Book Read Free

Chaotic Thoughts

Page 1

by Sha'Ra On WindWalker

Chaotic Thoughts

  Writings by Sha’Ra On WindWalker

  (in collaboration with Sha'Tara EarthStar)

  Copyright (©) 2017 Cocoons to Butterflies Publishing

  Published by: Cocoons to Butterflies Publishing

  Chilliwack, B.C. Canada

  Cover picture by: Belovodchenko Anton

  Web Page:

  Space Pictures: ESA/Hubble

  I hope you enjoy these writings. Feedback is welcome.



  Chaotic Thoughts

  A Look Into The Past

  A Naturist

  A New Path

  A New World Beckons!

  A Place Of Beauty (Revisited)

  Ain't Love Grand


  Children Of The Wind


  A Look Into The Present

  Birth Darkness And Rags And Death And Eternity

  Boys Will Be Boys

  Breath Of Change


  Change: A Conversation

  Born Killer?

  Common Sense

  Concerning Earth

  Contributing To Society

  Conundrums Of Duality

  Cosmic Toolbox

  The Couch

  Creating A New World

  Death Insurance

  Deeper Experiences


  Die From Poison? Hell No!

  Don't Think!

  Dream Voices

  Dying System

  Earth Is a Zoo

  Extreme Sports

  Fair Trade?

  Fighting Fire With Fire

  Finding Paradise

  Free Of Problems


  Government For The People

  Grandfather’s Dream

  Humans Not Of Earth

  I Want More

  If Only, If Only

  Illogical Mind


  In Silver Drops

  It's Christmas

  It's The Apocalypse!




  "Know" More Money!

  Knowing Life; Doing Life

  New Reality

  Northern Forest

  On The Brink

  Orange Peel

  Shore Of Mystery

  Song Of The Cedars

  The Wish

  Spirit Wind

  Timeless Serenity



  War Games

  Welcome The Dawn

  Why I Support Man's Belief Systems

  Winds Of Change

  “Ye Are Doomed!”


  These books contain a form of free verse poetry, opinions based on observation, and some humour and imagination, engaging the heart as well as the mind. A critical look at many current issues intriguing and plaguing man. Spirituality, interaction with nature and environment, social changes, dwindling resources. Well worn issues now, indeed. But the poetry and other works in these books gives this subject a different perspective. I daresay that here we can find a "higher" vantage point from which to look at ourselves within the cosmos.

  Who knows but some of the ideas in the books may get you inspired to do that thing you always wanted to do, even if this comes in a very small way, to make your corner of this world a better place to be in. Who knows but you may realize your little corner is a really nice place to be in after all.

  It's all about life, if at times expressing life "outside the box" as the saying goes.

  Chaotic Thoughts

  Observe thundering waves

  crash upon a rocky shore,

  Hear the winds howl, tossing foam,

  pushing brown sands to frozen waves.

  Huddle against a smooth-worn rock

  and feel the trembling of the Earth

  with your tired, aching body.

  Should I end my life now,

  you ponder within:

  leave this darkened place?

  What use am I to this world that does not hear

  words I pour from a broken heart?

  Should I end my life-long dream

  of planting seeds of wisdom

  using the written word to touch

  hearts open to receive

  a million answers to their one question?

  Should I give up the struggle now;

  quench the fire that burns in my soul?

  I look up to see a white gull

  skimming the towering waves,

  up and down, sailing the currents,

  peacefully, gracefully, playfully

  as one with the wild winds, unafraid!

  Why couldn't I playfully navigate

  for another day at least, just one more day

  the chaotic madness of man's system

  and live to write just one more line?

  A Look Into The Past

  Cold icy blue eyes staring

  from the far side of the bed:

  how many times have you told me now

  you don't love me -and asked:

  "Why don't you just leave?"

  I can't answer you...

  I don't know if I love you -

  did I ever?

  But there's the kids: the family,

  the loans, the job, the normal,

  the expected and unexpected:

  a chance to help and serve maybe?

