Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3)

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Carter: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 3) Page 7

by Lilian Monroe

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  The concern was etched all over his face. He cupped my cheek in his hand and kissed me tenderly.

  “I told you, Veronica, you’re my woman now,” he said. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”

  My eyes filled with tears and I nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Was that you ex?”

  I nodded as my throat closed with emotion. I didn’t want to think about Seth, or think about what had just happened, or think about what would happen if anyone got a photo or a video of Carter knocking him off me. I just leaned against Carter’s broad chest and took a deep breath.

  “It’ll be okay,” Carter said. “You’re safe now.” And his arms squeezed around me until I stopped shaking and I believed him. I was safe.

  Chapter 16 - Carter

  The white-hot anger that I felt when I saw that maggot touching Vee practically blinded me. My heart was still thumping, even though she was in my arms now, on the way to my hotel.

  “What was your ex doing here?” I finally managed to ask. My voice still had an edge to it, but it didn’t betray the blind rage that had consumed me at the hotel.

  “I’m not sure. I think he followed me.” Vee shifted against me, pushing herself up and staring out the window. “I kept thinking I was seeing him wherever I was. I thought I was going crazy.”

  “Yesterday,” I breathed. “Before you went home.”

  Vee finally looked at me, her eyes full of surprise. She nodded.

  “I saw you tense when you looked over my shoulder.”

  “Ah,” she said. Sadness filled her eyes and I pulled her into me again.

  “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”


  Selfishly, her reply stung. I thought she’d want to talk to me. I wanted to be the one to comfort her, to save her from whatever was going on. But she just sighed against my chest, and I squeezed my arms around her.

  It wasn’t about me. It was about her, and that creep that had been following her around.

  “I’ll call my lawyer,” I said. “He’s a divorce lawyer, but we can see about getting a restraining order.”

  “Do those actually do anything? I mean, he flew across the fucking country to get to me. He followed me to the airport, to my hotel!”

  “Well, if you have a restraining order and he does it again, he’ll be arrested.”

  “Right,” she said. She looked up at me, stretching her lips into a tight smile. “Thank you.”

  I could feel her pain, but I was powerless to do anything about it. The car pulled in to the Ritz and I helped her to the elevators, taking her up to the top floor. Garrett, Maddox and I were sharing the top floor, each with our own suites. I opened the door to mine and led Veronica in.

  She straightened up against me, opening her eyes wide and looking around the room. Finally, she looked at me, shaking her head.

  “This place is insane!”

  “I know,” I laughed.

  “My hotel is an absolute dump!

  I laughed again. “This is your hotel now.”

  She smiled for the first time since I picked her up, and my heart grew in my chest. I still had residual anger coursing through my veins. I felt fiercely protective of her, and the thought of some other guy causing her this much pain made my blood boil.

  I took Veronica’s hand in mine and led her towards the bathroom. There, I ran the water in the huge jacuzzi tub and dropped a couple of the hotel’s bath products into the water. Vee’s face softened as I turned to her. I slid my hands over her hips and pulled her closer, resting my forehead against hers.

  She closed her eyes and took a long, shuddering breath.

  “I’ve never had anyone defend me like that,” she whispered. Her hands squeezed around my biceps as she sighed. “Thank you, Carter.”

  I made a noise and pulled her hips closer to me. “I’ll always defend you, Vee. No one will hurt you as long as I can do anything about it.”

  She made a noise, leaning into me. I lifted my fingers to her chin to tilt it up towards me. She lifted her eyes and looked at me, and I saw the depth of her pain. My heart squeezed and my breath shortened as I started to understand what she was going through. I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my lips to hers.

  She melted into me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her chest against mine. Softly, we kissed, until Veronica pressed herself into me and her kisses became harder and more insistent. Steam from the jacuzzi was starting to fill the bathroom, and she ran her hands under my shirt.

  Lifting it off overhead, Veronica sighed as she ran her fingers down my chest.

  “I love you tattoos,” she said, tracing the black carvings across my chest. I took her fingers in mine and brought them to my lips, and then I unlaced the ties at the front of her dress. She pushed the straps off her shoulders and the dress puddled at her feet.

  I groaned. “And I love you body.”

  She kissed me again. Her lips crushed against mine as her hands reached down between us to undo my pants. When she pushed them down, my cock sprang free and she wrapped her hand around it. I groaned, hooking my fingers into her panties and pushing them down her legs. I kissed her shoulder, biting it gently as I wrapped my arms around her and ran my hands over her soft skin.

  She shivered, running her hand up and down my cock. I trailed my fingers up her sides and over her breasts, feeling the hardness of her nipples under my thumbs. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft exhale as my fingers caressed her skin.

  Interlacing my fingers in hers, I kissed her once more before leading her to the jacuzzi. I followed her into the tub, with suds and steam surrounding us both. I sat back against the edge of the tub and I pulled her to me. Our lips crushed together as she wrapped her arms and legs around me, my hard cock pressed between both our bodies. I pulled her hair, making her gasp and arch her back.

