Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3)

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Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3) Page 6

by Lilian Monroe

  I shook my head as Lacie stared at me, wide-eyed.

  “And Seth was there?!”

  “No! I mean, I don’t know. I can’t say for sure. I thought I saw someone disappear around the corner, but I’m not sure. I think I might just be paranoid.”

  Lacie shook her head. “Have you read The Gift of Fear? This is exactly what it talks about. You need to trust your instincts, they could save your life. Did you see him again just now?”

  “No, I haven’t read it,” I sighed. “I don’t know, Lacie. It just doesn’t make sense. Why would he be here?”

  “Um, because he calls you forty-seven times a day and is completely obsessed with you? Because he wouldn’t want you to be with any other man even though he cheated on you repeatedly? Because he’s completely, totally fucking psycho?!”

  My heart squeezed. Even though I told myself I was over it, the pain and heartbreak of Seth’s betrayal was still raw. It probably always would be. I shook my head.

  “I thought I saw him just now. He was wearing a baseball cap, sort of hiding behind that plant,” I pointed. “But like, I think I’m going crazy! How the heck would he be here? We’re at the airport! We’re through security!”

  “You thought you were going crazy when you suspected him of cheating,” Lacie reminded me. “Remember? But you were right.”

  “This is different,” I sighed. “I’m at the fucking airport. We’re at the gate! Unless it’s some crazy coincidence and he’s taking a flight today, too, I don’t think it was him.”

  Lacie pursed her lips, glancing around the airport. She shook her head.

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Come on,” I said. “Let’s just enjoy this. We’re going to New York! We have these—I don’t know, flings? Budding relationships?—With the biggest rock stars in the world. Let’s just live out these fantasies and forget about everything else.”

  Lacie sighed, staring at me intently. Finally she nodded. “Fine. But if you see something again, you need to tell me.”

  “And do what? Tell the police? What would I even say?”

  Lacie shook her head. “I don’t know. But don’t ignore this.”

  An announcement for boarding came on over the loud speaker, and I pointed to the ceiling. “Guess we’d better get on this plane.”

  Lacie sighed, finishing her coffee. She looked at me again, narrowing her eyes, and finally got up and wrapped me in her arms.

  “I love you, Vee,” she said. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

  “I know,” I said, forcing a smile. “I’m just nervous. Maybe I’m not ready to sleep with another guy, and I’ve just jumped the gun and I’m freaking out.”

  “Maybe, or maybe your crazy ex-boyfriend is still stalking you.”

  I grimaced. “Maybe he is.”

  Despite myself, I felt better. Lacie always knew what to say to help me feel better, and the two of us grabbed our bags and went to the gate. I caught a glimpse of The Mondays in the priority boarding line, and my heart fluttered. When I saw Carter, it didn’t feel like I was freaking out about sleeping with him. It felt like I was more excited and happy than I’d ever been.

  Still, I glanced around at the people getting ready to board, looking for the man in the baseball cap. Maybe if I saw him, and saw that it wasn’t Seth, it would put my mind at ease.

  He wasn’t there, though, and I got on the plane and found my seat. I settled in, put my headphones on, and tried to ignore the seed of fear that stayed in the pit of my stomach. Lacie squeezed my arm and smiled at me.

  She was right. I should just enjoy this ride we were on, and forget about my ex-boyfriend.

  Chapter 14 - Carter

  As soon as the seatbelt sign was turned off, I glanced down the aisle towards the back of the plane. Veronica was back there, and all I wanted to do was be close to her. I closed my eyes for a second, thinking of what I’d be doing to her in a few hours when we got to the hotel. My body hummed with anticipation.

  I hadn’t felt like this in so long, it felt like a completely new feeling. I looked down the aisle again and took a deep breath, unbuckling my seatbelt and standing up. My heart was thumping, but no one seemed to notice. The flight attendant stepped out of the way as I walked down through the curtained section and back towards the economy seats.