  I've held on this long for values

  I once believed to be inviolable;

  necessary as food on the table...

  But when you took in a lover

  I suddenly understood:

  even a very short life

  can contain great cycles of surprise;

  incredibly fathomless pain.

  I hope you never have to understand

  what I'm saying ten years later:

  I've travelled so many deserts

  crossed so many seas

  tasted the fruit of many a lifetime

  of an ordinary man: you set me free

  to learn about life on other planes

  -I thank you, really -

  but I've done enough of that

  for the four of us to carry on.

  A Naturist

  Human nakedness

  draping a sun-drenched shore:

  Ah, the shame, the sin!

  Human nudity walking free

  on a shore caressed by gentle waves:

  Ah, the wonder of it, the stimulation

  the thought brings!

  A naturist doesn't ponder these thoughts;

  life is to be enjoyed, not dissected

  not judged right, wrong, or measured

  but lived in the wonderful moment

  of pure enjoyment: let what comes just come.

  A free being learns to cherish

  the true beauty of personality, character;

  to fully enjoy the companionship in another

  while appreciating in openness

  the sheer excitement of the human body

  unbound from the disease-ridden rags

  of passing times.

  So, I say,

  rejoice! Be not shy, be not ashamed

  to express your own passion, your love of life,

  your freedom found in simple nudity

  among others of like mind.

  End the hypocrisy and repression:

  join in the great awakening.

  A New Path

  Beside a crystal stream,

  I sit and wonder:

  why feel so unsure of self and life

  on verge of entering a new path?

  A gust of wind, a mo
ving treetop

  and in deep blue sky an eagle soars;

  it seems we touch in mind -

  in whispered thoughts he says -

  “Everyone feels unsure, afraid,

  thrusting out into the unknown:

  try jumping from a nest with wings untried!

  Just remember you asked for this path;

  that your poetry would soar above the clouds.

  New paths, new experiences, new feelings,

  strange faces, foreign tongues, unknown lands,

  altogether overwhelming sensations:

  be sure of this: all who fly stood where you stand!

  I, Spirit Eagle, watch over you.

  I understand your desire to fly

  coupled with the fear to try.

  When everything says: “Impossible”

  know that the goal is within sight.”

  A New World Beckons!

  Go, run, barefoot

  where there is no path;

  do not strangle your feet

  with industrially-made shoes

  or anchor them in synthetics.

  Swim and run nude freely

  within nature's sacred realm:

  laughingly leave the tattered clothes

  which a society’s shame,

  imposes on itself!

  Like the sorcerer of the sky,

  fearlessly lead violent storms

  to clean and renew life on earth;

  strengthen your faith in life’s lessons;

  then simply teach those whose

  desire is to learn the trade.

  Simple lessons teach appreciation

  of life on the organic level;

  the goddess energy.

  Within her we shall enter

  a beautiful new world

  prepared by those whose faith

  already brought them along

  this ancient and renewed path.

  A Place Of Beauty (Revisited)

  Create an island

  where waterfalls of joy,

  tumble into blue pools

  and call that 'peace;'

  where indigo nights

  pierced with fiery stars

  intensify the velvet beauty

  of dark jungle leaves

  entwined around a tabernacle:

  a snowy mountain top:

  call that 'home.'

  In the sudden awareness

  of deep sleep

  creative thoughts flow


  Re-create the moment

  that passed by unheard;

  that was lost yesterday

  behind the blare of a commercial.

  From your dream,

  find focus,

  discover passion

  and dare create

  a new reality:

  call that 'tomorrow.'

  Ain't Love Grand

  Love -

  can you feel the feeling it gives?

  Wonderful thing, love, isn't it -

  so warm, so safe, so comforting...

  So... well, loving, isn't it!

  What great things people do

  in the name of love!

  A man marries a woman

  in the name of love

  and she goes with it

  for the same reason:

  when she is found beaten to death

  this is what he's got to say:

  “I loved the bitch so much

  I had to kill her -

  she threatened to leave me.”

