Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3)

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Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3) Page 3

by Lilian Monroe

  “Right,” I answered with a nod. “Just because we go there doesn’t mean we have to do anything.”

  “It would be rude not to go,” she said, glancing at me through the mirror and grinning.

  I started laughing. “Exactly. Wouldn’t want to start this working relationship off on the wrong foot.”

  Lacie tucked her lipstick back in her bag and smoothed her hair. “And plus, they are our future husbands, aren’t they? Didn’t we say that this morning?”

  I grinned. “We did. Or at least our future exes, or future best-one-night-stand stories.”

  Lacie laughed, biting her lip and looking at me. “I really want to go,” she confessed.

  “So do I.”

  And that was it. We walked out of the bar and into the evening and found the two sexiest men we’d ever met standing by the entrance.

  I could feel Lacie’s nerves from just standing next to her. She took a deep breath and plastered a big smile over her face.

  “We were thinking,” she said, “Since we don’t know the way to your place, that Veronica could jump in with Carter in your car, and I could drive Vee’s car with you.”

  Carter was eyeing me up and down, and it was making my pulse speed up to dizzying levels.

  “Sounds good,” Carter replied, never taking his eyes off me. We hadn’t discussed that particular plan, but it made sense to me. Being alone with Carter made my heart skip a beat.

  Maddox walked over to Lacie, presenting my arm to her. “M’lady,” I said.

  She laughed. “Wow, what a gentleman,” she said, rolling her eyes and hooking her arm in Maddox’s. “Come on, Vee’s car is just here.”

  They walked off, and Carter and I were alone. His hand drifted down my arm and he interlaced his fingers in mine. “My car is this way, Veronica.”

  “Call me Vee, please,” I smiled.

  He nodded. The touch of his hand against mine was going to my head. We walked, our steps falling in sync as we made our way to his gleaming black car. He opened the passenger’s side door for me, and I grinned.

  “I think we got the right end of this deal,” I said. “This is a lot nicer than my rusty old Chevy.”

  “What, this old piece of junk?” He said, kicking the chrome wheel. The whole car was gleaming.

  I laughed, getting in the car. I watched him jog around the front of the car, loving the way his muscles strained against his tee-shirt. What did he look like without that shirt on, I wondered?

  He got in and grinned at me. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 6 - Carter

  Hooking up with our new PR team on the very first night we met them probably wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had, but I couldn’t help myself. Having Veronica in the car next to me awakened some sort of primal feeling inside me. I wanted her more than I’d wanted a woman in a long time.

  We drove in silence for a few moments, and then both of us started talking at the same time.

  “So how—”


  Veronica laughed, glancing at me. “You first,” she said.

  “No,” I replied. “To be honest I’m not even sure what I was going to say.”

  “So what, you just started talking and hoped for the best?”

  I grinned, looking over at her. Her dark hair was shining under the passing streetlights, and her eyes looked bright. Her skin was milky and smooth, and all I wanted to do was pull her on top of me and sink my cock into her sweet slit.

  “Something like that,” I managed to reply.

  “Well, I was going to ask why you chose the bass guitar.”

  I took a deep breath and shrugged. “Not sure. I liked the sound of it. I used to listen to a lot of funk growing up, and the bass guitar was one of the main distinctive sounds.” I shook my head and chuckled. “I haven’t actually thought about the ‘why’ in a long time. It’s just part of who I am now.”

  Veronica was quiet for a long time. “What about you?” I asked, moving my hand to her thigh. She inhaled, keeping her eyes forward but placing her palm over mine. I squeezed her leg, loving the feeling of the heat of her body under it.

  “What about me, what?” She asked, stroking my fingers with hers.

  “How did you get into photography?”

  She shrugged. “Easier than painting,” she laughed, and then shook her head. “I don’t know, it’s always been an interest. Then, people started telling me I was good enough to make a business of it, so I tried selling my photos. I started doing events, and I guess it just built from there.”

