  My head fell back as my balls heated and drew up. My explosion nearly knocked me over. I commanded my thighs to stand upright, squeezing as I plunged and plunged into her, splashing my gratitude of her all over her womb.

  “I can’t stop!” she whimpered, torso twittering violently.

  I could feel the walls of her pussy convulsing, too. In that moment something broke, a barrier I was unaware of when it came to my woman. I was open to her, grinding into her too freely, too vulnerable. A lesser confident man would feel too stripped, too bare. But for one my age, I reveled in it.

  When Bilan collapsed on the bed, taking me with her, her body still vibrated, partially laying beneath me. Her teeth shivered and brows remained pinched. I watched her through low lids as we faced each other. My heart continued to race, her entire frame still unsettled. I lay a hand on the small of her back to provide a point of connection.

  “How can I ever come back from this?” When my eyes opened, I knew I’d fallen asleep. Bilan’s freckles came into view first. Then her pooled eyes were clear. Her body still shivered slightly. “What comes after Sadik?”

  Her tearing eyes were low; she was fatigued physically, yet overly-stimulated emotionally.

  I didn’t speak, didn’t think it was appropriate to.

  “You want my soul,” she breathed, eyes struggling to stay open. “What if your absence from my life would destroy it?”

  The muscles in my face tightened. “I’m not going to die, baby.”

  “You don’t know.” She tried shaking her head, her body yielding to another shiver. “I’ve lost the closest people to my heart. Losing the one who explored my heart and body—inside and out—isn’t something I’d survive. Not even your son could replace my friend and lover.”

  I reached over and thumbed her tears away, then closed her lids with my fingers. “You won’t ever have to live that nightmare.”

  I would continue to take care of myself, unlike Palmer. And I’d never belong to a high-risk lifestyle like my father.

  Eventually, her breathing evened out and my eyes closed, too. It was short-lived from the knock at the door. My first thought was to ignore it. Whoever was there would get the hint and go away. It was after midnight. Then I remembered my number one man. I was a father now with endless hours of availability.

  Letting go of a heavy breath, I slipped from Bilan, leaving her naked body sprawled out on the mattress. I grabbed a robe from the bathroom before heading for the door. On my way, the knocking sounded again. I opened it, expecting to see Camille. When I recognized Rory, I stepped outside, closing the door behind me.

  “Just got a call from Dee over at Double E’s warehouse,” she whispered, wreaking of dro. “They think they being watched.”

  “By who?”

  She shrugged. “He ain’t sure. But they say the niggas sitting in the cars, tryna keep a distance is white.”

  “Who is they?”

  She shrugged again. “Dee ain’t say. He only said a couple of them niggas. They think it’s them FEDdy niggas.”


  Her head jerked back. “Why? My nigga, I just told you them muthafuckas all white.”

  I crossed my arms, widening my stance. “If you weren’t so fucked up now, you’d realize Federal agents aren’t all white. They’re diverse and would be, especially for Double E Bags. They’d avoid discrimination lawsuits. And you know—shit, they should know—who the members are on the team assembled for my father’s file.”

  Rory’s face opened up in realization; her low eyes from being high were still big as hell. “Fuuuuuuuck!” she breathed. “You is so right, my G.”

  “Who’s running shit over there anyway?”

  Rory shrugged again. “Hell if I know. We just buried Palmer, and shit.” Her voice turned regretful.

  “Who’s his second in command on the org chart?”

  Her face balled again. “You know this ain’t Ellis International!” she whispered hard. “They ain’t corporate over there, my nigga.”

  I shook my head, brows going into the air. “They should still have someone named.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Hit up Daz over there.” He was a lieutenant in my father’s organization. Over the past two years or so, Palmer had been spending copious amounts of time with him and one of my father’s men who’d caught one in the Rizzo war. “Tell that nigga his crew is divided and isn’t properly communicating. He needs to tighten up their org chart. Sounds like Popov staking out the place to test their strength now that their overseer is on his back.”

  “Shit, man!” she whispered again. “That’s the first fuckin’ step in attack.” Rory nodded. I started back to the bedroom door. “Yo, sire,” she called out to me on approach. I watched her sniffing me.

  “The fuck is you smelling like, my G?”

  I backed away. Bilan. “Mind ya fuckin’ business.”

  When I closed the door, I heard her chortle down the stairs.

  A draft hitting my chest had me turning over onto my belly. I lifted the blanket up to cover me. Then I reached for him.


  I didn’t smell him, didn’t feel his heat. My eyes opened slowly to a blur. I rubbed the sleep debris from them, realizing how hard I’d slept. Sadik wasn’t there. I lifted my head to glance around the suite, but didn’t see any sign of him. Suddenly, I felt bereft. How could I not? Last night was…life-changing. Sadik had always been an incredible lover, however, I didn’t have much to compare him to.

