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Sirens of Faldion: The Final Bond

Page 4

by Anya Merchant

  The two guards escorting Kai led him forward, the one in back being rough with the shaft of his spear every time he slowed down. They were taking him to Terrion’s hut, and there was no question about what awaited him there.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Kai caught a glimpse her and took a sharp breath. At the edge of the river camp, near the place where the men had designated the refuse drop, he saw the strange girl, crouched low and watching.

  Kai frowned and shook his head, wishing that he could shout for her to run. Anything that drew attention her way would doom her to the same fate he already suffered, and all he could do was feel a little more fear on her behalf.

  He thought about her condition, and the strangeness of it and her physical features. Could she really be a spirit siren? There were only seven, as far as Kai had been taught, and they were mostly in possession of the dynastic lines of the Chosen. It didn’t make sense that an eighth would be wandering around the southern province aimlessly, but there she was. And she was watching out for him. She’d picked him as her master.

  The spear shaft slammed into Kai’s back again and he tumbled forward, all but falling through the tent flap in front of him. The guards remained outside, and Kai slowly picked himself up, expecting to see Terrion glowering down.

  Mariella, Terrion’s wife, sat in a comfortable and expensive looking chair on the other side of the tent. The piece of furniture didn’t fit with the makeshift, ragged nature of the camp, and for that matter, neither did the woman sitting in it. She was smiling slightly and wore a tight green dress, the bodice of which clung tightly to her smallish breasts.

  “Well hello there,” she said, still smiling. “Kai, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, mistress,” mumbled Kai. He leaned forward into a deep bow, knowing all the while that no amount of courtesy on his part would save him from his fate.

  “Well, it’s just me and here, Kai,” said Mariella. “I’m afraid my husband has left to travel to Last Port for supplies. He took your little friend with him. She’s quickly becoming his new favorite toy.”

  The last few words landed on the air with a bit of venom in them, as though Mariella had already decided to hate Selene in the half day she’d known her. It was very possible, Kai figured. Terrion already hated him.

  He worried as he thought about what traveling with Terrion would entail for Selene. Would he force himself on her? How many days would it take them to make the trip, and how many opportunities would that leave for the fat, disgusting slave master to indulge himself?

  “Your emotions are written all over your face,” said Mariella. “An empathetic type, I take it?”

  Kai felt a flash of anger, and almost made the mistake of letting it take form on his lips. Instead, he bowed his head again, forcing himself to stay submissive.

  “Yes, mistress,” he said.

  Mariella leaned forward in her chair, watching him. She looked young, though her blue eyes and the tiny wrinkles around them suggested that she was at least in her late thirties or early forties. She was attractive, with a pretty face and a petite body, and the kind of flawless, pale skin that made it clear that she’d never done a hard day’s work in her life.

  “You’re still young,” said Mariella. “You’re not dirty and grimy yet like all the other slaves out there.”

  Kai remained silent, unsure of what to say to that.

  “A pity to let such a fine specimen go to waste,” said Mariella. “Your spirit is going to get you killed, you know.”

  Kai gritted his teeth. He could tell she wanted him to agree with her, for him to submit now, prove that he could force himself to be good and obedient. Instead, he let his gaze slide up from the floor, locking onto hers. She held it, smiling and blushing a little, visibly excited.

  “Take your shirt off, Kai,” said Mariella. Kai let his surprise flicker across his face. He looked at her for a moment, unsure of whether she was being serious.

  “Oh, come now,” said Mariella. “Here, if you insist on ripping about with it, let’s play a little game.”

  Mariella stood up and walked over to a small, ornate cabinet in the corner of the room. She opened it and removed a corked glass bottle and two tiny cups.

  “The finest lorkhey in all of Traderton,” she said, pouring some of the liquor into each cup. “You’ll keep taking shots until you feel… comfortable enough, to follow my commands.”


