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Ella and Her Shifters: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Once Upon A Shifter Book 1)

Page 5

by Aria Winter

After a few moments, I peek inside the door once more, and both Cash and Finn lift their heads. Their green eyes meet mine as I try to mouth the word “shift” to them.

  The two idiots remain where they are, ignoring my attempt to spare them from Kai’s anger.

  I roll my eyes and shake my head in frustration. I was trying to save them from Kai’s wrath.

  Having waited long enough, Kai pushes past me to step in. He stops, and his jaw drops when he sees them. “What are you doing?” he yells through the bond.

  “Ella wanted us to sleep with her like this,” they both answer quickly.

  “She what?” he asks, still staring at them in shock.

  Nyx walks in, a stunned look on his face as well.

  Carefully, Cash unwraps his arm from around the female and walks toward us. Finn, however, stays where he is. And I’m not sure if it’s my imagination, but it looks as though he pulled her possessively closer to him.

  “Explain yourself, right now,” Kai demands.

  With a heavy sigh, Cash rakes a hand through his light brown hair and then launches into a long explanation starting with an attack in the woods. When he tells us he killed a wolf shifter, Nyx gasps. “They already sent one after her?” he asks, alarm easily read in his features.

  Cash frowns and then nods.

  Stunned by Nyx’s question, I look to him. “You expected that to happen?”

  I’m even more surprised when he, Cash, and Finn nod. It seems my bond brother confided in them and not me.

  “I dreamed of it,” Nyx answers. “I dreamed that the Wolf Queen herself was coming to kill the Chosen One.”

  I glare at him accusingly. “You intentionally withheld this from me and—” I’m about to say “Kai,” but as I look to our leader, I realize he does not appear surprised either. It seems I am the only one Nyx did not share his dream with. I snap my jaw shut. I should be used to this. I’m always considered the outsider among my bond brothers. Even among shifters, cats are outcasts.

  “I thought it would not happen until after her marriage to the prince,” Nyx adds. “Otherwise, I would have insisted we all come sooner.”

  Kai turns to Cash. “Well then, it seems as though you did not have a choice. But what have you told her?”

  “Nothing,” Finn answers from across the room, his green eyes practically burning into ours. I’ve never seen him appear as possessive over something as he appears to be with our female.

  “You told her nothing?” Nyx asks incredulously. “But you said she saw you shift.”

  “She did. And she accepts that we are shifters here to protect her,” Cash adds. “Saving her from that wolf shifter was fate, for it made her more willing to accept us for who we are.”

  “I believe she feels the pull of the bond but does not realize what it is yet,” Finn explains as he tenderly brushes a stray tendril of hair behind her ear. “Because she already trusts us completely.” He gestures to her smaller form, snuggled against him, and unbidden jealousy flares to life deep inside me.

  Where on earth did that come from? I should not be feeling this way. Especially not toward a human—the female we are supposed to guard.

  Quietly, we approach and stare down at our female. The one we have trained for so many years to protect.

  The mark on my arm begins to burn slightly. It’s not painful, but it’s enough to get my attention. I glance down at my forearm and notice the rest of my bond brothers doing the same. The small whirling pattern on our skin glows softly, and when I lift my gaze, we all stare at each other a moment before looking back down at her.

  This is confirmation that she is indeed the one. The Elders told us that our marks would alert us when we’d found the Chosen One that we were bound to protect with our lives.

  She has not even sealed us to her as guards, but already we respond to her as if we are.

  With long, blonde hair, pink cheeks, and full lips, her form is so slight; she is both delicate and beautiful in the same measure. The soft light of the lone candle lends her an ethereal glow. I am captivated and completely enchanted. Is this what it feels like to lose one’s heart to a female?

  I’ve heard of females mating to one of their guards. It is rare, but it has happened before. But it cannot be this way for us. It is our duty to make sure she weds the prince of this kingdom. It is her fate to restore the balance between our two worlds. She will be the bridge between shifters and humans.

