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The Forsyte Saga, Volume 1

Page 17

by John Galsworthy

  A tall, white-bearded man, with a gaunt, dissatisfied face, arose:

  ‘I believe I am in order, Mr Chairman, in raising a question on this figure of £5,000 in the accounts. “To-the widow and family”’ (he looked sourly round) ‘“of our late Superintendent,” who so – er – ill-advisedly (I say – ill-advisedly) committed suicide, at a time when his services were of the utmost value to this Company. You have stated that the agreement which he has so unfortunately cut short with his own hand was for a period of five years, of which one only, had expired – I –’

  Old Jolyon made a gesture of impatience.

  ‘I believe I am in order, Mr Chairman – I ask whether this amount paid, or proposed to be paid, by the Board to the – er – deceased – is for services which might have been rendered to the Company had he not committed suicide?’

  ‘It is in recognition of past services, which we all know – you as well as any of us – to have been of vital value.’

  ‘Then, sir, all I have to say is, that the services being past, the amount is too much.’

  The shareholder sat down.

  Old Jolyon waited a second and said: ‘I now propose that the report and –’

  The shareholder rose again: ‘May I ask if the Board realizes that it is not their money – which I don’t hesitate to say that if it were their money –’

  A second shareholder, with a round, dogged face, whom Soames recognized as the late Superintendent’s brother-in-law, got up and said warmly: ‘In my opinion, sir, the sum is not enough!’

  The Rev. Mr Boms now rose to his feet. ‘If I may venture to express myself,’ he said, ‘I should say that the fact of the – er – deceased having committed suicide should weigh very heavily – very heavily with our worthy chairman. I have no doubt it has weighed with him, for – I say this for myself and I think for everyone present (hear, hear) – he enjoys our confidence in a high degree. We all desire, I should hope, to be charitable. But I feel sure’ (he looked severely at the late Superintendent’s brother-in-law) ‘that he will in some way, by some written expression, or better perhaps by reducing the amount, record our grave disapproval that so promising and valuable a life should have been thus impiously removed from a sphere where both its own interests and – if I may say so – our interests so imperatively demanded its continuance. We should not – nay, we may not – countenance so grave a dereliction of all duty, both human and divine.’

  The reverend gentleman resumed his seat. The late Superintendent’s brother-in-law again rose: ‘What I have said I stick to,’ he said; ‘the amount is not enough!’

  The first shareholder struck in: ‘I challenge the legality of the payment. In my opinion this payment is not legal. The Company’s solicitor is present; I believe I am in order in asking him the question.’

  All eyes were now turned upon Soames. Something had arisen!

  He stood up, close-lipped and cold; his nerves inwardly fluttered, his attention tweaked away at last from contemplation of that cloud looming on the horizon of his mind.

  ‘The point,’ he said in a low, thin voice, ‘is by no means clear. As there is no possibility of future consideration being received, it is doubtful whether the payment is strictly legal. If it is desired, the opinion of the Court could be taken.’

  The Superintendent’s brother-in-law frowned, and said in a meaning tone: ‘We have no doubt the opinion of the Court could be taken. May I ask the name of the gentleman who has given us that striking piece of information? Mr Soames Forsyte? Indeed!’ He looked from Soames to old Jolyon in a pointed manner.

  A flush coloured Soames’s pale cheeks, but his superciliousness did not waver. Old Jolyon fixed his eyes on the speaker.

  ‘If,’ he said, ‘the late Superintendent’s brother-in-law has nothing more to say, I propose that the report and accounts –’

  At this moment, however, there rose one of those five silent, stolid shareholders, who had excited Soames’s sympathy. He said:

  ‘I deprecate the proposal altogether. We are expected to give charity to this man’s wife and children, who, you tell us, were dependent on him. They may have been; I do not care whether they were or not. I object to the whole thing on principle. It is high time a stand was made against this sentimental humanitarianism. The country is eaten up with it. I object to my money being paid to these people of whom I know nothing, who have done nothing to earn it. I object in toto; it is not business. I now move that the report and accounts be put back, and amended by striking out the grant altogether.’