  Kai felt his mouth drop further open. He couldn’t even begin to understand what was going on. He’d felt like this a couple of times under different circumstances back when he’d still belonged to Amidious, confused by some arcane request from the old man and unsure what to make of it.

  “Drink,” said Mariella, rolling her eyes. “Do it. Now.”

  Kai picked up the tiny cup. He eyed it for a moment, and then tipped it back into his mouth. A taste that managed to be both sweet and impossibly bitter flooded his taste buds, but he forced the liquid down.

  “It’s good, isn’t it?” Mariella glided across the tent over to him. “It has the added benefit of perking up certain instincts in men.”

  She stood only a foot or so away from him, looking flushed and eager. She licked her lips slowly and nodded to his chest.

  “Now,” she whispered. “Take off your shirt.”

  Kai reached down to the hem of the tattered garment and slowly lifted it up and over his head, revealing the muscles of his chest and the relatively mild whip scarring across his shoulders and back. Mariella looked at him appreciatively and then reached her hands out, rubbing them across his pectoral muscles and smiling.

  “You’re still a new slave,” she said. “Of course, you’re going to need a proper inspection. A good assessment of your… abilities and talents.”

  “What… are you doing?” Kai shook his head in disbelief. Mariella moved in closer, letting herself rub against his body.

  “I’m using you,” said Mariella. “Feel free to enjoy it. Or not.”

  Mariella reached up to her bodice and pulled it loose from her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground and exposing her naked body underneath. She smiled at him, and Kai noticed everything about her, from her jet black hair and exotic eyebrows, to her small breasts with pink, puffy nipples, to her neatly shaven crotch.

  His sexual experience was limited to a few short and mostly unconsummated trysts he’d had with other slaves under Amidious’s roof. Having a naked older woman in front of him, a naked, pureblood Faldion woman, at that, was almost too much for his young male hormones to handle.

  Mariella took his pants by the waist and pulled down roughly. Kai’s cock snapped out and straight to attention, already harder than it had ever been in his life. She smiled at him and let her fingers dance across it.

  “There are some ground rules, of course,” she whispered, giving his cock a soft caress. “We have to stay quiet, and you can’t kiss me. And you can’t cum inside me, obviously.”

  Kai nodded.

  “Yes, mistress,” he said, feeling a smile spread across his face.

  “You Meridian men,” whispered Mariella. “Maybe it’s just been coincidence on my part, but you all seem to be so much… taller, than the men of Faldion.”

  She walked across to the tent, over to Terrion’s desk by the side of the room.

  “Granted, I could never tell my husband about that,” whispered Mariella. “Though I think he’s probably learning a thing or two of his own about Meridian women tonight.”

  A flash of anger spread through Kai. He frowned and tried to keep images of Selene underneath Terrion’s ugly bulk out of his mind. Mariella read his expression and brought her hand to his cheek, bringing his attention back to her. She leaned forward against the desk, pushing her butt out toward him.

  “Slave,” she said. “I need you to hold onto me from behind. Can you do that?”

  Kai felt his arousal pulling him back into the moment, and lacking any other options, allowed it to happen.

  “Of cours
e, mistress,” he said.

  He took a step forward, letting his cock slide between the slender woman’s spread legs. He wrapped his arms around her and let his hands run up her body, feeling pleasure and excitement bursting through every inch of him as he felt her warmth.

  “You’ll have to hold me tighter than that,” whispered Mariella. “It’s a bit… higher up.”

  She arched her back and reached a hand down, grabbing Kai’s cock and guiding it forward. Her fingers and hands were enough to drive him wild on their own, but what she was doing now went beyond anything he’d experienced before.

  She brought the head of his cock against her cunt, letting it nuzzle there and feel her warm wetness. Kai pushed forward automatically in reaction and felt the tip of his rod spread her open. Mariella let out a pleasured gasp.

  “You’re very big,” she whispered. “And so young. If we were in Margellis, I’d sell you to a breeder.”