  Last night, I came to the conclusion our sexual synergy was beyond his skill set. What Sadik and I shared was spiritually binding. I’d begun to feel at home with him in more than the physical realm. When I opened to him fully, the bliss was inescapable. I could no longer exp
ress jealous curiosity over what pleasure he provided women before me. There was no way he could have experienced this connection with another woman without giving her all he’d given me.

  I ran my fingers through my hair, wishing to get over this fear of losing him. Normal women feared cheating or their significant others leaving, but they were not Ellis men. I feared Sadik’s death and that of our child. I’d lost everyone I loved the most; I couldn’t bear the lives of these two. The thought of it caused my belly to flutter.

  My baby…

  I leaped from the bed, holding my chest as I jogged to the bathroom. It only took a couple of minutes in the shower to wash off my lust session from last night, but washing my face and brushing my teeth took a little longer. By the time I was out of the bathroom and dressed in a fresh bikini, I was even more anxious to see my baby boy. I combed my hair back enough to toss on a beach hat, then grabbed sunscreen lotion and my phone from the dresser on my way out of the bedroom.

  This place was larger than our villa in Costa Rica. There were three bedrooms here. Two were on the second floor and the third was just off the kitchen. That’s where Rory, surprisingly, stayed. She’d made it clear in the past how she preferred her space away from her employer when traveling with him. But Sadik requested she stay with us this time. I had an idea it had to do with the baby.

  The other bedroom on the second floor belonged to Camille and Sadik, II. I checked in there first and found the room empty. Only traces of my baby were there. I headed for the stairs next. The lower level was empty, too, but for a man in the kitchen cooking. His uniform revealed his identity and purpose for being here.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Ellis,” he attempted with a thick accent.

  I managed a smile, not caring he addressed me by the wrong name. “Do you know where my family is?” My voice was too soft, too desperate.

  He gave a neck bow, perceiving my unease, and pointed. “Out there, ma’am.”

  I could barely say thanks before barreling out the back door.

  The beautiful tropical view was missed. The fountains, palm trees, sounds of the waterfall, and sparkling pool ahead was no more than props until my eyes were satisfied in their search. At first, all I saw of him was the designer scarf wrapped around his head and some of his golden muscular frame. He’d seen me, though. He shuffled around in his lounge seat.

  “There she is,” Sadik sang, standing with our cranky baby.

  My baby made the stank face, snorting before the big cry. My feet led me to them before my brain could quite make the request.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Sadik croaked. “We know you’re hungry.” He handed him over to me. “It’s perfect timing, actually. Your mom can feed you while I feed her.”

  My eyes shot from our son to Sadik’s face. Unbothered, his friendly grin remained in place as I settled the baby on my chest.

  “I didn’t mean to sleep so hard and for so long,” I tried to explain, very much embarrassed.

  “Hey!” Sadik completely ignored me, addressing the baby. “You’re gripping that thing like a pro. That’s mine, partner,” he warned, regarding my breast.

  Sadik settled upon there, his face leaning into mine. His little lips in suckling position. I turned for the house. “I’ll go get his bottle—”

  The sight of Camille strolling out of the villa, shaking a bottle of milk broke my stride. She wore a solid black cover-up with flip flops. “Here you go,” she sang. “Should I feed him or would you like to?”

  “Please.” I took the bottle. “Let me.” As I turned for the chairs, Sadik wiggled in my arm sucking in air repeatedly, excited by the sight of his meal. “Mommy’s so sorry for sleeping like that. I should have been up hours ago with you.”

  When I sat down and positioned the baby, Sadik chimed in, “But you were getting much-needed rest while daddy and Ms. Camille hung out with the young soldier.” His tone was light and playful.

  I tried for a smile, wanting to relax. Sadik was fine, and so was his father…bare-chested and tatted. He was so fine, I ripped my eyes away from him awkwardly. “What time is it?”

  Sadik grabbed the baby’s feet and wiggled them. “About eleven-thirty.”

  I winced, eyes closing. “I slept that late.”

  “Your body needed it. That’s what this getaway is for. You need to be restored physically and emotionally.”

  I peered up to him. “Just me?”

  “We do,” he qualified. “All three of us.” Before I could respond, he sighed. “Ah, here comes lunch—or brunch for you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder, where the chef was coming out holding two trays of food in his hands. He headed straight toward us, and apparently, with a helper on his heels. He carried several tray tables in one arm and a platter dish in the other. They quickly set us up with food near our chairs. I watched as my baby gulped down his food while grabbing my nose and ears.

  “What do you want to drink? A mimosa?” Sadik asked.

