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Cry Havoc

Page 2

by A. American

  Traffic was a nightmare, as is typical for any part of metro Atlanta, and especially in Buckhead. While he was ready to get home and load up, he wasn’t letting it get to him. Where he was headed there wouldn’t be any traffic. The one thing he did notice was all the police on the road. On his ride home, Daniel saw more Atlanta cops, State Troopers and Sheriff Deputies than he ever had. Several times, he saw these officers putting people in handcuffs and stuffing them in the back of their car. It seemed like the number of people being arrested was increasing.

  Daniel flipped on the radio, looking for a distraction. He was scanning through the stations looking for something to listen to that wouldn’t drive him nuts. The radio stopped on one of the local talk stations, and Rush Limbaugh was on. He was ranting and raving about how the Republicans had completely caved on Israel, how they were done, they would never be a viable party again. Well, this certainly wasn’t helping his sanity, so he punched a key on the radio and smiled as Kid Rock’s Cocky started.

  His cell phone rang. Looking down at Christy’s name on the screen, a smile came across his face.

  He tapped the screen. “Hey, sexy”. This was his standard answer.

  “Hey, babe. Where are you?”

  “Stuck on 85, sitting in traffic. Where are you?”

  “At my apartment. What are you wanting to do this weekend? I was kinda hoping we could go to Buckhead tonight. You know, take me out to do what I want, and then we can do what you want.” Christy’s voice trailed off into a breathy, seductive tone.

  Well, now that was an offer he had to think about. “I was hoping to head up north and check out that trail we found the last time we were up there.” He didn’t say anything more than that, not “do you wanna come” or anything. He was going to have to see what sort of mood she was in.

  “Aw, come on, baby. We haven’t gone out in like forever. I wanna go out. Take me out tonight, please,” Christy cooed into the phone.

  Daniel’s hand fell into his lap, and he looked up through the sunroof of the van, his mouth hanging open. In his mind he was screaming why, why, why; but he knew he couldn’t say that to her. He hated to “go out”, bar hopping. Going to clubs and being dragged out onto the dance floor was simply not his thing. But he liked Christy, for a couple of reasons. That last thought brought him back around, and he put the phone back to his ear.

  “Sure, babe. We can go out. I need to get home and get a shower and change. Just come over when you’re ready,” he finally said.

  The conversation didn’t last much longer than that. Christy was excited at the thought of spending the night in Buckhead, while Daniel was miserable at the same thought. Then he smiled, knowing the hours he would spend slogging through the bars and clubs would be worth it when they got back to his place.

  He finally made it home and into his apartment on the second floor, closing the door with an audible sigh. His first order of business was to get out of the corporate monkey suit and into something more comfortable, so he headed for his bedroom and returned, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and feeling far more relaxed. He knew Christy would be a couple, hell more than a couple, hours before she showed up, so he grabbed a beer and turned on the TV. Fox News and CNN were running talking heads from opposite sides of the gun debates, and MSNBC was interviewing some clown from the EU who was pontificating about the US’s role in the global economy and how they weren’t acting very responsibly.

  None of this was doing anything to improve his mood though, and he flipped to the guide and found Jack Ass the Movie, which was exactly the sort of mind-numbing entertainment he wanted. Daniel decided to start getting ready, turning up the volume on Johnny Knoxville’s antics as he headed for the shower.

  He was sitting on the couch watching a piece about Rommel on the Military Channel when he heard that distinct knock on the door. He flipped off the TV and grabbed his keys and wallet before heading towards the door. Opening the door, he was greeted with an amazing sight. Christy had one arm resting on the door frame over her head. She was wearing what is often referred to as the little black dress, “little” being the key word; and she was smokin’ hot in it. Adding in the black heels and the fact that the small dress barely contained her chest, he questioned in his mind the plan of going out, thinking that staying at his place would be better. But then, if he took her out and let her party it up, it would certainly pay off.

  “Damn, you look fine,” Daniel said as he stepped towards her.

  Christy wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled, revealing her beautifully perfect white teeth. Then she pushed herself up on her toes and leaned in and kissed him. “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said with a smile. Stepping back to check him out, “and all by yourself. I’m so proud.”

  Daniel did a little pirouette. “Not bad, huh?”

  Christy reached out and grabbed his ass. “Not bad at all. So where we going?”

  He had planned what he would say to this question. “I thought we would start at Churchill’s.” Before he even finished saying it, he started to smile, knowing how she felt about the British-style pub.

  Christy spun and started to walk towards the stairs, tossing the little black purse over her shoulder. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

  They started the night at Aria Restaurant off E. Paces Ferry Rd, a trendy upscale little place with great food and prices that reflect it. Daniel knew this night was going to cost him. But since he wasn’t going to the woods this weekend, he was going to make it as enjoyable as possible; and keeping Christy in bed all weekend would certainly be enjoyable.

  They enjoyed their dinner, he having Salmon and Christy a chicken something or other. Because of the difference in dishes, they had two different bottles of wine at the table as well. Neither of them wanted dessert, and Daniel quickly paid the bill and they were off to find some music and people.

