Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3)

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Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3) Page 4

by Lilian Monroe

  As soon as our lips connected, I pushed my hips towards her. I groaned into her lips as the head of my cock stretched that tight little pussy of hers open. She spread her legs for me, shifting her hips and letting her walls stretch to accommodate my girth. I felt her breath against my neck as she exhaled in pleasure.

  We said nothing until my cock was sheathed all the way inside her and my balls pressed against her ass. Her chest heaved up and down and her eyes shone as she stared at me.

  “You’re so big,” she breathed.

  I grinned. Instead of replying, I dragged my cock out of her so just the tip was nestled inside her, and then I rammed it back deep inside.

  She moaned. I did it again, and she screamed. Her nails dug into my back and she threw her head back, squeezing her eyes shut as I drove my cock inside her again and again. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I tangled my fingers into her hair, pulling it back as I kissed her neck.

  My head was spinning. It was almost too much. We were in a frenzy. Her cunt felt better than I could have imagined. The smell of her skin was intoxicating, the noises that she was making were hurling me closer and closer towards the edge. We threw our bodies against each other, clawing and scratching and pulling and thrusting until all we could do was moan and pant and scream as the pleasure grew between us.

  Then, it happened in a flash. Somehow we both moved towards each other at the same time and we were tumbling off the couch in a mess of limbs and hair and sweat. I rolled over and landed with a thud on the rug below the sofa, and Veronica landed in a tangle on top of me. My cock slipped out of her and we both let out a loud oof as we landed.

  A second later, Veronica was lifting herself onto her elbows and brushing the hair from her eyes. She looked at me and tried to fight the laughter, but it was no use. The two of us dissolved into laughter, my hands on her ass and her forehead resting on my chest as we laid on the ground.

  Veronica lifted her head, still grinning. “That scared the shit out of me,” she said. “I didn’t know what was happening.”

  “Me too,” I laughed.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, other than the fact that my cock isn’t inside you anymore.”

  Her lips dropped open and her eyes widened slightly before a grin stretched over her face. She lifted herself off me, and I thought she would lower herself down onto my cock. My heart started hammering as I watched her fluid movements, but she didn’t do what I was expecting.

  Instead of sitting up and riding me where we laid, she stood up and knelt on the sofa, with her ass hanging off the edge and her arms leaning against the back of the couch. She looked at me where I laid on the floor as my eyes widened. I watched her arch her back, pushing her perfect ass towards me. Her eyes lowered and she bit her lip as she looked at me over her shoulder.

  I scrambled to my feet, running my hands over her hips and ass, spreading her cheeks wide as she pushed back towards me.

  “Holy fuck,” I breathed as I ran my hands over her curves. I sank my fingers into her flesh and she whimpered, and then I grabbed my shaft and positioned it against her opening. She backed into me, looking over her shoulder at me with pure lust in her eyes.

  I made sure the condom was in place, and then I pushed into her and I lost myself. She moaned as I entered her again, pushing her ass back against me as I spread her cheeks and guided her hips back towards me.

  From there, it was chaos. She backed into me as I slammed my cock deep inside her. Every thrust made her moan and scream until we were both drunk with the pleasure of it all.

  I tangled my fingers into her hair and lifted her up towards me, so that her back was arched against my chest and her head resting on my shoulder as I drove my cock deep inside her. She panted, mouth open and eyes closed as I wrapped my other hand around her and grabbed her breast.

  Then, I felt it. Her walls contracted and her hard nipples got harder. Her wetness gushed as her whole body stiffened, and a silent scream left her open lips.

  “That’s it,” I groaned. “Come all over that fat cock,” I groaned into her ear as she convulsed against me.

  Feeling her come on my fingers was one thing, but having her pussy gushing over my cock was another thing entirely. Her walls clamped down on me and I groaned.

  The orgasm crashed into me as she came against me. I wrapped my arms around her as her tight little pussy milked my cock, pumping my seed deep inside her. She gasped, moaning some more as we both shuddered and panted, holding each other up as the force of our orgasms swept violently through our bodies.

