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Forever, Mr. Black (Tainted Black #3)

Page 5

by Shanora Williams

  “She’s changed,” he stated. “She’s not what she was before. I know it. She knows it, though she never talks about it.”

  I snatched my gaze away, staring down at my feet again. The icing of my honey bun was melting now, and it wasn’t from the blazing sun. It was due to my sweaty hands.

  So what if she’d changed? That didn’t mean she was going to welcome me back into her life with open arms. I knew Izzy well enough to know she didn’t just let shit go, even if she had matured a little.

  She used to be the queen of grudges.

  “I heard you’re separated now,” I acknowledged.

  “You heard or you saw?” I whipped my head up as soon as he said that, and he flashed a crooked smile, looking me up and down.

  What?! “I heard,” I fibbed.

  “You saw, most likely on my Facebook.” My heart stuttered in my chest. “ But that’s a discussion for another time. Come on. Say hey to her.” He started to step away, but I caught him, gripping his wrist and tugging on it.

  “Theo . . . I—” I struggled for words when his warm brown gaze met mine. “I can’t go back there. To Izzy.”

  “Your friend—Kim, right?—is setting up a spot for you two as we speak.”

  “Well, tell her to pack up and meet me here. I’ve had a shitty week and I’m just not ready to face Izzy yet.”

  He looked down at the hand I had wrapped around his wrist. His face changed. His features softened a touch, and his lips parted. “Look, I know it’s been a while, but can you trust me?” He grabbed my hand and hauled me closer. His large body hovered above me, his head tilted as he looked right into my eyes.

  He smelled delicious, and his skin was hot. I could feel the heat radiating off of it. For a split second, fear consumed me. This man—Theodore Black. He was standing right in front of me—treating me like some prized possession. Almost like he’d forgotten all about our disastrous past.

  About his wife.

  About how I’d disappeared on him.

  Why had he forgiven me in the first place?

  Memories of when he appeared at that house after a year broke through. His smile. It was so sweet, but his words. They were heartbreaking.

  He was broken. I was broken.

  I never should have let him go that day.

  We never should have let go at all.

  “I want to trust you. I have no reason not to trust you,” I murmured. “But I can’t, Theo. I’m not ready for that.”

  He released a ragged breath. “Okay. I get it.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “You don’t have to come back with me, but I want to talk to you, soon. Preferably tomorrow. I’ll still be in Bristle Wave.”

  “What is there to talk about?”

  “Us.” He said this so clearly—so simply—that I knew he wasn’t joking around. “Do you want to know why I’m really here, Chloe? In that exact spot?” He leaned forward.

  “For Izzy.”

  He chuckled, and then he stepped back several steps, pulling his hand away from mine.

  “No.” He continued his deep, sexy laugh. “I’m here for you, Little Knight. But I think you knew that from the start.”

  Chapter 8


  She looked at me as if I’d lost my mind.

  “Why would you be here for me?” she asked, voice low, like someone would overhear.

  “You already know why.”

  “But I don’t get it. Your wife? Izzy?” She asserted Izzy’s name is if it were a damn drug.

  I sighed, picking my head up and looking towards the ocean. “Izzy is a grown woman. My world doesn’t revolve around her as much as it used to. She’s independent now, figuring life out as she grows. I love her but she knows about me.”

  “Knows what about you?”

  “That I’m not over you.” Her mouth gaped a fraction. I stepped close again, pulling out my cell phone. “What’s your number?”

  “Why do you need it?”

  I inclined a brow. “Chloe.”

  She realized the seriousness in my tone and straightened her back, swallowing hard. Looking at me warily, she tucked the honey bun beneath her arm and then took my phone from me.

  As she grabbed it, I caught sight of that fucking ring. She plugged her number in, but I couldn’t stop staring at the damn diamond. When she handed it back, I was slow to receive it. She noticed and jerked her hand away. I turned the screen of my phone off and slid it into my pocket.

  “I’ll be in touch then,” I murmured.