  Once peace is restored, our people can stop living in fear of being hunted. All can be as it was in the time of my great-grandparents, when shifters and humans lived among one another without conflict.

  Even as this thought churns through my mind, I find myself overcome with jealousy as I look at Finn. A soft sigh escapes her lips, and she snuggles even closer to his chest.

  Fierce possessiveness fills me as my gaze travels over her form. I level an angry glare at the mischievous twins. Their animal form matches their human personality—always getting into trouble and always getting away with it. They should not be sleeping so close to her.

  Quietly, I slip into the bed behind her.

  “What are you doing?” Finn snaps, jealousy lacing his voice.

  I arch a brow. “I’m merely keeping her warm.” If they can sleep next to her, so can I.

  “You’re going to scare her,” Cash says. “She does not know you yet.”

  I ignore him as I lay down beside her and close my eyes. My nostrils flare as I drink in her delicate scent. She smells delicious, and she feels so warm. My arm fits nicely around her smaller form, and as I lightly tug her back against me and away from my bond brother Finn, I marvel at how she seems to mold against me like this, as if made for me. I cannot help the low rumbling purr that begins deep in my chest. My tail comes out as I partially shift, wrapping itself around her ankle.

  Cats are naturally warmer than most creatures. She seems to sense this because she presses herself back against me. I long to bury my nose in her hair, but I refrain. She is not my mate; I am merely providing her warmth. A duty that any guard would do for their female.

  Something tugs at my shoulder, and my eyes snap open to find Nyx. It figures the annoying rabbit would try to pull me away, probably because he wants to take my place.

  Kai’s expression is thunderous as he stares down at me. “Get up,” he says in a harsh whisper, not bothering to use the mind link anymore. “Now.”

  I look across at Finn and gesture. “What about him? Aren’t you going to tell him anything?”

  Kai grits his teeth.

  I sigh heavily, not wanting to follow our leader’s order. “Fine.”

  I start to get up, but Ella turns to face me. I’m so panicked, I shift, and so does everyone else, except for Cash and Finn.

  She blinks several times in confusion and sits up. She looks at Cash. “What’s going on?”

  He gives her a nervous grin. “The rest of our bond brothers are here.”

  “Bond... brothers?” She scrunches her face in confusion.

  He gestures to each of us. Ella leans forward, wincing as she does so, and I panic, shifting back into a human. Something stirs deep inside me, wanting desperately to soothe whatever has pained her. “What is wrong?”

  She shrieks and scrambles back into Finn’s arms. “Who are you?”

  “Conjure some clothes for your human form,” Finn snaps, pointing to my manhood in disapproval. “She is human. They do not like nudity, remember?”

  Her eyes are wide as they stare down at my cock, and my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I quickly shift so that it appears as if I’m wearing pants like Finn and Cash are.

  I hold my hand out to her, palms up. “Forgive me, Ella. I did not mean to scare you. My name is Devon. I am a bond brother to Cash and Finn.”

  Instantly, she calms as if she trusts me already. “Oh. You’re brothers?” I know she probably believes we were born to the same parents, and I do not move to correct her. Not yet, anyway. We can always discuss it later.

p; “Yes.”

  Kai and Nyx shift beside me, each of them appearing to wear pants. I clench my jaw. Why did I not think of that as well before I changed into my human form?

  “I am Kai.” He bows low in an elegant gesture and smiles up at her, his bright blue eyes practically sparkling with joy as he studies her lovely face.

  “And I am Nyx. We are all bond brothers to each other.”

  She gives us each a dazzling smile that rivals the brightness of the sun. “It is so nice to meet you. I didn’t know Cash and Finn even had any other brothers.”

  Kai arches a brow at them, and they grin sheepishly.

  “Did you come because you were worried about them?” she asks. “They’re fearless. They saved me yesterday from a wolf shifter. They took care of me after my stepmother...” her voice trails off.

