Hate Sex
Page 2
Solution? Well, I’ve come up with one that will work for both of us….we fuck. Simple solution for a simple problem, right? A few good bangs and I’ll be good. Nothing more, nothing less. All I’ve gotta do is get Skye on board and I don’t mean to brag….fuck it, take it as bragging if you want but I always get what I want and that includes women. Never had a problem getting who I want and that ain’t about to change. I’d probably be doing her a favor, hell, I know I would be. That ain’t ego….that’s fact.
Chapter Two
I watch as Eden hits the stage, she’s good—damn good. Her real name is Elizabeth and you know how they always say I’m only stripping to pay my way through college? Well, she really was. On her second year at the community college for something to do with finance, I can’t recall what exactly. Single mom of a set of four year old twin girls, Jessa and Jameson, she makes more money at the club in one night than she’d make a week at some minimum wage job. Fourteen years of ballet training and here she was working the pole for money. Even though she was stripping it was still beautiful. Her body was perfect but it was more of the way she moved, the way she flowed with the music.
Seeing so much beauty, so many perfect bodies? It didn’t escape me that I didn’t belong but that’s why I serve drinks. Nobody wants to see all this up on that stage in the bright lights. No, I stay in the shadows where I’m comfortable, I’m content and it’s where I belong. Don’t get me wrong I’m okay with where I am, I really am. Lets just say I’ve come to terms that I’ll never be a size four, I won’t even be a size fourteen. I was once, ya know? Twelve years old, sixth grade, I Skye Briar Blake was a size fourteen. Now, I reside in a hefty twenty jeans and an even bigger shirt. It is what it is and I am what I am.
I make good money here, decent tips—unlike the diner. Here, I use what I have just like every other woman in the club. Maybe I don’t shimmy on the brass pole but I use my feminine assets to get what I want….that paper. Money, rules the world right? I like to think females rule the world and money is merely a necessity to keep us there. Working three nights a week here I’m making enough in tips to keep me coming back. Not that it’s a bad place to work. Sounds funny, I know, but I like my job here a hundred times better than the diner. Cal runs a decent club and with plenty of security and clean girls. These women are my best friends and have been for the past three years that I’ve worked here.
Ahh….there’s Joe, one of the regulars. There’s no need to go take his drink order I already know what it’ll be, whiskey sour on the rocks, double and keep them coming until closing time. Then, Cal will pour him into a cab and send him home. Poor guy is just lonely. Every Friday night it’s the same routine. Sometimes he shows up on Saturday nights too but he sticks to club soda on those days. Everyone has their poison’s right?
Glancing down I check on my girls. Tugging my snug t-shirt down a couple inches more I pickup my tray with Joe’s drink and a dish of pretzels to drop off at his table. If it’s one thing Joe likes? It’s cleavage. That I have in spades.
Pink lights, fucking pink lights alright! As in Pinkies the goddamn strip club. One of my clients at the gym, Nate Carson bartend’s here. I can’t even count how many times he’s invited me down here.
This is not what I expected at all. A strip club, I just can’t get over it. Skye was in there and what exactly was she doing in there? Different strokes for different folks but could she really be up on the pole? Her ass better not be near a fucking pole. I can feel myself getting more and more pissed as I sit in my car looking at the place. My knuckles are bright white as I grip the steering wheel for dear life. Rather like they were around some fuckers neck. Like the fucker that hired her to work in this come-bucket. Jesus, I gotta slow my breathing down, I don’t pant this hard after an hour of cardio. I see her Focus and I feel like exploding. She’s in there and I feel like I wanna puke. I can hear my pulse in my own head—that can’t be good. I know I have no say in where she works, god, we don’t even know each other but we’re about to get very well aquatinted.
Taking a few deep breaths I calm myself down the best I can. I pay the fifteen dollar cover charge and he stamps my hand. Looking down I see a pair of lips in red ink and the word delicious. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Not at all, girls here are definitely delicious.” His overgrown ape face pisses me off and his stupid laugh only aggregates me more. I own a gym and I know a ‘roid freak when I see one. Peek-a-boo mother fucker, I see you.
