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The Challenger

Page 61

by Harlon Banks

  "Is that right?" Kelgard inquired, his tone still showing he thought little of that remark but all the while remained curious. Jonath sucking his teeth, pale glowing eyes dimmed in their luminescence as he responded in a mustered up air of confidence.

  "I'm pretty sure someone like you has probably noticed this already since our first fight. I don't know the scope of my abilities, all of this stuff from my powers to this concept of Nightborn is new to me. So you acting like you're naturally superior over a Nightborn whose winged all this shit from the start and learned as he went along really ain't as great of a boast as you thought now is it?" He couldn't help but sneer next, he didn't know why his words were getting him ramped up all of a sudden. Maybe it was the clinging on to the possibility Kelgard might not be as strong as he is at full power somewhere in the future motivated him to not waver.

  Jonath had unintentionally just told Kelgard he was indirectly an amnesic, but he didn't care. This hidden frustration having been slowly growing ever since he'd met Liariana and faced her own superiority complex. He couldn't help but finally let it all out in this one interaction. He had nothing left to lose anyway. Actually managing to piss Kelgard off for once would be a small victory for him even if it got him hurt in the end.

  "If everyone knew you couldn't instantly take down a Nightborn who just fought off instincts twice over I'm sure your hyped up reputation as the strongest one of the group wouldn't be so hyped wouldn't it? I guess if Delaren had fought you instead of me you'd be singing an entirely different tune now to-"

  Jonath suddenly found himself floored. Like his body just became subjected to unnatural gravity as his blood literally weighed his body till he were lying on his stomach on the ground. Grunting in pain, every cell in his body felt like they were about to pop like bubbles if he so much as twitched. His confirmation true, this was some outright blood manipulation... How the hell did he even manage to...

  His eyes widened, remembering what Kelgard said about letting him hurt him to set him up for this. Recalling the spit up blood that had splattered his face and hair a bit. He thought that heat had completely burned off that stuff. This guy only needed a drop or something to still pull of shit like this!? His eyes darting towards a boot being placed atop his head, light pressure being exerted to drive his face slightly deeper into the dirt as Kelgard nonchalantly looked down on him. Hands never leaving pockets.

  "If you're so confident that you have some untapped potential to beat me then call on it and escape from your current predicament. Otherwise, as I've said before, your bark is worse than your bite." The man remarked before removing his foot and kicking Jonath in the head sending him flying backwards with heavy force into another tree. The trunk of the tree blasting open throwing splinters and sawdust everywhere with a crackling boom! Jonath gagging, coughing up a bit of blood and a bloody wound marring his scalp leaking red across platinum silver hair. Slumped with back against sap leaking inner bark and seeing double for a moment. Fuck that hurt...

  "If you're going to make comments like that, they should be done when you actually have registered yourself as a threat." Kelgard calmly exhaled, and Jonath next felt sensation back in his body much to his pained surprise. His wounds already beginning to heal again, no doubt he had a few ribs fractured from that impact if not a concussion. Regeneration was a useful thing to have. Though that still raised the question of why he had control of himself again. Did Kelgard free him up? Slowly, and painfully pulling himself to his feet, the pale amnesic staggered a bit before reaching up to try to comfort his throbbing head pain. The blood dripping down his brown over his eye causing him to shut it in annoyance. Barely noticing Kelgard walking towards him at a less than average pace. As if giving him some time to figure out his next move.

  "Melissa was defeated by Thrain. You're all by yourself now in this exam and you're going up against two people you can't even measure up to one on one, let alone two on one." Kelgard's words rang in Jonath's head, his eyes gaining clarity again as he focused on the approaching Nightborn and tensed up. Pain subsiding and feeling almost good as new again. Their eyes meeting and another violent altercation imminent.

  "You have to either take both of us down or reach the artifact and take it back to base without getting caught. Melissa probably could have done the latter if her mind was in the right mind but well she's out of the picture now. That only leaves you..."