  When it was over, Veronica leaned forward and laid on the sofa, closing her eyes and throwing her arm over her face. I walked over to the nearest trash can and got rid of the condom before collapsing on the couch beside her. She laid her long legs over my lap, opening her eyes and smiling at me.

  “That was nice,” she said in a low voice.

  I chuckled. “Yeah, it was.”

  Nice was an understatement. It was fucking incredible.

  Chapter 9 - Veronica

  Once we were recovered, we got dressed and wandered to the kitchen. Carter pulled out a couple beers from the fridge. He handed me one and I thanked him with a nod.

  “I heard you stopped drinking,” I said, taking a sip of the drink. It was cold and incredibly refreshing after the marathon sex session we’d just had.

  “I did, mostly,” Carter said, staring at the brown bottle. “I don’t party anymore. I usually stop at two drinks.”

  “That’s very responsible of you.”

  He chuckled. “For once.”

  “Why’d you stop?”

  Carter looked out the window towards the wide expanse of the lawn, pool, and gardens. He sighed, and I worried that I’d asked something I shouldn’t have. After a few moments, he turned back to me and shrugged.

  “I grew up, I guess.”

  I nodded. “Sorry about your divorce.” I didn’t know why I said it, but it seemed appropriate. I’d read the papers, I knew what was going on. It was even in Morgan’s file about the band as a possible PR issue.

  “It’s okay,” he said. He looked at me again, and his gaze pierced through me. He grinned. “It never seems fair that people know everything about my life but I know nothing about theirs.”

  “Yeah,” I said, laughing. “That sucks.”

  I loved his smile. He had little dimples on his cheeks that appeared when he smiled, and his whole face lit up. He rubbed his head with his hand, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “That wasn’t the response I was looking for,” he grinned.

  “You’re going to have to be more specific, then,” I laughed. “What do you want to know? I’m an open book.”

  “Well,” he started, putting his beer down on the counter and stepping towards me. His hand slid over my hip and a delicious warmth spread from his palm to my skin. “How do you feel about skinny dipping?”

  I laughed. “I was expecting you to ask me how many brothers and sisters I had, or if I’d ever been divorced.”

  Carter grinned, bringing his lips to mine. He kissed me gently, sliding his hand around my ass and pulling me close.

  “Skinny dipping seems more important right now,” he finally replied as he rested his forehead against mine.

  “Well, if you must know, I feel pretty good about skinny dipping.”


  “I’d say it’s one of my top five favorite water-based activities.”

  He laughed, nodding to the double French doors on the other side of the kitchen. “Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You won’t,” I replied almost automatically. His eyes stayed on mine for a moment, and then he smiled. My heart thumped and I grabbed my things and followed him outside. I watched as he pulled his shirt off overhead, his muscles rippling and rolling under his inked skin. Something inside me stirred, and I watched as he pulled his pants and underwear off, draping them over a pool chair. When he caught me staring, I blushed.
  I fumbled with my bag, checking my phone.

  “Still no word from Lacie,” I said. I grinned, glancing at Carter. “What do you think they’re up to?”

  “Probably something similar to what we’re doing,” he said as he stepped towards me and slipped my dress off overhead. I stood still as he unclasped my bra, kissing my shoulder and caressing my nippled before trailing his fingers down my sides. He crouched down as he pulled my panties down to my feet. I stepped out of them, kicking them to the side. His fingers ran back up my legs and I put my hands on his shoulders as he gently kissed my mound.

  “You have the most beautiful pussy,” he growled. “Did you know that?”

  His tongue dipped into my slit and I whimpered, leaning against him and spreading my legs a bit wider. He groaned, sinking his fingers into my thighs and running his tongue up and down my slit.

  When he twirled it around my clit, I moaned.

  “Carter,” I gasped. “They… they could be back at any minute.”

