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Page 22

by Frances Stockton

  “The leopard knew. You must understand that when I’m in leopard form, my soul recognizes you and I can speak with you through our minds. The panther knows you only as my human mate and can do nothing other than protect you. Should I ever be so cruel as to hurt you or turn to another, he would risk death to defend your honor.”

  Amazed, she caressed her fingers across his chest and wished he weren’t wearing a linen gypon. “Will you tell me more of your Abcynian past? I want to know everything. My father spoke of Abcynians as myths, but he knew what you were, didn’t he?”

  “Aye, as did your mother. They were part of the Abcynian Guard. Without the Guards, Abcynians would not have kept their place in the known world.”

  “And your past?” she prodded.

  “The history of Abcynians is older than you’d think. What I know has been passed down from a time not recorded by men. At one time we were great in number and flourished in a land prevalent with animals, great and small. The Creator enabled us to communicate with the animals, panthers among them.”

  “You’ve spoken of panthers several times. Is that another name for a leopard?”

  “Lions, tigers and leopards are part of the panther family and the three great beasts roamed free in Abcynia. It is believed that a lioness trained Lucien’s great-great grandmother to hunt and she handed her knowledge down to her children. When the Saturians came to our land, they longed to use the panthers to devour rival civilizations. They fooled Abcynians with promises of gold. If we were to join them in war and conquer faraway lands, they would have given us riches beyond imagining. Our forefathers almost conquered great civilizations for gold, but they resisted and Saturians turned their love of war on us. Abcynia was destroyed. Many were killed. By a miracle, the Creator saved as many of our kind as he could by sending the remaining panthers to them.”

  “Am I right to presume the panthers bit those who had lived?”

  “Aye,” he said. “It was a long, long time ago, Aisley. Not even our forefathers remember the whole story, nor do we know precisely where Abcynia was. You see, upon the conclusion of the war, the bitten were sent to sleep. They woke in a strange land with clothes on their backs and seedlings from our homeland lying beside them.

  From that day forth, Abcynians forged their lives among the ancient civilizations, the Greeks and Romans among those you’d recognize by name. Some scattered and became part of the barbarian tribes, the Goths and the Vikings among them. It is believed that in the days of the Roman Empire, some went to Hispania and Asia. Others, like my grandfather, came to Britannia, and because they could adapt and appear to be of the same linage, Abcynians have long been part of what’s now known as England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. To maintain our abilities, we must drink sustenance, avoid touching gold, for it led to Abcynia’s downfall, and protect those we live amongst.”

  “Garrick, I am so sorry. The Saturians took much from Abcynian kind. It is little wonder as to why you detest Zotikos.”

  Garrick’s lip curled. “Zotikos is the eldest of his kind, yet he is different in his decision to accept immortality at the cost of his soul. His current body can be destroyed. It has been done many times. He possesses something inside him that is incessantly evil and can return. He can mimic goodness, control another’s mind once he’s earned their trust. He is perceived as a man of wealth and privilege. While not all Saturians are like him, he has managed to convince enough of them that Abcynians and anyone who befriends us should be destroyed. Once he sent a spy to infiltrate my father’s retainers. Because of his treachery, my father died on a battlefield when one of his soldiers thrust a sword into his back and Zotikos pierced his heart with a dagger.”

  “Dear God, it is little wonder as to why you’ve wanted to protect me from him. Is there anyway to stop Zotikos?”

  “Aye, you know what it is. His evil must be allowed, hence the reason he mimics goodness and prosperity. He’s charming to the ladies, generous to men, coaxes vengeance, temptations, jealousies, all of which become spellbinding.”

  “He can cast spells?” Vaguely, she recalled how strangely Edwina and Sedgewick acted in the forest.

  “That’s the simplest way to explain his power over others. As I’ve told you, he cannot stay where he isn’t invited. As an earl, Danford is mine. The lands, the tenants and the villagers fall under my protection. Zotikos cannot come here without my permission.”

  “What of me? As your betrothed, I’d think I would be protected as well.”