  People love their nation

  and in the blink of an eye,

  they're off to war, bombing, shooting, killing

  all in the name of patriot love

  (The raping, pillaging and looting -

  the fringe benefits of patriot love).

  People love their God of Love

  and wouldn't you know it?

  The only way they can find peace

  and express their deepest love for enemies

  is by slaughtering their opponents -

  even if these love the same God...

  What was it they said about love -

  “Ain't love grand!”

  Ah well, it makes great headlines

  (especially if the rich and famous are involved)

  It sells wedding dresses, magazines, flowers

  and weapons of mass destruction.

  (Do you wonder where have all the flowers gone?)

  Love, oh Love,

  Shall we give you another round of applause?


  April's sun arriving,

  sparkling brilliance

  sudden unleashing

  of mountain harshness

  in rainbow hues.

  Changing of season

  from bitter cold

  of endless winter

  to loving warmth

  of sun-filled spring.

  Awakener of dreams;

  dissipater of mists;

  usherer of hope;

  renewer of strength,

  Bringer of the Dawn:

  April's sun arriving.

  Children Of The Wind

  Wild geese know when to migrate:

  they have no boundaries;

  call everywhere home.

  They fly away in their time,

  the meridians are their guides;

  their destination assured.

  So too must we learn to fly,

  innocent as the wild geese,

  living life freely

  from sea to plains to forests;

  soaring effortlessly

  on the breath of spirit -

  as children of the wind!


  Let's all be willing today

  to take off our shoes

  and walk barefooted

  in the morning dew!

  Let's learn to enjoy

  the tickling of earth's skin

  beneath our tired feet

  kissing the earth gently,

  leaving no permanent mark

  from our reverent passing

  and new life may spring

  even in a human footprint!

  Let's even dare to run nude

  under undulating branches,

  enjoying a morning shower,

  laughing with the birds

  as leaves gently caress

  our tingling skin!

  Let's learn to respect

  our earth as a lover

  and we will always return

  from this experience with life,

  cleansed, refreshed and wiser!

  Let's ask ourselves, today,

  why we are so fearful

  of enjoying a life

  so freely given?

  A Look Into The Present

  Soft brown eyes smiling tenderly

  in early morning shadows;

  still grey light diffused softly

  through windows opened to the sky

  You lie there smiling, warming

  your nude form calling to mine:

  "'morning" you say sleepily, huskily

  your voice overflows with

  loving seductive rhythm pulsing

  with the beating of my heart

  I brush my fingertips gently

  over your smooth soft tan-

  slowly, slowly drawing helical cicles

  around your full breasts:

  your nipples respond quickly

  to my trembling touch:

  I stare a moment then move again

  over your stomach, around the navel

  down down, all fingers eager now

  caressing your thighs: my eyes

  eating your body as in a feast:

  I kiss your eyebrows, your lips,

  your throat, the fluttering skin

  below your right breast

  never stopping till I reach

  the bottom of your feet: I look up

  see your thick dark hair coiling

  over the soft pillow case:

  Beautiful? Desirable? Enchanting?

  All... and perhaps a little more.

  The hardest part in all of this:

  to believe this edenic dream:

  my friend, my lover, my reality!

  Birth Darkness And Rags And Death And Eternity

  he came into the world

  like all do who must come

  innocence expecting nothing


  and they watched carefully

  (the soul makers)

  this new thing they’d caused

  to see if the program took.

  he left the home in his time

  to see beyond Main Street

  he’d been told in school of course

  there was nothing beyond

  (he didn’t believe them)

  the dark grew in the alleys

  of the earth’s slums and favelas

  when the lights dimmed

  (for him they always did)

  and when they went out, grew darker.

  he walked on for such was his game

  something pulling, something pushing

  something crying, something laughing

  it was a cat (owl) a woman

  in a lighted doorway

  an infant cried into its silence

  and the woman cried into her loss.