  Daniel was pulling out of the parking lot when he asked Christy where she wanted to go. Her reply was no help. “Surprise me.” All he could do was roll his eyes as he pulled out onto the road. This scenario had entered his mind, and having been a Boy Scout, he was ready. He headed down Paces Ferry to Piedmont and made a left. The stars were lining up tonight and a car was pulling out of a spot in front of the Havana Club as he pulled in.

  Looking over at Christy, he asked, “Feel like dancing tonight?” his eyebrows jumping up and down as he did.

  Christy was obviously surprised. Being a typical guy, he tried to avoid dancing at all costs; and for him to suggest it was certainly a surprise. “You mean you’re actually going to dance with me tonight?”

  Daniel looked over at her as he put the van in park. The small silver chain she wore around her neck caught his eye, the little pendent resting in the top of her ample cleavage. He looked a little lower until his eyes settled on the little black dress covering his desires. He reached across to her seat and laid his hand on her thigh, running it slightly up her leg under the dress. “You look amazing tonight. Wanna dance?”

  Christy took a deep breath, her mouth slightly open, and began to vigorously nod her head. “Yeah, oh yeah. Let’s go.”

  Inside, the bar was packed with all the young and beautiful of Atlanta. Techno dance music filled the place and bodies on the floor writhed to the rhythm. As soon as Christy broke the plane of the door, her arms went up and she began to shake her ass to the music. They spent the next several hours dancing and drinking. Christy was having a great time, and he knew he would later. It was the only thing that kept him going.

  Daniel needed a break from the dance floor and told Christy he was going to get them a drink. She nodded and turned back to the gyrating crowd. Daniel went to the bathroom to take a leak. Of course there was an “attendant” in there, an older black man sitting on a stool. Daniel saw him when he came in and rolled his eyes. After finishing his business at the urinal, he went
to the sink. The soap dispenser was gone and the old man held out a bottle of liquid soap. Daniel stuck his hands out and the old guy pumped a few squirts in his palm.

  As he washed his hands, he looked over to the paper towel dispenser, and just as he suspected, it was empty. A smirk ran across his face. When he finished, the old man tossed him a hand towel and he dried his hands. Sitting on the counter was a small basket full of bills. He handed the towel back to the old guy and he tossed it into a basket on the floor. It was now that he was expected to tip this guy for some soap and a towel.

  The old man was smiling at him. Daniel looked at him, patting his pockets. “Sorry, man. Don’t have any cash. I’m going to the bar for some drinks and I’ll take care of you next time.”

  “Jus’ don’t forget about me,” the old guy said with a wink.

  Daniel left the restroom, shaking his head at the thought of having to pay to take a piss, and he fought his way to the bar. He was trying to get the attention of one of the hot bartenders, which appeared impossible, so he occupied his time with one of the huge TVs behind the bar. A local news anchor was on the screen. Behind her was a line of riot police forming a skirmish line. Daniel was absentmindedly watching when the scroll at the bottom of the screen said, Riot at Tower Place turns violent.

  He immediately left the bar, headed for the dance floor to find Christy. He found her dancing with some Latin guy with no shirt. He wedged in between them and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Pulling away from her, he shouted over the music. “We gotta go!”

  She was still smiling and dancing to the music. “What?” she shouted back.

  “We gotta go!” he shouted again.

  She simply smiled back at him, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards her. Daniel gripped her right hand and pulled her from the dance floor. She tried to protest, pulling away.

  “What the hell?” Christy asked.

  “Look, there’s a riot starting over at Tower Place. We need to get the hell outta here before they bring in the National Guard and start shooting people.”

  “Why? That’s blocks from here. Come on, come back out and dance with me.”

  “No, I’m leaving. I’m not getting caught in that shit. You coming?” Daniel asked.

  The tone of his voice, or maybe his posture, drove the point home. “Fine.”

  Daniel led her out of the club and to the van. He was putting her in on the passenger side when she wrapped her arms around him again. Christy pulled him to her and started to kiss him, but the sounds of a police helicopter flying low overhead brought Daniel’s attention back to more pressing concerns, even if they weren’t enjoyable as what was happening.

  Backing away from her, he said, “Hold that thought. Let’s get out of here first.”

  She leaned back into her seat and smiled, closing her eyes. Daniel looked in the direction of Tower Place at the glow rising above the buildings. Sirens filled the air, as well as police and news helicopters. All he wanted to do was get back to his apartment as fast as he could. By the time he got around the van and into the driver’s seat, Christy was passed out, her head slumped over on the door.

  He pulled out of the parking lot and headed back towards the apartment. Traffic was building and police were beginning to shut down intersections. Daniel was forced to take several turns he didn’t want to, and as a result, he was getting father and farther from his apartment.

  What should have been a twenty-minute drive ended up taking over an hour and a half. Daniel never saw any trouble. He never got close enough to whatever was going on to see, and that was fine with him. Pulling into the parking garage, he managed to wake Christy up without too much trouble and helped her get to the elevator and into the apartment.

  Once inside, Christy sat on the edge of his bed and he went into the bathroom. For a moment, he leaned on the sink looking into the mirror. He wanted to get out of town this weekend, out into the woods, and not let her talk him into staying here, especially now there was a frickin riot. He quickly washed his face and kicked his shoes off, trying to relax.

