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Start Again Series: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 3

by J. Saman

  “I meant no harm, dear,” his mother snaps, still looking at me. I smile, because this is just getting worse by the minute. “Please come in and meet my son,” her voice drops with obvious aggravation when she says the word son. Would it be too weird if I just ran for my car and fled?

  “Thank you.”

  Ryan is standing there with his large arms crossed over his larger chest, eyeing me like I’m either the answer to his prayers or the reason for his eternal damnation. Hard to gauge, actually.

  “I’m Ryan,” he says as I approach the porch, his hand outstretched now to shake mine.

  “Kate,” I say, slipping my much smaller one into his and allowing his entire hand to engulf mine. I swear this guy makes me feel pint-sized.

  “Nice to see you again, Katie. Come in, and I’ll grab my shit.” He opens the screen door and I freeze. I thought he said he were going to talk about this first?

  “Um.” He doesn’t stop walking so I’m forced to follow. “Ryan?” I call out because suddenly he’s gone. Like, nowhere to be seen, gone. There is an older man sitting on a recliner in front of the television, watching college football and completely ignoring me. “Hello,” I say hesitantly, looking around hoping to be rescued, but by what I’m not entirely sure.

  “Oh, don’t mind him dear,” Jessica says, waving him away like he doesn’t exist. “Ryan will be out in a moment. Can I get you a drink? I have vodka, gin,” she starts to list on her fingers. “Oh, I can make Bloody Marys.”

  “No thanks. I have to drive.” And it’s nine in the morning, I don’t add.

  “Another time then.” She walks away from me into what I assume is the kitchen area, and I’m left standing in the middle of the room with a mute watching television and waiting on a guy who assumes he’s already traveling with me.

  How did I get here?

  And the worst part?

  My first reaction is that I’d love to tell Eric all about this because he’d get the biggest kick out of it. My fingers go up to my necklace, rubbing it gently, hoping for some comfort to ebb the familiar empty twist of pain.

  “All right, Katie. I’m good to go,” Ryan says, walking back into the room with a large suitcase. That’s it. The guy is moving across the country and only has one suitcase. I guess I can’t talk since I only have two boxes and two suitcases, but still.

  “I thought we were going to talk about this first?” I hedge, looking down at the dark green carpet before craning my neck to meet his eyes. “You know, to see if we’re on the same page with this trip and everything?”

  “Look,” he sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. “I need to get to Seattle in around four weeks, and I don’t fly,” he says that last part firmly. “You’re driving around the country. I’ve always wanted to do that, and you seem like a nice chick.” His arms cross against his chest again. “I’m not overly chatty, open to pretty much anything except country music, and have enough money that this could be a lot of fun. You in or out?”

  I cross my arms to match his stance. “What’s your opinion on classic rock?”

  “Could take it or leave it.”

  “Do you smoke?”

  “No. Do you drink?”

  “Anything except beer and gin.”

  He tilts his head, considering my answer. “I guess I can live with that.”

  “I have a list of places I want to visit, and I don’t do nasty-ass motels that never wash the linens.”

  He nods in agreement. “I’m cool with both of those stipulations, as long as they include DC, New Orleans, Vegas, and SoCal.”

  All seem reasonable and were already on my list.

  And he’s tall and foreboding.

  He could kick the ass of anyone we come across. As much as I hate to admit it, traveling across the country by myself is not the safest. I sigh internally, because I have no idea what I’m in for with this guy.

  “All right. Let’s go.”

  “Awesome,” he grins. “I won’t even complain about the Prius.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Smart move.”

  “Yeah. Though I’m sure it’s super fun to drive and all, I guess the whole saving on gas thing is a good idea.”

  “It’s not bad. You’ll be pleasantly surprised,” I grin back.

  “Katie.” He tilts his head like I’m crazy. “I’m six-foot-three. Something tells me that pleasantly surprised with regards to riding in a Prius across the country is not what I’ll be feeling.”