  “Then you’d better be quick and come on my fucking tongue,” he said, grabbing a leg and hooking it onto his shoulder. He knelt in front of me as I leaned against him, his mouth devouring my pussy. He slid his tongue up and down my slit, rolling it over my clit and sucking it gently before moving towards my opening. When he slid his tongue inside me and started fucking me with it, I gasped.

  He groaned into me, and I could see his cock getting harder as it throbbed against his stomach. I glanced back through the windows and then closed my eyes.

  At that moment, I didn’t care if Lacie and Maddox walked in. I was completely naked, with Carter’s tongue working magic between my legs, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was the absolute pleasure that was flooding my veins as he ate me out.

  He moaned, and I knew he was enjoying it. The thought of him liking the taste of me made my heart beat harder. Carter wrapped his hands around my ass and pulled me into his face as I tangled my fingers into his hair. I ground my hips towards him and he moaned again.

  Then, he moved his mouth over my clit and slipped a finger inside me, and I was gone.

  Another tidal wave of pleasure crashed into me and I screamed. I held onto his shoulders, leaning into him as I tried to balance on one trembling leg. Carter held me against him, holding me up in his strong arms as his mouth continued to deliver wave after wave of pleasure to me.

  “That’s it,” he said as the orgasm crashed into me. “Come on this fucking tongue like a dirty girl.” He pulled my hips towards him and devoured me until I was shaking so hard he had to pick me up. He carried me towards the pool, using the shallow steps to walk in.

  I hooked my arms around his neck, leaning my head against his chest. When the cool water hit my skin, I gasped.

  After a mind-melting orgasm, being carried into a cool pool of water was shocking and refreshing at the same time. My hold on his neck tightened, and he held me close. When we were both up to our necks, I moved underwater to wrap my legs around his waist.

  Carter kissed me, and my heart exploded.

  This was more than sex. I’d come to his house thinking—I don’t even know what I was thinking. I thought maybe we’d hook up, or we’d just talk. I’d be hanging out with a rock star.

  But this was different. It was intimate. He was strong, and tough, but gentle. Was this how he was with every other girl?

  As if he read my mind, his arms squeezed me tighter. He looked me in the eye, as the moonlight shone down on him and gave his skin a silvery glow.

  “Where did you come from?” He breathed. “I haven’t…” he trailed off, shaking his head. “I haven’t been with a woman in a long time, but this feels different.”

  “It does?” I squeaked, my heart thumping.

  “Yeah,” he growled, pulling me tight. “And now, you’re mine, you hear me? I’m not going to let you go.”

  “What, you’re claiming me?” I grinned, trying to still my beating heart.

  A growl rumbled in his chest, and he brushed his lips against mine. “That’s exactly what I’m doing.

  Chapter 10 - Carter

  Vee got out of the pool to grab us a couple more drinks. I leaned against the edge of the pool, watching her wrap a towel around herself and tiptoe inside. She re-emerged with a couple beers and a big smile on her face. She put the drinks down beside me, and then slowly opened the towel.

  “You like what you see, baby,” she said in an exaggerated sexy drawl, swaying her hips from side to side. She dropped the towel and I grinned.

  “I do,” I replied. Before she could react, I reached up and grabbed her hips, pulling her with me into the water. She screamed and we splashed in together. When we popped back up out of the water, her back was to me and the laughter tumbled out of us both.

  I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck, tasting the sweetness of her skin and the chlorine of the water. My cock was hard as rock, pressed up against her ass. I let my hand drift down her stomach and rest between her legs. She moaned, pressing her ass into me as she spread her legs.

  “You like it when I touch you, don’t you,” I growled in her ear.

  “So fucking much,” she panted. My fingers moved back and forth along her slit, slick underwater and covered with her desire.

  “I told you,” I said, rolling my finger over her clit. “You should watch that dirty little mouth of yours. You’re supposed to be a lady.”

  She gasped as my fingers moved faster, pushing her ass against her hard cock. “Maybe you should put that thick cock in this dirty little mouth of mine,” she breathed. “Teach me another lesson.”