  Before I got there, I saw her stand up. She hadn’t seen me yet, she just walked up towards the airplane’s bathrooms. When she saw me standing beside them, her eyes widened. I grinned, nodding to the door.

  “What are you doing?” She said, eyes wide. She glanced up and down the aisle, but we were alone. Well, as alone as you could be on an airplane.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said. “You want to join me?”

  Her cheeks reddened and she shook her head. “You’re insane. We’ll get kicked off the flight.”

  “We’ll be quick,” I said, ducking into the bathroom. I waited a few seconds, and then Veronica pushed the door open and joined me. We were chest-to-chest, squeezed in the tiny space. She laughed.

  “This is not very sexy,” she said. “But you do smell good.”

  “You ever been part of the mile high club?” My cock throbbed between my legs and I inhaled. I loved being this close to her.

  Veronica grinned. “I have a feeling I’m about to be admitted.”

  I crushed my lips against hers, my hands cupping her ass and pulling her dress up. She kissed me back hungrily, moaning into my mouth and wrapping her arms around my neck. We shuffled around so that my back was against the door. I turned her around and ground my cock into her ass.

  She moaned, leaning forward to prop her hands against the far wall.

  I slid my hands up her skirt, pushing it up past her hips and groaning. Her ass looked perfect and my eye widened.

  “No panties?” My cock grew three sizes as I dragged my fingers through her slit. She swung her hair over her shoulder and looked at me, her eyes low.

  “Hurry up, then,” she grinned. “They’ll be knocking the door down soon.”

  I didn’t need any more urging. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my rock-hard cock, pushing it up between her legs. She moaned, backing into me so that her soft lips rubbed up against my throbbing cock. I groaned, letting it slide against her once more before angling it towards her opening.

  I entered her slowly, exhaling as my cock pushed into her inch by inch. She arched her back, letting out a soft moan as my cock filled her up. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, and her arms shaking as she leaned against the wall. She put a leg up on top of the airplane’s toilet seat, opening her eyes and grinning.

  “This is so bad,” she whispered.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I said as I pushed deeper inside her. “I’m going to fuck you everywhere I can.”

  And with that, I pulled my cock out of her and thrusted deep inside her. She gasped, arching her back and pressing into me so that my balls were smacking against her. Her ass felt soft and round against me, and I ran my hands all over her curves.

  I slammed my cock inside her, grunting as I fucked her hard. She tried to contain her moans, but I could see the pleasure passing over her face.

  “You’re such a bad girl,” I whispered. “You like getting fucked in the airplane bathroom like this? You like feeling my thick cock inside you when you know anyone could be listening?”

  She moaned again, looking at me over her shoulder and biting her lip. Her eyes were hazy, and she backed into me more vigorously.

  “You do like it, don’t you. You like everyone knowing that you’re mine. You’d better come all over my cock, angel. Come on my cock with that sweet girl-cum of yours quick, before they open the door and see what a bad girl you are.”

  She moaned again, and it sent another thrill through my. My cock was so hard. Seeing her like this, knowing she’d boarded the plane without any underwear on—it was turning me on more than I could say. I was telling the truth: anyone would be able to hear us. Anyone could have
noticed her coming into the restroom after me, and it wouldn’t be hard to hear the noises we were making.

  I tangled my fingers into her hair and whispered in her ear.

  “Come for me, baby,” I growled. “Come all over that fat cock of mine and show me you’re mine. Show me what a bad girl you are.”

  With my other hand, I reached around her and rolled my fingers over her clit. She moaned, arching her back more and slamming her ass into me as she panted. I drove my cock into her, one hand on her clit and the other tangled into her hair as I fucked my angel.

  “Come for me up here, join the fucking mile high club with me,” I growled as my fingers moved faster over her clit. I knew I was going to come soon. This was too much to bear. I would fill her tight little cunt with so much cum it would be dripping down her legs for the rest of the flight.