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  She wanted to say more—I wanted to say more. But I couldn’t rush this. She was hesitant. Guarded. She knew I was “technically” still with Sheila.

  She’d been watching. I knew it. She accidentally liked one of my posts before. I saw it one night when I was drunk. I thought I had imagined it, but no. It was her. I’m sure she’d been watching my profile for a while.

  It made me feel like I wasn’t tripping out about this—that she wanted me back just as badly as I wanted her back in my life.

  We lingered for way too long. I had the urge to pick her up in my arms and run off with her. It didn’t matter where, as long as she was in my arms. As long as she was touching and kissing me. As long as she allowed me to love her.

  I couldn’t push this. I didn’t know what she was thinking right now. It took me some time to wiggle my way back in the first time she left for college. But this time it was different.

  She’d matured even more. She was on her own, and something about her had changed.

  She seemed dull in the places she used to carry brightness. Like someone had come in and stolen the light right away from her.

  For a second, I thought of that motherfucker Sterling. He better not have ruined her. I would kill him if he did and I put that on my own life.

  “Do you want me to go and get your friend?” I finally asked when she shifted and stared down at her feet.

  Her head picked back up. “Sure. Tell her I’m waiting here.”

  I exhaled, studying her face. Admiring it. I didn’t give much thought to what I did next.

  I caressed the right side of her face with the pad of my thumb and she released a quiet breath, her hazel eyes locking on mine. I wanted to kiss her so fucking badly.

  “I’ll go get her,” I said, leaning in. Our lips were close, and I don’t think she realized, but she pressed her chest forward and her breasts brushed my arm. Her lips even puckered, her neck stretching so she could get closer.

  I smirked, dropping my head and placing a light kiss on the apple of her cheek. “I’ll call you,” I murmured in her ear, and I could have sworn I heard a defeated moan slip out of her as I backed away.

  Releasing her, I stepped back, watched her briefly, and then turned to walk back to where Izzy was. I glanced back once and she was still standing in the same spot, watching me go.

  I winked over my shoulder and she jerked her gaze away with a blush. She was twenty-six now, still so fucking young and innocent. That woman had no idea what kind of things I wanted to do to her. Walking away was fucking killing me—each step making my legs feel like a block of lead had been placed inside them.

  I wanted to stay. I wanted to run away with her. But I had to face reality.

  I wasn’t divorced yet.

  She was still engaged, from what I saw of that damn ring on her finger.

  I was on vacation with the very daughter I hurt years ago because I’d wanted Chloe so much.

  We had a lot of shit to deal with, and knowing how Chloe was, I knew her guilt would eat her up and swallow her whole before she even attempted to give us another chance.

  I both loved and despised that about her. I wished she didn’t give a fuck—that she’d just be mine again and not think twice about the repercussions.

  So much bullshit already.

  “Where’d she go?” Izzy asked sullenly as I sat down on my towel.

  She was running her fingers through her hair. I couldn’t
read her full expression because of the bug-eyed sunglasses she was wearing.

  “Home, I guess.”


  “What’s that for?” I pressed.

  “Nothing,” she sighed, drawing her knees to her chest. “I just can’t believe how fast you ran after her. Not even a full week of being separated and you’re chasing her again.”

  I laughed, pointing my line of vision at the ocean. “I was going to talk to you about it.”

  “What’s there to talk about?” I looked over and she shrugged. “You aren’t over her. You want her back. That’s why you want to leave Sheila, right? Because you were never happy with her and because you were most likely comparing her to Chloe the entire marriage.” She swallowed hard. “You settled . . . and I can’t help but feel like it was because of me.”

  I turned fully to look at her. “That’s bullshit. Don’t speak like that. It wasn’t because of you.”

  “She’s probably afraid of me after all the shit I said to her that day.”

  I hesitated when she said that. “Well . . . maybe you should talk to her.”

  She snatched her sunglasses off. “Are you insane?” she screeched. “You know how I am, Dad. I’d probably end up swallowing my tongue before apologizing to her in person.”