  I groaned as my cock grew underwater. The thought of those sweet little lips wrapped around my dick was almost too much to handle. I’d love to watch her take it all in her mouth, licking up every drop of my cum.

  As I started imagining it, I kissed her neck and moved my hand over her clit. She whimpered, putting her hand between us and wrapping it around my shaft.

  We both jumped when a voice called out.

  “We interrupting something?” Lacie asked, laughing. She took a step forward and frowned, glancing at the pool chairs with piles of clothes on and around them. “Are you naked?”

  Veronica laughed. “Well I wasn’t going to jump in with all my clothes on, was I?”

  “Come on,” Maddox said to Lacie, winking at me and grinning. “I’ll show you the hot tub.”

  They walked away, and Veronica turned around and splashed me. I growled as she giggled, and I pulled her into me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and moaned when she felt my hard cock against her stomach.

  “You ready for more already?” She asked with a devilish grin on her face. Her hand slipped between us and wrapped around my cock.

  I groaned. She moved slowly in the water, gliding her hand up and down my steel-hard shaft. I groaned again, finding the edge of the pool and leaning against it.

  “This is so crazy,” Veronica whispered, glancing down the path where Maddox and Lacie had disappeared. She never stopped jerking me off, but she shook her head and laughed. “This is so out of character for us.”

  “Me too, if I’m honest,” I laughed. “But I’m not complaining. I’ve got the most beautiful girl in the world giving me a hand job in my pool.”

  She grinned, coming closer and kissing me softly. Her lips tasted like heaven, and she rolled her hips towards me so I could feel her velvety pussy lips brushing against the tip of my cock. I groaned, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

  Then, a scream and a splash made us both jump. Vee’s eyes widened and she looked at me and then back towards the hot tub. It was down a winding path under a gazebo that overlooked the city, and we couldn’t see it from here.

  “I’m sure they’re fine,” I said.

  “I’m going to go check, I can’t hear anything.”

  She let go of my cock and pulled herself out of the pool and I sighed, but followed her. We wrapped towels around ourselves and left wet footprints on the st
ones as we made our way to the hot tub. When it came into view, we could see Lacie and Maddox, laughing in the water.

  Veronica turned to me, shaking her head. “You’ve been holding out on me! Look at this view!”

  I laughed. “We just never made it this far.”

  “You guys okay?” Veronica called out towards the gazebo. Lacie blushed and smiled at us, and Maddox shrugged. Veronica started laughing and shook her head.

  Then, she pointed at Maddox “Cover your eyes,” she commanded. Maddox frowned, glancing at me. I shrugged, so he did what she said.

  Veronica dropped her towel and I inhaled. Seeing her naked body was not getting old, that was for sure. When she was in the tub, I followed her. I dropped my towel, using my hand to cover the good bits as I walked to the bar next to the hot tub. I grabbed four drinks and handed them out. Lacie giggled, and Veronica grinned.

  When I climbed in, I raised my bottle and clinked it against each of theirs.

  “To new and old friends,” I said solemnly. I glanced at Veronica and saw something flash in her eyes. She bit her lip and dipped her chin down slightly. My heart thumped.

  Maddox snorted. “When did you turn into a poet?”

  “When these two babes walked into our lives,” I replied, bringing the bottle to my lips. Maddox grinned and nodded, putting my arm around Lacie and taking a long drink.

  “To new and old friends,” Maddox repeated, taking another sip.

  I put my arm around Veronica and she snuggled in close. It felt so natural to have her there. The jets on the hot tub were on, and I felt her hand crawl up my leg. She wrapped her fingers around my cock and I stiffened, taking a sip of my beer to hide the movement.

  No one could see what was going on underwater, and I was sure Maddox and Lacie were touching each other, but I still couldn’t focus on anything except the feeling of Vee’s fingers wrapped around my thick shaft.

  She smiled at me, patted my thigh and took her hand away.

  “Soon,” I growled in her ear.


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