  Then, her walls clamped down on me and her whole body shuddered, and I knew she was coming. She gasped, clenching her teeth to stop the scream from escaping her lips. Her fingers curled against the wall as I slammed my cock deeper into her, filling her up as I buried my cock all the way to the hilt. I kept rolling my fingers over her clit as her body trembled, clenching over my cock in the most incredible way.

  She gasped again, and the feeling was too much. I exploded inside her, splashing my cum inside her perfect pussy as we both shuddered in the small space. She was panting, gasping as she leaned against the wall. I trembled as I gushed inside her, clinging onto her body and letting the orgasm crash into me.

  When it was over, I slipped out of her and leaned on the sink as I caught my breath. Vee looked back at me, shaking her head.

  “You make me do crazy things, Carter,” she grinned. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried to straighten her dress.

  “I don’t make you do anything,” I laughed. “I make you want to do them. You decide to do them all on your own.”

  She laughed, combing her fingers through her hair. “You think anyone heard?”

  “I fucking hope they did,” I growled, kissing her softly. I gave her ass a light tap and grinned. “See you in New York. You’re sleeping at the Ritz tonight.”

  A smile spread over her lips and she nodded. “I can deal with that.”

  I opened the door and slipped out, my heart thumping as I imagined an angry flight attendant waiting for me. There was no one, though, and I walked back to my seat as casually as I could. I heard Veronica come out a couple seconds after me, but I resisted the urge to look back at her.

  I glanced at Garrett and Maddox, but neither of them seemed to notice anything. Then, Garrett looked at me with a raised eyebrow and the slightest grin, and I laughed.

  Looks like we hadn’t gone unnoticed, after all. I sat back in my seat, put on my headphones, and waited for the moment that I could wrap my arms around her again.

  Chapter 15 - Veronica

  Lacie took her headphones off when I sat down.

  “Everything okay?” She asked, frowning. “You were gone a long time.”

  “Fine,” I said, cleaning my throat. “Just flight jitters, I guess.”

  “Did you see Seth anywhere on the flight?”

  “What? Oh, no,” I answered. After my entry into the mile high club, I hadn’t even thought of my ex-boyfriend, or the weird sightings I’d had of him in the past couple days. I had better things to think about, like the feeling of Carter’s cock inside me, or his hands on my ass, or his cum inside me.

  Thank goodness I was on the pill. I knew I should be using a condom, but it just felt too good to be around him. It felt too right.

  Lacie narrowed her eyes, but let me be. I turned back to my screen and closed my eyes as my heart thumped against my ribs.

  When we landed, I grabbed my bag at the carousel. Lacie disappeared with Maddox. I needed to check in to the hotel and call Morgan, and after that I’d find Carter.

  By the time I was checked in, showered, and caught up on the plan with Morgan for the next three days, the memory of what Carter and I had done on the plane was still sending a thrill through my spine. He’d told me I’d be sleeping at the Ritz, and excitement could in my stomach. I’d never been to a five-star hotel before.

  My phone buzzed with a text from Carter telling me he’d be picking me up in fifteen minutes. I smiled, checking my makeup for the hundredth time and taking a deep breath.

  Why was I so nervous? I’d spent time with Carter before. I’d slept with him! So how was this different? Maybe it was the fact that he was picking me up, or the thought of spending the night with him, or just the thought of how he made me feel. I always got butterflies when he was close.

  Whatever the reason, I took a deep breath and texted him back, saying I’d meet him at the hotel bar. I couldn’t stay cooped up in my room for any longer waiting for him. I made my way down and ordered a drink, trying not to watch the clock.

  As the bartender dropped the vodka soda in front of me, I got the prickly feeling on the back of my neck again. I frowned, trying to resist the temptation to look around.

  There was no way Seth was here. He couldn’t be! It made no sense. I was just all messed up because of the sex and the trip and the fact that somewhere at the back of my mind, I knew I was starting to really, really like Carter. It was probably just self-sabotage.

  But when Seth’s voice sounded in my ear, I stiffened and turned around, my eyes wide.

