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Season for Love

Page 19

by Marie Force

  He rested his forehead on hers. “Best thing I ever did.” Tipping his head, he took her mouth again in a series of deep kisses that left her breathless and on the edge of yet another release, which was certainly a first. Everything about this encounter was a revelation to her. “You got one more for me, babe?”


  “That’s my girl. Does anything hurt?”

  She shook her head and gripped his backside, wanting to keep him buried deep. Arching into him, she contracted her internal muscles, which drew a deep, tortured groan from him.

  “Do it again,” he said, his breathing harsh and erratic.

  She dug her fingers into his ass and bore down hard on his cock.

  He gripped her bottom so tightly she wondered if there’d be bruises—not that she cared in the least—threw his head back and came with a strangled sound that dragged her right along with him in a climax that seemed to go on forever.

  Rolling them to their sides in a smooth move, he collapsed next to her, still throbbing inside her.

  “That was incredible,” he said many minutes later. “Unlike anything I’ve ever known.”

  “For me, too,” she said, nuzzling his chest hair and planting kisses on his chest.

  “I had a feeling it would be kinda awesome with you, but that…” He ran his fingers through his unruly hair. “I don’t think they’ve invented the word for that yet.”

  Laura laughed at his befuddlement. Never would she have expected to feel so light and free after the nightmare she’d endured the day before. As long as she was with him, she could expect more days like this one. Maybe even a lifetime of lightness and freedom and laughter and contentment. Maybe it was okay to hope for such things again, knowing everything about this was different from anything that had come before.

  “I can hear that big brain of yours working overtime,” he said, tapping lightly on her forehead.

  She looked up at him. “I’m thinking that at one of the worst times of my life I found you, and what a lucky, lucky day that was.”

  “Luckiest day of my life when I found you standing in the wind and rain, staring wistfully at my family’s broken-down hotel. You were so cute and waiflike wearing that huge old raincoat with the hood that practically swallowed up your incredible face. When you looked at me, I felt the impact like a punch to the belly.”

  “You never told me that.”

  “When did you start to, you know…”

  “Love you?”

  He nodded, boyish and adorable as he waited for her.

  Laura didn’t even have to think about it. “Remember the tropical-storm party at Mac and Maddie’s?”


  “We were on the deck, and you gave me your jacket. I was so numb from everything that’d happened with Justin that I didn’t even realize I was cold. Somehow, I’d managed to survive the wedding the day before and being Janey’s bridesmaid. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always loved Janey like a sister, and I was so happy for her and Joe. They obviously belong together.”

  He smoothed his fingers over a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

  “Watching them open their gifts, seeing their joy… It was too much. I went outside to get some air, and there you were with your warm coat, your job offer and the perfect amount of empathy when I told you what’d happened with Justin. You were the first person I told out here. And then Evan called you inside to play. You asked if I had any requests, and I said anything by James Taylor. You played ‘You’ve Got a Friend.’ Smiling at the memory, she rested her hand over the steady beat of his heart. “You’ve been my friend—my best friend—ever since.”

  “Being your BFF has been the most fun I’ve ever had.”

  Delighted, she looked up at him and said, “You know what that second F stands for, don’t you?”

  Nodding, he held her gaze as he brought her in closer for a kiss. “I know exactly what it means. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Princess. You’ve ruined me for all other women.”

  She rested her head on his chest, grinning foolishly. “Then my work here is finished.”

  “Your work here, my love, is just getting started.” To prove his point, he rolled her under him and made love to her all over again.

  Chapter 17

  Seamus carried Carolina’s overnight bag to the Jeep, mourning the loss of the closeness they’d shared during the night. She hadn’t said more than ten words to him since the call from Joe reminded her that she’d been fooling around with a man roughly her son’s age. It didn’t seem to matter that the man in question didn’t give a fig that she was older than him or had a son his age or was about to be a grandmother. Even after having her, he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone else. He’d be damned if he’d let her walk away like what had transpired between them hadn’t rocked him.

  “Ya can’t fool me, love,” he said when they were standing beside her Jeep with nothing left to do but say their good-byes. He’d called the office to get her car on the one o’clock boat. He was captaining the five o’clock boat, or he might’ve gone with her and spent all day trying to convince her to give him a chance.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked testily.

  With his hands on her hips, he brought her in close to him and watched her eyes dart nervously around as if concerned the neighbors might see them. “I know you enjoyed yourself last night. Some things can’t be faked.”

  Her face flushed with color, which was all it took to make him hard as a rock for her. “I didn’t fake anything, and I never said I didn’t enjoy it.”

  “Then why can’t ya bring yourself to look at me?”

  “I looked at you.”

  “You looked at my dick. You took a good long look and licked your lips because you want more of it. But ya can’t seem ta bring yourself ta look at my eyes. Why is that? What’re you afraid of, love?”

  She raised her chin and met his gaze, her blue eyes heated with anger and desire. By now he certainly recognized the desire. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  He framed her face and kissed her, hard and long and deep. At first, she fought him, her attempts at protest opening her mouth to his insistent tongue. He kissed her until she stopped fighting him, until her arms were wrapped tight around his neck and her core was pushed even tighter against the thigh he’d wedged between her legs. “If you’re not afraid of anything, you’ll see me again.”