  Old Jolyon had remained standing while the strong, silent man was speaking. The speech awoke an echo in all hearts, voicing, as it did, the worship of strong men, the movement against generosity, which had at that time already commenced among the saner members of the community.

  The words ‘it is not business’ had moved even the Board; privately everyone felt that indeed it was not. But they knew also the chairman’s domineering temper and tenacity. He too, at heart, must feel that it was not business; but he was committed to his own proposition. Would he go back upon it? It was thought to be unlikely.

  All waited with interest. Old Jolyon held up his hand; dark-rimmed glasses depending between his finger and thumb quivered slightly with a suggestion of menace.

  He addressed the strong, silent shareholder.

  ‘Knowing as you do, the efforts of our late Superintendent upon the occasion of the explosion at the mines, do you seriously wish me to put that amendment, sir?’

  ‘I do.’

  Old Jolyon put the amendment.

  ‘Does anyone second this?’ he asked, looking calmly round.

  And it was then that Soames, looking at his uncle, felt the power of will that was in that old man. No one stirred. Looking straight into the eyes of the strong, silent shareholder, Old Jolyon said:

  ‘I now move, “That the report and accounts for the year 1886 be received and adopted.” You second that? Those in favour signify the same in the usual way. Contrary – no. Carried. The next business, gentlemen –’

  Soames smiled. Certainly Uncle Jolyon had a way with him!

  But now his attention relapsed upon Bosinney. Odd how that fellow haunted his thoughts, even in business hours.

  Irene’s visit to the house – but there was nothing in that except that she might have told him; but then, again, she never did tell him anything. She was more silent, more touchy every day. He wished to God the house were finished, and they were in it, away from London. Town did not suit her; her nerves were not strong enough. That nonsense of the separate room had cropped up again!

  The meeting was breaking up now. Underneath the photograph of the lost shaft Hemmings was buttonholed by the Rev. Mr Boms. Little Mr Booker, his bristling eyebrows wreathed in angry smiles, was having a parting turn-up with old Scrubsole. The two hated each other like poison. There was some matter of a tar-contract between them, little Mr Booker having secured it from the Board for a nephew of his, over old Scrubsole’s head. Soames had heard that from Hemmings, who liked a gossip, more especially about his directors, except, indeed, old Jolyon, of whom he was afraid.

  Soames awaited his opportunity. The last shareholder was vanishing through the door, when he approached his uncle, who was putting on his hat.

  ‘Can I speak to you for a minute, Uncle Jolyon?’

  It is uncertain what Soames expected to get out of this interview.

  Apart from that somewhat mysterious awe in which Forsytes in general held old Jolyon, due to his philosophic twist, or perhaps – as Hemmings would doubtless have said – to his chin, there was, and always had been, a subtle antagonism between the younger man and the old. It had lurked under their dry manner of greeting, under their non-committal allusions to each other, and arose perhaps from old Jolyon’s perception of the quiet tenacity (‘obstinacy’, he rather naturally called it) of the young man, of a secret doubt whether he could get his own way with him.

  Both these Forsytes, wide asunder as the poles in
many respects, possessed in their different ways – to a greater degree than the rest of the family – that essential quality of tenacious and prudent insight into ‘affairs’, which is the high-water mark of their great class. Either of them, with a little luck and opportunity, was equal to a lofty career; either of them would have made a good financier, a great contractor, a statesman, though old Jolyon, in certain of his moods – when under the influence of a cigar or of Nature – would have been capable of, not perhaps despising, but certainly of questioning, his own high position, while Soames, who never smoked cigars, would not.

  Then, too, in old Jolyon’s mind there was always the secret ache that the son of James – of James, whom he had always thought such a poor thing, should be pursuing the paths of success while his own son –!