  Kai pushed forward a little further, gasping in pleasure as Mariella’s cunt squeezed his cock even tighter.

  “Of course, then I’d have to explain to my husband how I discovered your… interesting asset,” she said, leaning her head back. “I think he’d turn red in the face at just the thought of-”

  Mariella’s sentence was cut off by a pleasured moan as Kai pushed further in. He felt intoxicated by something other than the drink she’d given him. It felt incredible to be inside her. The pleasure was one part of it, but there was also an element of control. He had speared her through with his cock, and though the real power lay with her, in the moment, she was at his mercy.

  Kai pushed her forward slightly and Mariella made a pleased noise. He pulled back a couple of inches and then thrust forward, feeling the pleasure ebb and flow as he reentered her. Mariella was biting her lip, fighting to hold back her moans.

  He fell into a slow rhythm, sliding into her and then back out. He felt primal instincts building inside him, pushing him to go wild and fuck the slave master’s wife ruthlessly. He could sense that was what she wanted, the fulfillment of a weirdly understandable control fantasy, the young slave taking the haughty mistress and showing her a thing or two.

  “Oh, heavens,” moaned Mariella. “This is so bad. Oh, by the heavens!”

  Regardless of her motivations and how much Kai despised the idea of serving her purposes, he began to fuck her faster. He pressed Mariella down against the desk, reaching one hand around to grope at her breasts. If she wanted to offer her body up to him, he would use it. It was his turn to take full advantage of her.

  “Yes!” moaned Mariella. “Yes!”

  Books and papers fell off the desk as the two of them shifted position. Mariella lay on her back on top of it, legs spread wide. Her face was flushed red, and her expression was a mixture of lust and shame, as though she was fully aware of how lurid her desires were.

  Kai climbed between her legs and slid his cock into her again, watching her eyes as he put his full length in her cunt. She was quivering, shaking in response to each of Kai’s movements. He took hold of both of her breasts and, feeling slightly vindictive about it, gave her nipples a tweak.

  Mariella’s quivering became full body muscle tension, and her back arched up. She let out a soundless cry as ecstasy overtook her, and Kai felt eager to reach his own release. He began rocking back and forth on top of her, sliding and jamming his cock into her cunt, grinding at the perfect angle to give himself the most pleasure.

  Kai watched her breasts bouncing with each of his movements, jiggling in erotic glory. He took Mariella by the waist and increased his pace, letting the sound of his body slapping against hers ring out through the tent. Mariella met each of his thrusts with a movement of her own for a few seconds, but then stopped, frowning as she looked at his face.

  “Slave,” she said, her breathing heavy and voice faint. “Remember, you musn’t-”

  Her sentence was cut off as Kai began to thrust even faster, the force of his thrusts causing her to flinch with pleasure after each one. He was fucking her as though it was a sprint to the end, and it felt incredible. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he wanted to, not even as he reached his limit and crossed over it.

  Kai let out a grunt as pleasure exploded through every inch of his body. He was dimly aware of Mariella squirming underneath him and slapping him on the shoulder as his cock blasted string after string of hot, sticky cum into her tight cunt.

  “You little bastard!” screeched Mariella. “The rules were simple! Simple!”

  Kai blinked, finally coming back to his senses. He mumbled an apology, feeling not sorry in the least, and moved off of her. He immediately began putting his clothes back on and watched as Mariella angrily did the same.

  “I guess it matters not,” she said. “There are herbal solutions for such matters. And your fate will be the same either way.”

  Kai paused, turning to look at her.

  “What did you say?” he asked.

  “Dead men tell no tales,” said Mariella. “And this is certainly not a tale that would do to be spread outside this tent.”

  Kai took a step back from her, feeling the hairs on his neck begin to prickle up.

  “Your fate was already sealed by my husband,” she said. “It is a pity, really. But at least I had the chance to enjoy your company, and you, mine.”

  She clapped her hands together and two guards appeared at the tent flap.