  “What do you think you’re doing, you little slut,” he spat. I turned to see him standing right behind me. His tee-shirt was dirty, with stains all down the front. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were unfocused. He was leaning on one foot, swaying slightly.

  My heart started beating as the fear clawed up my throat.

  He was here!

  A small part of me was relieved that I wasn’t crazy. I had seen him. He had been following me. I wasn’t just a paranoid mess.

  But a much, much bigger part of me was completely, utterly terrified.

  “Seth,” I stammered. “What are you doing here?”

  “I know what you’re doing, slut,” he spat. “I know that you’re going after that musician. What, you think he’s rich? Is that it?”

  “What? No, we work together.”

  Seth laughed, and a couple other patrons at the bar looked over. I clutched my purse, trying to catch someone’s eye, or look for something to defend myself with, or anything. I felt frozen.

  “I saw you, Vee. I saw you kissing him, and I saw you in the airplane.”

  “Did you… did you follow me here from Los Angeles?”

  “I’m here to take you home. We’re meant to be together. This is wrong, and I’m not going to let you whore yourself out to the first guy who gives you attention.”

  The outrage started competing with the terror in my stomach. How dare he talk to me that way! I hadn’t realized how verbally and emotionally abusive he’d been to me until after we broke up, and it was all rushing back to me now. The anger boiled in my veins as I thought of all the times he called me worthless, or ugly, or stupid.

  I shook my head. “Please leave, Seth.” My voice was hard.

  He just laughed.

  “You need to go.”

  “I don’t need to do anything. He doesn’t even have any money, did you know that? He’s as broke as you are.”

  “I’m calling the police,” I said, trying to keep my voice from trembling.

  Why wasn’t anyone doing anything? Surely they could see how scared I was? But as I glanced around, no one was even paying attention to us. The bartender was at the other end of the bar, and there were only a couple other people that were busy reading or looking at their phones or talking to each other.

  Even with all these people around, I was completely alone.

  “No, you’re not calling anyone. You’re coming with me.” He reached out and grabbed my arm above the elbow. His grip was like a vise and I cried out in pain.

  Then, it happened like a flash. Seth let go of my arm and went flying off into a chair. It tumbl
ed over as he fell on top of it, and he rolled over as he crashed, landing on his face. I screamed, and then strong, warm arms wrapped themselves around me.


  He smelled like masculinity and safety and home. I was shaking, and he held me tight, saying soothing words to me as he slowly moved between me and Seth.

  “Carter,” I breathed. “I… Oh my God,” I said, as the tears started running down my cheeks. I couldn’t process what had just happened. I looked at Seth on the ground as he tried to stand up, and then up at Carter. His eyes were blazing, staring at Seth as he shielded me from my ex. He looked about seven feet tall, propped up by the anger inside him.

  Seth looked him up and down, snarling but crouching away.

  The bartender was yelling, and security appeared in the doorway. My ears were ringing, and I grabbed onto the bar for support. My head was spinning. I couldn’t see straight. Carter was saying something, but I couldn’t understand. He put his arm around my shoulder and lowered me onto a chair as the security team surrounded us.

  “Morgan’s going to be so mad,” I said as my vision went blurry. Carter said something, but I didn’t understand. “Morgan’s going to kill me,” I told him. “You’re supposed to stay out of bad press and now I’ve ruined it.”

  I was crying, and finally Carter just wrapped me in his arms and held me. He said something to the security team, and I vaguely realized Seth was being hauled off out of the hotel.

  Carter helped me up, grabbed my bag, and led me to the waiting black sedan.

  “I’m taking you to my hotel,” he said. I melted into his arms and closed my eyes. This had to be a bad dream. I’d fallen asleep while I was getting ready at my hotel, and I would wake up and everything would be okay.

  But as the car started moving, I knew it wasn’t a dream. I inhaled into Carter’s chest, smelling his scent and trying to stop my hands from shaking. Finally, I pulled myself away and looked at his face.


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