  (the owl glided on by-nature’s ghost

  snatched the hovering soul

  disappeared in the forest forever)

  he ran from there.

  great waves tossed his spectral frame

  black oceans heaving black ships

  filled with black men and brown women

  (strangers in chains)

  chocolate colored children bodies

  floated on toothed waves

  (feeding bloated sharks)

  he came upon a stinking port

  anchored in rusty chains to a burning shore

  he heard the guns thunder

  in the ever night, the always dark

  he walked up stony smelly alleys

  heard something crying


  in a smoky lighted doorway

  a child cried soft words muffled

  in its mother’s torn blouse

  he ran from there

  haunted by the gun shot

  that laid the man in the mud

  the woman’s scream

  (he thought he hadn’t heard)

  the soldier’s curse

  (he wished hadn’t touched him)

  the evil eye of the gun’s barrel

  in his emaciated face.

  (he’d hoped not to see)

  I am the innocent

  he mumbled and fell

  in bloodied battlefield mud.

  he died no longer innocent

  no longer expecting (nothing)

  wise and knowing it does not matter

  what you think or what you do.

  for the ever night is the arena

  and the rider on the black horse

  is the fate master.

  (eternity is a curse)

  he remembers as he runs

  followed in the always dark

  by steely galloping hooves

  (let there not be another)

  but he knows, oh how well he knows

  there will always be

  he knows the nightmare

  they call humanity must run its course

  on its eternal merry-go-round.

  Boys Will Be Boys

  Boys will be boys

  so the saying goes:

  they'll have their fun

  their pleasure,

  in full measure:

  they'll have their games,

  proving their manliness;

  their balls, bats, stick and clubs,

  they'll grunt, moan, swear

  at the TV, rolling their bellies,

  crushing empty beer cans.

  Sometimes I listen to the boys

  talking about their games,

  bragging of their scores,

  expressing dead-end fantasies:

  -I would laugh out loud -

  at so pathetic

  breathless gobs of flesh

  but it isn't that funny:

  little girls

  must put away their dolls,

  their make-believe

  to learn nature's survival skills

  to prepare for their role--

  nurturing, life-giving, loving,


  plus work, care, responsibility

  in the world of boys

  while they kill her world

  with more violent, destructive

  "grown-up" toys.

  They play in larger yards

  spend more money on thrills

  thinking -if they think at all -

  such is their due

  according to the rules,

  No need to ask why

  boys never grow up

  look around and see

  how the system operates,

  guaranteeing the boys

  their leisure; their pleasure

  though the world's gone mad.


  Atlas holding up the world

  did less than her:

  she's still the slave,

  (despite the speeches and books)

  to cook and clean and mend;

  to nurture, love and care,

  to support and to give

  to suffer, silently hoping

  for a little passing praise

  instead of endless blame:

  "the wife" "the broad" "the bitch"

  "she wants more money for the house,

  I want to buy Joe's snowmobile,

  I need a new set of clubs: you think

  she cares? She wants the kids

  all dressed up for school

  like it was her money!

  You stopping for a pint after, Joe?

  It's game five tonight!"

  The pubs, the clubs,

  the games, the courts:

  everywhere the boys play;

  while the girls, now women,

  tend the ancient fires:

  first, the boy's business to run,

  then the boy's kids to feed,

  the home to clean and tidy up,


  keeping the bed sheets warm,

  his last cheap playground:

  "What the hell do you mean,

  you're tired?

  I know, all is not this bleak,

  some women do get to enjoy

  their own games too

  but remember this, always:

  exceptions prove the rule.

  Breath Of Change

  Clouds of darkness dissipate;

  a breath of change;

  a breath of new wind, new spirit,

  scatters them far and wide

  across measureless skies.

  These clouds of darkness

  have rained fear and hatred

  upon this earth far too long.

  An era of hope emanates,

  frees the yearning for change;

  creates a rainbow of bright colours

  for all to see and rejoice;

  kindness and love may yet set

  a timorous walk to bold,

  to follow that rainbow's path.

  A new world arises from the dawn,

  from Spirit's awakening.


