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Lost in Starlight (Starlight Saga)

Page 24

by Sherry Soule

  “We’re fine right here, my friend,” Arcane says. “And please don’t insult my intelligence.”

  Tama snickers. “You’re a lousy liar, Hayden. And your friend should never play poker.”

  “Yeah. Stop lying to us.” Darion nods. “Your little playmate knows more than you’re admitting and we can’t have that.”

  He’s actually threatening me? This is all kinds of effed up.

  I look at the three determined hybrids. Oh, god. This is not going to end well. A painful ache drills a hole through my stomach. Are they going to erase my memories now? Throw me into the back of a van with a hood over my head and whisk me off to some underground lab to begin the mind-wipe?

  Maybe I do watch too many thrillers.

  Seconds turn into minutes while the hybrids seem to be deciding what to do with me. They speak in hushed tones to one another. Hayden steps back to stand beside me and his shoulder brushes mine. I want to grab his hand and tell him to teleport us outta here, but I’m not sure if the others will try to stop him.

  And I can’t chance Hayden getting hurt because of me.

  I close my eyes and inhale deeply, then exhale. Pull it together.

  Screw this. I might be a vulnerable human girl, but I still have my smarts. Hayden promised to keep me safe, but he’s only one crossbreed against three powerful hybrids. The odds aren’t looking good. I’m terrified for approximately ten more seconds. After that, my back straightens and my shoulders square.

  Darion’s sinister brown/hazel gaze locks onto me like there’s a red bullseye’s target on my forehead. He starts to move past Tama, but Arcane holds up an arm and stops him.

  “We are intelligent beings with no need to resort to violence, Darion,” Arcane says haughtily. “I think Hayden realizes the error of his ways, and what it means to Tama, his girlfriend.”

  Darion nods and relaxes a little. Tama’s mouth lifts in a witchy smile and she moves to stand beside Darion. Arcane gives them both a warning glance, then faces us again.

  Hayden takes a deep breath and swallows. “Tama is not my girlfriend. And I don’t give a shit what any of this means to her!”

  “Relax,” Arcane says. “We’ve already spoken with Niall and he confirmed that your little friend brought you to his house after your accident. And Zach mentioned that she’s been snooping into your family’s records. And doing online searches on the Zetas.”

  Hayden’s shoulders lower and he briefly closes his eyes. “How?”

  “Easy,” Darion replies. “Zach and I hacked into the girl’s laptop and traced her search history. She knows way too much.”

  Crappity crap. My mouth works, but there are no words. My hands shake and I rub them together.

  Hayden blinks slowly. “She hasn’t told anyone about us. We can trust her. I swear.”

  Arcane turns to me. “What is your name, girl?”

  “Sloane Masterson.”

  “Although, my cousin,” Arcane says, gesturing to Hayden, “believes you can be trusted, we do not. It’s nothing personal, Sloane. But if word got out about the Zetas or about our species, it could cause a wide spread panic. A lot of innocent people might get hurt. Now, you don’t want that, do you?”

  “No. Of course not. I’d never do anything to hurt Hayden,” I say. “I won’t tell anyone. I swear.”

  Did I actually just utter those clichéd words? Ugh. I’ve become pathetic. Just like “the pleading victim” quotes that I mock in my column.

  Arcane nods. “You say that now, but if you two were to ever breakup—”

  “I can claim her as my human companion,” Hayden interjects. “And she could sign something, like a contract stating that she’ll never tell another living soul about us.”

  Darion and Arcane exchange an unreadable look.

  “Hayden, wake up.” Arcane makes a tisking noise. “You do not have permission by the Brotherhood to claim her as a human companion, and we can’t risk an entire race on puppy love. She must be wiped as soon as possible.”

  I want to scream that I care about Hayden, and that I’d never betray any of them. Suddenly, Hayden is ripped from my side and slapped hard by Tama.

  “Hayden!” I exclaim.

  His gaze instantly meets mine, but he says nothing. Blood trickles from his lip.

  For one moment, all I can do is stare into those incredible eyes. The anguish, the longing, the fear, all of my emotions reflected right there in his unwavering stare. But then he breaks eye contact, and I’m plunged back to reality. Reality, where we can’t be together. It’s forbidden by his people. Dangerous even. Outlawed by the Galactic Brotherhood. And now they want to wipe my memories clean.