  And last, not least – for he was no more outside the radiation of family gossip than any other Forsyte – he had now heard the sinister, indefinite, but none the less disturbing rumour about Bosinney, and his pride was wounded to the quick.

  Characteristically, his irritation turned not against Irene but against Soames. The idea that his nephew’s wife (why couldn’t the fellow take better care of her – oh! quaint injustice! – as though Soames could possibly take more care!) should be drawing to herself June’s lover, was intolerably humiliating. And seeing the danger he did not, like James, hide it away in sheer nervousness, but owned, with the dispassion of his broader outlook, that it was not unlikely; there was something very attractive about Irene!

  He had a presentiment on the subject of Soames’s communication as they left the Board-room together, and went out into the noise and hurry of Cheapside. They walked together a good minute without speaking, Soames with his mousing mincing step, and old Jolyon upright and using his umbrella languidly as a walking-stick.

  They turned presently into comparative quiet, for old Jolyon’s way to a second Board led him in the direction of Moorgate Street.

  Then Soames, without lifting his eyes, began: ‘I’ve had this letter from Bosinney. You see what he says; I thought I’d let you know. I’ve spent a lot more than I intended on this house, and I want the position to be clear.’

  Old Jolyon ran his eyes unwillingly over the letter:

  ‘What he says is clear enough,’ he said.

  ‘He talks about “a free hand”,’ replied Soames.

  Old Jolyon looked at him. The long-suppressed irritation and antagonism towards this young fellow, whose affairs were beginning to intrude upon his own, burst from him.

  ‘Well, if you don’t trust him, why do you employ him?’

  Soames stole a sideway look: ‘It’s much too late to go into that,’ he said, ‘I only want it to be quite understood that if I give him a free hand, he doesn’t let me in. I thought if you were to speak to him, it would carry more weight!’

  ‘No,’ said old Jolyon abruptly; ‘I’ll have nothing to do with it!’

  The words of both uncle and nephew gave the impression of unspoken meanings, far more important, behind. And the look they interchanged was like a revelation of this consciousness.

  ‘Well,’ said Soames, ‘I thought, for June’s sake, I’d tell you, that’s all; I thought you’d better know I shan’t stand any nonsense!’

  ‘What is that to me?’ old Jolyon took him up.

  ‘Oh! I don’t know,’ said Soames, and flurried by that sharp look he was unable to say more. ‘Don’t say I didn’t tell you,’ he added sulkily, recovering his composure.

  ‘Tell me,’ said old Jolyon; ‘I don’t know what you mean. You come worrying me about a thing like this. I don’t want to hear about your affairs; you must manage them yourself!’

  “Very well,’ said Soames immovably, ‘I will!’

  ‘Good morning, then,’ said old Jolyon, and they parted.

  Soames retraced his steps, and going into a celebrated eating house, asked for a plate of smoked salmon and a glass of Chablis; he seldom ate much in the middle of the day, and generally ate standing, finding the position beneficial to his liver, which was very sound, but to which he desired to put down all his troubles.

  When he had finished he went slowly back to his office, with bent head, taking no notice of the swarming thousands on the pavements, who in their turn took no notice of him.

  The evening post carried the following reply to Bosinney:


  Commissioners for Oaths,


  May 17, 1887


  I have received your letter, the terms of which not a little surprise me. I was under the impression that you had, and have had all along, a ‘free hand’; for I do not recollect that any suggestions I have been so unfortunate as to make, have met with your approval. In giving you, in accordance with your request, this ‘free hand’, I wish you to clearly understand that the total cost of the house as handed over to me completely decorated, inclusive of your fee (as arranged between us), must not exceed twelve thousand pounds – £12,000. This gives you an ample margin, and, as you know, is far more than I originally contemplated.

