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Chaotic Thoughts

Page 6

by Sha'Ra On WindWalker

This is what I wish for: to be.

  Forever free, forever unbound, forever moving --

  and being moved to the shedding of salty human tears

  in joy and in sorrow, both of equal value --

  accepting when the old tent tears, its contents lost,

  scattered over shifting sands in the desert's night wind;

  buried by drifting snows in the grey light of the blizzard;

  falling to unplumbed depths

  through the waves of a stormy sea --

  accepting of any new reality sprung

  without warning or possibility of preparedness.

  I wish for life

  to find me where I last fell

  to push me up and ever on.

  Spirit Wind

  It was you who showed me

  how to achieve dreams

  that seemed beyond my reach;

  how you offered me the warmth of your friendship,

  the shelter of your love.

  Though winter's blues have returned,

  I still think back to those passionate times

  running free and nude in the warm rains of spring,

  and the hot summer sun.

  How foolishly I thought I could own you,

  could lock your precious love in a treasure chest,

  to be buried deep in the sand,

  where only I could find it!

  I know now that is why you left;

  as I walk this shore in emptiness of heart,

  wondering if you will ever return,

  or find this letter of self-pity I'm sending out to sea

  in that wine bottle

  we emptied that last night under the stars.

  Then Spirit Wind spoke:

  “Leave the past to its memories.

  The one you lost is gone: she will not return again.

  Face the sunrise: sketch an image of a ship

  from new dreams and visions blossoming.

  Build this ship from tall trees

  symbolizing the love you hold

  within your heart.

  Once you manifest this highest dream,

  grab the helm with courage:

  I, Spirit Wind,

  will certainly fill your sails.

  They shall billow out proudly,

  setting you free to experience

  a new voyage of hope

  and the music in the rigging

  will be your new song of love.”.

  Timeless Serenity

  Mountains rise high into the sky

  above sunlight filtered mistily

  through outspread evergreens.

  Birds perched on swaying branches

  sing nature's song of renewal

  for all things preciously nurtured

  within an eternal womb.

  Streams fed by rains and melting snows

  cascade merrily upon sheer rock walls,

  winding through soft green meadows;

  creating crystal pools where life exalts

  the beauty of the All in creation:

  O! Be refreshed, my soul

  within this timeless serenity!


  Full with promise

  the mountain breeze awakens

  the sounds of nature rejoicing

  in the birth of a new day!

  There is a tranquility here

  that lifts the body to great joy;

  to pleasing sensations,

  and pearls of restful thoughts.

  There are visions of peace

  while walking softly

  through mosses and bracken

  under giant trees.

  Thus I experience life's bounty

  as beauty shed without measure

  letting it move my heart

  from innocence to understanding.

  Thus I experience life's wonder

  as wisdom shed without measure,

  bringing awareness to innocence,

  gently uncovering my sheltered life.


  A deadly assault rifle opens up

  on innocent kindergarten children;

  another upon young women in a school;

  bombs are dropped upon a town.

  How can anyone make sense

  of apparently mindless slaughter?

  Why, why, why?

  The question is endlessly asked

  and no one wants to hear the answer,

  of course - it's so inconvenient.

  Man has no understanding: fact;

  cannot feel the sacred in life: fact.

  But is there more here than meets the eye?

  Do we dare give the devil his due?

  That man is fascinated with death

  needs no proof: history is written in blood -

  that man is not adapted to this world

  is as equally obvious -

  But that being said, begs the question:

  what is man

  that he cannot live his life in peace

  nor leave others to do so?

  What is man that he feels compelled

  to control all, to kill what he cannot have,

  to destroy the beauty offered him

  even to ruining his own environment?

  Oh, they say man's a sinner

  and his revolt against God

  is what has made him a murderer

  but is there evidence for this?

  Surprise: it is likely the other way around:

  man was made in the image of his gods

  and it was his gods who first of all

  brought murder and war to this place:

  time to give credit where it is due.