  Jonath swiped his hand through the air, a wave of aura flaring outwards and that eerie scythe bracing against his grip again as he prepared to defend himself. Eyes emanating a more powerful glow than before, Kelgard seeing all the signs that he were calling on that strange energy of his again. Not that it bothered him, as he still marched towards Jonath with the same apathy he always showed. Jonath couldn't help but wonder why he were taking his sweet time with all this though. It was like some sick pleasure or something to toy with him? Irritating...

  The wind blew, that rattling noise of the broken chain at the end of Jonath's weapon chiming in the air like eerie bells. The trees rustling gently in the breeze and the ambience of the forest feeling oddly overwhelming in this pause between the two Nightborn's conversation. Kelgard narrowing his eyes suddenly at the strange shape transformation of Jonath's yet again. Those crescent-shaped, pupils accompanied by a swelling glow in dark limbal rings that turned them a glowing white. His irides yet again exerting a softer, more ghostly glow to them than before. His aura also felt... colder next... Like the grave...

  Then Jonath saw some distance behind Kelgard, in the expanse of the forest...

  A figure robed in tattered black, with shrouded hood pulled over features and seeming to lack legs as it simply floated... Looking at him from that void under its hood. Shadowy fog billowing from it like fire.

  What the hell... Was that?

  Liariana's Resolve

  A/N - Hey you all! I'm terribly sorry for the extended delay on this chapter. I had a bit of internal warfare in my head about how I planned to have everything play out that caused me to sit on this chapters release for a whole WEEK. Writing a consistent story is tough work lmao, kills me sometimes. Nevertheless here it is! I'm finally okay with releasing it as I feel I found the perfect way to weave everything together. I hope you enjoy it!

  The Challenger Chapter Sixty-Three: Liariana's Resolve

  Red eyes watch as a flock of pigeons vacated the street, abandoning scraps of food and trash thrown to the wayside. Her larger figure unnerving them when she had gotten less than a yard or so away. The streets were rather sparsely populated, a sharp contrast from what Liariana's memory recalled. No doubt those rumors of gunshots and fights the past few days had some sway in keeping people away from the outskirts of the ghettos. Oh well, that made her walk towards the Archive Group all the more tolerable.

  Her pale oriental skin, jet black hair and piercing red eyes contrasting sharply with her usual all black attire; this time accentuated with a small hood strung over her features to hide them away. A fallen angel of death, one could liken her aesthetic to. Beautiful in every way yet having a vibe and look to her eyes that emanated suffering and nihilism. Keeping her head lowered and staring halfway between the ground and the pathway in front of her. She didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Reaching around her waist to grip the hilt of her blade strapped securely to the small of her back, a habit of hers lately. Always felt like she had to keep her sleight of hand ready to grab her weapon nowadays. Always felt like something was about to attack her.

  So much paranoia, it could drive a woman mad... Maybe that's why...

  Eventually her trail of thought veered into a blank abyss of nothing. Before she'd known it she found herself autopilot walking towards the Group gates with only her instincts staying aware of her surroundings. Stopping right before the large gates of blackened steel and looking up at the welcoming sign. Her eerie gaze then looking out into the courtyard at the multi-structured buildings and that fountain statue again. Seemed like just yesterday she'd walked in to do Draven'
s bidding... Now he was dead, she'd killed one of his mercenaries and a whole other slew of things were beginning to fall like a domino effect after her. Sometimes she wondered if killing him was the right thing to do. If she should have simply avoided him and waited to take his life... Oh well. His body was cold as the ice now somewhere out near the forest outskirts. Hopefully the beasts left nothing to salvage by body recovery groups.

  What was she even doing here... Why did everything have to turn out like this?

  The various buildings of darkened stone and gothic architecture loomed over the wide main streets of the city casting imposing shadows all around. Narrow back alleys and passages weaving through the side streets and the typical gloom of an eternal night plagued city profound as ever. A few random students of the Group walking across the courtyard from building to building, none of them seemed all too eager to talk. Seems they're all in a rush somewhere, probably another class. Reaching up to pull her hood back as she gazed at the upper part of the large building directly across from her.