  Imagine a summer sunrise

  dressed in pink cotton

  caressing hilltops

  and rolling meadows

  where buttercups splash

  bright yellow smiles--

  none of this matches

  your impish smile

  and carefree stance

  when you stand thus

  every curve exposed

  in a backlit doorway.

ge: A Conversation

  Listen, have you heard?

  Winds of change are blowing earthward

  Really? The weather man did say

  the winds would change direction

  and bring clouds and rain:

  I should have my umbrella ready

  and my rubber boots. I wonder if

  the tires on my car need...

  No! What I mean is that you will be

  profoundly moved in spirit.

  You may even discover a state of mind

  where you can communicate soundlessly

  with all living things.

  Yeah? That reminds me I've got to

  make a stop at the bank machine,

  pay some bills and do some shopping

  before the storm gets worse.

  You don't seem to quite grasp

  what I'm trying to say here.

  I'm talking about change coming in your life

  so you may become spiritually enlightened,

  learning to live within love and truth.

  Sure, I understand. I've spent a lot of money

  on making changes in the past,

  wasting a lot of time: All I ended up doing

  was a lot of things I don't like,

  please, don't talk to me about change:

  I've done all I am going to do!

  Born Killer?

  In a lonely darkened alley,

  a killer's obsession is set free

  savagely, pointlessly (so it seems)

  upon the innocent (the victim).

  A suspected felon, hunted, he runs

  breathless, out of his mind, out of control,

  he runs in fear: so it must be

  on a remote, primitive world where God's law

  still states: vengeance is mine, and eye for eye

  and tooth for tooth, and all shall pay the price!

  Many say the killer is deranged, mad

  and should be put to death when found.

  But I wonder, seeing as they're the same ones

  who prepare for war and start them,

  who daily starve the weak

  and steal from the innocent...

  Who can I trust to learn my truth from?

  And I wonder, maybe there's a spiritual level

  where one still needs to understand,

  by actual experience, this urge to destroy life;

  whether murderer or General, Banker or Scientist...

  I must reason his action,

  for my friend provided the sacrifice

  while fate let me

  experience the horror of the moment.

  I need time to meditate,

  to consider every facet of the truth,

  forcing myself to understand

  reasons beyond reason

  why certain things transpire.

  We all have the ability to murder

  but some have moved beyond that level,

  though still at times

  indulging in acts of violence

  toward others.

  I hold no anger towards him,

  only love and compassion

  for I realize his pain at this moment

  is much greater than mine could ever be.

  Common Sense

  God is love, says someone at my door.

  God will damn you to hell, says another

  who didn't like my politics,

  or was it my coffee or the colour of my hair?

  God created the world,

  God made man in his own image...

  God, Supreme Being, Creator of the Universe

  (dictionary definition, I'm not that smart!)

  God, God, God, God, God...????????

  God has a lot of attributes,

  most of them are anthropomorphic too

  which means 'God' is whatever

  anyone wants He or She or It to be...

  spell it backwards and you can see for yourself!

  I've pretty well given up on God

  He's just too many things,

  to too many different people

  and way too many religions

  vying for my trust and money...

  He's become meaningless and redundant.

  (I know, it's a big word, but then, God is big,

  and I'm not saying He needs to go on a diet.)

  I think there is a better way to understand

  what the word 'God' might possibly mean:

  could we not think of 'God' as a concept

  and define that as 'common sense'?

  After all, love is common sense, is it not?

  Yeah, I vote for common sense.

  Concerning Earth

  (Chronicles of the WindWalkers)

  "And they shall be endowed with great intelligence

  And turn it ever to evil deeds even to turning light to darkness.

  And they shall be given a home but will not understand

  And so shall they destroy the gentle fabric of it.

  And they shall be clothed and fed but turn on their benefactor

  And so shall they tear her apart.

  And they shall have children born of Earth matter;

  of wind and rain; of earth and fire,

  And shall make them children of the damned.