  “You’re so fucking perfect, Vee,” I growled, kissing her neck, her clavicle, and finally taking her soft, round breast into my mouth. I pulled her hair gently and heard her gasp again as she ground her hips towards me.

  But I didn’t want to fuck her. Not like that. I wanted her to know what she meant to me, what she was worth. I wanted her to forget anything bad had ever happened at her hotel.

  Fuck, I mean, I wanted her to forget her ex even existed.

  No, I didn’t want us to have sex like we had before.

  I wanted to make love to her. I wanted to worship her body and show her how much I cared about her. I wanted her to come over and over until her legs were shaking and she was screaming my name.

  So when Vee rolled her hips towards me, I just kissed her. I reached over and took a washcloth, pumping a bit of soap onto it. She watched me, legs still straddled across my lap, as I took the washcloth and slowly, deliberately started rubbing it over her body.

  I started with her hands, her arms, moving towards her shoulders and over her breasts. The soap make her skin slippery and soft and she moaned as I ran my hands over her skin.

  Picking her up easily, I turned her around and brushed her long, brown hair out of the way. I ran the washcloth over her back as she groaned, sitting against my legs and letting me take care of her.

  When I dunked the washcloth in the water and wrung it out over her skin, I watched the suds wash clean as her body gleamed.

  She looked fucking perfect.

  With her back to me, she leaned back as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. Her head rested on my shoulder, her eyes closed, as I continued to rinse her body clean. I held her close, with one hand across her chest and the other moving down her stomach.

  When I covered her breast with my palm and growled into her ear, she whimpered and pressed her ass against me. I ran my fingers down her stomach as she spread her legs for me.

  Touching her sweet little pussy underwater made my cock rock hard. She whimpered against me as the steam and sweat and water made our bodie
s slick. I ran my fingers through her slit as my other hand palmed her breast, and she shivered.

  “Carter,” she breathed.

  “Yeah, angel?”

  “That feels so good.”

  “I’m just getting started.”

  Chapter 17 - Veronica

  Carter picked me up out of the tub as if I weighed nothing. I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head against his shoulder as he set me down on my feet on the tiles. They must have been heated, because they were deliciously warm. He wrapped the fluffiest white towel I’d ever felt around my body, brushing my dripping hair over my shoulder as he ran his fingers along my jaw. He kissed me so tenderly it made my knees weak.

  He dried me off as gently as he’d washed me. I was like putty in his hands. He’d dry my shoulders and lay a soft kiss over it, and then dry my breasts and do the same, all the way down to my legs. I grabbed another towel and wrapped it around his muscular body, and then he picked me up again and led me to the bedroom.

  This hotel suite was bigger than my apartment. The bed was about as big as my entire bedroom back home. I sank down into the covers and he spread the towel open. His eyes darkened as he exhaled.

  “You’re so beautiful, Vee,” he groaned.

  I blushed, spreading my arms for him to come join me. He dropped his towel and laid himself over me, his skin still damp and sticky as his weight pressed me deeper into the soft bed.

  When Carter brushed his lips against mine, a shiver of desire ran down my spine. I hadn’t seen this side of him yet: the tender, loving, gentle side.

  It’s like he knew exactly what I needed after the ordeal at the hotel bar. He was kind, and soft, and loving. His strong, warm hands ran over my body and made me melt under his touch. When his fingers passed over my hip, I rolled them towards him. When they passed over my chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against his strong body. When he reached between my legs and ran his fingers through my slit, I shivered and spread my legs for him.

  We didn’t say much this time. Where before, Carter had urged me on with dirty words and rough commands, this time we communicated by look and touch and feel. He touched me softly, listening to my moans and gasps and responding to my body. He slipped his finger inside me as I shuddered, and then gently rolled it over my clit.

  “Carter,” I sighed, closing my eyes and falling back into the pillows.

  It felt too good. It was like his hands were everywhere at once, enveloping my body in his warmth and tenderness. He kissed my neck as his finger slipped in and out of me, growling into my ear as he played with my clit.

  I could feel the hardness of his cock against my leg, and I wrapped my fingers around it. He peeled his body away from me to let me stroke his steel-hardened shaft. The heat and hardness of his cock sent a thrill through my body as I stroked him.

  He matched my speed, caressing the space between my thighs and slowly, gently building the heat up in the pit of my stomach.

  Before long, I was whimpering for his touch. I was trembling every time he moved, and stroking his cock with more and more urgency.

  He kissed me, spreading my lips with his and as I let his tongue dip into my mouth. I tangled my free hand into the hair at the base of his neck, rolling my hips towards him as I stroked his cock with my other hand.

  It was slow, but feverish at the same time. Our touch became more intense until I was panting with every touch. He leaned back on his elbow, watching my chest rise and fall as he barely touched my dripping wet pussy.

  “Carter,” I said again. He dragged his eyes up to my face.

  “Yeah, angel?” He asked.

  “I want you,” I breathed. It was barely a whisper. I couldn’t make any noise, because the air in the room was too thick with desire. But even though my voice was hardly audible, Carter growled and shifted his weight. He rolled on top of me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Reaching between us, he positioned himself at my entrance and teased me with the tip of his cock.