  I shrug. “Yeah. Maybe not. But that’s the situation so…,” I trail off, turning away from him and heading toward the door past the strange, mute, football-watching, older man.

  “Bye, darlings,” Jessica calls out from the doorway of the kitchen, with what I assume is a Bloody Mary in hand.

  “Bye, Mrs. Grant,” I smile at her, and she holds her drink up to me in salute.

  “Later, Mom. I’ll call.” I get the feeling he doesn’t mean it. He said it like it was a blanket statement instead of a promise. “Bye, Dad.” No response, so I don’t say anything because I was never introduced. “At least you got dark gray instead of some bitch color like powder blue or red.” He’s referring to my car, so I ignore him.

  “We should probably discuss a flight plan.”

  “Nope,” he shakes his head. “Not my style, Katie.” He tosses his suitcase in the trunk next to mine and slams the hatch closed. “Though I will recommend going to D.C. tonight, because it’s close and I have a friend there who will spend a lot of money and take us out.”

  He settles into the passenger seat, sliding it back as far as it can go so his ridiculously long legs stretch as best they can.

  “I’m good with DC I haven’t been since I was a child.” My hands grip the wheel. “What’s your timetable like for this trip?”

  He shrugs absently, buckling his seat belt and checking his phone. “Like I said, I’ve got to be there in a little under four weeks.”

  “Okay,” I nod, but I still haven’t started the car yet. I feel like I need to come clean with the guy a little. “My plan with this whole thing is to drive around the country and find a place where I eventually want to live.” He looks over at me with interest. “I’m…done with Boston, and don’t really know where I want to go yet.” He’s staring at me, and I feel like a strange specimen on display, but I hold his eyes as I continue. “I’ll get you to Seattle, but I may want to spend more or less time in a particular place. Are you cool with that?”

  His eyes bore into mine for a minute, but then the severity in them lightens as he shrugs. “Katie, I’m down for whatever you have planned. I promise. I’ve always wanted to travel the country, and unless you turn into a psycho crazy girl, or super clingy in love, then I think we’ll have some fun together.”

  “Well, I’m a little psycho crazy,” I admit with some degree of honesty. “But it will never be directed at you specifically, and you do not need to worry about me ever being super clingy in love with you.”

  “We’re cool, chica.”

  I smile so wide I can’t help it.

  I’m finally getting the excited butterflies because I feel like, for the first time in two years, I’m taking my life back into my hands. I’m practically vibrating with it.

  “Then I guess we’re off, Ryan. Driver picks the music, and as a rule, since it’s my car,” I turn to look at him intently, “no classic rock.”

  He stares at me for a minute, but doesn’t ask why. I’m sure he can guess. It’s not a hard one to make.

  “You got it.”

  I nod and start the car. It’s already set up for my phone to come through the Bluetooth, so when Silversun Pickups blares out, Ryan nods his head approvingly.

  “We’ll get along just fine, Katie. Just fine.”

  We’ll see.



  * * *

  “Why do you call me Katie?” I ask after half an hour of silence. Ryan had been tapping away on his phone, and I didn’t want to interrupt, but I’ve bee
n curious about this, especially since he hasn’t stopped, even when prompted.

  He doesn’t pull his eyes away from the passing landscape out the window. “Because that’s how I remember you. That was your name when we were introduced,” he says like it’s really just that simple.

  “Ryan, you were only ten when we met. That was a long time ago. I doubt you even remember much about me from that one visit.”

  He shakes his head, finally turning to look at me.

  “You’re wrong, Katie,” he emphasizes my name. “I have an amazing memory, and I remember everything about that visit.”

  I scrunch my nose. “Really?”

  He nods once. “Yup,” he says, popping the p sound.

  “All right. Lay it on me then, and maybe it will spark something, because I don’t remember anything about that visit.”

  His face breaks out into a crooked smile that’s a little unnerving. “Well, within the first five minutes of coming to my house, you stripped down to your days-of-the-week panties and ran through my sprinklers.” My eyes widen, and he nods. “It was awesome,” he chuckles. “Your mother started freaking out, but your father pulled her back, telling her you were just being a kid.”