  Darion roughly grabs my upper arm. “We have no choice, girl.” The bastard smiles at me. “We have to eliminate any potential threats.”

  A cold sweat trickles down my back. I hadn’t taken the warning seriously before. Sector Thirteen had spies everywhere. I’m a threat to their covert existence. And now they’re going to give me some horrible electric shock treatments until I’m a mindless blob. My heart does frightened flips in my chest. I won’t remember Hayden or my feelings for him. We can never be together. Ever. So freakin’ unfair.

  My mouth goes dry, but I raise my chin. “If I sacrifice myself and let you guys do your mind-erasing thing, Hayden won’t be hurt, right?” I manage to squeeze the words past my constricted throat.

  Arcane nods. “I promise the procedure will be quick and painless. You won’t suffer.”

  Hayden glances at me, tension coiling in his shoulders. He violently shoves Tama backward and pushes Darion off me. With one hand, he grabs my arm and yanks me behind him, shielding me with his body. His stance is rigid, his feet apart and fists raised.

  “Let her go, or I’ll end you,” Hayden threatens Darion in a growl.

  “Get out of the way, Cousin.” Darion stalks forward. “The girl won’t even remember a damn thing.”

  He says it with such über seriousness, I almost pee in my Old Navy panties.

  “Now, Darion—” Arcane begins.

  “Stand down!” From the shadows, a tall man steps into the dim light of the streetlamp.

  Oh shit, another hybrid!

  Hayden turns around. “Agent Dixon?”

  My whole body releases a sigh. I’ve never been happier to see my stalker.


  My hands cling to Hayden’s shoulders and I lean into him. Darion skulks away like the rodent he is and stands behind Arcane. The other two hybrids freeze.

  Agent Dixon strides over to our little group standing in the alley. This is the first time I’ve seen him up close and he’s even more imposing in person. The guy’s at least six-foot-four and his tailored black suit swathes his slim frame perfectly. With one hand, he slowly reaches up and removes his aviators. His eyes are a deep brown and the same color. He’s human. Now, I don’t feel quite so outnumbered.

  I let out a huge breath of relief and lean even closer to Hayden.

  “What have we here?” Agent Dixon asks, taking in each of our faces.

  No one answers. Arcane, Darion, and Tama relax their posture and appear to feign innocence. Like they weren’t just going to give me shock therapy treatments, and then teleport my ass into outer space.

  Hayden’s jaw clenches along with every muscle in his body.

  “Arcane.” Dixon respectfully nods at the hybrid leader. “What brings you to Winter Haven?”

  “We were just having a friendly chat,” Arcane says smoothly, “with my cousin Hayden. We bumped into each other tonight, and then we stepped outside to get some fresh air.”

  Dixon’s unyielding gaze says he doesn’t believe a word Arcane is saying. Smart man.

  “It’s getting late.” Dixon glances at Hayden. “I think it might be best if you get your friend out of here.” His tone is stern, authoritative.

  Hayden nods and takes my hand. “Try not to throw up.”

  I gape at him in confusion. “What? Why…”

sp; The words die on my lips. A bright flash of light illuminates the alleyway. Within seconds, the glow throbs and pulses over my skin. A whooshing noise fills my ears like a train roaring past. My skin seems to liquefy and every cell in my body feels as if it’s dissolving. My current surroundings disappear. Like a blur of existence, I speed through darkness into time and space. The weightlessness causes my stomach to leap into my mouth and extreme nausea hits hard. As the ominous light throbbing and surrounding me intensifies, I suddenly land on the blacktop parking lot beside Hayden’s SUV. He’s still holding my hand and I’m overcome with wooziness. The world spins. My equilibrium shifts dangerously and Hayden holds me upright.

  “Whoa there. I’ve got you,” he says.

  “W-what just happened?” I stammer, still wobbly on my feet. Bile rises in my throat. I lean one hand on the SUV for support.

  “Take it easy for a sec.” He soothingly rubs my back. “The first time you teleport can be tricky.”