  “Carter,” I breathed again, arching my back and rolling my hips towards him.

  He groaned again, rubbing the underside of his cock up and down my sopping wet slit. I shivered, moaning as I bit his shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut as he cock continued to tease me until my whole body vibrated with desire.

  “God, Vee,” he said into my ear. “I’m not even inside you and you feel so fucking good.”

  “I know,” was the only reply I could manage.

  Finally, the torture ended. He shifted his weight as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Slowly, inch by inch, he entered me. My opening stretched for him, sucking him inside as he pushed all the way in. When I felt his balls against me, I sighed contentedly.

  “I’m yours,” I whispered.

  “What’s that, angel?” Carter said, dragging his cock out of me until just the head was inside my lips.

  “I said I’m yours. Completely.”

  Carter lifted his head and looked me in the eye. His eyes were dark, low and intense as he stared at me. It felt like he was seeing all of me. He looked at me for a long moment and slowly, steadily, pushed his cock deep inside me.

  I gasped.

  “I know you are,” Carter finally replied with a groan. “You’re mine.”

  And then it was like a storm breaking. Out bodies moved as one, rushing towards the epicenter of pleasure that swelled closer and closer as we crashed into each other. He dragged his cock in and out of me in long, deep, smooth strokes until I felt like I was riding wave after wave of pleasure.

  I arched my back and rolled my hips towards him, leaving deep, red scratch marks down his back. He growled in my ear as my moans got louder with every movement.

  Wrapping my legs around him more tightly, I rolled my hips and took him deeper. He growled.

  “That sweet little pussy of yours is going to make me come.”

  I gasped. Hearing his rough, manly voice turned me on more than I could say.

  “So come, baby. Fill my pussy up with your cum.”

  He moaned and his cock throbbed as he drove it in and out of me faster. I could feel him getting closer to orgasm just as I hurled towards the edge.

  Then, we came. The instant his seed pumped inside me I was flying over the edge right alongside him. The pleasure coursed through me like a wave of heat rippling across my skin.

  My orgasm crashed into me harder than ever as I screamed. Carter was growling into my ear as his body convulsed on top of me, splashing more and more of his white, sticky seed against my womb.

  He didn’t stop until my own cries quieted down and my body relaxed. He stayed motionless on top of me, his cock still inside me as we rode out the aftereffects of our lovemaking.

  “You’re mine,” he growled, brushing his lips against mine. “And I’m yours.”

  Chapter 18 - Carter

  We called up some room service and spent the evening eating, talking, making love, and laughing. After a couple hours, the clarity in Veronica’s eyes had come back and she looked like herself again.

  “I’m going to call my lawyer,” I said.

  Her face fell, and she nodded. “I should probably call Morgan.”

  “Just hold off. We may be able to take care of this without anyone knowing. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”

  “What, are you worried she’ll fire me?”

  “I don’t want you taken away from me before we even start our tour.”

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. “Fine. But once we get back to LA, I’m going to tell her what happened.”


  When I called my lawyer, Bill, he seemed relieved to hear from me.

  “Carter! I thought you’d forgotten about me.”

  “No, just avoiding you,” I grinned. I explained the situation, and he said he’d look into it. With the witnesses at the hotel, we’d have enough for a restraining order.

  “This’ll be tough to keep quiet, though.”

Do your best,” I said.

  “And Carter, you never answered my last emails. Your ex is demanding even more of your assets, and we need to formulate a response—”

  “I know. I’ll deal with it when I get back.”

  “Carter, she wants the rights to your songs.”


  Bill sighed. “There may be some legal grounds for it. Since she supported you and Maddox when you first moved to LA, she’s arguing that she has the right to whatever you created during your marriage.”

  “That’s fucking bullshit!”

  “We’ll fight it, Carter. But if this thing in New York blows up, it won’t look good for the divorce settlement.”

  “I didn’t even do anything here.”

  “You know how the press is.”

  We were quiet for a few seconds and Bill finally sighed. “I’ll let you a know in a day or two as soon as I know what’s going on.”

  “Alright,” I said, and I hung up the phone. Veronica was looking at me with wide eyes.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Just my ex being an awful person,” I said, staring out the window and tossing my phone to the side.

  “I know what that’s like,” Veronica said with a grin. She got up off the bed and wrapped her arms around me. “It’ll be okay.”

  “I know.”

  “Is the thing with my ex going to affect your divorce settlement?”

  “No,” I said, almost too quickly. “No, that won’t matter.”

  “Are you sure? If you get screwed over because of me…”

  I turned around and wrapped my arms around her. “I won’t.”

  Veronica stayed close to me the whole time we were in New York. Every time my phone rang, she looked at me with concern in her eyes. I’d shake my head, and she’d nod.

  No, it’s not my lawyer. Everything is fine.

  I was worried too, though. If that little scuffle at the hotel put my divorce settlement in jeopardy, I was looking at an absolute mess. Angela already wanted everything I had, and now she was demanding my music, too? Even income from this tour, if it went well, would go to her. I’d be left with nothing.


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