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Rogue Hearts: A Bad Boy Baby Romance

Page 16

by Alyse Zaftig

  “Great. I’m sending a special package coming to you. Look out for it.”

  She giggled. “What kind of package?”

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be special. Do you mind if I pick you up from work? Promise I’ll wait outside this time.”

  It warmed her throughout that he respected her to ask. Maybe she did overthink things too much. Besides, Andrei was nothing like any of the men she dated. He was in a brand new category all to himself, and it was one that she could appreciate in the long run.

  “Yes, you may come pick me up. I’d actually love that.”

  “Good. I’ll see you at five-thirty.”

  “I get off at five.”

  “You’ll need time to use my gift.”

  She bit her lip, curious as to what he was sending her way. “You better not be sending me something risqué, or I swear you’re going to get it when I get to your place.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  She leaned back in her chair. “You’re awful.”

  “You won’t say that when you see my surprise. I promise you’ll like.” She heard someone call for him on his side of the phone. “I have to get to court. Promise me you’ll follow the directions.”

  “What directions.”

  “Just promise me.”

  She had no clue what the hell he was talking about, but she was in a good mood. “Fine. I promise.”

  “Good. I have to go. I love you.” He hung up before she got the chance to say it back. Before it had thrown her off guard and shocked her. Now, she felt bad that he’d felt so strongly about her and she’d given him no reason to think she even was thinking the same way.

  It had taken her a bit to get over how quickly their relationship had happened. Sure, it wasn’t like regular relationships, but what was a regular relationship? If she was honest with herself, she’d never been in one, so it shouldn’t be odd for her to have another one.

  She had lunch in her office with Rosalyn and Deedee, who were excited she decided to stay and curious at what Andrei was sending.

  “I bet he’s sending you roses,” Deedee said.

  Victoria thought back to when he brought her. “He’s already pulled that move. This seems different for some reason.”

  A knock on the door interrupted them.

  A delivery man stood in the doorway carrying a large box. “Delivery for Victoria Bellamy?” he said.

  “That’s me.” Victoria went over and took the electronic board he handed her.

  “Sign here please.”

  She had to focus on signing her name, since she kept glancing over at the box in his hand. “Thank you,” she said when he handed it to her.

  “What is it?” Deedee asked as she took it to her desk.

  “I have no idea.”

  Deedee ran her hands over the closed box. “It’s definitely not flowers.”

  Rosalyn chuckled. “You think?” She shook her head. “Well, open it before we tear it open for you.”

  “Oh no. No one will be tearing anything.” She gently opened the box and found a note inside: Wear this for me tonight. I know it will look delicious on you. Love, Andrei.

  She folded the note so she could keep it for herself. Her friends didn’t need that bit of information. Instead, she pulled out the covered item for them to see.

  “Lover boy sent you that?” Rosalyn asked.

  “Well, damn,” Deedee said.

  The item he’d had sent was a dress that felt like butter in her hands. It was slightly gold but as she turned it over it seem to take on different colors as the sun shined through her office windows.

  Although she had a few fancy evening dresses for nights out, the last thing she ever had money for was something as expensive as what she held.

  “Your man has taste,” Rosalyn said. “That’s for sure.”

  Victoria laughed as she held the dress in front of her. “I can’t argue with that.”

  “Hell, good thing you stayed,” Deedee said. “Otherwise, someone who gets that for his woman wouldn’t be single long.” Deedee leaned over the box. “Something else is in there.” She pulled out a smaller box that was underneath the tissue paper and lifted up a heel that matched the dress.

  “He got you shoes, too?” Rosalyn asked.

  Deedee scoffed. “Girl, these aren’t just shoes.” She ran her hand over the shoe. “This is fine, Italian leather at its best.”

  “How would you and your empty bank account know anything about Italian leather?”

  “My paycheck doesn’t know anything about two-thousand dollar shoes, but my Pinterest account loves some Italian leather and French silk. That’s my porn these days.”

  “Two thousand dollars?” Rosalyn grabbed the other shoe and analyzed it. “I’m clearly dating the wrong men in this city.”

  “Does Mr. Lawyer have any friends?” Deedee asked.

  Victoria laughed and took her shoes out of her friends hands. “Maybe, but I have to get to work so I can finish early. Otherwise, I won’t be enjoying any of this.”

  Her friends left eyes her gifts. Usually, something this extravagant would make her uncomfortable, but Andrei had told her she didn’t know how to be taken care of. She ran her hands over the material. Accepting this felt like a good start.

  When Victoria finally left her building, most of the other employees were gone. Only Rosalyn was left along with a few others. She felt a little awkward wearing such an expensive outfit. If the shoes were worth two thousand dollars, she didn’t want to think about the value of the dress. That didn’t mean she didn’t feel beautiful after putting everything on, and she didn’t want to disappoint Andrei. She’d done enough of that already.

  Rosalyn whistled, and Victoria had never heard the woman whistle.

