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Lost in Starlight (Starlight Saga)

Page 27

by Sherry Soule

On my way back to my car, I kick the tire. Sometimes it feels good to let off a little steam. Especially, when you’ve been operating on nerves and adrenaline for hours.

  If Devin isn’t at the school, then I’ll have no choice but to tell Hayden.

  And I really, really don’t want to do that.

  Like I’m driving in the Indy 500, I race toward the school and whip into the parking lot. My stomach tightens at the sight of Devin’s Taurus. Maybe I’m not too late. He couldn’t have written up an article or posted anything yet. The paper is not even out for a couple more days. And Devin is always very thorough and wordy in his articles.

  A spark of hope fills my chest as I hurry across campus. I’ll calmly talk to him and persuade him that all the stuff I wrote isn’t true. That I made it up. I’ll say that I have a writer’s wild imagination. Devin’s an extremely logical person, so he won’t believe any of it. Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.

  The side door is unlocked and it seems my luck has changed. Speed-walking through the deserted school corridors is like being in a chilling teen horror flick. I half expect to bump into a man with a disfigured face, wearing a red-and-green striped sweater, brown fedora, and a metal-clawed glove. (One of the few slasher films I actually like.) Up ahead on my left, light spills from a door out into the hall.

  Yes! Score one for me.

  Stepping inside the workroom, I spot Devin sitting at a desk with his laptop and pounding away on the keyboard. My pink Hello Kitty notebook sits unassumingly beside his wallet and car keys.

  Every fiber of my being hankers to seize the notebook, and then hightail it outta here. But Devin ran track last year, so I might not be able to outrun him. Even in flats. Sigh.

  Well, I guess it’s time to get this over with.

  “Devin,” I say, surprised my voice sounds so composed while my heart’s beating like mad.

  He twists around in his seat. “I thought you might show up.”

  I bet, slimeball. Pervert. Jerkface.

  “I need my notebook back. You had no right to take it.”

  Good job. Nice and calm.

  “Absolutely, Sloane. If it means that much to you.”

  “It does.” I step further into the room. “You haven’t read it?”

  “Oh, I have. Fascinating stuff. So, Hayden and Zach are actually descendants of aliens, huh?” His gaze lingers on my boobs and he licks his lips. “Are all those things true?”

  “Of course not. That would be crazy. I just made it up.”

  “Really? Because I did some research based on your notes and discovered some rather interesting facts on the Internet. Those websites you found were very insightful.”

  Don’t freak. Relax. Deep breaths.


  He folds his arms and cocks his head. “It doesn’t really matter. At the moment.”

  My skin burns so hot it’s going to set fire to my clothes. Then Devin could die a happy man. “Why not?”

  He wears a sinister smile. “Well, that all depends on you.”

  My chest rises and falls rapidly. “What do you want, Devin? Just spit it out. Money?”

  He shakes his head slowly. “Nah.”

  “Name your price, but you cannot run the story on Hayden.”

  “I had hoped you’d say that,” he says smoothly. “But what I need to know now is what you’re willing to do to get it back.”


  “You heard me.” He stands up, his body blocking my notebook. “We can start with two things. One, I want you to break up with him.”

  Whoa. He did not just tell me to break up with Hayden. Doesn’t anyone on this planet want us to be together?

  I swallow. “And the other?”

  “Take off your shirt. I wanna see them.”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  He moves gradually closer, like a mountain lion stalking a deer. “You can leave your bra on this time,” he tells my breasts.

  This time? Bile rises in my throat. I’m going to puke all over the floor. I’m stuck in the middle of a nightmare. Whenever I find myself in a perplexing dilemma, I ponder whether or not it’s something I want dug up on my E! True Hollywood Story.

  And no, this is mortifying enough.

  “Please,” I whisper, clutching the collar of my shirt. “Don’t make me do this.”

  “You want me to run the story?”

  I swallow hard. “”

  “Then do this one small thing for me.” He raises an eyebrow and steps closer. “C’mon, Sloane. Like you never showed a guy your bra before? I only want what Hayden’s already had.”