  “Beat her,” Finn says in a low voice laced with quiet anger.

  “Your stepmother beat you?” Nyx kneels beside her as his fists clench by his side. “Why?”

  Ella lowers her head. “She thought I was stealing.”

  Kai blinks down at her and shakes his head in confusion. “Stealing?”

  “I had saved up material that was discarded by the dressmaker when he came to fit my sisters.” She sniffs. “It would have just been thrown away if I hadn’t saved it.”

  Kai cups her chin, lifting her face to meet his. Her eyes are bright with tears, and my heart clenches as the first one escapes her lashes and rolls gently down her cheek. He brushes it away with the soft pad of his thumb. “You did nothing wrong.” He speaks in a quiet tone. “You are not a thief.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter 6


  My heart squeezes painfully in my chest at her tears. What cruel twist of fate left her at the hands of such a monster as this stepmother of hers? This woman will pay. My vow.

  When I search the eyes of my brothers, it seems we are all in agreement. How dare someone mistreat our female. We are her guards, sworn to defend and protect her, and we will not allow such a transgression to go unpunished.

  A cold breeze blows through the broken window of her room, and Ella shivers slightly. This looks more like attic storage than a proper bedroom. Devon picks up old boxes and nearby crates to try and block it as Finn wraps his arms around her. I am not too proud to admit that I am jealous of them or how she snuggles back into the twin. I should not think this way, but I cannot help it. Instinctively, I feel drawn to her, possessive even.

  She is such a lovely and delicate creature. Even with her hair slightly disheveled from sleep, she is stunningly beautiful with long lashes and luminous blue eyes that seem to stare straight through me. I am completely captivated. I’ve heard this can happen to a guard, but I never thought it would happen to me.

  How am I going to stand it if we are successful in our mission? How will I be able to stand by and watch her become a mate to the prince? It will be torture to be so often in her presence and never allowed to touch her... to never be able to love her as more than...

  I close my eyes and shake my head to clear away my errant thoughts. It is our duty to make certain she weds the prince of this kingdom to restore the balance between our people and the humans. And yet, as I watch her, I would give up everything. Forsake all my training and the vows I swore to uphold if she would agree to become my mate.

  Her eyes search mine, and I can think only of the sea. The deep blue of their coloring reminding me of its depths. “Do you know why we are here, Ella?”

  Her small brow furrows softly. “No.”

  “We are your guards, sworn to protect and defend you.”

  “Defend me against what?”

  I dart a glance at Finn and give him a subtle nod to explain. It is easy to see she has complete trust in him and Cash already, so I’d like her to hear this from him.

  Understanding what I want him to do, Finn begins. “You are the one foretold, Ella. The Chosen One who will restore peace between our people and yours.”

  She blinks up at him. “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “You are destined to become the mate to the prince of this kingdom. Through your marriage to him, you can be the bridge between our two worlds.”

  Her eyes search Finn’s. “I don’t understand. Why me?”

  I take her hand, drawing her attention back to me. “You are special, Ella. Your family descends from one who was able to speak to our kind through the mind speech. That is why your father’s line has always been able to understand and recognize our kind in our animal form.”

  A small smile crests her lips. “It’s nice to know that my father was telling the truth all that time when he told me he could speak with animals. But... why could I not do it then as well?”

  I shake my head softly. “The gift does not manifest until your eighteenth birthday.”

  She tips her chin up to look back at Finn, who is still holding her. She gives him a dazzling smile, and jealousy spikes through me once again. “That’s why you came to me in the woods, isn’t it?”

  He smiles back at her. “Yes, my Ella.”

  My eyes snap up to him. “Your Ella?”

  Even as he tugs her closer into his chest, he at least has the decency to appear chagrined by my question.

  I’m shocked when she blinks at me and speaks in my mind. “Please, do not chastise Finn. He saved me. Besides, I don’t mind. I have not been anyone’s since my parents died.”