  She chuckled again, and her fingers stopped caressing mine. “Isn’t that how everything happens?” She asked. “We just fall into things without really knowing how or why?”

  I looked over at her, wondering if there was a double meaning to her words. I could see the soft curve of her neck, and the way her shirt dipped down to reveal the tops of her breasts.

  “Maybe,” I breathed. She glanced at me, her cheeks blushing slightly before we both fell silent again. I kept my eyes on the road for a while.

  She had a softness to her that drove me wild. My shirt rubbed over my skin and I could feel every fibre of fabric as if my nerve endings were on high alert. The desire was surging inside me, and being so close to her was intoxicating.

  I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone or anything before. I wanted to explore that perfect body of hers, kissing every bit of it. I wanted to run my tongue between her legs and watch her arch her back. I wanted to see the pleasure fill her eyes, and I wanted to feel what her sweet little pussy felt like with me inside it.

  I wanted her. I wanted to make her mine.

  All mine.

  My heart was thumping and my head was light. I focused all my attention on the road while my body rebelled. Veronica moved her hand over to my thigh and a sigh fell from my lips.

  She was a little vixen, and I’d show her what it was like to be with a man. I glanced at her and saw the question in her eyes. I saw the desire mixed with hesitation, and it looked like desire was winning.

  Veronica moved her hand a bit higher up my thigh and my cock throbbed. I groaned, shaking my head.

  “You’re going to make me crash,” I said.

  “What, I’m not even doing anything,” she said innocently, batting her big doe eyes at me.

  “You’re doing plenty,” I growled. Her hand moved a bit higher up my thigh and I groaned. “You’ll regret that,” I said.

  “Yeah?” She breathed. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Might have to teach you a lesson about being safe in a moving vehicle.”

  Her hand inched up a little bit higher.

  Bad girl.

  “What kind of lesson?” Her voice was breathy, and I didn’t dare look at her. I wouldn’t be able to control the car if I did. We turned off, finally, winding up the hill towards my house.

  Veronica’s phone buzzed, and she pulled it out with her other hand . The one on my thigh stayed put exactly where it was, inches from my rock hard cock.

  “Lacie and Maddox are going up to a lookout,” she said, putting her phone away. “So they’ll be a few minutes late.”

  I pulled into my driveway and Veronica gasped.

  “This is your house?” She said. “It’s huge!”

  “Not the only huge thing I’ve got,” I growled, stopping the car at the front steps and turning it off. Vee looked at me and laughed.


  I didn’t bother parking it properly. I wasn’t even sure if I locked it. In an instant, I was out of the car and on her side. I flung her car door open and scooped her up, easily throwing her over my shoulder.

  She yelped and giggled as I clamped my arm over her thighs, I squeezed one of them with my hand, moving my thumb closer towards the apex of her thighs as I made my way up the steps. At the front door, I put her down, caging her against the door. Her fingers trailed up under my shirt as she sucked her lower lip between her teeth.

  “You’re a b
ad girl, aren’t you?” I growled.

  She looked up at me through her eyelashes, her fingers tracing the lines between my abdominal muscles as she rolled her hips towards me. She wrapped her hands around my back, hooking her thumbs into my pants and pressing her chest up against me.

  “What if I am?” She breathed. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “I’m going to teach you a fucking lesson,” I growled as her hard nipples brushed against my chest.

  “Yeah?” She breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. I ran my fingers down her side and around her ass, pulling her against me. I rolled my hips towards her and she gasped. She could feel my hard rod against my stomach, and the sexiest little moan fell from her lips.

  “I’m going to teach you what happens to bad girls like you,” I growled, dropping my chin and crushing my lips to hers.

  Everything stopped. The sound of the crickets and the leaves rustling. The beating of my heart. My breath, my life, my mind. It all stopped.

  All that existed was her perfect body pressed against mine, her arms wrapped around my body and her hot little cunt ready and waiting for me between those long legs of hers.