  “You look amazing.” Rosalyn said. “Like a princess or something.”

  “Thank you,” Victoria said. She ran her hand down the front of her dress. It made her brown skin seem ethereal as the golden material sparkled. “I feel all giddy, and I’m never giddy.”

  “Good,” Rosalyn said. “You deserve to have a good time out tonight.”


  “Say hi to your boyfriend for us.”

  She so had to get used to that term, but it was growing on her. “I will.”

  Chapter 20


  Victoria found Andrei waiting by a black luxury sedan along with a driver in full professional attire. It was Andrei who had all her attention. Although she’d seen him in suits before, the one he wore blew the others away.

  He stood there in a dark brown, three-piece suit made of the finest material that matched her dress’ coloring perfectly. The blond locks that she was so used to were slicked back well with a small strand dangling over his eye.

  As she got closer, his cologne invaded her senses, and she savored the exotic and musky smell of him. The people who passed them couldn’t take their eyes off him.

  Andrei walked over to her, gave her a hug, and kissed her on the cheek. “I knew you’d look gorgeous in that dress.” He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. “I can’t wait to take it off you later.”

  He was in a very good mood, and she realized she liked that playful side of him. That was something she never did much. Her job made her serious twenty-four seven.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” he asked.

  “Depends on what you have in mind.” She ran her hand over the front of his suit, enjoying the feel of it on him.

  “Dinner awaits.” He waived the driver off and opened the door for her.

  “Good, because I’m starving,” she winked at him before getting in, which was a little bit of a task.

  “Careful or we won’t make it to the restaurant.” He shut her door once she was in the car and went to the other side to get in next to her.

  “I would have gotten a limousine, but I thought that was too reminiscent of prom days, and I didn’t want to do that.”

  “Good call.”

“I thought so.” He pulled her over into his arms, and she settled there comfortably.

  The driver pulled off without being asked, and Victoria enjoyed the silence. Traffic would have been a nightmare if she had been driving, and she wasn’t even sure she could handle Andrei driving in rush hour traffic. The driver moved fluidly between the cars, letting all stress of the other cars and horns float by her so she was in her own little bubble with Andrei.

  It took about a half an hour to get to their destination in traffic, although the place didn’t seem too far away. She realized they were close to Andrei’s place.

  The sign above the restaurant entrance read “The Jewel Room.” It was a place Victoria hadn’t been to before, but by the fancy entrance with two stone lions and a fancy awning with matching red carpet, she knew it was an expensive place to eat.

  She looked at the entrance, curious but still feeling out of her element. “Are you sure were at the right place?”

  “I wanted to bring you somewhere special,” Andre said.

  “My parents love this place. They know the owner, so he did me a favor.”

  “What kind of a favor?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “You’ve had me waiting a lot today.”

  “Come on. You know the saying. All good things come to those who wait, and I promise some good things are definitely coming.” He opened her door and held out his hand for her.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  The inside of the restaurant was fabulous and breathtaking. Chandeliers with candles filled the ceilings, while lit candelabras lined the walls. It felt like shit step back into a different period of time as Andrei led her inside.

  She held onto his arm tight, afraid if she didn’t should wake up from some kind of weird fantasy sequence. “This place is amazing.”

  “I knew you’d like it.”

  The city was busy outside of the restaurant, so it was odd not to see anyone else but workers inside.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “Like I said, I had the owner give me a favor. The whole restaurant is ours tonight.”

  “You rented out an entire restaurant for me?”

  “You’re my woman,” Andrei said with a sly smile. “You’re worth it.”

  Only one table stood in the middle of the expansive dining room area, and it had white flowers on the table as a center piece. Two chairs sat at the table next to each other along with a matching set of dinnerware.

  Further back in the restaurant, a small waterfall rushed into a wishing well and soft classical music played in the background.

  “This is a lot to take in, Andrei. I’m not used to this at all.”

  “We’re not going to dine like this every night. Don’t worry, but I did want to do something special for you, to show you how much I care about you. It’s fit for a queen. My queen.”

  Victoria could feel her cheeks heat up at his words. If she was blushing this early in their evening, she didn’t want to know what she’d feel like later on.

  A waiter, dressed in a tuxedo, came over to them with a menu.

  “Mr. Rusak, would you like some wine?” the man asked.

  “Actually, we’ll both be skipping the alcohol tonight. Bring us out some sparkling strawberry and kiwi juice.”

  The man bowed. “Right away, sir. Would you like to order now?”

  “We’ll have two of your Kobe steaks smothered in onions, mushrooms, and gravy along with two large cabbage leaves stuffed with wild rice and vegetables. For dessert, bring us the crème brulee bread pudding. Is that ok for you, honey?”

  Victoria was surprised that he called her honey but most of all, she was shocked at how easily he had ordered for both of them without looking at the menu. “Yes. Sounds great.” After the waiter left, she leaned into Andrei. “What are we celebrating?”