  I couldn’t think in the moment, needing to connect with my baby. “Sure.”

  He turned and mumbled to the chef. After they were done, Sadik took to the chair next to me. He yanked on my hat a bit.

  “This is cute.”

  “My hair looks a mess. It was the only thing I could think of to not come down here looking crazy.”

  “You can’t look crazy to us. You’re our queen.”

  I snorted, observing the waterfall depositing into the aqua blue pool. “Irene’s your queen.”

  He nodded. “Forever.”

  “I meant to call her this morning to check in. I haven’t heard from her since they left Macen Beach.”

  “We called her this morning,” Sadik murmured, his hand back on the baby. “She’s consumed with my father’s recovery.”

  “I bet.”

  “I offered her to come out to spend time with Sadik, but she said the doctors are considering releasing him soon. She doesn’t want to miss that.”

  “I don’t blame her. He’s just my son’s grandfather and I feel like I may miss something being out here. I’ll call him today to check in.”

  Sadik didn’t comment any further. Those gorgeous kaleidoscope-hued irises beamed when on our son, similar to the way they did when he desired me. I found myself awkwardly looking away again.

  “I can’t believe we have a baby,” I muttered, so much running through my head at the moment.

  When I saw Sadik’s body, ripped in nothing but a scarf around his head and low resting swimming trunks, exposing his happy trail, it didn’t seem real. My body had been shrinking, but it would never be the same; I’d had surgery. The first few weeks of postpartum, I felt violated. It took some time for me to recover emotionally from a last-minute emergency procedure.

  “We do,” Sadik made clear, his focus on the baby. “And it’s my hope you’ll let me have another chance at it.” He stood. “What do we have for my Nalib to throw down on today?”

  “Ha. Ha. Ha,” I replied dryly.

  Sadik turned back to me with a million-dollar smile. “The other night in Macen Beach. The night of the funeral, what woke you up in the middle of the night?”

  I spent a moment recalling that. “Oh. A goat wolf.”

  He peered over his shoulder again. “A goat wolf?”

  I nodded. “It’s the only way I could describe it. It looked like a goat, but growled like a wolf.”

  “What about the wolf goat?” he jeered.

  I took in a deep breath, recalling the details of the dream. “He had the family—your family—in a cluster in the middle of an open field.”

  “A cluster?”

  “Yeah. They were in this like…circle…huddled in fear.”


  “All of the Ellises, including Sadik. But you weren’t there.”

  He came back to the lounger next to me with a plate of fresh fruits and fajitas. “My father and Iban?”

  I nodded again. “They were there. Irene, Monica, Taaliba, and all the kids. My baby was in the
middle. I guess protectively, if you want to call it that. They weren’t safe. All of them were fearful, waiting to be attacked by the goat wolf.”

  He pushed a forked piece of pineapple to my mouth, and I ate it. Then Sadik plucked a couple of pieces of fruit into his own mouth. I could see arteries in his temples raised as his eyes cast out into the blue sky. The baby’s pulls began to slow, his little belly round and full, his hands still busy in their reach. When Sadik fed me more fruit, the baby attempted that, too, but was too slow. His father and I shared a chortle over it.

  “A goat wolf,” Sadik murmured, seemingly still processing it.

  “Yeah.” I swallowed. “It was weird. I was running in the woods until it opened to this field where I saw my—your—family.”

  I wouldn’t share the part about Jason. Sadik wouldn’t take to it.

  His feline eyes hit me, likely in scolding of referring to his people as just his family. I still hadn’t yet felt comfortable enveloping them. I’d gotten the impression it was what Tiffany did, and I was no Tiffany.

  Sadik fed me more fruit just when the baby pushed the bottle from his mouth with his tongue. I pulled him over my shoulder to burp him. Sadik pulled out one of his phones and began tapping.

  “Goat wolf hybrid,” he muttered.

  “Yeah. A goral.”

  Sadik’s head shot up. “A goral?”

  I nodded. “With a long tail.” That memory was still fresh.

  He returned to his phone, tapping away again.

  “Good!” I encouraged little Sadik when he belched. He began to talk, tickling my heart. He eventually burped again. “Mommy’s so happy your belly’s full, S.Q.E.!” Sadik lowered his phone and went for the last piece of fruit on the plate. Then he lay the plate of fajitas on my lap and went to grab the baby.

  “Eat,” he commanded once my arms were free. “We’re going to take my son out to the beach.”

  I took a bite of the fajita, then asked, “What did you find out about that ugly goral?”

  Sadik’s eyes were narrowed as he peered into the distance. “Long tail gorals can be found in Russia.” His delivery was stiff.

  “That’s weird.” I swallowed my food. “What would we be doing in Russia?”


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