  “No…” Kai took a step away from them. “No!”

  He tried to run, but the guards were faster, grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming him hard into the dirt. Mariella let out a pleased laugh and leaned her face over him, smiling and shrugging her shoulders.

  “We all have to die eventually, Kai,” she said. “Don’t make it harder on yourself than it needs to be.”


  The guards dragged Kai roughly out into the night. Most of the other slaves were already down for the night, and though he struggled, Kai knew that he had no chance of doing more than attracting attention and making a scene.

  “No!” He kicked a leg out hard, catching the fatter of the two guards in the stomach. The other guard had him by the shoulders, and pulled him backward while his partner recovered.

  “You little shit!” yelled the fat guard, still half winded. He stood up and punched Kai hard, the blow landing on his temple and knocking him into a daze.

  “Let’s tie him up,” said the second guard. “No sense in taking any chances if we’re moving him away from the camp first.”


  The first guard pulled a coil of rope from his belt and set about binding Kai’s ankles and wrists. It wasn’t as bad as having his shackles back on, but of course, the only reason they weren’t using those was to prevent damaging them in the fire that would inevitably be set to his corpse.

  “Slavers…” Kai muttered. “You’re scum. All of you.”

  “Is that right?” asked the fat one. He let out a chuckle and slammed another punch into Kai’s stomach. “How’s that feel, for you? Paying you back for that kick.”

  The guards dragged him away from the camp and away from the river, into the dry, dusty grasslands. The only light came from the stars and moon in the sky above, just enough for him to see, but not enough to do anything for the terror surging through him.

  “I’ve seen slaves the master has owned for decades get killed for less than what this little bastard did,” said the guard behind Kai, the thinner of the two. “Terrion doesn’t like to waste fresh meat, but this boy has more than earned what’s coming to him.”


  They came to a stop a half mile or so away from the camp, both of the guards breathing heavy from the exertion of carrying Kai. He tried to struggle out of the ropes, but they were tied too tightly, the knots designed to tighten the more he pulled at them.

  Kai heard the sound of a weapon being pulled from a leather sheath, probably a knife or short sword. He looked up in time to see the blade glinting in the moonli
ght, held loosely in the thin guard’s grip. His heart pounded in his chest, and panic fluttered up the back of his neck. He was going to die.

  A noise came from a small patch of overgrown scrub bush to the east of them, and the guard with the knife hesitated.

  “What was that?” he asked. The other slaver shrugged.

  “Beats me,” he said.

  “Go check it out.”

  “Rip off!” The fat guard shook his head and made a rude gesture. “You go check it out.”

  The knife wielding guard swore under his breath and then took a hesitant step in the direction of the noise. He paused for a moment, and then walked further on, disappearing into the dark of the night after passing a few manspan away from them.

  “If this is some kind of trick on your part, you’d better tell us,” said the fat guard. “Otherwise, we’ll take our time with you. Make sure your last few minutes ain’t too fun.”

  Kai started to tell him exactly where he could put his generosity when a small flicker of light flashed directly behind the man. The girl from before stood within a few feet of them, her white dress contrasting against the night’s shadows. The fat guard turned around in surprise, but not quickly enough.

  The girl threw her hand forward in a cutting motion, chopping into the guard’s neck and knocking the man off his feet. He fell to the ground in a heavy pile but picked himself up almost immediately, assuming a fighting stance that surprised Kai in its confidence.

  The fat man lunged forward, attempting a grapple that would have easily overpowered a regular girl. The girl whirled, slipping out of his grasp, and flipped diagonally backward over one shoulder, kicking as she moved and finding the man’s face with her foot.

  The attack was something that Kai doubted he would have believed possible if he hadn’t seen it in action, the perfect mix of acrobatics and athleticism, her aim impeccable. The fat guard flew backward through the air and landed in a painful, twisted heap. From the scrub brush, Kai heard the other guard let out a shout and then break off in a sprint back toward the camp.


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