  I smile at that. “My dad was super cool like that.”

  “He seemed like a good guy,” Ryan agrees. “So after you were done with your wet strip-show, you ate everything in our house, lost three games of checkers to me, refused to learn chess, did some other stuff and then passed out in my bed.”

  “Seriously?” Wow.

  “Yes, your mom said that you were a bit of a wild child. I think everyone agreed with her assessment.” He’s still smiling, the memory amusing him.

  “I was,” I laugh. “I never listened, always did my own thing, or annoyed everyone until I got what I wanted. Maggie was just like that.” I shake my head, but then my smile drops when I think about what I just said, and the lump forms in my throat that I have to swallow past. “Where did you sleep that night if I commandeered your bed?” I ask, needing to change the subject quickly.

  “I slept in Kyle’s room. He had a bunk bed, which incidentally worked out in your favor; otherwise, I would have shoved your cute ass to the floor.”

  I chuckle lightly, but it still feels forced. “Who’s Kyle?”

  Ryan looks over at me like I’m a moron. “My brother.”

  I shrug sheepishly. “I didn’t realize you had a brother. Sorry.”

  “It’s fine. He’s younger than me. He was only three when you came to visit that time. He lives in New York now, finishing up law school.”

  “That’s pretty cool.” Ryan gives a strong nod like he agrees wholeheartedly, and I can tell just by that small gesture that they’re close. “So how come you guys never returned the favor and came to visit us?”

  Ryan runs a hand through his hair and stays silent for a moment, his eyes going back to the window as I-95 south breezes past. “Kyle was diagnosed with leukemia when he was five, so we didn’t travel and didn’t have people over either. My mom was really paranoid about him being exposed to germs.”

  “I can see that.” Ryan doesn’t turn, just stays focused out the window. “But he’s doing well now?”

  He nods. “Yes. He underwent chemo on and off for years, but eventually I donated marrow and platelets, and everything else I could give, and he got better.”

  “Wow,” I gasp in awe, because I know that what he did for his brother had to have been hard and very painful. “That’s incredible you did that for him.”

  He shrugs one shoulder like it’s not.

  “He’s my brother.”

  And I get that. Not exactly the brother part, but definitely the doing whatever it takes to save your loved one part.

  We both fall silent, sliding into our own introspection. But it’s not awkward or uncomfortable. It’s companionable and easy, and for the first time since this whole thing with Ryan started three days ago, I’m happy he’s along with me.

  After navigating our way through DC traffic, we finally make it into the city limits. “Where should we go?” I ask, looking around for a hotel. “Should we try and find a hotel or something?”

  “Nope. My friend made reservations for us at the JW. I know where we’re going, just continue down Pennsylvania Ave.”

  “Who is this friend of yours, and why would he make us hotel reservations?”

  “I went to college with him and have done some work with him since.” He looks over to me. “And he owes me, so this whole night or however long we stay is on him.”

  My eyes widen. “For real? I can’t accept that.”

  “You can. Trust me. He could pay for everything, and it still wouldn’t cover the debt.” Ryan points for me to take a right turn, so I do, and then I see the hotel’s valet area coming up.

  “Do I even want to know?”

  “It’s nothing crazy or scandalous. I just saved his stupid ass from getting hacked, and made it so he got to market with his app sooner than he would have. Instead of payment for my endeavors, I asked to be repaid in favors. This is one such favor,” he explains simply.

  We get out of the car, and I grab my suitcase with my spring/summer stuff in it, because even though it’s the end of September, it’s hot here. At least in the eighties.

  The valet takes my car with the rest of my stuff in it. Ryan and I walk into the large, open, elegant lobby appointed with marble floors and crystal chandeliers and head toward check-in.

  “Why did you ask to be paid in favors?” I question as we’re waiting in line.

  “Because favors are worth more to me than money.”

  Okay, sort of cryptic, but whatever. “And this favor was worth a lot I take it?” Gesturing around the expensive-appearing hotel.