  “I told you, I’m not interested in a relation—”

  He kissed her again, harder and longer and deeper than before, pressing his leg against her in pulsing movements that had her pushing back just as insistently. By the time he broke the kiss, they were both breathing harshly. “Don’t lie to me, and don’t lie to yourself, Carolina.”

  “I’m not lying to anyone.” She tugged free of his tight embrace and wiped a trembling hand over her kiss-swollen lips. “I had a lovely time last night, but I told you before, that’s all it can be. I refuse to take up with a man nearly twenty years younger than me, who works for my son. What would people say?”

  He hadn’t realized he’d given her the power to hurt him. Staring at her, he hoped to shame her into taking it back. “You disappoint me, lovely Carolina. I thought you were made of more courageous stuff than that.”

  “You don’t understand—”

  “No, I really don’t, but I’m hardly going to beg. I had a grand time. Best sex of my whole damned life.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips, leaving a tender kiss on the back before he released her. “I’ll never forget it.”

  Opening the car door, he held it while she got in. He reached for the seat belt and leaned in to buckle it, drawing a gasp from her when he brushed against her. As he retreated, he stopped when his face was an inch from hers. “Worries about what other people would think or say won’t keep you warm during a long, cold winter. Not as warm as I could keep you.” He caressed her face and gave her one more soft, sweet kiss. “You know where ta find me if you
change your mind.”

  “I won’t.”

  Shrugging, he said, “Okay.”

  The Jeep’s tires made a squealing sound as she tore out of the driveway. Watching her go, Seamus hoped he’d played it right. He could’ve bowled her over with romance, but until she realized how good they could be together and got past her hang-ups about being with a much younger man, all the romance in the world wouldn’t matter.

  No, she had to make the next move. And when she did, he’d be ready.

  Big Mac McCarthy was working with his son and Luke, replacing some rotted planks on the main pier, when Linda came flying into the parking lot in her little yellow Bug, skidding to a stop and tooting the horn. “What the heck has gotten into her?”

  “Since she’s your wife, we’ll let you go find out,” Mac said with a cheeky grin.

  “Thanks, pal.”

  “Go on now before she comes after you.”

  Luke chuckled at their banter as he continued to pound nails into a pressure-treated plank.

  Scowling at his son, Big Mac headed up the pier to meet his wife. “Who put bees in your britches, sweetheart?”

  She surprised the heck out of him when she ran to him and launched herself into his arms. They’d had a rough couple of months after he was injured in an accident at the marina earlier in the summer. But right around Labor Day, they’d patched things up, and since then… Well, he was reminded of the first year they were married. The gal couldn’t keep her hands off him, not that he was complaining. Nope, no complaints. He tightened his arms around her and spun her, noticing that Mac and Luke were watching them.

  Stopping the spin, he made sure his back was to the nosy nellies down the dock. “What’d I do to deserve this?”

  Glowing with delight, she linked her hands around his neck. “I just got off the phone with Janey, and she had the most amazing news.” Linda moved her hands to his face and kissed him.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Mac and Luke had gone back to work, which made him chuckle to himself. Eat your hearts out, boys. Mom and Dad still got it. “Are you going to tell me the news?”

  “You’re going to be a grandpa again!”

  Big Mac’s mouth fell open in shock.

  “Don’t feel bad,” Linda continued. “Apparently, they were surprised, too. They’d planned to wait until Janey finished school, but she forgot to take her pill—”

  He used a kiss to stop her from sharing too many details about his daughter’s sex life—a sex life he still liked to think was nonexistent despite significant evidence to the contrary. Returning his wife to terra firma, he kept his hands on her shoulders. “Is she feeling okay?”

  “She’s been terribly tired, which is what got Joe to thinking something was going on.”

  “He must be thrilled. He’ll be a wonderful father.”

  “I said the same thing. Although, apparently, he’s worried. His own father has been gone so long he barely remembers him. He’s afraid he won’t be any good at it.”

  “That’s ridiculous. He’ll be a natural.”

  “Yes, he will,” she said, caressing his face. “He’s had you, and you showed him how fatherhood is done. That baby will be very lucky to have him as its dad and you as its granddad.”

  “That’s nice of you to say, babe.” He guided her around the corner of the gift shop, out of the view of Mac and Luke, and bent his head to kiss her more thoroughly. “How about we call it a day a little early?” He waggled his brows to let her know what he had in mind.

  Her cheeks flushed with color. “I’d love to, but I need to go see Carolina. Did you hear she’s come back to the island for the winter?”

  “Mac mentioned that he went out to check her woodstove and roof.”

  “Oh, he’s such a good boy. I’m sure Joe appreciated that.”

  “I hate to think of her out there all alone in that old house.”

  “She won’t be all alone. She has us and lots of other friends.”

  He nibbled on her neck, hitting the spot that got her attention every time. “So that’s a ‘no’ on the go-home-early plan?”

  “Give me an hour?”

  “I suppose I can do that. Don’t forget, we’ve got Luke and Syd’s party later, too.”