  “You are, as long as you don’t accept his presence willingly.”

  “I didn’t accept it, and yet, he took me from you.”

  “He lured you away from Danford by sending a woman claiming to be Angelica’s mother.”

  Aisley drew back. She loved Angelica as though she was her own daughter, but she’d not thought of her until now. “I haven’t asked about Angelica, I’m ashamed.”

  “You’ve been through much these last few days. Angelica is fine and eager to visit with you.”

  “I do love her, Garrick.”

  “I know. She does as well.” He permitted her to rest her hand on the mattress between them, his fingers combing through her hair. She sensed that Garrick needed to touch her, even in such a small way, and she wanted him to keep touching her. “Let yourself heal and come to terms with what you shall become as my mate, Aisley. It’s all right to have a conversation that doesn’t include Angelica. I promise the same when we have more children.”

  “You want more children with me?” Touched, and growing warm at the thought of having Garrick’s babes, Aisley reached out to stroke his hair as well. It was so soft, like silk, and she remembered Sir Knight’s coat feeling similar.

  “Aye, I need an heir and would like both sons and daughters. Fortunately, I will know when you are able to conceive and we can decide when we should have children,” he stated, serious even as his eyes sparkled. He’d begun to purr and she knew his thoughts were turning wicked. “I give you fair warning, little one. Abcynian males need to copulate frequently, especially when their mate is fertile. When we’re ready, we’ll have many children.”

  “Aren’t most men that way?”

  “Many enjoy bedding women, but not necessarily the way Abcynians do. When I take you, Aisley, I will devote myself to your pleasure and demand the same from you. Unless you are ill or unable to receive me, there will not be a night when we do not mate.”

  She suspected that, as much as they’d shared previously, her betrothed had held much of his ardor and needs at bay. He would likely continue to do so until they married. She only hoped she had could resist him now that she knew he loved her.

  “Dare I admit how much I want to be with you, my lord? But if you wanted more now, I fear I’d disappoint you. I’m very tired all of a sudden.”

  “You could never disappoint me. You’re still healing and need rest. I’ll bring you sustenance and it will rid the last of the scars and return your strength.”

  “Being bitten by the leopard enables me to take sustenance?”

  “Aye, you should drink it daily from now on.” He smoothed his hand to her nape, bringing her a little closer, his lips touching hers. “I’ve a most important question to ask you, my love,” he said, his words so sweet that her heart flipped over. She liked being called his love.

  “Ask away, my lord,” she returned.

  “When we marry, will you let me convert you?”

  “Hasn’t that already been decided?”

  “Nay, you’ll be my wife and my countess. I’ll never free you from that. I want your complete conversion to be of your choosing. I want to give you my love, my essence, everything that I am, I want to give you. Accept and we will live as man and wife for centuries.”

  “I accept you, Garrick Forrester. If you give me your love, I shall protect, honor and cherish it for the remainder of our lives.”

  “As will I,” he vowed with a kiss. His lips were firm, insistent, yet tempered with gentleness.

; “I must ask, is Valiant all right? I spotted him in the woods near the village and he’d been—” Garrick silenced her with another kiss.

  Still gentle, he teased the outer edges of her lips and slipped the tip of his tongue between them, breaking the seam and deepening the kiss. He tasted and smelled of sustenance, spices, cinnamon and man. When he withdrew, she protested and attempted to capture his tongue by sucking it deep.

  “Aisley,” he groaned upon being released. “Continue doing things like that and I’ll not be capable of waiting until our wedding night. You haven’t any idea what that does to me.”

  “Does that mean my hero has an Achilles heel?”

  “Your lips are plump and sweet. Kissing you will never be a weakness.”

  “Good, I hope you’ll kiss me often. But what of Valiant?” she insisted.

  “He’s fine. He alerted us to search for you.”

  “I’m glad he’s well. I like Valiant very much.”

  “That’s good. When his parents leave, he will remain my squire and learn the ways of a knight, more so, the ways of Abcynians.”