  War Games

  You are the enemy," a leader says,

  "and when we are done with you,

  you'll be a blood stain on our soil,

  there'll be no rest until peace is restored;

  until we rule the land."

  Tradition! Such is war:

  an orgasm of Olympian proportions,

  achieved through the tragedy of blood and death.

  What is a war maker but the ultimate bully,

  the strong attacking the weak for gain?

  To this heartless initiate, it is but a game.

  He speaks of peace, he means oppression;

  his hands stained crimson; his mind stagnant,

  unbearably arrogant.

  He would see a world burn,

  the innocent die mercilessly,

  all but to serve his insane lust.

  Too weak of heart, too small of mind,

  he would not dare search for peace

  through simple understanding:

  love still remains the unchallenged territory

  of the brave, the fearless, the strong:

  the playground bully cannot afford

  the price these virtues bear!

  Where there is no concept of love

  there will always be preparation for war,

  There are those cowards and fools

  who only feel safe or satisfied

  amidst destruction and death:

  how long will they be crowned rulers?

  Welcome The Dawn

  Hear the songs--welcome the dawn

  pushing away the endless night!

  Like the birds, every morning,

  give a breath of precious love;

  like the trees, breathe deeply

  of life to awaken your soul;

  let all your senses feel

  the sun's diffused light

  shining through branch and leaf,

  aware of beauty shed without measure.

  Like a river fed by myriad streams,

  giving life along its path,

  gather up your strength every morning

  and from the wildest of dreams

  brought back from the night

  ride a white Unicorn with joy

  and pass it on in awareness

your mother, the gentle, loving earth!

  Why I Support Man's Belief Systems

  Ah, but I'm asked more than enough times

  why I keep knocking man's belief systems,

  those sanctified beliefs that to any observer

  work so well, produce

  so much of love and joy.

  Religion - that embarrassment of beliefs in whatnot God:

  what most amazes me: the unreserved love

  adherents of one religion have for the others:

  especially true of Christianity –

  the heart-warming overflow of compassion

  for those of competing faiths;

  individuals giving everything they possess

  upholding, serving, to help those who hate them...

  For so I do observe.

  Let's look at man's money system:

  a paragon of virtue wherever it rules –

  see how the poor are clothes and fed and housed

  when the bankers and businessmen walk into town!

  See how people are taken in, given employment

  and their children given free day care

  while mothers enjoy time at work,

  a sweet daily break from the endless cares of home.

  Yes of course, this too, I see every day.

  And what should I say of man's governments?

  Truly this is where justice rules,

  just laws made;

  representation fair for rich and poor alike.

  Where anyone with a grievance finds selfless help

  from those who dedicated public servants.

  Let it not be said a selfish man ever dared

  walk the hallowed halls of power.

  here never clacked a greedy woman’s stiletto

  for as one, all politicians have but one thing at heart:

  to see the people happy, healthy and wealthy

  all across the land.

  And so it is observed. And so history records.

  May man's belief systems continue to rule

  bringing prosperity to one and all!

  Winds Of Change

  Slaves run man's social systems

  controlled by the select few,

  unsympathetic, hardhearted, Scrooges

  made of nothing but cold, hard cash,

  always seeking more to control, to gain,

  devising machines to decide

  who should live and who should die;

  creating unnatural seasons

  from computer analyses.

  I look at the future and see

  an outside world that has become

  decimated, uninhabited, a desert

  swirling with poisoned storms.

  Men live like rats in air-tight shelters

  within a manufactured environment,

  breathing at the will of machines

  until they eventually break down

  and the so-called strong

  who relied only on their inventions

  suffocate and are strangled

  within their greed and power.

  Thus those responsible for this tragedy

  die: their bodies become as dust in the wind:

  but behold! This I also see:

  The so-called weak and so-called meek

  emerge from caves and caverns

  reclaiming the earth in joy and song

  as the mountains recover their glory

  in nature's

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