  She contemplated her options, the biggest and most convenient being just walking in and heading up to Wren's study. That would probably lead to her drawing unnecessary attention if anyone seen her walk in like that without permission. Especially since there wasn't much of a doubt someone knew he was missing and were keeping that spot off-limits. Though considering how casual everything looked around her... No increased security, no investigators (that she could see at least) and nothing really all that different from her last visit here made her wonder if the public even knew Wren had vanished. He did look the type to be a hermit, only showing his face during important lectures and whatever.

  Guess nobody would have ever thought Wren of all people would be kidnapped so easily. Then again, Nightborn weren't usually all that high up on the priority of the safety committee this city had. It's assumed they could take care of themselves for the most part. Oh well, Liariana didn't care enough to contemplate why security in this Group was so non-existent. Just even thinking about the larger mechanics of this city was starting to annoy her. This annoyance fading when her eyes caught the sight of long cyan blue colored hair fluttering in the wind. Dal across the courtyard with young Kelarin. The two heading towards a building off to the left of Liariana, the dormitories.

  It didn't look like she was seen yet, the fountain in the way. Watching both of them with empty eyes and a dead gaze, Liariana made towards them. Stepping right on the neatly cut grass that kissed the edges of sidewalk and walking out into the open towards the two. Kelarin immediately noticing her and quickly tugging on Dal's black sweater sleeve to alert her. His hazel eyes wide with remembrance of the foreign Nightborn from before. She had went with Jonath to the ruins!

  "... Liariana..." Dal whispered under her breath with soft voice, Kelarin giving a big wave and smile towards the approaching young woman. Stopping a few feet away from the two and simply giving Kelarin a glance as reward for his waving, she focused on Dal again. Blue eyes clashing with red as the two remained silent for a few seconds. Dal taking the initiative this time and clearing her throat to speak a little louder and more direct.

  "Ah, hello Miss Liariana! What can I help you with today?" She asked with a curious blink. Though she didn't say anything, Liariana already picked up the worry deep under the girls gaze. The worry of something else going wrong and trying to keep from showing said worry to everyone around her. If it were anybody other than Liariana looking at her, that façade would have been perfect. The Yelkath's gaze piercing through the illusion of comfort in Dal's visage like a bullet through flesh. It unnerved the woman somewhat as she then began looking away avoiding eye contact slightly. Making sure not to break her act around the little boy with her at the moment.

  Liariana shot one more gaze at Kelarin, then nonchalantly turned her attention back to Dal. Her responses calm and serene, playing the part to relaxing the girl somewhat to better get information from her.

  "Can we talk for a moment?"

  Dal stared, eyes profound with a slew of questions in her head she not dare ask out loud around Kelarin. Liariana never gave the impression she'd step foot back on Group grounds unless something was very important to her. She'd gathered that rather easily from their last two interactions; their first meeting and after she'd told Dal Jonath had supposedly died. The fact that she popped up again led Dal's mind to assume right off the bat it involved Wren and that the Yelkath probably wanted to see him again for some reason. It made her feel a bit hard pressed. Something about Liariana well, intimidated her to an extent. A sharp contrast to how comfortable she'd felt talking to Jonath.

  "Ah, sure. Kelarin can you go on ahead and start on the stuff we were about to do?" Dal smiled warmly down to the boy while gently patting his back. Kelarin blinking up at her, his long black hair having been tied back in a messy ponytail that still managed to drape over his dark-colored shirt and shoulders. A quick nod and he glanced back at Liariana with another wave before taking off towards the building. Once he'd gotten a considerable distance away Liariana wasted no time with business. Powerful red eyes looking back over Dal's visage as her words got a bit colder.

  "I need to look inside Wren's study to see who kidnapped him. Judging by the lack of security around here I'd assume you haven't told anyone of his sudden disappearance yet, have you?" Liariana eyed the surroundings again after saying that like a hawk. Her senses tensed to detect the slightest hints they were being eavesdropped on or watched. Everything seemed pretty safe for now...

