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The Challenger

Page 51

by Harlon Banks

  "You look lost, need some help?"

  Wrain tensed up a bit startled by the voice behind him. This not showing across his slender, mature features however when he turned to face a pretty young woman with long cyan blue hair and eyes accentuated by fair hued skin and a pleasant figure. Wrain even finding it hard to not involuntarily look over the woman. She was dressed in dark casual clothes with her long hair draped over the left shoulder to keep it from blowing in the wind. The curious smile she shot at him was both gentle and inviting, it made Wrain feel immediately at ease. Clearing his throat and putting his ice colored phone away he nodded towards the slightly shorter woman and replied in a polite tone of his own.

  "Yes, I'd appreciate if you could point me to which building the library is? Apparently this one is the only official library in the entire city that's worth any salt." He paused after speaking. The blue haired woman quickly perking up and glancing past him to her left towards the small building in her sights. Index finger leading right arm as she pointed and replied in a helpful tone.

  "That's the public library over there! I'm surprised you didn't know off the bat, new in the city?" She answered and then immediately followed up with another question. Wrain blinking momentarily before nodding in stride with it. The trickling of the water fountain behind him filling the space between his words. She seemed a bit too friendly towards strangers; maybe it was just him though?

  "Yeah, first time in the city actually." He said huffing a bit and shifting his feet. A cool breeze wafting across his skin that felt very pleasant under the full moon above. "I grew up in a small town near the southern coastline a fair bit away from the ruins of Nocturnal City."

  The girl's eyes suddenly gleamed with interest as if she'd just hit a gold mine! Wrain blinking and stepping back a bit startled when she moved closer to him in curiosity and excitement.

  "Near Nocturnal!? Are you from Insomnia!?" She asked barely able to contain her excitement. Wrain furrowing a brow at her momentarily before giving a slow nod, relaxing just a bit again. Hearing his confirmation only made the girl all the more excited as she stepped back to give him some space. Correcting her rude behavior and then proceeding to pester him with questions.

  "Oh my gosh I've yet to meet someone from Insomnia! I grew up spending my entire life in Luminous City but always had a fascination about Kynerva beyond the walls! Of course it's a bit dangerous for me to just go out on my own given I'm not a Nightborn or a mercenary or whatever so... yeah." She trailed off at the end chuckling a bit embarrassed. Since Luminous City was the last continental power on Kynerva beyond those gates meant they lost a lot of their influence. No Man's Land was full of dangerous beasts and all types of people. It didn't help that the King and Queen seemed to be a bit of an isolationist type too.

  "It's not as amazing as it sounds outside these walls." Wrain promptly responded causing her to look back at him stunned. The young cryomancer sighing deeply to himself now, hands running through icy blue hair as he closed his eyes. "Your King and Queen seem to have all but abandoned the southern reaches of Kynerva. Once you pass Black Eagle Canyon it's really an every man for himself type of law. Insomnia is nothing more than a closed off settlement terrified of being overrun one day by the denizens of this eternal night if you ask me. It's nothing to be psyched about wanting to go see, let alone wanting to even leave the safety of these walls..."

  The young lady canted her head in thought, eyes solemn now as she took in his words and the upsetting tone they held. Cyan eyes peering back into ice blue moments later, her demeanor having calmed down now.

  "I know... I've always heard about how there used to be power struggles between the four main parts of Kynerva. Nocturnal City in the southern reaches, Lunar City to the west beyond the Astral Mountains, Eclipse City to the east on that massive island shrouded in black fog and -"

  Wrain's gaze sharpened abruptly on her.

  "Eclipse City?" Wrain suddenly cut her off with narrowed eyes of sudden interest. That was one he never heard about despite knowing of that eerie looking black fog that shrouded the waters off the inner coast of Kynerva a few miles out to sea. There was an entire city behind all that haze? The woman blinking again at him a bit stunned by his sudden interruption. She was about to nod and elaborate before her phone suddenly rang in her back pocket drawing her attention. Holding a finger up in polite interruption while pulling out the smart phone. Eyes reading over the text message she received, now finding her entire train of thought side tracked. Quickly putting the phone away and preparing to leave in a hurry.