  At first, I’m stunned that she even heard me and was able to respond in kind. Is the bond already that strong? Even as I consider this, her words give me pause. We are not supposed to attach ourselves to her in this way. It is our duty to guard her, protect her, defend her, and help her marry the prince. That is all.

  I tilt my head to the side to regard her. “Ella, do you feel a... pull to us in any way?”

  “Yes.” She looks back again at Finn. “I was just talking about this with Finn and Cash. It’s strange, but I do feel a connection to them. And actually...” Her gaze travels over me, Nyx, and Devon. “To you as well.” She pauses. “It’s as if I know you all care about me. That you would never hurt me.”

  “That is right.” I nod encouragingly. “It is part of the bond—the one that forms between a female and her guards.”

  Cash takes her hand. “We are your guards, Ella.”

  “But why do I need guards?”

  Finn wraps his arms even tighter around her, and she turns to look up at him. “Because of the wolf that came for you in the forest. There may be others.”

  “Why?” She looks to him in confusion. “What have I done to make them hunt me?”

  I know it’s irrational since she can never be my mate, but I want her attention on me and not Finn anyway. So, I take her hand gently in mine. “In our kingdom, there are many factions. One of which does not want the reunification of our people with humans. They know that the Elders foretold your coming and what you would do. So, they seek to stop you any way that they can.”

  She shivers, and I hate the fear in her eyes, especially since my words are the ones that put it there in the first place.

  Kneeling before her bed, I lift her hand and press a soft kiss to the back of it. “We will keep you safe, Ella. My vow. No one will be able to harm you now that we are here.”

  “He’s right.” Cash steps beside me and grips my shoulder. “We have trained our entire lives to protect you.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes. We are bound to you.”

  She tips her head to the side to regard me. “Tell me more about this bond.”

  “All guards have a bond to the one they protect as well as to each other.” I close my eyes briefly as I feel of it deep inside me. “Even now, I can feel it strengthening between us. Can you?”

  She nods. “In my heart, I know you will never harm me. You will always protect me, and I am safe with all of you. Even though we just met, it feels as if I have known you my entire life.”

  I smile. “Yes. That is
the bond. And when you have decided that you approve of each of us, you may seal us to you permanently.”

  Her small brow furrows softly. “How?”

  “A kiss.”

  Her eyes widen slightly as she blushes. “But I’ve never—”

  I move to reassure her. “It is all right, Ella. You do not have to decide upon this yet. You may wish to wait until after you have met the prince.” Sadness fills me at the thought of him even touching her; knowing she can never be mine.

  “But how will I catch the eye of the prince?” She frowns and waves a hand over her body. “He isn’t going to want me looking like this.”

  I cock my head to the side to regard her. Does she not know she is perfect? She is the most beautiful and enchanting woman my eyes have ever beheld.

  “The royal ball,” I reply, rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand and reveling in the feel of her soft skin against my own. “There are a few shifters that work in the palace. They are the ones responsible for organizing this event, having planted the idea in the queen’s mind.”

  It is true. The Elders have many agents working toward this end, trying to fulfill the prophecy so that we will once again have peace and unity between our two kingdoms.

  Ella frowns as her blue eyes dim even further. “I do not even have a dress for the royal ball.”

  To my surprise, Devon steps forward. His vertically slit pupils contract and then expand as his green eyes stare down at her, full of devotion. “Leave that to us. You need not worry about anything now that we are here.”

  Chapter 7


  “So, are you the rabbit?” She smiles at me, and my heart stops and then begins pounding against my ribs.

  Normally, I am the stoic one and not easily flustered. But when she asks me my name again, all words escape me, including the ability to form any coherent thoughts. All I can think is that she is the most beautiful female I have ever seen.

  I have dreamed of her many times, and she is everything I imagined and much more. And I am certain this is not the bond making me feel this way. As her blue eyes stare up at me, I am completely lost. Would that she could be mine. I would treasure her always.


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