  So it was prophesied long ago to the Spirit of Gaia

  before she set out to give life

  And in tears she wandered in the darkness,

  afraid to face the light,

  afraid of the life she carried.

  Yet it came to pass that she found a place in the sun,

  And gave birth in pain and sorrow

  To a life that would proliferate wildly,

  Turn upon itself and eat itself unto death.

  Contributing To Society

  The idea persists, folks:

  if your chosen field remains

  the realm of writer or poet...

  you are not contributing,

  but taking!

  Now here are examples of noble professions:

  politician, lawyer, businessman, banker...

  and to some lesser extent,

  doctor, dentist, engineer, designer;

  architect or teacher.

  Is it still believed that these people

  contribute the most to society?

  Well, obviously, that must be true:

  income levels say it all!

  And so, blue collar workers,

  plumbers, bus drivers, technicians,

  carpenters, handymen and janitors

  to name a few

  deserve little but the left-overs...

  But woe unto you if you happen to fall

  even below the level of the janitor

  collecting some form of social assistance:

  a handicap pension, unemployment benefits

  or perhaps that lowest of all places:

  receiving the shameful welfare cheque.

  Get a job, bum! Say the sheeple

  echoing their government's lies

  that the nation is in debt

  because of lazy welfare types!

  What woeful ignorance

  these mindless drones display.

  Who are the ones who steal from society?

  Look up, not down: look up there

  to those ivory towers of power:

  there are your thieves, folks,

  but they do it in grand style

  to the tune of billions of dollars!

  Conundrums Of Duality

  We speak of darkness and of light,

  what do we imply by that?

  Seek the light, work in the light;

  carry your light in a darkened world

  we counsel and encourage each other.

  We call darkness evil; light good

  and it seems to make much sense,

  but does it? Are these judgments

  based on incomplete understanding?

  Consider the ni
ght sky, full of shining stars

  consider the day sky, without the stars.

  Perhaps it’s time we realized

  darkness plays an equal role in creation;

  that without darkness, there may be no light?

  The night sky is the backdrop for the pearly stars

  we love to see; to wish upon; to dream under.

  It is not the evil place old beliefs cling desperately to,

  for much of man’s creative output

  saw the light in the dreams of night.

  Why not think of the night sky as a canopy

  upon which the light anchors itself?

  Perhaps then we would find it easier

  to understand, to accept

  the darkness in ourselves and in others.

  Cosmic Toolbox

  The old tools we have been using

  these thousands of years

  are out of date: there surely must be

  new ones to find, to put to use!

  God: father, mother, creator, lover,

  provided man with a universal toolbox

  full of practical, wonderful tools

  with which to create and evolve;

  to build a universe of wonders and delights

  for God and friends to contemplate and enjoy.

  Sadly, man saw only the top layer:

  a few religious books, a scattering of 'isms',

  a few incomplete philosophies,

  grabbed at by power-hungry fools

  declaring themselves god-chosen rulers.

  From these they interpreted a god of war

  of greed and blood, of petty thoughts

  a god, in short, so afraid of man

  he willfully plunged an entire world

  under a watery flood, knowing full well

  man's woes would but continue and grow

  regardless of punishment meted out!

  Ah, what are these wonderful things

  man failed to find in the toolbox?

  They’re called love, joy, peace, patience,

  kindness, goodness, faithfulness and yes,

  even gentleness and tenderness... towards all things.

  All things, we now should understand,

  are native of the spirit called God:

  rock, salamander, tree or man, we all are one!

  The Couch

  Someone got lonely,

  always sitting alone,

  so He or She invented the couch;

  to provide Her and Him with

  a more comfortable place

  to spent an intimate moment

  but they got bored doing that

  and invented the boob tube:

  complete with bombarding ads

  filled with endless lies,

  so the next step was inevitable:

  the remote control,

  and that, as all can see

  provided irrefutable proof

  for the theory of evolution--

  (or de-volution)

  for late twentieth century

  saw the birth of a new species:

  the utterly useless,

  the sexless,

  the mindless,

  the...Couch Potato!