  "Sorry! Gotta go do something but yeah be sure to check out the library! Not many people ever heard about Eclipse City despite it being a main power in the days of the old. Probably because it was the shortest lived city and had no real long-lasting impact so nobody cares about it. Regardless I'm sure you'll find something on it!" With that said she turned to hurriedly jog off out of the gates. Wrain watching her leave a bit annoyed at the sudden interruption but not all that bothered. Looking up at the night sky in silence while taking in all he'd just talked about. He knew about the history behind Lunar, Nocturnal and Luminous City, but Eclipse City? That was something he'd never heard of till now.

  "When you live on a continent cursed by an Eternal Night and other twisted happenings, I guess the sudden obscurity of an entire city swallowed up by black fog years ago out to sea isn't all that newsworthy to most." He huffed turning to walk towards the library. Now he wondered just how ignorant of the rest of the world was he after living on such an isolationist landmass where people didn't like communicating. The King and Queen kept their rule mainly inside the city walls like some house playing idiots he came to realize. Yet had the nerve to go spreading some crap that Nightborn weren't to be trusted and bad omens across the entire continent. There were so many things wrong with this place already and Wrain hadn't even been here a full day. It was a bit disgusting how twisted everything was.

  "Makes me begin to wonder why all of a sudden the Archive Group has such an interest in exploring these ruins of theirs now..." The cryomancer thought to himself while he walked. It would seem he found something to do today after all. Get himself up to date on as much as he could on the history behind such a fractured and broken web of a continent. Maybe it would come in handy in the future for him.

  Maybe it'd have a bigger impact then he'd ever imagine too...

  Jonath's New Plan

  The Challenger Chapter Fifty-Four: Jonath's New Plan

  Kayda walked up a flight of stairs with her eyes glued to the smart phone cradled in both hands. The GPS had led her to the right building she'd hoped. Features showing uncertainty and a bit of timidness as she passed a couple of strangers walking past her down the steps. Two guys of young age probably slightly older than her to be specific. Keeping her head lowered and eyes on her phone, she simply pulled herself over to the side and waited for them to pass. Though one of the young men managed to get a good look at her and obviously felt the need to try to spit a little game. Trying to be suave and cool when he moved up to her and came on a little too strong right off the bat.

  "You're very pretty, damn! You live around here?" The stranger whom had an appearance that was rather average stopped on the same stair as Kayda. The Nightborn darting grey eyes up to look at him, body tensing up slightly from the sudden attention. The man's other friend stopping a few steps further down the staircase and sighing as he glanced over the shoulder at the guy.

  "Dude leave her alone. I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend and doesn't want you breathing down her neck trying to get a number. Chill out." He scorned beckoning the friend get moving. "We're gonna be late for the movie!"

  Kayda kept silent, looking between the two men while clutching her phone shyly to her chest and holding her breath. Not knowing what else to do at this point and hoping the man beside her would take his friend's advice and just keep on his way. Glancing back over at the woman with analytical eyes, the man snorted a bit disappointed and just b
owed very slightly to Kayda in apology.

  "My bad pretty lady, got stunned by how good you looked and came on a little too strong. You take care now I guess and if you ever find yourself looking for a man hit me up." He winked which made his friend facepalm and just walk off. The two men now bickering among each other before they vanished through the doors at the bottom. Sighing to herself relieved and relaxing again, Kayda continued on her way up the stairs. It was strange how she'd never knew how to handle situations like this considering one would expect her to deal with it on a daily. Growing up out in the middle of nowhere with your grandfather does that to you she guessed.