  Ryan turns his gaze down to me just as we’re being called up. “Because of me his app didn’t get hacked and it came out ahead of any competition. That app made him well over a hundred million dollars.”

  My eyes widen and my mouth pops open, but Ryan doesn’t say anything further as he steps up to the counter.

  “Good afternoon and welcome to the JW. Do you have reservations with us?”

  “We do,” Ryan speaks for us because I’m still in a bit of shock over what he just told me. I have no idea what Ryan does for work. All I know is that it has something to do with computers, but guessing by what he just told me, I’d say he’s very good at whatever it is. “One is under Katie Taylor and the other is under Ryan Grant.”

  I’m relieved we’re not sharing a room. I didn’t want to ask since this is free and all, but still.

  “Excellent.” The guy types away for a moment. “Ah, yes, I have you in our large concierge-level king rooms, both with excellent views of Pennsylvania Avenue.” The guy continues with his whole speech about the benefits of the concierge room and what our suites—yes, I said suites—have for amenities, and that anything we should require has already been taken care of, and blah, blah, blah. I’m overwhelmed. It’s a nice way to start the trip, don’t get me wrong, but it all feels like too much.

  The guy directs us toward the elevators, and we ride up in silence. Our rooms are next to each other, but Ryan walks me into mine since he’s rolling my suitcase for me, despite my protests.

  “Wow,” I exclaim as we enter. The room is large and very nice with white linens and gray floors, but the best part is the large wraparound windows that show Pennsylvania Avenue all the way up to the Capitol. “This place is awesome. Thanks so much to your friend.” I spin around to look at him. “Or should I say you?”

  “I’m going next door to settle in,” he ignores my comment. “We’re meeting him out for dinner and drinks around eight. That work for you?”

  “Sounds great. Thanks, Ryan.” I smile huge, and it feels a little foreign on my face, but I go with it.

  He nods once. His eyes remain focused on me for a moment, and then he turns and heads for the door. “Oh, Katie?” he calls out over his shoulder. “You should smile like that m
ore. It looks really good on you.” And then the door clicks behind him, leaving me alone with his words lingering in the air.

  Of course, my smile slips, leaving me with the inevitable feelings of guilt and pain that sweep through me. I take a deep breath and do my best to push them aside before walking over to my purse that I had set down on the desk. I text my mother to let her know that I’m in DC with Ryan and that everything is going well thus far. She doesn’t respond and I’m glad about that because I’m not in the mood to chat with her.

  Opening up my suitcase, I set out what I want to wear that night when we go out, use the massive bathroom, and then walk over to the window. It’s only a little after one in the afternoon, and I haven’t had anything to eat, so I’m hungry. Plus, I have the whole day and I don’t want to waste it sitting in a hotel room.

  I debate texting Ryan to see if he wants to go on an adventure around the city with me. He didn’t indicate that he wanted to hang out anymore until tonight, but I feel sort of weird about going off and not letting him know. I stand here, holding my phone two minutes longer than I should before I shoot off a quick text that says I’m going in search of lunch and sites, and if he wants to join me, that would be cool.

  I quickly change into a pair of shorts and a loose pink tee before grabbing my purse and room key and heading toward the door. The heavy door swings open, and I nearly jump two feet in the air when I see Ryan standing on the other side with his hand raised about to knock.

  “Shit,” I pant out, grabbing my chest. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “Sorry. I just figured I’d come by instead of texting back.” His mouth quirks up into a playful grin, his eyes flittering down my body in a quick sweep before returning to mine. My heart begins to shift its rhythm as we stand here, staring at each other, something unfamiliar and tight strangles my stomach. I clear my throat and shift my gaze, unable to maintain his.

  “It’s fine,” I laugh lightly, trying to calm my heart rate back to its regular beat. “You want to come with?”

  “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

  We step into the waiting elevator. “I’m hungry, so I’d like to eat something, but after that, are you opposed to taking in some of the sites?”


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