  Creating A New World

  I see her

  as I am walking

  an alpine meadow:

  the wind moves gently,

  the warmth of Summer

  lingers everywhere;

  the flowers filling the air

  with fragrances;

  as we move closer,

  my heart starts pounding

  my passion throbbing;

  and as we touch,

  our passion, the love we share,

  creates a new world,

  with no boundaries

  a world we can return to

  again and again

  when the stress of Earth

  brings us down.

  Death Insurance

  Life comes with no guarantee,

  of that we are certain.

  Yet try they will, try they must

  to sell me life insurance.

  How do they do it?

  flavor it with just the right amount of fear,

  with a pinch of shame, a side dish of sadness.

  Why not call a spade a spade?

  No one can insure life – it's death insurance!

  'cause we are as sure of death,

  as we are sure of taxes – so they say.

  I remind death insurance salesmen

  the point of life is to be into life,

  not paying into death with debt.

  Isn't it true if we but remembered

  that death walks beside us

  step for step every day of our life

  we would not seek 'life insurance'

  to try to beat the great illusionist?

  We would live life as a spendthrift

  in joyful caring, arms openly loving!

  Deeper Experiences

  In our search for deeper experiences,

  we were no longer satisfied to just be;

  we took the animals acceptance of life,

  splintered it;

  what did we end up with?

  A overflow of new mind things;

  we call imperfections and perfections:

  when an animal stands still for hours,

  in wait for prey,

  it is not being patient,

  it is acting according to programming:

  not so the human.

  A human calls his act


  the opposite then becomes active

  in the human also: impatience!

  All our perfections

  have their counterpart in imperfections!

  We took duality many steps deeper:

  why did we do this,

  when it causes us so much confusion, pain?

  because our primary search or quest

  is for experiences,

  which broaden our minds,

  enrich our lives.


  As I was sitting on a beach

  surveying the tossing grey sea

  I pondered the saying:

  "It's not the destination that matters,

  it's the journey."

  A young woman walked past

  and said with an enigmatic smile:

  "Which is most important:

  the journey or the destination?"

  I replied: they say it's the journey,

  not the destination.

  "Think about that," she said in a soft voice,

  "can you have a journey

  if you have no destination?

  Is it not the destination

  that calls for the journey?"

  I watched her as she went on,

  looking neither to the left nor right

  until I lost sight of her behind a dune.

  From that moment, I thought differently

  about my life and my goals, and I ask,

  what's the point of moving on

  if I have nowhere to go to?

  Die From Poison? Hell No!

  Should I eat that can of stew

  filled to the rim

  with deadly preservatives?

  Hell no: I’ll starve first!

  I won’t let those preservatives

  twist my gut in knots!

  Should I drink that tap water

  laced with hazardous wastes

  leached casually from the city dump?

  Should I ingest that chlorine

  intended for the swimming pool?

  Hell no: I’m not drinking the water.

  Should I breathe in that smog?

  Those diesel fumes? The sewer wisp?

  My neighbour’s Presto log smoke

  Or that deadly, unseen C-Monoxide?

  Hell no, that way I won’t go!

  And here’s the recipe for extended health,

  strong teeth, goo
d lungs, healthy bones:

  Eat no food;

  Drink no water;

  Breathe no air:

  You’ll die quickly,



  sensibly virginal - no longer incensed.

  Don't Think!

  They say humans

  only use ten percent of their brains...

  Well that’s too much already!

  Too painful, too confusing!

  Don't wear out that wonderful blob

  thinking up thoughts about the world

  and the mess it’s in:

  just tune in a political speech

  the latest news, the final score:

  amuse yourself in mindless chatter,

  but whatever you do,

  protect your blob from accidental wear!

  Do not try to reason

  the why’s and wherefore’s

  of the system’s nefarious ways:

  someone else is bound to do it for you,

  so why create more headache

  with the unused portion of your anatomy?