  A few minutes later found Kayda walking down a hallway lightly decorated and dimly lit to give a relaxing vibe. Stopping in front of a door with the same numbers stamped across it as the ones Jonath sent her in his text. Kayda staring at the door for almost a full minute in a sort of trance before shaking her head quickly from side to side. Why was she feeling nervous and fidgety all of a sudden? It was getting progressively worse ever since she had come to these apartments. Was this even the right door? Did she go to the wrong building and there was another door with the same numbers on it!? What if she knocked and a stranger opened the door and looked at her like she were crazy!? How should she greet him? Too many questions!

  Kayda bit her lip and shut her eyes tight and just raised her hand up to knock on the door; the back of her knuckles tapping thrice and then she waited a moment in silence. Hands moving behind her as she stepped slightly farther away from the door to not be all up on whomever answered it. Feet shuffling a bit as she lowered her head staring at the bottom of the door. Footsteps being heard from within and the unlocking of locks being heard next. When the door opened Kayda forced herself to stiffen up and look straight at whoever answered at the last second. A bit too stiff in posture actually.

  Jonath gazed over Kayda, left hand holding a medium-sized towel to his damp, spiky platinum silver-hair and dressed in a simple black tank top and cargo shorts with calf high socks. Pale eyes and mature, slender features gazing over her. He was subtly surprised she found her way over so fast truth be told. Kayda meeting his gaze, albeit mesmerized by how attractive he was for a moment before she realized she were staring and quickly snapped out of it.

  "Don't embarrass yourself Kayda... act like you have some sense..." She repeated in her mind several times while Jonath stepped aside and gestured she come into the apartment.

  "You got here faster than I thought; guess you've been here before?" The amnesic asked shutting the door quietly behind her. Kayda walking over to the leather couch and sitting down awkwardly as Jonath flicked the lights on of the fan above. The moonlit darkness now brightened up with artificial light, Kayda glancing back at Jonath next with big grey eyes when he made his way around the counter to the kitchen.

  "I used the GPS on my phone after inputting the address you gave me so it didn't take that long. I wasn't that far away either."

  Jonath pulled out two cups from the cabinets and then began rummaging through the fridge. Jeremy probably wasn't going to be back for another few hours so he wouldn't mind Jonath having a little company. Kayda's answer though made him feel like a bit of an idiot. He should have known that was how she got here. Pulling out a jug of cranberry juice he closed the fridge and moved to the counter where the cups were. Raising said jug up momentarily for Kayda to see.

  "You want some or no?"

  "Oh! Sure!" Kayda nodded twice and rested her hands together over her knees in thought afterwards. Glancing down at the back of her fingers while Jonath poured two cups of juice and put away the jug. He was about to take both drinks to the living area but remembered how Jeremy was about his furniture. Spilling red on any of this stuff would get him chewed out without hesitation.

  "You'll have to come over and drink at the counter with me. Old man's a bit of a jackass about his furniture." Jonath snorted humored at the thought. Kayda quickly nodding and getting up to walk over and sit at the bar stool opposite of Jonath behind the counter. Handing her a glass and drinking from his own, the young woman held the glass in both hands before taking a sip herself. The flavor a bit shocking and different to her, clear by how she without knowing quickly downed the entire glass. Jonath actually looking at her drink it so ravenously in quiet amazement. Once she were done and set it down she'd trace a thumb over her lips to remove the last bits of it from her mouth. Freezing up afterwards when she caught Jonath's stare and beginning to feel embarrassed all over again.

  "I'm sorry that was unladylike..."

  Jonath couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle and shrug. He wasn't disturbed at all about it. Looking down at his still full glass of juice and then back at her.

  "I take it you've never drank this stuff before huh? It's really good isn't it?" He smiled lightly at her. Kayda nodding and handing him the glass for him to take and put in the sink. Replying while he rinsed it out and simply put it back in the cabinet upside down to dry.