  “Why you sick son-of-a-bitch! You would think like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Hayden hasn’t copped a feel yet? Get real.” He points a finger at me, his eyes glassy. “I know your kind. You walk around acting like a tease.”

  “Devin, you’re crazy. I never asked for any kind of attention!”


  I step back, feeling cornered. Hours ago, I had the courage to shoot two crazy hybrids, but now I can’t seem to find the nerve to stand up to this guy.

  Time to grow a backbone and fight back.

  I shift nervously on the balls of my feet. “Devin, I know you were the one who tagged Hayden’s locker. I saw the can of spray paint in your backpack. Why?”

  “Because it’s obvious you’ve been crushing on that dude ever since he moved here,” he says slowly and evenly. “But I don’t get it! I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. Except you’ve never given me the time of day—”

  “That’s not true. You’re my friend—”

  “I don’t want to be your friend!”

  I clear my throat. “I know, but I don’t feel that way about you, and I never meant to hurt you. That still doesn’t explain why you spray painted his locker.”

  “Mr. Perfect should know he’s not wanted here. That he can’t just take what’s mine.”

  “I’m not yours, Devin. I never have been. And you shouldn’t have vandalized his stuff.”

  “So what?”

  “I’ll turn you into the principal, and you’ll get suspended unless...”

  “Unless I kill the story? Really? Is that all you’ve got?” He shakes his head with a chuckle. “You’re a smart girl, and I assumed you’d have a better bargaining chip. The cans are long gone and you can’t link me to the crime now. You got nothing.”

  Damn, he’s right. Only my word against his. And after I was caught supposedly cheating, Principal Allen may not believe me. But even if Devin ran the story, he doesn’t have any solid proof to back up his claim. Plus, who would believe him? Still...the damage would be done.

  “Don’t be shy. Lift up your shirt and give me a peek.” Devin’s voice is beseeching, his tongue wetting his lips. “No one will ever have to know. It’ll just be our little secret.”

  He takes two more steps and now he’s standing right in front of me.

  Why am I so freaked? He just wants to ogle my boobs in my black lace bra. Just like if I was wearing a bathing suit top. It’ll keep Hayden’s secrets safe. All I have to do is lift up my shirt and give him a peek. No big deal. It’ll be over in less than a minute and I’ll have my notebook. I can do this. For Hayden.

  “You promise to give me the notebook back?” I ask, biting my lip. “And you’ll kill the bio and hacking story?”

  “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

  It’s my fault that I left my purse outside. They’re only boobs, and my bikini shows more. I’ll let the little perv have a quick look, because it’s the closest he’ll ever get.

  “Okay. But only for a minute.”

  Reluctantly, I reach down and lift the hem of my shirt slowly upwards. Past my belly, over my ribs, inching up, up, up. The cold air of the room strokes my hot skin like icy fingers. The hem rises over my breasts...almost there. I yank my blouse over my face so I don’t have to look at him. I did it, it’s done. My entire body is trembling and I break out in a flushe
d sweat. I stand there wondering how long this will take.

  “Oh, wow,” he says excitedly. “You look like a playboy model.”

  Kill me now. I grind my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut. My hands are shaking on my shirt. Already my body heat is skyrocketing.

  “Can I touch you? Over your bra, then you can put your top down.”

  I don’t answer. I can’t. Hot tears burn my cheeks. Something squeezes my throat. Crushing all the air out of my lungs.

  A tentative finger brushes across my breast and I flinch back, swallowing a scream. I yank my shirt back down and lurch away from him. The hatred bubbling up inside of me is so fierce, I want to hit him. Want to kill him. Want him dead, dead, dead so I’ll never have to feel this way ever again.

  “Stop! I can’t do this!” Tears stream down my face and I glare at him. “Why? Why are you doing this?” I gasp between sobs. “Just please give me back my notebook. Please.”

  From behind me, heavy footsteps stomp into the room. Devin freezes, and all the blood drains out his face.


  “What the hell is going on?” Hayden demands, radiating nuclear hostility at Devin.

  My head hangs down and I hide in my long hair, too ashamed to even look him in the eye.