  I am,

  Yours truly,


  On the following day he received a note from Bossiney:




  May 18


  If you think that in such a delicate matter as decoration I can bind myself to the exact pound, I am afraid you are mistaken. I can see that you are tired of the arrangement, and of me, and I had better, therefore, resign.

  Yours faithfully,


  Soames pondered long and painfully over his answer, and late at night in the dining-room, when Irene had gone to bed, he composed the following:


  May 19, 1887


  I think that in both our interests it would be extremely undesirable that matters should be so left at this stage. I did not mean to say that if you should exceed the sum named in my letter to you by ten or twenty or even fifty pounds there would be any difficulty between us. This being so, I should like you to reconsider your answer. You have a ‘free hand’ in the terms of this correspondence, and I hope you will see your way to completing the decorations, in the manner of which I know it is difficult to be absolutely exact

  Yours truly,


  Bosinney’s answer, which came in the course of the next day, was:

  May 20


  Very well.


  Chapter Six


  OLD JOLYON disposed of his second meeting – an ordinary Board – summarily. He was so dictatorial that his fellow directors were left in cabal over the increasing domineeringness of old Forsyte, which they were far from intending to stand much longer, they said.

  He went out by Underground to Portland Road station, whence he took a cab and drove to the Zoo.

  He had an assignation there, one of those assignations that had been lately growing more frequent, to which his increasing uneasiness about June and the ‘change in her’, as he expressed it, was driving him.

  She buried herself away, and was growing thin; if he spoke to her he got no answer, or had his head snapped off, or she looked as if she would burst into tears. She was as changed as she could be, all through this Bosinney. As for telling him about anything, not a bit of it!

  And he would sit for long spells brooding, his paper unread before him, a cigar extinct between his lips. She had been such a companion to him ever since she was three years old! And he loved her so!

  Forces regardless of family or class or custom were beating down his guard; impending events over which he had no control threw their shadows on his head. The irritation of one accustomed to have his way was roused against he knew n
ot what.

  Chafing at the slowness of his cab, he reached the Zoo door; but, with his sunny instinct for seizing the good of each moment, he forgot his vexation as he walked towards the tryst.

  From the stone terrace above the bear-pit his son and his two grandchildren came hastening down when they saw old Jolyon coming, and led him away towards the lion-house. They supported him on either side, holding one to each of his hands, whilst Jolly, perverse like his father, carried his grandfather’s umbrella in such a way as to catch people’s legs with the crutch of the handle.

  Young Jolyon followed.

  It was as good as a play to see his father with the children, but such a play as brings smiles with tears behind. An old man and two small children walking together can be seen at any hour of the day; but the sight of old Jolyon, with Jolly and Holly, seemed to young Jolyon a special peep-show of the things that lie at the bottom of our hearts. The complete surrender of that erect old figure to those little figures on either hand was too poignantly tender, and being a man of an habitual reflex action, young Jolyon swore softly under his breath. The show affected him in a way unbecoming to a Forsyte, who is nothing if not undemonstrative.

  Thus they reached the lion-house.

  There had been a morning fête at the Botanical Gardens, and a large number of Forsy – that is, of well-dressed people who kept carriages – had brought them on to the Zoo, so as to have more if possible, for their money, before going back to Rutland Gate or Bryanston Square.

  ‘Let’s go to the Zoo,’ they had said to each other; ‘it’ll be great fun!’ It was a shilling day; and there would not be all those horrid common people.

  In front of the long line of cages they were collected in rows, watching the tawny, ravenous beasts behind the bars await their only pleasure of the four-and-twenty hours. The hungrier the beast, the greater the fascination. But whether because the spectators envied his appetite, or, more humanely, because it was so soon to be satisfied, young Jolyon could not tell. Remarks kept falling on his ears: ‘That’s a nasty-looking brute, that tiger!’ ‘Oh, what a love! Look at his little mouth!’ ‘Yes, he’s rather nice! Don’t go too near, mother.’


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