  Chapter 7 - Veronica

  When Carter picked me up again and carried me through the door, my whole body was buzzing. Things had gone from zero to a hundred in seconds, and I was here for it. He kicked the door closed behind him, carrying me straight to the living room near the front door. He laid me down on a long, white sofa, pressing his hot, muscular body down on top of me.

  My skin sizzled wherever he touched. He ran his hands up my shirt, cupping my breasts as his mouth devoured mine. I tangled my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer as I pushed my hips up towards him. I could feel his cock against me and it drove me wild.

  He was right, his house wasn’t the only huge thing he’d show me. The cock between his legs was so big it made me gasp every time he pushed his hips up against me.

  Carter kissed my neck, my lips, my clavicle, squeezing my breasts and kissing the softness of my chest. In one quick, rough movement he ripped my shirt down, revealing the thin, lacy bra I’d put on. He groaned, tracing the edge of it with a finger. When his finger brushed over my hard nipple, I shivered. He looked up at me and grinned, pushing the fabric out of the way as he exploded my breast.

  When his mouth connected with my nipple, I moaned. My head was swimming, and I couldn’t handle the pure pleasure that was coursing through my veins. His other hand wrapped around my waist, lifting me up towards him as he nipped and sucked at my breast. I wrapped my legs around him and panted, feeling the wetness gush into my panties.

  Reaching down between us, I ran my hand over his huge, steel-hard cock. He groaned, pausing the movement of his mouth and exhaling over my chest. Even the heat of his breath was erotic as it washed over my skin. I stroked his cock through his pants, whimpering gently as it throbbed against my hand.

  “You’re so big,” I breathed, and Carter glanced up at me. He chuckled.

  “Like what you feel?”

  I nodded, biting my lip. My blood was on fire. My heart was hammering against my chest and all I could think of was how much I wanted him to sink his thick cock deep inside me. I wanted to feel every inch of him buried between my legs.

  Gently, Carter moved my hand. He groaned, slipping my jacket off my shoulders and lifting my dress off overhead. He left my bra on, with one breast exposed, and then left a trail of kisses down my stomach. I moaned, closing my eyes and leaning back on the couch as I felt his hands brush over my waist and hips.

  “First, angel,” he growled. “First, I’m going to make you come. You’re going to cover this hand of mine with your sweet girl-cum before you even think about touching my cock.”

  I gasped, opening my eyes and meeting his gaze. His eyes were dark and fiery, and all I could do was nod.


  I was laying on Carter’s sofa in nothing but my panties and bra, my chest heaving and my blood flooding with pure, uncontrollable lust.

  His hands caressed my legs, from my ankles all the way up to my thighs, He teased the inside of my thighs as I spread them for him, leaning down to lay soft kisses wherever his fingers touched. I shivered, gulping down air as my body started shaking.

  He teased me mercilessly, bringing his fingers closer to my panties and then away again. He brushed his hands over my panties and I moaned, even though the touch was light enough to feel like a breath of air.

  He groaned when I rolled my hips towards him.

  “What’s this?” He asked, grinning. “You’re being bad again. Didn’t I tell you I’d teach you a lesson?”

  “Carter,” I breathed.

  “What?” He whispered, brushing his hand all the way up my slit and making me whimper. “What is it, angel?”

  I couldn’t speak. He slipped his hand under my panties and covered my slit with his palm. The warmth of it was driving me wild. I desperately, hopelessly wanted him to curl his fingers and touch me. I whimpered against him, reaching down towards his crotch.

  With his free hand, he took my wrist and pinned it overhead. “No,” he growled.

  “Carter,” I gasped. “Stop teasing me.”

  “Stop teasing you?” He growled next to my ear. “You want me to make you come?”

  “Yes,” I panted, moaning as he moved his fingers a fraction of an inch closer to my slit.

  “You want to cover this hand with that sweet, creamy girl-cum?”

  “Yes,” I moaned, rolling my hips towards him.

  “You’ll do as I say, won’t you? You’ll come all over my hadn’t like a good girl?”