  “You’re not like that anymore.” I nudged her arm with my elbow and she fell sideways a little. “You’ve changed, though you won’t admit it. But I can tell. I can read you like a book, Isabelle.”

  She groaned and planted her hands on the towel, resting back on her palms. “What if she’s changed? She used to take so much shit from me. She might not anymore. She’s probably all badass and serious now. I’m sure I burned her so much it left an imprint.”

  “I doubt that. Not with the way she just ran off.”

  She was quiet for a whole minute before speaking again. “Are you going to see her while we’re here?”

  I didn’t respond right away. I would have loved to see my Knight. I would have loved to catch her alone just to talk and catch up, but the thing was I wasn’t sure she would have wanted the same thing. She was still wearing that fucking ring on her finger.

  “I don’t know,” I sighed.

  “Oh.” She looked away.

  I stood, dusting my ass off before taking a step her way. “I think that’s enough talk about that. Come on. Out to the water with me. Gotta enjoy ourselves while we can, right?”

  She nodded, placing the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose.

  So maybe Izzy hadn’t made a dramatic change. She was still somewhat self-centered, but she didn’t expect the world to revolve around her like she did when she was younger. She damn sure didn’t feel like she was entitled to shit anymore.

  She was actually working hard for the things she wanted, like the filming she had coming up within the next few days. I was proud of my daughter—damn proud.

  But knowing that she knew I really wanted Chloe was strange. It was painful watching her eyes. It was almost like I had stolen Chloe from her—like I’d robbed her of their friendship by replacing it with a love so fierce that neither of us was prepared when it ended.

  I didn’t give a damn if Chloe was still with that fucker.

  He didn’t know her like I did.

  He couldn’t please her like I could.

  He wished he could own her heart, but she knew damn well it still belonged to me. I saw the way she looked at me—how hard it was for her to breathe when I came closer.

  I was becoming impatient now. I knew as soon as Izzy and I got back to the hotel, I was going to make a plan. See her, or wait.

  But waiting felt pointless.

  Why wait when we both felt the same thing?

  Why waste time?

  Why worry about what the fuck anyone else had to say?

  That’s the shit I didn’t have time for. Caring about other people’s opinions. My happiness was important, and so was Chloe’s. She was happiest with me.

  She belonged to me.

  Fuck the bullshit.

  I was getting her back.

  Chapter 9


  “So you know I have to ask, Chlo.” Kim turned in the passenger seat to look at me. I gripped the wheel tighter, turning on my signal and starting up the freeway. “Who in the hell was that gorgeous man? And furthermore, why in the hell did you run off like your ass was caught on fire?!”

  I avoided her eyes. I was sure she had more questions than that. My actions back there, she’d never seen before. She never saw me run away like that, or panic to the point that I wanted to hide.

  I’d never told Kim about Theo. Ever.

  Not because I didn’t want to, but because he was too hard to talk about. Letting him go. Breaking my sisterly bond with Izzy, his daughter and my former best friend. I didn’t want to come off as some slut, or for her to think I was going to make a play on her father next.

  I swear that wasn’t me.

  Theo was just . . . different.

  “It’s a lot to explain,” I finally sighed when I felt her staring a hole into the side of my head.

  “Yeah? Well, we have all damn day. I’m not going anywhere. Spill it.” She crossed her arms, and I glanced her way. Her lips were pressed and one of her eyebrows inclined.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “He used to be my neighbor. And the girl—his daughter—she was my best friend before she found out about us and everything became a shitstorm.”

  Kim’s arms dropped slowly, and for a moment she didn’t speak. “Wait . . . hold on. You mean to tell me, you used to sleep with your best friend’s father?”

  I nodded, hardly looking at her. Hearing it out loud was embarrassing enough.

  “Shit.” She huffed a laugh. “Now I see why you ran. I would have done the same thing, but knowing my chubby ass, I would have taken several tumbles before I had actually gotten away.”

  I busted out laughing, taking a right turn into my neighborhood. When I parked in the garage, I unclipped my seatbelt and then slouched in the seat. The amusement seemed to fade, realizing I was going to be home. Alone. Again.