  Opening the door, he saw her lying naked on the bed, propped up on her elbows. The light from the bathroom lit her side facing him, and a smile spread across his face. Maybe staying here wasn’t such a bad idea, he thought as he stepped towards the bed.

  Daniel woke up with light streaming through the blinds in the morning. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he sat up, and then he closed them again. Christy was lying there, sound asleep. She looked so good. Running a hand over her ass, he covered her with the sheet and headed for the kitchen. He needed his hangover remedy. Not that he drank that much, but the combination of the alcohol, the music and the stress of the ride home made him feel like he drank an entire liquor store.

  After taking two Excedrin and drinking a huge glass of water, Daniel went to the fridge and dug out some cream cheese. From a paper bag on the counter, he pulled out a huge “everything” bagel, then looked inside and found a plain one. With his bagel fixed, he headed for the living room and dropped onto the couch, flipping on the TV.

  He changed the channel to Fox News to see what was going on in the world. What he saw shocked him. On the screen was a view of Tower Place. Cars were on fire as well as some buildings in the distance. It looked as though there were hundreds of police, but unlike last night, these were not riot cops. The shields and clubs were gone, replaced with armored vehicles and rifles.

  The reporter on the scene was saying something about ‘an unknown number killed in the fighting’. He sat up on the sofa, leaning forward. In the background of the view, it appeared that a large section of the area was blocked off and there were bodies visible in a couple of places. The reporter came back into view again and he could see she was crouching behind the corner of a building as the cameraman leaned out to get shots of the action. Gunshots could be heard in the audio, the camera bounced and jerked with each report.

  Daniel sat there shaking his head. People are fucking nuts he said to himself. Watching what was unfolding before him, he started to get a little nervous and got up, returning to the kitchen. He felt like he should be doing something, but what? The riot was still pretty far from his place and shouldn’t be a problem, but better safe than sorry. Daniel went through the cabinets really quick to get an idea of what he had on hand. Being a bachelor, naturally they were pretty bare. Deciding it would be a good idea to have a little more on hand, he figured a trip to the store wouldn’t hurt.

  Back in the bedroom, he tried to wake Christy, but she was suffering from the mother of all hangovers and was in no shape to leave. She curled up into the comforter and mumbled something about chicken noodle soup. He leaned down and kissed her on the head and said he would be back shortly.

  Changing into a pair of jeans and Polo shirt, he picked through the leather tray that sat on his dresser, looking for the right folder to take. Daniel had a thing for knives and had quite the collection. He settled on a carbon fiber ZT and clipped it into his pocket, then slipped a Leatherman Wave into his back pocket with a small Fenix flashlight. He so badly wanted to take his Glock, but in the current environment that was just out of the question.

  Yes, guns were now outlawed. Daniel knew it. But he wasn’t getting rid of his. He’d bought it at a gun show and there was no paper trail to him. No one knew he had it, not even Christy. Daniel didn’t think of himself as one of those chest-thumping type of patriots. He didn’t go into the military; it wasn’t in his family. But he was a patriot. He loved his country and the freedoms it afforded him. Seeing them diminish pained him, and he’d decided to only be pushed so far.

  Taking the stairs down to the parking garage, he quickly made his way to the van, heading to Wal-Mart. Traffic on this side of town was fairly light, though there was a huge police presence. It seemed that every intersection had an officer of so
me type sitting nearby. He made it to the store without incident.

  Surprisingly, the place wasn’t very crowded. Maybe everyone was staying inside to watch the news. The lack of crowds let him make his rounds quickly. He hadn’t really thought about how much he was putting in the cart, and by the time he made it to the register, he had a cart mounded up with stuff. As the cashier rang it all up, he stood there thinking of all the trips up and down the elevator it would take to get all this into his apartment.

  His haul filled a considerable amount of space in the floor of the van. On the ride back, he listened to the radio, trying to keep tabs on what was going on. Then he heard something that really shocked him. The mayor was considering a dusk to dawn curfew, though no official announcement had been made. ‘Knowledgeable insiders’ stated it was all but a certainty.

  Suddenly, his trip started to make even more sense. If a curfew were started, there would be no way for him to get to the store during the week. Back in the garage, he grabbed up two handfuls of bags and headed for the elevator, it looked like he would have to make three or four more trips to get everything moved.

  Back in the apartment, he set the first load down in the kitchen, then had an idea and went to the closet in the living room where he kept all his camping gear. Throwing equipment over his shoulder, he finally found what he was looking for, his pack hammock, and headed for the garage again.

  Back at the van, he laid the hammock out on the ground beside the open door of the van and piled all the bags on top of it, then grabbed the ends and pulled them up, making what looked like a huge Santa bag. Daniel was grinning from ear to ear; this would save him a couple of trips. With great self-satisfaction, he went to throw the bundle over his shoulder and discovered it was far heavier than he had thought. With a grunt, he finally managed to get it over his shoulder; but he had to lean way forward to get the bundle into a position where he could walk under the weight.


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