  “I can think of no one better to teach him than you, Garrick. He has remarkable features and I suspect he’s going to be bigger than his father. I imagine he’ll need guidance regarding the ladies as he grows. They will want him.”

  “Careful, you’ll not want me to become jealous. Any rival for your affections can be considered prey.”

  “Are you teasing me?”

  “Only a little, I would never hurt Valiant. I trust your loyalty and he knows you are my mate. However, should anyone attempt to take you from me, I would kill them.”

  “Garrick, Zotikos threatened to come after me when I’d foiled his plan. I remembered he had to seek permission to remain in my presence and I wouldn’t grant it. He was furious and tried to persuade me to join him by threatening to cause trouble for you. I know not what he meant or what he plans, but I fear what he might do in the future.”

  “We need to continue living our lives the way we always do. I’ll not let him ruin our happiness by ignoring our duties to each other and the earldom. I’ll also send messengers to Henry to ascertain whether he’s heard anything regarding us or this land. I have the King’s trust, he should protect us regardless of what he may hear or learn from Zotikos.”

  “Know I trust you to keep Danford safe.”

  “It is good to have your trust.” Garrick’s confidence came to the fore, as apparent to her as his gruff voice and regal countenance. “Let us not concern ourselves with Zotikos any further. The morn has just begun. I propose we break our fast in bed and plan our ceremony. We can marry as soon as you’re ready.”

  Aisley felt her eyes widen. “Really?”

  “My brothers and their wives arrived last eve,” he said.

  “You should have told me sooner. I should be attending to them.”

  “You should be resting. They know what’s happened, do not fret.”

  “If you are certain, when do you wish to marry?” Sounding surprisingly calm, considering she was to meet his entire family, Aisley awaited his answer.

  “Tonight would be my preference,” Garrick answered, a half smile on his wickedly sensual lips. “But you’re not ready for what I have in mind for our wedding night. We’ll have the banns read during mass and marry when it is proper according to the dictates of the Church.”

  “This day’s mass?”

  “The morrows’ will suit. I haven’t any intention of leaving this bed anytime soon.”

  “What if I say nay, we’ll wait a month?”

  “Then I shall persuade you to change your mind.”

  Aisley was tempted to see how he’d convince her, but she didn’t have the strength to proceed.

  “What say you, Aisley?”

  “I’d like nothing more than to marry you the moment our banns are completed.” Soon she would become the Countess of Danford, Garrick Forrester’s wife. Pleased, she wondered whether they could include Angelica in the ceremony. “Tell me of Angelica and how she has fared these last two days.”

  “Besides you, a sweeter topic I couldn’t imagine. First, little one, I will have some food brought to you.” Garrick kissed her and left the bed long enough to do as he’d said. Shortly his chamberlain came to the servant’s entrance.

  Stepping into the hallway to block the chamberlain’s view of the bed, Garrick said, “My lady has awakened. Bring the simplest of meals so she may break her fast, but let no one else disturb us until I say otherwise. She’s still very weak.”

  “Aye, milord, I will see she is taken care of.” With that, Garrick strode back into the room, closing the door behind him and returning to the bed as if he couldn’t bear being separated from her.

  Reclining beside her, he gathered her into his arms. As he spoke of Angelica, the rumbling sound in his voice revealed his affection for their daughter. He laughed several times when he mentioned Angelica’s way of saying his name, and then grew serious when he admitted he wanted her to call him father.

  Then and there, Aisley knew she was meant to grow old with Garrick Forrester. There were things about him that should be terrifying, yet she was not afraid of him. He had managed to assume three titles and protect the people of Danford for a very long time, never once threatening their livelihoods or exposing them to evil. And he was a good father to little Angelica, a girl whom some would have abandoned at birth.

  Regardless of all Aisley knew of Garrick, one fact remained, permitting her to know she was right to accept all that he was. She loved him. Because she did, she would become his mate, accept whatever she was to become when converted and honor their family until her dying day.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A fortnight after their banns were read, Aisley stood proudly beside Garrick in the manor chapel and listened as the priest extolled the virtues of marriage. It was the morning Mass and the pews were filled with witnesses. By the time the man of God offered his benediction, she and Garrick would be man and wife.