  Did he just say teleport? Oh. My. Zombies.

  From now on, teleportation will be a last resort.

  Hayden unlocks the Range Rover and helps me ease onto the passenger seat. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the leather. With each passing second, my sense of balance returns. Hayden shuts my door and gets in on the driver’s side.

  “Hayden?” I say weakly.

  “I’m here, Sloane. I’m not going anywhere.” He starts the engine and the motor roars to life. “The dizziness should pass soon. You did great. I thought for sure you were going to blow chunks.”

  “Ha. Ha.” I open my eyes and my head lolls toward him.

  Hayden throws the SUV into reverse and soars out of the parking lot.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “I’m taking you home with me, where I can keep you safe. Besides I have the distinct feeling Dixon’s going to want to talk to me.” He squeezes my thigh, and then returns his hand to the steering wheel. “Your mom thinks you’re staying the night at Viola’s right?” I faintly nod, and he continues, “I’ll fix this. I swear it, Sloane. No one’s going to hurt you on my watch.”

  “Won’t your parents be there? Your brother?”

  “Yeah, but they’re all asleep, and we have an empty cottage on the property where we can hide tonight. In the morning, we’ll figure out what to do.”

  He drives recklessly fast, zooming down street after street, then turns into the exclusive Bayview Estates. Taking another turn, he cuts the engine and coasts down the long driveway of a remarkable two-story Colonial Revival home and parks at the end.

  “Stay put,” he says and hops out.

  Hayden opens my door and helps me from the car. He walks and I wobble across the lawn toward a small dark building about fifty feet from the main house. The cottage is small and simple with white clapboard shutters and bearded by ancient ivy. It has a canopied swing off to one side and a few steps that lead to the front door. The sweet aroma of wild roses growing through the hawthorn hedge wafts in the crisp spring air.

  Hayden opens the door and flicks on a floor lamp, the brightness stinging my eyes. Blinking, I take in the room, which appears both elegant and charmingly modern, with Mission-style oak furniture and an afghan folded over a rocking chair.

  I slump onto the cushioned sofa and heave a sigh. Hayden takes the afghan and drapes it around my shivering body. I’m not cold...just somewhat in shock. Hayden sinks down next to me and wraps me in his arms, curling me into his side. His earthy scent invades my senses. My head rests on his shoulder and my cheek on his chest. His heartbeat thumps quickly under my skin.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he says very softly.

  I don’t answer. The room is still spinning, and I stifle a yawn.

  “Everything’s all right now.” His fingers brush my ribs. “You’re safe…for now.”

  For now? Obviously, I can’t hide in this cozy love cottage forever.

  I glance up at him. “Safe? Your hybrid cousins wanted to erase my memories and give me permanent brain damage.”

  “That never would’ve happened, Sloane.”

  But it almost just did. Since I no longer detect any imminent danger, my heartbeat slows and I yawn again. I can’t seem to stay awake. Sleep is tempting, and I snuggle closer to Hayden’s warmth.

  His fingers trace the outline of my cheekbone, stroking my skin awake. I might be shell-shocked and frightened, but my body responds to Hayden’s touch like a flower seeking sunlight.

  He studies my face for a moment. “Try to get some rest. You need to recover from the teleportation. Exhaustion is kind of a side effect.” He presses his lips to my temple.

  “Just a quick power nap,” I mumble. My eyelids close and I drift off into a light sleep.

  I’m not sure if it’s been minutes or hours, when the heavy tread of boots on hardwood, wakes me from a fitful slumber. Hayden is still coiled around me, so it’s not him. His parents? Zach?

  My eyes snap open. The room is dark now, the lamp in the corner turned off. The shuffling of feet move closer and my heart bangs against my ribcage. The silhouette of a dark-haired man stands near the huge bay window. All the air punches out of my lungs.

  Out of nowhere, two rough hands grasp me under the arms and jerk me to my feet. My chest seizes.

  “Hey! Let me go!” I shriek.

  I try to headbutt my attacker, but miss hitting my mark. My attempts to free myself are futile against the other person’s uncanny strength.