  “Are you okay, Chlo?”

  I waved a hand. “I’m fine. I’m just shocked I guess. I wasn’t expecting to ever see him again.” I looked over at her, chewing my bottom lip. “I gave him my number before I told him to tell you to meet me.”

  Her eyes expanded. “Seriously? But what about Sterling?”

  I frowned. “Fuck Sterling.” Annoyed by his name alone, I pushed out of the car and walked to the door, jamming the key into the lock. “He called the engagement off on Friday night.” I dropped my bag on the kitchen counter as she came inside, shutting the door behind her. Her eyes never left me.

  “He did WHAT?!”

  “Yep.” I blew a thick puff of breath. “He’s been acting weird for weeks, and he finally admitted he’s not over someone from his past. And she just so happens to be Theo’s deceased wife and Izzy’s mom.”

  “What the fuck? Chloe, what kind of shit were you involved in?! This sounds like some Jerry Springer shit!” She held her hands out, completely flabbergasted. “You’re telling me Sterling was with Theo’s dead wife before you?”

  “Yes, but at the time, we didn’t know. Not until he told me. Sterling knew she was married when they were together, but who would have known he would actually meet the husband one day, which just so happened to be through me.” I opened the fridge and pulled out a Diet Coke. “It’s all one big mess, which is why seeing him today shocked the hell out of me.” I side-eyed her. “He said he would never come back here. To Bristle Wave.”

  “So why did he?”

  “Supposedly for me.”

  “Ohhh.” She grinned like a child in front of a pile of candy. “And are you going to give him the chance to slide back in?”

  I shook my head and cracked open my soda. “He’s married now, Kim. Hell no.”

  “From what I heard the daughter say, he’s free to run after you—that he’s get
ting a divorce anyway,” she mused.

  Fucking Izzy. I couldn’t believe she’d said that.

  I ignored that comment for the most part.

  “Yes, but I’m sure it’s not final. I don’t want to get into the middle of whatever he has going on with her.”

  “You’re such a terrible liar,” she laughed, resting her elbows on the countertop. “The way I see it, what do you have to lose? You guys talked before, during worse circumstances, honestly. His marriage is on the rocks. He wants you back. Why not do it again? Sterling is being a straight-up asshole and this silver fox wants your goods. What the hell is holding you back?”

  “Izzy,” I stated, and then I looked away, focusing on the tan marble. “I can’t do that to her again. I mean, even though we aren’t technically friends anymore, I still have respect for her. It would be wrong of me. Of us. It would tear her and Theo apart all over again.”

  “That thought doesn’t seem to be stopping him. And I’m sure he cares more about his daughter than himself.”

  “Just like any other guy, he’s thinking with his dick, not his brain,” I laughed. “Theo has always been known for doing that.”

  “Well, maybe she doesn’t have to know?” She squinted her eyes, giving me an obvious look.

  “No—Kim, don’t you get it? We snuck around before and it hurt us more than it helped us. It hurt her a lot. She trusted me, and I betrayed her. I don’t want to do this again and behave as if the loss of our friendship didn’t matter.”

  “Ugh. That’s bullshit.” She stood up straight, gluing her hands to her hips. “Did you love him?”

  I blinked at her, unable to form words. She looked me all over, watching as my cheeks flamed red and my eyes became watery.

  “By that look alone, I’m taking that as a yes? And that you still do?”

  I swallowed hard, snatching up my soda and taking a sip.

  “Chlo,” she murmured, “meet that man soon. I saw how he looked at you, and I damn sure saw how you looked at him. The way he chased after you proved to me and her that he still feels something for you, and if she’s that blind to it, she needs to take a seat and get over herself. She should want him to be happy too, no matter what he wants.” Kim walked around the counter and gripped my shoulders. “Make yourself happy for once. Stop punishing yourself for what you did in the past. You deserve some fun, and I’m sure that sexy silver fox can deliver it.”


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