Stepping inside the club it takes my eyes a minute to adjust. Outside was neon pink and blinding but in here I can hardly see where I’m going. All I can really make out is a bar decked out in red lights and black vinyl and the stage like a fucking beacon. No one’s dancing at the moment but there is somebody spraying the pole with some kind of spray bottle and toweling it dry. Jesus, really? I guess I should be happy at least that the damn things getting cleaned, right? The walls are a dark burgundy in what looks like velvet or something and all the tables, chairs and stools are black as night. It smells better than I thought it would. Truthfully, it smells similar to the gym except for the hint of beer in the air mixed with the sweat.
Looking around I don’t see Skye anywhere. Although, the place is kind of busy at the moment. “Need a seat, handsome?” Turning to the voice that was obviously trying too hard to sound sexy I see a tall, thin, stacked to the high heavens blonde in nothing but a pink bikini top and daisy dukes. She even has a pair of fuck me sky high pink heels on. I’m really getting sick of the color pink.
“I suppose.” Is all I answer with. Big blonde tits takes my hand and I cringe internally as she pulls me closer to the stage—not exactly where I want to be. Looking around I don’t see any sign of Skye. For a second I consider asking Bambi or Candy or whatever her name is where Skye is but I’d rather talk to her myself before she calls the ‘roid ape on me. We aren’t exactly best friends after all. She seats me off to the right of the stage and I sit-down like all the other pervs as if I’m waiting for a show. Loud music comes over the speakers and the stage lights dim changing to blue and purple.
“Sunny will be right with you to take your drink order, okay sexy?” I nod and try not to vomit in my mouth. I’ve only been in a strip club a couple times before this—not really my thing. Once in Vegas during my bachelor party and another time on a trip to Daytona for bike week. Even then I only went along with the guys—not by my choice. A brunette with mile long legs in a pair of spike heeled cowboy boots steps out on the stage and proceeds to shake her assets for all to see. Within seconds she’s on her knees crawling across the stage and my head is thumping with the music.
Looking around the room—at least what I could see in the near darkness I don’t see her. Maybe she’s in back? That thought makes me about to lose my shit. “Can I get you a drink, sir?”
Fuck! Sir? I know that voice. That’s the same sir that got my main vein pumping violently at the diner earlier. I turn and all I see is a set of tits that instantly make my mouth water. Holy mother of God! “Well, well, Skye, we meet again.”
She’s frozen just inches in front of me. Before she can turn away I standup and grab her by the wrist pulling her to the shadows behind the tables. I have no right and I know this but just like everything else to do with this woman I can’t help myself. Her face shows her surprise to see me and her eyes are wide as she tries to focus on mine in the darkness. “Asshole from the diner?” She looks around and I figure she’s looking for security. “What in the hell are you doing here?”
Asshole, huh? So be it. “I came to check out the scenery. Why else would I be at strip joint, sweetheart?” Stepping close enough to her that I know damn well she can feel my hard-on against her hip I set out to show her asshole. “How much for a hand job? That brunette up there with the killer bod has me hard as iron right now.” Letting my eyes roam over her I go in for the kill. “I guess you’ll do to handle the job.” Damn! Wrong thing to say,
I guess. She pulled her arm from my grasp, then, took her empty tray and hit me in the back of the head with it with both both hands. “What the fuck?” Lucky the wall was there because she hit me so fast I didn’t have time to catch myself.
“Sunny, what the—“
She interrupted ape number two. How many of these fuckers were there here?
“I’m fine, Charlie, I’m fine.” Yeah, she was. Woman was fast and I ain’t gonna lie she packs a punch. As I toss my hands up in mock surrender ape number two walks away satisfied with her words.
After I watch him leave I look up and straight into those pale green eyes. Their not just green eyes, no, there’s flecks of gold mixed in there. Green/gold what the hell ever are aimed at me and they aren’t happy. Jutting her chin out with one hand on her hip and the other holding her tray at her side I know I’m about to get it and I’ve never been more turned on in my entire thirty-two years.