  "Yes it is! I've drunk plenty types of juices but cranberry juice was a first. It's probably my favorite too now." She chuckled closing her eyes at him and smiling to hide the embarrassment she had moments earlier from binge drinking that entire glass. Though she did seem to relax a lot more now compared to earlier. Jonath was very friendly and emanated a vibe that just made her feel like there was no reason to try to be perfect around him. It was relieving. Taking another sip of his own juice before setting it back down on the marble counter with a satisfied sigh, Jonath nodded at her response.

  "I'd offer you more but my old man loves this stuff and he'll kill me if it's too big of a dent in it when he gets back. Anyway you're probably wondering why I called you over here out of the blue, right?" He asked in a still friendly and calm yet more urgent tone. Kayda blinking peculiarly at him and then nodding slightly, bangs of her spiky hair sweeping over the top of her right eye causing her to raise a hand to brush them back into place. Their conversation almost made her forget the reason she swung by first. Though, it wasn't like she was upset about that either way.

  "Yeah, was something wrong?" She inquired. Jonath shaking his head immediately and waving off any concern she had about him.

  "Nah not at all. I was just thinking since we all had a free day today and everyone's busy doing their own thing that maybe we could try to get some practice in with our powers," he paused a moment and rested his arms on the counter across each other and slumping slightly too. His pale eyes meeting her stormy grey as she looked at him in silence. "You did want to get stronger right?" He paused again gaining a more serious look in his eyes yet not too serious to intimidate. His encounter with Liariana made him want to hurry up and get stronger, especially with the expedition coming up.

  "Oh um..." Kayda lowered her head again and grew quiet. Hands reaching up to comfort herself by playing with the long bangs that draped her shoulders in grey color. "It's true that I want to improve but don't you think it would be safer for us to do it under supervision?" She asked looking at him again with hesitation in her eyes. At this point it was clear to her Jonath had a habit of trying to do things the impulsive way; or at the very least he was starting to trend that way. First with the summoning crest and asking Kayda to help him summon that beast to this... Jonath tilting his head at her slightly and waiting for her to elaborate.

  "I mean if we were to do this without a safe place there's a very real chance we could hurt each other. I don't know what you can do really since I've only seen your fight against Kelgard really pick up near the end and I..." She looked down again haphazardly clutching hands to her chest for comfort now. The silence that filled the space between her words trying its hardest to settle in until she'd evict it with her follow-up.

  "I don't know how to really control my powers either, at all. From the volts to the range to even the load. My lightning is sporadic and even hurts me if I just so happen to have too bad of luck when I use it." Her words began to crack and weaken at the end of her sentence. Memory flashe
s going through her mind and souring her mood suddenly.

  As she said this she hesitantly reached down to grab the bottom of her shirt with her hands, around her right flank. Jonath's eyes widening momentarily in confusion at what she was doing. Pulling up her shirt all the way to right under her bust revealed a pretty wicked sight to the amnesic. A sight Kayda didn't even know why she were showing him it herself. His confused staring turning into one of silent shock.

  Running along the female Nightborn's flank was a wicked burn scar that started midway down her rib, right under her breast and moved around jaggedly to her navel. It was a pretty horrific looking scar that Jonath couldn't believe marred the rest of her flawless skin and stomach. His eyes softening in their staring and looking up at her face again. She wasn't looking at him anymore, her eyes off to the side no doubt ashamed by the injury. How could someone hurt themselves so badly with their own powers? No wonder she got sent away to Blackwater. The entire vibe seemed to shift to a more somber energy, the amnesic making sure not to look repulsed or disgusted as Kayda lowered her shirt again.

  "It happened when I tried to jump-start my grandfather's power after a storm knocked it out. I didn't know what I was doing and when I started frying the circuit board I tried to dial back the voltage and well, I hurt myself." She shrugged solemnly, voice growing softer and more depressed the more she thought about it. "My grandfather couldn't take something like that happening again so he sent me here for my sake he says. Even though he got hurt too when it happened..."


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