  “Yes,” I cried out, desperate for his touch.

  And then he put me out of my misery. He dragged his fingers through my slit, finally, finally rolling them over my clit. I almost came from the first touch. But then he dragged his fingers back down and teased my opening until I panted before sinking his fingers inside me. I arched towards him as he groaned.

  “So fucking wet,” he growled.

  He pumped his fingers in and out of me, twirling his thumb over my clit until my head was spinning and my moans were growing louder.

  “That’s it, angel,” he whispered in my ear. “That’s it. Come for me. Come all over this strong hand of mine. I want to watch you come all over my fingers like the dirty girl you are.”

  I moaned. Everything about this was dirty. Who he was, where we were, what he was doing to me.

  It was so dirty, and it was so good. He moved his thumb faster and I gasped as I rushed closer to the edge. He growled in my ear, brushing his lips over my neck and then crushing them against my mouth.

  He kissed me fiercely, finding the rough patch of skin on the inside of my walls as his thumb rolled over my clit.

  I exploded.

  I came so hard my head spun and I thought I would pass out. I didn’t realize I was screaming until a couple seconds later, my body shaking and convulsing under him as he urged me on with his dirty words.

  Carter got what he wanted. I came all over his hand, harder than I thought I ever would. My chest heaved up and down and I clamped my thighs together, squeezing my eyes shut and finally exhaling. He pulled his hand away from me, looking down at his glistening fingers.

  “Good girl,” he growled, patting my hip and grinning. “Good girl.”

  Chapter 8 - Carter

  Watching Veronica’s chest heaving up and down as she gulped down air was turning me on more than I could say. Her fingers sank into my shoulders as her legs trembled. She let out a sigh.

  “Holy fuck,” she breathed.

  “A good girl like you shouldn’t be talking like that,” I said, leaning down to kiss her perfect lips. “You’re supposed to be a lady.”

  “Fuck off,” she grinned. “If I were a lady I wouldn’t be here, doing this.”

  Wrapping her arms around me, she pulled me in for another kiss. I pulled her into me as her hands ran along my arms, squeezing my muscles as she
moved up towards my shoulders. She reached down between us to lift up my shirt.

  “It’s not fair that I’m naked and you’re wearing so much clothing,” she laughed.

  “You’re not naked,” I teased, running my fingers over her tiny little black panties. I looked down at the lacy underwear she was wearing and shook my head. “You always wear sexy underwear like this? It’s like you wanted someone to take them off you.”

  “Maybe I had a feeling,” she grinned, pulling my shirt off overhead. She exhaled as her hands flew to my chest, tracing my muscles and crawling down towards my pants. Biting her lip, she undid the button holding them together and slowly, tortuously, unzipped them.

  My cock was pulsing underneath, begging to be freed. Ever since I’d sat down in the car with her, I’d been rock hard. I could hardly take it anymore. I wanted her more than words could say. I reached down and undid my pants all the way, pushing them and my underwear down to the ground. My cock sprang free, begging to be driven into the slick pussy in front of me.

  Veronica inhaled, her eyes growing wide. She brought her hand to the base of my shaft, wrapping her slender fingers around my girth. Her eyes lowered, and I watched as her chest rose and fell with every breath.

  “You want that cock inside you?” I growled.

  She nodded, catching her lip between her teeth. I reached down to the pocket of my jeans and pulled out a condom from my wallet. Veronica’s eyes never left me as I split the crinkling package open and slid the condom on over my cock.

  “Tell me you want this fat cock buried deep inside you,” I growled again, leaning over her to nibble her neck. I ran my hands over her breast and teased her nipple as she rolled her hips towards me.

  “I want it,” she moaned, breathless.

  That was all the urging I needed. I lowered myself down on top of her as my white leather sofa creaked underneath us. I was panting, the anticipation building inside me as I positioned my throbbing cock at her entrance. She looked me in the eye, wrapping her fingers into my dark hair and pulling me in for a kiss.


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