“I don’t do hand jobs for money, asshole. And that brunette up there with the killer bod wouldn’t want a fucking thing to do with you she has a girlfriend, thank you very much. Now, I suggest you sit your ass down and shut the hell up before I hand you over to the bouncers to deal with. Now, would you like a drink or not, you dumbshit?”
Well then, she made herself clear, didn’t she? I had no clue what to say. I didn’t want to leave without her and I’m not that stupid that I figured she’d go with me peacefully. “Beer, whatever’s on tap.” With a nod she walked away. I watched her like a fucking creep too. Damn she was a wild thing. Stopping at a few more tables before making her way to the bar. Sitting back down in my chair I kept my eyes glued to her. To her ass at least. Finding myself jealous of the view the bartender had to be getting as she leaned over the bar. I bet her tits were practically coming out of her top. Why the hell am I so damn drawn to this chick? There was eye candy all over this place. Shit, a topless one on stage at this very minute but I was staring at the chubster in tight jeans, a low cut top and rocking a pair of….Chucks? Every other woman in the club had heels on but Skye wore a pair of Converse tennis shoes. Chuckling I shake my head. “Seriously? That’s who has you in knots?” I whisper to myself.
A tall man with salt and pepper hair pulls out the chair across from me, folds his arms on the table and motions for me to come closer. I give. “Sunny says you’re alright but I gotta tell yous I don’t like the way you’re lookin’ at my girl—“
“Your girl? Sunny?” Is this guy serious?
“Did I not speak english?” Not exactly, I thought. “Lemme give you a rundown, son. Sit back, keep your eyes open and your hands to yourself. If I see you with your hands off the table yous better be slipping some money into a g-string, kapish?” He was completely serious. Just so he shuts-up I nod. “Good, very good.” Mr. Al Pacino knocks his knuckles on the table before rising. “One more thing.”
“What would that be?”
He points to the stage where now the big boobed blonde from earlier hung upside down from the brass pole. “Show’s up there—not on Sunny’s ass just so yous know.”
Jesus, she’s got muscle and now a fucking mob boss on her side? What next? And fuck him for thinking he can tell me where I can’t look. “What’d Cal want?”
“Hello to you too, Skye.”
Her eyes look around seeing if anybody heard. “I’m Sunny here, got it? Call me Sunny.” She whispers.
Taking a long pull of the beer she brought me I look over her shoulder at the naked flesh on the stage. Not that I really give a shit but she doesn’t need to know that. There’s absolutely no faster way to get an uninterested woman interested, then, showing your disinterest. Trust me works every time. When she goes to walk away I reply. “What’s with the name change?” Her shrug is oddly submissive for such a spirit. “Skye—“
“Shhhh!” Her eyes are back to blazing except it’s from her temper rather than desire. I’d prefer desire, lust, want, take your pick. “It’s just safer to not give out my real name here.”
“What’s your real name—“
She stares at me for second before opening her mouth. “I’ve gotta get back to work—“
“Just answer the question.”
Leaning closer my hand automatically reaches up to tuck a few strands of her hair out of her face.
“Skye, my real name is Skye. Please, don’t use it here.” I was about to give her some more shit but there was a seriousness on her face and something else. Fear possibly? I like fucking with her, firing her up but I don’t want to see fear from her….ever. “Do you want a private lap dance?”
Umm….whaaaaaaa? Took me a second to even realize what she asked. Do I want a private lap dance? From her? Ahh yeah, I did. Fairly certain that would be the only way I could get her alone for a few minutes without Pacino or one of his apes returning I agree. “Why not?” Last thing I wanted was her thinking I was eager.
“Follow me.” Woman had a roll to her hips and a sway to her ass that spoke measures. If Skye moved like that outta bed she’d rock the fuck outta a man in bed. “Right in there. Set your drink on the side table and sit on your hands.” I see her nod to ape number two, I’m pretty sure she called him Charlie? “Two minutes.” Then, she walked away. Probably to slip into something more comfortable. I do as she said and wait. I would’ve never guessed there’d be a crowd waiting for fat chicks to give them a private dance but….then again, here I am waiting. Touche’, Touche’.
