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Once Upon a Tender Time

Page 25

by Carl Muller

  The saga continues in the best (or worst?) Burgher traditions. School days, fool days, one foot in the cabbage patch, the other in overripe manure.

  You will meet many old favourites: the redoubtable Sonnaboy von Bloss of The Jam Fruit Tree and Yakada Yakā and his host of brothers, sisters and cronies. That was the second generation. These, the sprat-brat days of Carloboy von Bloss get too, too complicated for words!

  I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.


  A toast to memories of childhood, boyhood, various history masters in various schools, a box of ball point pens and . . . Sastry Ravichandran, a computer print wizard who typed this book with lightning efficiency. Memories may fade but my friend Ravi, who is over six inches taller than me, will always stand tall in my mind.


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  First published by Penguin Books India 1995

  Copyright © Carl Muller 1995

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  ISBN: 978-01-4024-991-0

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  e-ISBN: 978-81-8475-107-9

  This book is, as the author claims, a work of ‘faction’ and, while fixed both historically and chronologically, remains fiction, based on fact, embroidered and distorted in order to protect the characters herein. All names, save where obviously genuine, are fictitious, and any resemblance to persons living or dead, is wholly coincidental.

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