  Hayden is struggling to fight someone off, too. They lunge and counter attack, exchanging deadly blows. Hayden stumbles back and a table falls over with a loud crash. Grunting, Hayden delivers vicious punches like a trained boxer to his assailant.

  Every instinct inside me surges to life. I kick and thrash, but the person just holds on tighter. I start to scream, but a firm hand clamps over my mouth. Then I’m violently pushed out the front door and onto the porch.

  Once I’m out in the thick night air, a damp cloth replaces the hand covering my mouth. A whiff of something sickly sweet fills my nose. I struggle but it’s useless. The world shrinks, my vision reducing on all sides, like a movie slowly fading to black. My limbs feel heavy, my head thick. My eyelids threaten to close.

  I sway on my feet and then...

  ...nothing but cold, endless darkness.


  I regain consciousness with a sour tang searing my tongue. My head throbs painfully. Awareness slips back to me in fragments. I force my eyes open and sluggishly absorb the unfamiliar surroundings. No idea where I am. The stench of mold assaults my senses—my nose wrinkling against the offending smell—and the dampness makes my skin crawl.

  I sit up slowly. I’ve been lying on a mattress on the cement floor of a small room with dingy gray walls, a lone metal door and one barred window. No other furniture except a few rags and a grimy plastic bucket in the corner. For what? To pee in?

  Apparently, I’ve become the victim of my own twisted horror movie.

  At least I’m still alive. But I’m not sure for how much longer.

  Where is Hayden? Panic spreads in the pit of my stomach and trickles like ice in my veins. I’m dressed only in my footless leggings and my wrinkled blouse. My heels, belt, and purse are gone. No cell phone. I’m barefoot and cold. Scared and alone.

  My head feels fuzzy and my tongue feels extra thick. A shaft of moonlight filters through the cracked window. I stare into the shadowy corners, waiting for one of the hybrids to leap out at me and yell, Aha! You’re finally conscious. Time for the painful shock therapy! The thought reminds me of my little brother. My family. Will I ever see them again?

  I slump back down and rub my temples. What did Hayden do when he saw me being kidnapped? Is he still out there searching? Or has he been taken, too?

  I refuse to believe that. I need an ounce of hope to cling to right now. All I can do is pray that Hayden is somewhere nearby and alive. And he’ll soon come rescue me.

  The heavy door creaks open
as someone slips inside, and it bangs shuts behind them. Bolting into an upright position, I nearly jump out of my skin.

  “You’re awake,” Darion says.

  I size him up and gauge my chances. He’s alone and about my height. Maybe I can take him. Dumb idea. He’s a highly intelligent hybrid, so probably not.

  “Where’s Hayden?”

  “Don’t worry about him. You’ll be dead soon, anyway,” he says.

  “Dead?” My heart hits my throat. “Wait! Why are you doing this? I get Tama with the crazy, but why you? Is it because of the laws? I mean, are those even official or more like guidelines?”

  He clenches his jaw. “We live by an honor system. But not Hayden.” His voice is laced with venom.

  “Is all this about us?” I demand. “Because Hayden and I are best friends?”

  Darion snorts. “He broke the law when he became intimate with a human.”

  I wave my hands in the air. “We haven’t done that. So, he didn’t do anything wrong. Please don’t punish him—it was all me. I stalked him and practically left him no choice but to tell me about you guys.”

  His eyes widen skeptically. “Hayden knew what he was doing. Stop making excuses for him. He lied to Arcane and swore it wasn’t serious between you two. Not to mention, he moved away and dumped Tama.”

  I seriously can’t believe that I’m going be murdered for the two most trivial, stupid reasons anyone can imagine dying for—some lame ass rules on hybrid socializing and a jealous superhuman girl who dated my alien boyfriend months ago.

  “Darion, you don’t have to do this. Don’t you realize how insane all this sounds?” I plead, hoping I can convince him not to start the horrifying shock therapy or whatever evil scheme they have planned. “I’m not a threat to you or anyone. I’m not going to tell anyone. You can trust me. No killing or memory-wiping necessary.”

  Darion’s mouth flattens into a grim line, his jaw tightening and releasing, tightening and releasing. “You sound like Hayden.”

  I need more time. Need to keep him distracted.

  “Where’s Hayden now? Is he all right?”


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