Suddenly, the music starts and it’s loud enough that my head pounds with the beat. Only light in the small room are two red lightbulbs on either side of the room. Fucking chair probably had all kinds of std’s growing on it. I’ll bleach my ass when I got home. “Shit!” The blonde that had just been on the stage sauntered in and closed the door behind her. Not who I was expecting….at all. “Look, I thought—“
“Shhh….just enjoy, sexy.” The chick straddled me like I was a fuckin’ gynecologist table and started to grind her pussy on me like she had an itch only my dick could scratch. Fucking ‘A’, I’m gonna have to bathe in bleach. Leaning against my chest I hold my breath as she turned towards me and spoke. “I knew you liked what you saw when you came in. I felt your eyes on me.” Bending forward she put her hands on the floor between my feet and bounced. Fucking bounced. My cock is not a pogo stick, especially for this bitch. Her hot pink g-string left hardly anything to the imagination—not that I was imagining shit about her. That’s when it hit me….the smell of her arousal. C’mon on! This bitch is creaming and my dick is trying to crawl back inside my body. I can’t take it anymore, I just can’t.
“Thanks, but I gotta go.” I slide the folding chair back as she shimmied in front of me basically feeling herself up for my viewing pleasure, I guess. Wasn’t working. I open the door, toss two twenties on the now vacant seat, and walk straight past Charlie.
My seat near the stage is now occupied—not that I planned on sitting there again. I need a fucking drink. Something stronger than a Miller Lite. Walking up to the bar I see her. Time her and I had a little talk. Without so much as a squeak in the floor I cage her body beneath mine and when she jumps beneath me I whisper in her ear. “You think you’re pretty funny, don’tja sweetheart?”
“What are you talking about? Get off of me!”
I rub my quickly inflating cock over the swell of her ass before settling right between her cheeks. “I’ve got no problem getting off on you, sweetheart. You say—“ Crunch! I feel the cartilage in my nose cracking as she slams the back of her head into my face. “Jesus Christ!” In an instant I can’t breathe. I just….can’t….breathe! The damn crazy ass woman has my balls clenched in her hand as she looks at me with clenched teeth and green eyes sparking.
“Don’t you ever—I mean EVER touch me like you can! Do you understand, fuckwad?” Her grip on my nuts tighten and I think I might just pass out. White spots float in front of my eyes and before I even realize how long I’ve gone without oxygen I gasp as she releases her hold. “Get the fuck out of here before I d
ecide not to let go next time.” Then, she simply walks away. Skye? Yeah, the name fits her. Skye blew into my life like a dark storm, fucked me up and demanded I cleanup my own shit while she just moved on to brighter things.
Chapter Three
“What in the fuck is wrong with me?” Great, now I’m talking to myself. I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I left the club, but I only made it as far as my car. I was sitting in my C-class Mercedes Benz, and if I thought it was creepy sitting there watching some chick take her clothes off for cash—I was royally fucking creepy sitting in my car waiting for Skye to come out. The club closed thirty minutes ago and I still haven’t seen her. I should really be running as far and as fast as I could. In one night she’d hit me with her drink tray, had some horny skank grind her stanky-ass pussy on me, and almost made my nuts explode—NOT in the good way either. All of it? Fucking crazy and insanely hot as hell. That’s right, the sick fuck I am got so fucking hard that it’s taken the last thirty minutes for my dick to calm itself down.
Women have always come easy for me, really easy. But, each one was like a clone of the one before. There I was today, a bitch dry humping me in a private room, and I realized that she was like every other woman I’ve nailed in the last four or five years: tall, thin, fake tits, fake tan, and an easy lay. This time, her type hadn’t done a thing for me. Christ, the room reeked of her arousal, she bounced on my dick like it was a trampoline, and I was limp as hell. Trust me when I say I don’t have a single problem getting it up. Skye’s proved that several times today. I wouldn’t be surprised if the chick gave me a stroke soon.