  Garrick’s hand remained at her waist, his lordly presence unwavering and steady. When he cast his green eyes upon her, she spied the love he felt for her and she offered a smile as her heart danced with joy.

  She hadn’t expected the ceremony to be so grand. But she was pleased with Garrick’s willingness to provide the very best for their wedding day. To Aisley, it proclaimed to all of England that he was honored to make her the Countess of Danford.

  Aisley, it is time to speak our vows, Garrick said so that only she could hear.

  Turning her face up to him and permitting him to take her hand, Aisley repeated the words that would bind her to her husband. While Garrick returned his fervent vows, his roughened voice filled the rafters, making some of the lanterns sway and her breath catch in her throat as her heart slammed nervously in her chest.

  At last the priest declared them man and wife and a sense of peace and belonging settled in Aisley’s heart. She was truly meant to be Garrick’s mate, to stand beside him for the rest of their lives.

  Garrick laughed, keeping his eyes on Aisley as he bent his head and pulled her to the tips of her toes. Before family and witnesses, I claim my wife with a kiss.

  Aisley’s knees grew weak as she welcomed his gentle kiss. Soon they would depart the chapel for a day of feasting to celebrate their union and she cherished the feel of his lips on hers for as long as they dared possible.

  Are we allowed to do this in front of the Church? Aisley asked, not really caring if they were to be admonished.

  It matters not if we are right or wrong. You are mine now. I want all in Danford and England to know that you are the Countess of Danford. Although it might be best if we part or the whole congregation is going to know what you do to me, Aisley. And Lucien is letting everyone know he’s hungry and ready to enjoy the feast.

  Must we attend guests in the great hall? Aisley asked.

  As much as I would like to carry you to our chamber right now, I fear our duties must be fulfi
lled. Come, we shall partake in the feast and revel with our friends. Later I will join you in our chamber. I vow, once we are there, you will not have to worry about food, guests or servants for a sennight.

  Sighing softly, Aisley knew he was right. But that did not prevent them from sharing another sweet, subtle kiss that promised more to come later that eve. Garrick slowly withdrew and tucked Aisley into his side.

  His silver and blue clothing complimented Aisley’s silver cote-hardie, and she could not help but realize that she was now Aisley Forrester, the Countess of Danford. Never had she thought she would one day become Lady Danford.

  “Shall we go, my lady,” Garrick invited.

  Aisley accepted her husband’s guidance down the aisle to the back of the chapel. There, Judith and Angelica moved forward and Aisley offered her hand to her daughter.

  “Lady Angelica, it is time to celebrate,” Aisley said.

  Dressed in a girl’s version of Aisley’s gown, Angelica dashed forward. Briefly, Garrick moved away from Aisley as he knelt to pick her up. Carefully placing her on his big, wide shoulder, he locked his arm about her thighs and turned back to Aisley.

  As a family, Garrick, Aisley and Angelica paraded out of the chapel. A chorus of applause and well wishes sprang from all directions as the congregation followed, and the villagers waiting outside shouted in welcome.

  For Aisley, it was amazing to watch Garrick socialize with the villagers. Not once did anyone look upon him as though he were evil. The change had not come immediately, but as she watched, she remembered the days preceding their ceremony.

  She’d had kept herself busy with Angelica, visited the villagers daily and she’d made certain Garrick knew of her wish to continue healing. He’d agreed and escorted her to the village. Because of his steadiness and quiet charm, many started to view him as a man, not a fearsome overlord.

  She’d also spent time getting to know Garrick’s brothers.

  The eldest of the two, Sir Grayson Forrester, Baron Somerton, was slightly shorter than Garrick and a bit more muscular. Like Garrick, he had the same dark hair and deep, rough voice. His wife, Glorianna, was pretty and kind. Their children, numbering two thus far, embraced Angelica as a cousin.


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