  “Sloane, talk to me. Now,” Hayden says, his voice deadly quiet.

  I lift my head a fraction and peek at Hayden. His face is a deep red, his hands tightly fisted. A dangerous ferocity overtakes his features.

  “N-nothing.” I wipe the tears from my cheeks with shaking hands. “Devin took something that belonged to me and now he’s going to give it back.”

  A strained silence fills the room. Hayden stares at Devin with barely-contained fury blazing in his eyes.

  “This is none of your freaking business.” Devin stands with his feet apart and arms crossed. Definite squaring off stance. “Now get out.”

  “Sloane?” Hayden looks at me. “What’s he talking about?”

  My tongue is thick and tied up in knots. I burst into fresh tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

  “Leave, Lancaster. We don’t want you here,” Devin says.

  “Yeah? Well, I’m not going anywhere without Sloane,” Hayden snarls. “And your ugly ass can’t make me.”

  “Oh, yeah? Watch me!”

  Devin charges, throwing up his forearms like an offensive lineman blocking a defensive back. Hayden moves to the side and pushes Devin’s elbow down and away and rolls him onto the floor. He slides into a chair and grunts.

  Devin stands and dusts himself off. He stupidly attacks again. Blocking the clumsy punch aimed at his head with his forearm, Hayden grunts at the force behind the blow. He swiftly kicks Devin hard in the kneecap and causes the other boy to fall to the floor, crying out in pain.

  Hayden’s gaze churns with fury. “Have you had enough?”

  Devin staggers to his feet and rushes Hayden, growling in rage. Devin tries to clutch Hayden around the waist like a wrestler, but Hayden, light on his feet, sidesteps the attack and Devin goes crashing into a desk.

  “You heard me, asshat.” Hayden’s tone holds a dark edge, shaded with viciousness. His mouth sets in a grim line. “I’m a trained fighter, and you don’t want to mess with me.”

  Standing, Devin wobbles forward. “I’m not scared of you—you freak of nature!”

  Devin throws a quick punch at Hayden’s jaw and misses. Hayden swings around and roundhouse kicks Devin in the gut. He sputters out a curse and clutches his stomach in agony.

  Hayden raises both fists. The first punch glazes Devin’s chin, but Hayden’s second blow to his left eye sends him stumbling backward.

  It was a heck of a shot.

  Devin whips around and tries to jab Hayden in the throat, but Super Boy easily dodges the attack. Hayden kicks out, hitting Devin in the face with a quick left-right-left combo, sending him flying backward. He crashes into three chairs and sends them tumbling.

  Devin’s legs wobble as he slowly gets to his feet. His lip is cracked and his nose all bloody. His left eye is bruised and swelling rapidly. Hayden stalks toward him and the color drains from Devin’s face. Hayden grabs the front of his shirt, lifts him several inches off the floor, and shoves him hard against the wall. Devin’s arms hang limp and his eyes are wide and terrified.

  “Listen to me carefully,” Hayden says in a dominant tone. “If you ever disrespect Sloane again or make her cry, I will hunt you down….” Hayden pauses to let his threat sink in. “And then it’s going to get ugly. Do we understand each other?”

  Devin nods very slowly.

  “Good.” Hayden lowers Devin to the floor. The other boy slumps against the wall. “Now tell me what the hell’s going on.”

  “He knows.” Lifting my arm, I point a shaky finger at the desk with my notebook and the computer screen, displaying a website on the Zetas.

  Hayden stalks over to the computer, sits down, and starts working his techie mojo by deleting all the files. When he finishes, he stands and looks Devin in the eye. “Breathe a word of this to anyone and I’ll kick your ass. And I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  I snatch up my notebook and march over to Devin. “You’re a scumbag, and I have no problem inflicting a little pain.” Or a lot. I lift my leg and savagely knee him in the groin. Might be a cheap shot, but he had it coming.

  Devin doubles over like he’s going to puke, clutching his junk.