  “I haven’t forgotten. I’ll see you at home in an hour.”

  He slapped her on the fanny. “Don’t be late.”

  She left him with a kiss that made him wonder how he’d last an hour. “Tell Mac and Luke I’ll see them later.”

  After she drove off, he walked down the dock to rejoin the boys.

  “Everything all right, Romeo?” Mac asked.

  “I should’ve spanked you more often as a child.” He picked up his hammer and grabbed a fistful of nails. “It so happens that I’m going to be a grandfather again. Congratulations, Uncle Mac.”

  “Who? Evan or Grant? Or Adam? Not Adam. He doesn’t even have a girlfriend.”

  “Stop getting all excited thinking one of your brothers f’d up. Your sister is expecting.”

  Mac’s hammer froze in midair as he gaped at his father. “They were going to wait until she finishes school! I thought I had years to get used to the idea before I’d have to see my baby sister knocked up!”

  Big Mac shrugged. “Finding out where the plan went wrong would require details I can’t handle.”

  Mac nodded, his eyes big. “Right there with ya.”

  “You two are ridiculous,” Luke muttered. “Absolutely ridiculous.”

  Carolina had brought the last load of boxes from the Jeep into the house when a horn tooted in the driveway. As she went out to see who was there, Linda McCarthy jumped out of her cute yellow car, swinging a bottle of champagne over her head.

  Carolina smiled at her old friend. Apparently, Linda had heard from her daughter.

  “Congratulations, Grandma!” Linda said as she enveloped Carolina in a hug.

  “Same to you!” She put an arm around Linda to walk her inside. The two women were polar opposites. Linda was petite and polished and classy and always well put-together. Carolina, who had at least four inches on Linda, preferred torn jeans to tailored suits, and a messy braid was her idea of doing her hair.

  While they might’ve been polar opposites, Linda was also one of her closest friends. Big Mac and Linda McCarthy and their gaggle of kids had been family to her and Joe for longer than she could remember. Actually, it’d been since the first day of kindergarten, when Joe came home talking about his new friend Mac McCarthy. That was how far back the two families went. And when Joe married Janey earlier in the summer, they’d made their unofficial family status official.

  “Can you even believe it?” Carolina asked. “I thought we’d have to wait years for this news.”

  “So did I. Apparently, Janey was forgetful with her pills during a crazy semester.”

  “Secretly, I’m glad it happened now before Joe gets too much older.”

  “Yes, he’s positively ancient,” Linda said, grinning.

  “Sorry for the mess. I literally just got here. I think I probably have some tea I can offer you.”

  “The heck with the tea. Let’s break out the bubbly!”

  Linda managed to blow the cork off the bottle without breaking a window or taking out an eye, but it was a close call on both counts.

  Carolina found some wineglasses from the cabinet and washed out the dust that had gathered since they were last used.

  When they each had a glass of champagne, Linda held hers up to make a toast. “To our kids and our grandbaby, who is incredibly lucky to have a couple of young, saucy chicks as his—or her—grandmothers.”

  Delighted by the idea of sharing a grandchild with Linda and Mac, Carolina touched her glass to Linda’s. “Hear, hear.”

  They collapsed into kitchen chairs to enjoy the bubbly.

  “You’ve got a bit of a rash on your face,” Linda said, pointing to her own cheek to show Carolina where it was.

  “Do I?” Carolina got up and we
nt into the bathroom to take a look. Oh God. Oh my God. I’m wearing my secret shame on my face. As she returned to the kitchen, her face burned with mortification. “It’s not a rash.”

  Linda raised a brow. “No?”

  Carolina shook her head and took her seat. “I did a bad, bad thing.”

  Instantly interested, Linda leaned in. “Do tell.”

  She couldn’t bring herself to look at Linda. “I had sex.”

  “Well, it’s about damned time!” Linda smacked her hand on the table, making Carolina jolt. “So what we’ve got, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is a case of razor burn to the face and possibly other areas as well.”

  Carolina crossed her legs, trying not to think about what other parts of her might bear the mark of Seamus’s whiskers.

  “Are you going to tell me who it was?”


  “It’s someone I know?”

  Carolina had never been more ashamed of herself. She’d slept with a man roughly the same age as their sons.

  “Who’s been telling you for years that you need to get back on the horse?”

  If the soreness between her legs and her aching thighs were any indication, she’d gotten back on the horse in a big way.

  “I can’t believe you’re clamming up on me. Tell me this much: why was it a bad, bad thing?”

  “Because.” Carolina fiddled with the stem of her wineglass. “He’s younger than me.”

  “So what?”

  She met Linda’s gaze. “A lot younger.”

  “It wasn’t one of my sons, was it?”

  “Shut up! Of course not. They’re like my own children, for God’s sake.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  “See? That’s exactly what I was thinking this morning as the mother of a man roughly the same age as the one I slept with. What would his mother think?”

  “So you slept with a guy Joe’s age.”

  “No! He’s two years older than Joe.”

  “Thank God for those two years.” Linda attempted to cover her laughter with a hand over her mouth. “Now, who do I know who’s thirty-eight?”


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