  “Who says we have to be celebrating something? Can’t a guy just take his girl out for a good time?”

  “I guess that depends on the guy and the girl he’s taking out.”

  “In that case, it’s just you and me tonight, baby.”

  He was really getting used to using endearments when it came to her, and it made her wonder what she should call him in return.

  “Okay, sugar lips,” she said.

  “Sugar lips? Where did that come from?”

  “You’re such a smooth talker that I thought it would work. I’m going to have to get back to you on that one.”

  “Good thinking, because I’m not sure I could face my siblings ever again if you called me about in front of them. They’d never let me live it down.”

  The waiter brought out their drinks.

  “I think we should make a toast,” Andrei said, lifting up his glass.

  Victoria eyed him suspiciously, but she still lifted up her glass along with him. “Okay. What should we toast to?”

  “To the happiest day of my life. I have finally met the woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with. A woman who is so intelligent, considerate, and passionate that she makes me want to spend every day and night with her.”

  Victoria couldn’t move as she watched Andrei get down on one knee. “Victoria Bellamy, my life is so empty without you. I didn’t know how much until I met you. I know we don’t have the most conventional relationship known to man, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have something that can make us happy for the rest of our lives. Will you make me whole and do me one of the greatest honors possible by marrying me?”

  Victoria took everything in. All of it. The staff members watching them in the distance, the beautiful surroundings that gave background to that romantic moment, and most of all the amazing man who had stolen her heart without her even knowing it.

  She didn’t cry. She was usually a crier, but the baby and Andrei’s family had brought out emotions in her that she had long since forgotten. Tears welled in her eyes even though she had to get used to how sappy they were making her. She finally found her voice so she could respond. “Yes, Andrei Rusak. I will marry you?”

  A wave of relief filled Andrei’s face as he placed the beautiful emerald-cut, three-carat diamond on her ring finger.

  Victoria was still in shock as tears ran down her face. For the longest time, she doubted that he could have actual feelings for her. His proposal only confirmed what his actions in the words had done leading up to it.

  Andrei pulled her up into his arms, and she realized there was no better place she’d rather be than right there with him.

  When he finally kissed her, she felt her usual sensations of longing and desire. But deeper than that, she felt wanted and needed.

  “I love you. Now and always, Victoria.”

  “I love you, too,” she said. When the smile grew on his face, she repeated the other words. “Now and always.”



  “This case is ridiculous, Andrei.” Victoria sat up in bed with a stack of papers all around her. “You can’t really believe he’s innocent.”

  Andrei ran a nice, hot bath for her and returned to the bedroom to find her still reading legal documents. He couldn’t believe that their baby would be coming in one month. His very pregnant fiancé looked beautiful, even though the woman didn’t know when to take a break to save her life.

  He was at least grateful that her job had given her early maternity leave so she could rest, and although he had gotten her to promise not to do any of her work while she was off, he realized he hadn’t said anything about his cases. Leave it to a lawyer to find their way out of a verbal commitment.

  “I know, baby,” he said. “That’s why I’m leaving those cases for my father and Sam to defend. I told you, I’m not doing criminal cases anymore. It’s medical malpractice all the way, especially since my father’s letting me open up a new office to focus on that.”

  “I still can’t believe you got him to accept your proposition.”
/>   “With you on my team, was there any doubt?”

  “I can argue pretty damn well, can’t I?” she asked.

  “Let’s put it this way. I will never go up against you in the courtroom ever again.”

  “Are you giving up fighting against me already, love?”

  He enjoyed the endearment for him she had settled on, especially since it meant she said his favorite word to him every time she used it.

  Andrei crawled into bed next to her and kissed her beautiful belly with their baby resting peacefully inside before kissing her. “I’ve come to see that fighting with you is so much better than fighting against.”

  “Oh, really?” She watched him above the papers in her hand.


  The fireplace was lit to warm up the bedroom, and he’d gotten some hot chocolate for them to enjoy. Even now, he wanted her as much as ever with her addictive skin glowing and those growing breasts tempting him. He’d tried to ease up fulfilling his constant need for her, but Victoria would have none of it. In fact, it seemed like her libido increased with every trimester.

  “You were supposed to be reading about possible wedding venues, remember?” he teased. He moved all the papers, so she couldn’t read them anymore.

  “But planning a wedding is so stressful. Law is so much more interesting.”

  “If you keep avoiding it, I’m going to think you don’t want to marry me.”

  Her eyes widened. “Never. I am meeting you at the end of that aisle, Rusak. You can count on that.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Andrei said. “Now are you going to join me for that bath, or do I have to bathe alone, and I really hate bathing alone.” He kissed her longer this time, so she’d feel how much he wanted her.

  “Help me get out of my gown?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” said Andrei. He didn’t wait for her to go to their bathroom. He lifted her up into his arms and carried her there himself.


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