  The mess we’re in is inevitable:

  that’s why you vote, isn’t it?

  To continue the mindless game,

  and re-create the problems

  we so enjoy not solving!

  It’s time to sit upon the couch again

  and stare at the flickering tube:

  Television, the great mind-saver,

  babysitter from two to ninety-two

  keeping the brain embalmed day after day,

  night after night, saving an entire species

  from wearing out its brains!

  Dream Voices

  Soft voices of spring riding a mountain breeze

  whisper among tree tops, sweep

  across green meadows asleep under the sun.

  They awaken dreams that speak of life

  upon vistas of achromatic beaches

  and translucent turquoise waves so far away.

  Like a child chasing a fluttering butterfly,

  I chase these golden dreams across my mind.

  Dreams flowing like rivers find their way to the sea,

  and the sea holds her island paradise in readiness

  for the daring or weary sailor.

  Here, the sun's warmth never fails even under the moon;

  Here, waves of joy softly mould

  a white shore in harmony to the wind,

  that mad lover who caresses my eager skin.

  Yet the land and the mountains are my home,

  my life circumscribed within borders --

  so says my mind as I, somnolent

  awaken from my summer dreams.

  But from those dreams I come to realize

  Earth can be an understanding friend,

  there with a nudge, a playful toss

  when loneliness invades my thoughts

  like moon shadows on a cloudy night.

  Dying System

  People struggling to survive

  on the fringes of a cold, dying system;

  hiding from the tycoons

  and their henchmen called governments -

  trying desperately to find a place

  in the global slave market

  (euphemistically called employment)

  where the chain is not too heavy

  and the price less than the wage

  with something left over

  to feed the children in the cold.

  The planet's life-giving mantle

  cracks, dries, freezes

  and oozes of poisonous fumes.

  The system has run its course

  but who is aware of this fact?

  Not those who still chase the elusive dollar,

  - the rich buying a corporation -

  - the poor, a lottery ticket -

  nor those who strive to keep

  the best place at the trough.

  And as the trough deepens or shortens

  fewer and fewer snouts fit into the opening.

  Ignorant government lackeys,

  with indecent laws and crippling taxes

  lick up the fat of whatever remains

  after bankers and CEO's take the cream.

  Miserly rich rail against starving poor,

  these left with but one option:

  to die for the god of free enterprise.

  Will this madness not end?

  An academic question already answered:

  Not if but when.

  Earth Is a Zoo

  It's been said:

  Earth is a zoo.


  and the intelligent life forms

  (humans that is)

  who inhabit it;

  who creep and crawl over it;

  who "own" it;

  and are destroying it

  are themselves

  but wild animals

  caged by belief systems

  that never work.

  Hating each other;

  eating each other;

  destroying each other;

  and all the while

  praying to the

  Great Keeper

  up in the sky,

  safe in his heaven

  silent as the grave...

  until his pets

  unleash the great worship:

  a crusade;

  an inquisition;

  a war

  against the Keeper's "enemies."

  Then He speaks

  with guns,

  with spectacles of bloodshed

  accompanied by marches;

  justified by great speeches

  from his mouthpieces -

  Preachers, Priests, Popes

  and whomever else

  benefits from His

  special attention.

  That's right:

  Earth is a zoo.

  Extreme Sports


  the possibility of death

  at maximum pleasure –

  extreme your sport:

  engage the danger.

  Climb a sheer rock wall;

  race a hot rod;

  kayak thundering rapids;

  sky dive!

  Feel the rush

  being in the moment:

  on that edge

  between worlds.

  See the past fade helpless;

  the future scream away

  and the daily grind

  drop from the confines

  of a refreshed mind.


  the intensity of a life

  borrowed for the now --


  the stress of life endured

  moulded to a clock.

  Life is sacred – isn’t it?

  Fair Trade?

  I dream:

  I’m walking down a darkened street

  when an angry one confronts me with a gun:

  Give me your money and your watch!

  But my mind’s not on his words,

  nor responding to the threat –

  I think,

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