  Dal blinked, her breath getting caught in her throat as hand reached to rest across her bust. She looked, stunned for a moment at the directness of the words. Her smile fading somewhat and her eyes losing a bit of their usual enthusiasm and gentleness. Replaced now with concern, worry and slight... Confusion. Why did Liariana care about his disappearance? She didn't seem the type to be of the heroic status or even the empathic bunch. That uncertainty made her answer very vague, she didn't want to jeopardize herself or any evidence in Wren's study.

  "I guess there's no use in trying to hide it from you seeing as how you've already seemed to figure out the biggest part." Dal trailed off, briefly contemplating about asking how Liariana figured out someone kidnapped Wren when she was never around here after she'd left with her reward. Deciding against it after a second or so, didn't want to pry too much and possibly annoy the woman. "You're also right about me not telling anyone yet. I wanted to believe he'd just went out on his own for a bit and would pop up again eventually. He's never had any attempts on him before so it came as a bit of denial on my part to assume he'd just up and got taken. Though usually when he does vanish like that he leaves some note or something behind. There wasn't any... And it's been a couple of days now." She paused again. Looking to meet the Yelkath's eyes.

  "I was going to go report it to the Security District first thing in the morning if he didn't show up in the next few hours. Therefore I don't want to possibly tamper with any evidence that might lead to the kidnapper so I don't think it'd be wise to just let you walk in there an-"

  "I don't need to touch anything. I just need to take a look around." Liariana interrupted. Eyes looking past Dal up towards the building. If what Jack had told her were true... Especially with that threat Draven made before he died... Liariana met Dal's eyes again. If she was going to get anywhere fast with this conversation she had to give Dal some incentive to let her get into that room. She didn't want to say it, but now time was of the essence.

  "I might know who took him."

  Dal's eyes widened, her breath hitched in her chest and her whole world felt as if it'd just been spun rapidly around. She'd never in a million years thought that she'd hear that statement come out of Liariana's mouth. But was she telling the truth? The two girls conversation stalled by seeing a few students exiting the dormitories, heading their way. Dal glancing back to Liariana and gesturing she follow to the main building to get out of the open to which the Yelkath simply followed in silence. Entering the bu
ilding and moving towards the stairwell that led up to Wren's study. Dal stopping halfway up, standing between Liariana and the doors. Gingerly massaging her right arm as she looked down to the side a moment.

  "Before we get back on the topic of Wren..." Dal trailed. Liariana continuing to look at her with an emotion lacking expression, the equivalent of a dead gaze that Dal always found unsettling when she felt it on her. It felt like she were talking to a machine. Should she even bother asking then?

  "You know Jonath arrived shortly after you left the artifact with Wren. He's alive and well... Figured you'd at the least be relived to hear that unless you ran into him already?" She turned her cyan hues back towards the Yelkath. Their gazes meeting as she gauged Liariana's reaction. Her body language didn't so much as budge nor did her eyes show any hint of well, anything. No relief, no basic courtesy, nothing. It reminded Dal of the types she'd read about in books. Cold-blooded, sociapathic types whom were easily capable of committing horrid crimes on their fellow-man without so much as a thought. She shouldn't be surprised though, Liariana was a Yelkath after all. Dal was fully aware of the history her bloodline had in the Far East. Or well, at least she knew what was written for her to know...

  "Good for him." Liariana's response was dry and apathetic. Not even the slightest hint of anything beyond indifference to his existence lacing her words. A mere glance over the door behind Dal and the woman hinted she just was here to look in that room. That answer made Dal doubt the explanation Liariana gave when she said Jonath had died in the expedition. It felt like now that Liariana had simply left Jonath to die when she did... Though, why would Jonath cover for her then if he was aware she left him? Dal didn't know... Maybe she'd talk to Jonath again soon and bring it up with him. She just wanted everyone to be safe and on good terms.


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