  What an epic mess. I feel like Helen of Troy who had bitter rivals fighting over her, or just a teenage girl stuck in a nasty battle between two testosterone-fueled boys. If Devin is bold enough to try to blackmail us, I wonder what else he’s capable of doing. I hope I never find out.

  And although I might be safe from a course of electroshock, Devin sure isn’t.


  “Nice moves, Peaches. Come on. We’re done here.” Hayden takes my hand and ushers me from the Haven Gazette’s workroom.

  He leads me outside and I can breathe easier now. We walk along the border of the school property near the immense oak forest. The afternoon sunlight slanting through the giant trees casts dense shadows all around us. The warm breeze ruffles through the leaves, lifting my hair. Hayden stops walking and leans against a tree, his expression dark and foreboding.

  “How did you know I was here?” I ask.

  “I didn’t like leaving you alone with Devin, so as I was driving back to your house I spotted your Jetta in the lot. I parked and went looking for you.” He runs a hand through his hair, the long bangs falling right back into his eyes. “Do you want to tell me what was going on before I showed up?”

  I gaze down at my flats, staring at the little green bow. I swallow several times before I can speak. “Devin took my notebook. had stuff written in it. Stuff about you and your family.”

  “It’s okay, Sloane.” His voice is resigned. “I’ll deal with Devin tomorrow. He won’t say anything.”

  More likely, he won’t remember anything.

  My fingers curl around the edges of the notebook. “You’re going to contact the Galactic Brotherhood and have his memories wiped, aren’t you?”

  He doesn’t respond, instead he grabs my upper arms and yanks me closer to him. Hayden’s fingertips trail up and down my bare arms, sending delicious shivers throughout my body. He kisses me passionately as though this is the last time. His arms around me tighten, his chest to my chest, our knees bumping together. Hayden’s urgent kisses send me tumbling over the edge. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him even tighter against me. My breath fast and heavy. He kisses me and kisses me and kisses me, until everything gradually dissolves around us, until Devin’s threats seem like a fading nightmare.

  He swallows hard, unraveling himself from my arms. “What else aren’t you telling me? What really happened with Devin?”

  I lift my head and the barely restrained tears come faster now. “I’m so, so sorry,” I say. “I didn’t want you to find out. I just wanted to get the notebook back, but Devin refused
to give it to me. And then he wanted me, to look at me. But that’s all…”

  “That sick bastard!” His eyes are bright with anger. He tucks his hands under his arms and takes a few steps back, keeping a good distance between us.

  “I should go back in there and break his neck,” he says, his tone low and menacing.

  “Hayden, calm down,” I say, blinking back tears. “He isn’t worth—”

  “Calm down?” he says bitterly. “How am I supposed to calm down when my girlfriend doesn’t trust me enough to come to me first? Especially with a guy who hates my guts and lusts after my girl?”

  “You’re right, I should have. I made a terrible mistake. Are you mad at me?”

  “No, Sloane. I’m mad at myself.” He throws his hands wide. “For letting things get so out of control so quickly.”

  I gaze at his gorgeous face. He’s giving nothing away, but keeps his burning stare glued to my face.

  “What does that mean?” I ask, tucking the notebook safely into my back pocket.

  “We need to talk.”


  He kicks at some rocks. “Perhaps this isn’t the best time.”

  “If you have something to tell me—then just say it.”

  Hayden doesn’t answer. He grinds his teeth and his expression becomes a guarded mask.

  “You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”

  “I just don’t think our relationship is fair to you,” he says quietly. “I’ve been contemplating the future, and the more I do, the more I feel like us being together will never work.”

  I stare at him stupidly, striving to understand what he means. My heart clenches like a fist squeezing it. “What are you saying?”

  “You know how much I care about you, Sloane, and it kills me to do this…”

  “Then don’t.” My voice shakes. “You think I haven’t thought about this? I realize everything happened really fast between us, but it feels so right whenever we’re together.”

  He groans. “I know…but you’re going to be constantly facing danger or dealing with jerks like Devon with me in your life.”

  “You don’t know that for sure.” The tears flow down my cheeks and drip from my chin. “I know what you’re going to say. But please, oh, please don’t.”


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